0:00:01.317,0:00:03.809 I am an astrophysicist. 0:00:03.833,0:00:06.888 I research stellar explosions[br]across the universe. 0:00:07.603,0:00:08.803 But I have a flaw: 0:00:09.325,0:00:11.808 I'm restless, and I get bored easily. 0:00:12.356,0:00:15.552 And although as an astrophysicist,[br]I have the incredible opportunity 0:00:15.576,0:00:17.508 to study the entire universe, 0:00:17.532,0:00:20.880 the thought of doing[br]only that, always that, 0:00:20.904,0:00:23.135 makes me feel caged and limited. 0:00:24.762,0:00:28.676 What if my issues with[br]keeping attention and getting bored 0:00:28.700,0:00:30.182 were not a flaw, though? 0:00:30.206,0:00:32.873 What if I could turn them into an asset? 0:00:33.830,0:00:36.475 An astrophysicist cannot[br]touch or interact with 0:00:36.499,0:00:38.037 the things that she studies. 0:00:38.061,0:00:41.774 No way to explode a star in a lab[br]to figure out why or how it blew up. 0:00:42.164,0:00:44.694 Just pictures and movies of the sky. 0:00:45.339,0:00:47.560 Everything we know about the universe, 0:00:47.584,0:00:50.675 from the big bang[br]that originated space and time, 0:00:50.699,0:00:53.493 to the formation and evolution[br]of stars and galaxies, 0:00:53.517,0:00:55.977 to the structure of our own solar system, 0:00:56.001,0:00:58.801 we figured out studying images of the sky. 0:01:00.006,0:01:03.958 And to study a system[br]as complex as the entire universe, 0:01:03.982,0:01:08.687 astrophysicists are experts[br]at extracting simple models and solutions 0:01:08.711,0:01:11.050 from large and complex data sets. 0:01:11.705,0:01:14.130 So what else can I do with this expertise? 0:01:16.030,0:01:20.125 What if we turned the camera[br]around towards us? 0:01:21.057,0:01:24.048 At the Urban Observatory,[br]that is exactly what we are doing. 0:01:24.072,0:01:26.564 Greg Dobler, also an astrophysicist 0:01:26.588,0:01:27.755 and my husband, 0:01:27.779,0:01:31.739 created the first urban observatory[br]in New York University in 2013, 0:01:31.763,0:01:33.319 and I joined in 2015. 0:01:33.752,0:01:35.681 Here are some of the things that we do. 0:01:36.196,0:01:38.466 We take pictures of the city at night 0:01:38.490,0:01:41.079 and study city lights like stars. 0:01:41.514,0:01:43.526 By studying how light changes over time 0:01:43.550,0:01:45.624 and the color of astronomical lights, 0:01:45.648,0:01:48.461 I gain insight about the nature[br]of exploding stars. 0:01:48.934,0:01:51.204 By studying city lights the same way, 0:01:51.228,0:01:55.910 we can measure and predict how much energy[br]the city needs and consumes 0:01:55.934,0:01:57.781 and help build a resilient grid 0:01:57.805,0:02:01.104 that will support the needs[br]or growing urban environments. 0:02:02.283,0:02:05.640 In daytime images,[br]we capture plumes of pollution. 0:02:06.274,0:02:09.744 Seventy-five percent[br]of greenhouse gases in New York City 0:02:09.768,0:02:13.400 come from a building like this one,[br]burning oil for heat. 0:02:14.477,0:02:16.872 You can measure pollution[br]with air quality sensors. 0:02:16.896,0:02:20.738 But imagine putting a sensor[br]on each New York City building, 0:02:20.762,0:02:23.468 reading in data from a million monitors. 0:02:23.492,0:02:24.818 Imagine the cost. 0:02:26.048,0:02:29.476 With a team of NYU students,[br]we built a mathematical model, 0:02:29.500,0:02:32.889 a neural network that can detect[br]and track these plumes 0:02:32.913,0:02:34.603 over the New York City skyline. 0:02:34.627,0:02:36.109 We can classify them -- 0:02:36.133,0:02:39.148 harmless steam plumes,[br]white and evanescent; 0:02:39.172,0:02:42.688 polluting smokestacks,[br]dark and persistent -- 0:02:42.712,0:02:46.471 and provide policy makers[br]with a map of neighborhood pollution. 0:02:47.777,0:02:51.666 This cross-disciplinary project[br]created transformational solutions. 0:02:53.942,0:02:56.855 But the data analysis methodologies[br]we use in astrophysics 0:02:56.879,0:02:58.840 can be applied to all sorts of data, 0:02:58.864,0:03:00.014 not just images. 0:03:00.450,0:03:02.934 We were asked to help[br]a California district attorney 0:03:02.958,0:03:06.379 understand prosecutorial delays[br]in their jurisdiction. 0:03:06.839,0:03:09.506 There are people on probation[br]or sitting in jail, 0:03:09.530,0:03:12.141 awaiting for trial sometimes for years. 0:03:12.165,0:03:14.609 They wanted to know[br]what kind of cases dragged on, 0:03:14.633,0:03:17.757 and they had a massive data set[br]to explore to understand it, 0:03:17.781,0:03:19.193 but didn't have the expertise 0:03:19.217,0:03:21.765 or the instruments[br]in their office to do so. 0:03:21.789,0:03:23.535 And that's where we came in. 0:03:23.559,0:03:26.956 I worked with my colleague,[br]public policy professor Angela Hawken, 0:03:26.980,0:03:30.466 and our team first created[br]a visual dashboard 0:03:30.490,0:03:34.390 for DAs to see and better understand[br]the prosecution process. 0:03:34.997,0:03:37.926 But also, we ourselves[br]analyzed their data, 0:03:37.950,0:03:40.470 looking to see if the duration[br]of the process 0:03:40.494,0:03:43.684 suffered from social inequalities[br]in their jurisdiction. 0:03:44.367,0:03:45.909 We did so using methods 0:03:45.933,0:03:48.906 that I would use to classify[br]thousands of stellar explosions, 0:03:48.930,0:03:51.585 applied to thousands of court cases. 0:03:51.609,0:03:52.760 And in doing so, 0:03:52.784,0:03:55.617 we built a model that can be applied[br]to other jurisdictions 0:03:55.641,0:03:57.831 who are willing to explore their biases. 0:03:57.855,0:04:01.101 These collaborations between[br]domain experts and astrophysicists 0:04:01.125,0:04:03.180 created transformational solutions 0:04:03.204,0:04:05.604 to help improve people's quality of life. 0:04:07.426,0:04:08.910 But it is a two-way road. 0:04:08.934,0:04:11.477 I bring my astrophysics background[br]to urban science, 0:04:11.501,0:04:15.342 and I bring what I learn in urban science[br]back to astrophysics. 0:04:15.930,0:04:17.782 Light echoes: 0:04:18.461,0:04:23.028 the reflections of stellar explosions[br]onto interstellar dust. 0:04:24.046,0:04:29.831 In our images, these reflections appear[br]as white, evanescent, moving features, 0:04:29.855,0:04:31.005 just like plumes. 0:04:31.363,0:04:35.258 I am adapting the same models[br]that detect plumes in city images 0:04:35.282,0:04:38.210 to detect light echoes[br]in images of the sky. 0:04:40.290,0:04:43.583 By exploring the things[br]that interest and excite me, 0:04:43.607,0:04:45.403 reaching outside of my domain, 0:04:45.427,0:04:48.303 I did turn my restlessness into an asset. 0:04:49.031,0:04:54.078 We, you, all have a unique perspective[br]that can generate new insight 0:04:54.102,0:04:58.285 and lead to new, unexpected,[br]transformational solutions. 0:04:58.944,0:05:00.106 Thank you. 0:05:00.130,0:05:04.288 (Applause)