0:00:07.349,0:00:32.931 Carmen: Hi. We're Mediengruppe Bitnik,[br]this is Doma, my name is Carmen. We're 0:00:32.931,0:00:40.920 really happy to be here; thanks for having[br]us. And we'd like to show you a series of 0:00:40.920,0:00:46.670 works. We don't quite know how many; we've[br]been kind of changing the slides, so we'll 0:00:46.670,0:00:55.740 have to see what fits. I think... just 2[br]words about Mediengruppe Bitnik: We're 0:00:55.740,0:01:03.190 from Zurich originally. We're based in[br]Berlin now... have been based for 1 and a 0:01:03.190,0:01:09.509 half years and we work on the digital, but[br]usually our works also affect physical 0:01:09.509,0:01:15.350 spaces, as you'll see in a minute. And[br]we'd like to talk about recent works 0:01:15.350,0:01:28.320 around bots remote code glitch. So, the[br]first work is called "random darknet 0:01:28.320,0:01:35.700 shopper". We produced this work in 2014[br]together with Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen. 0:01:35.700,0:01:42.149 This was after the Snowden revelations in[br]2013, where we kind of felt that, as 0:01:42.149,0:01:50.280 artists, we needed to re-assess our[br]cultural "heimat", the internet. As a kind 0:01:50.280,0:01:56.359 of it was this mass surveillance thing and[br]we kind of felt we couldn't work there 0:01:56.359,0:02:03.890 anymore or that many of our works were too[br]naive and so together with Kunst Halle 0:02:03.890,0:02:09.750 Sankt Gallen, which is an art space in[br]Switzerland, we put together a show around 0:02:09.750,0:02:17.390 darknet, because we felt that by looking[br]at internet subculture, we could kind of 0:02:17.390,0:02:30.380 question ideas around anonymity, intimacy,[br]identity, trust... And in this show we had 0:02:30.380,0:02:37.240 12 works by various artists around these[br]topics and our work was "random darknet 0:02:37.240,0:02:38.640 shopper".[br]Doma: So, basically the random darknet 0:02:38.640,0:02:49.940 shopper is a piece of software... is a[br]small bot, which we started in autumn 0:02:49.940,0:02:58.840 2014. We started with the interest in the[br]question of trust: "How do you gain trust 0:02:58.840,0:03:05.070 in encrypted networks, where you don't[br]know to whom you're speaking to?", "How 0:03:05.070,0:03:10.480 does those trust mechanism work when[br]everything is kind of obfuscated and 0:03:10.480,0:03:17.320 encrypted?" And we wanted to challenge[br]this question, basically, on the darknet 0:03:17.320,0:03:25.080 markets, which were kind of a big topic, a[br]controversial topic, after the Silk Road 0:03:25.080,0:03:34.400 raid. And we thought that it might be good[br]to evaluate these questions with a bot, 0:03:34.400,0:03:39.150 questioning also "How does trust-building[br]work when you have goods, which are 0:03:39.150,0:03:45.590 shipped from all over the world to the[br]buyers?" and so we wrote this part which 0:03:45.590,0:03:54.230 was called the "random darknet shopper",[br]which had $100 weekly budget, based in 0:03:54.230,0:04:00.390 bitcoins, and the idea was that the bot[br]would log in to the deep webs and go to 0:04:00.390,0:04:07.150 the biggest dark net market at that time,[br]it was called agora I think, and randomly 0:04:07.150,0:04:14.250 select an item and then buy it and[br]directly send it to the exhibition space, 0:04:14.250,0:04:20.899 without our interference. So the idea was[br]that in the exhibition, we had 12 of those 0:04:20.899,0:04:27.940 vitrines -- they were empty -- basically[br]waited to be filled over 12 weeks of the 0:04:27.940,0:04:34.820 duration of the exhibition.[br]Carmen: So we basically connected the very 0:04:34.820,0:04:42.380 dark markets of the darknet with the very[br]visible space of the art gallery. 0:04:42.380,0:04:49.880 Doma: Technically it was pretty simple: It[br]was basically a small python script which 0:04:49.880,0:04:56.280 remote-controlled a Firefox and basically[br]logged in to the darknet markets through 0:04:56.280,0:05:04.570 Tor and then just clicked around to choose[br]a random category, get all the items below 0:05:04.570,0:05:12.190 $100, randomly choose one, hit the buy[br]button, send an encrypted message to the 0:05:12.190,0:05:18.290 seller to send it directly to the[br]exhibition space, and pay the fee or the 0:05:18.290,0:05:27.690 things in bitcoins.[br]Carmen: So, over time we wanted to have a 0:05:27.690,0:05:32.530 whole landscape of goods from the[br]darknets. There was also a lot of talk in 0:05:32.530,0:05:37.120 the media at the time -- well, there still[br]is -- about the darknets and what you can 0:05:37.120,0:05:41.830 buy there and we didn't believe what they[br]were telling us; we really wanted to see 0:05:41.830,0:05:52.060 what we would randomly get from the[br]darknet. And the first item was called 0:05:52.060,0:06:02.520 "fire brigade masterkey set", which the[br]seller said was a set of keys usually 0:06:02.520,0:06:07.889 owned by the fire brigade in the UK to[br]open storage... 0:06:07.889,0:06:13.770 Doma: ...public gates in public spaces,[br]stuff they need access to, so... 0:06:13.770,0:06:16.450 Carmen: We have no idea whether it's true[br]or not. 0:06:16.450,0:06:21.139 Doma: But we still really like that[br]object, because it has that potential of 0:06:21.139,0:06:23.910 opening doors in the UK.[br]laughter 0:06:23.910,0:06:33.240 Carmen: The second item was cigarettes[br]from the Ukraine. So basically, in very 0:06:33.240,0:06:41.620 good darknet fashion, circumventing the[br]taxation on tobacco in the European Union. 0:06:41.620,0:06:46.810 Doma:I think, it was about $35 at that[br]time. 0:06:46.810,0:06:50.570 Carmen: Yeah.[br]Doma: Third week, we had this Louis 0:06:50.570,0:06:56.810 Vuitton Trevi handbag for $95. And[br]actually, if we speak about trust, this 0:06:56.810,0:07:02.900 was the only item which wasn't delivered,[br]but the seller was kind enough to send the 0:07:02.900,0:07:09.620 bitcoins back, because he knew he couldn't[br]deliver. So, also here, it kind of worked. 0:07:09.620,0:07:19.770 Carmen: Then, we received the Lord of the[br]Rings collection by JRR Tolkien in PDF 0:07:19.770,0:07:28.790 format, which, for $1, which we printed .[br]Doma: It's several thousand pages. Then, 0:07:28.790,0:07:35.050 the first or ... second super-digital[br]item: It was called Visa. 0:07:35.050,0:07:48.400 Carmen: Visa Platinum top card, sent from[br]Torland for $35. Apparently this was a 0:07:48.400,0:07:58.610 Visa prepaid. We received a visa, so the[br]visa number, the expiry date, the name and 0:07:58.610,0:08:03.830 the little number you have on the back.[br]Doma: And we didn't dare to use it. 0:08:03.830,0:08:14.300 Carmen: Then, sixth week the random[br]darknet shopper selected 10 yellow ecstasy 0:08:14.300,0:08:18.620 pills with a Twitter logo on them...[br]giggling in the audience 0:08:18.620,0:08:25.840 Carmen: ... sent from Germany for $48 to[br]Switzerland; they actually arrived. We 0:08:25.840,0:08:33.990 took them as a title for the talk also,[br]because we really liked the description. 0:08:33.990,0:08:39.799 We displayed them like the rest.[br]Doma: They came in this stealth packaging, 0:08:39.799,0:08:45.290 pretending to be a DVD in this alufoil and[br]then vacuumed again. 0:08:45.290,0:08:54.619 Carmen: Yes and around about this time,[br]also the press started picking up on the 0:08:54.619,0:09:00.720 work, because they kind of felt that this[br]random darknet shopper was questioning or 0:09:00.720,0:09:09.829 posing questions around who's responsible[br]if a bot commits something illegal. So, 0:09:09.829,0:09:16.220 "What happens when a software box goes on[br]the darknet shopping spree?", the Guardian 0:09:16.220,0:09:25.769 asked. Who is responsible when a bot[br]randomly shops for ecstasy in the darknet? 0:09:25.769,0:09:32.040 Is it the person who programmed it, is it[br]the person who executes it, can a robot or 0:09:32.040,0:09:34.910 a piece of software be jailed if it[br]commits a crime? 0:09:34.910,0:09:37.430 giggling in the audience[br]Doma: And also what happens if the code is 0:09:37.430,0:09:42.369 open source and written by many people,[br]like if you have an algorithm which goes 0:09:42.369,0:09:47.399 wild?[br]Carmen: But the random darknet shopper 0:09:47.399,0:09:56.550 just continued shopping and it bought some[br]Nike Air Yeezy 2 limited edition trainers 0:09:56.550,0:10:01.750 for $75.[br]Doma: If you convert the bitcoins into 0:10:01.750,0:10:04.040 nowadays' value, it would be around $3000.[br]laughter 0:10:04.040,0:10:13.069 Doma: It costed $75 at the time.[br]Carmen: Then, we received a cap with a 0:10:13.069,0:10:24.230 built-in camera that little... that's[br]where the camera is, from the US for $99. 0:10:24.230,0:10:29.430 Doma: Then a thing I really liked, it's[br]called the decoy first class letter. So, 0:10:29.430,0:10:35.399 it's basically a plain letter you receive,[br]like a service and it came from Australia, 0:10:35.399,0:10:41.829 addressed to our exhibition space in[br]Switzerland. It's basically an empty 0:10:41.829,0:10:51.290 letter, just to basically traceroute your[br]postal system, to check if the system is 0:10:51.290,0:10:55.440 ok, if you can receive mails...[br]giggling in the audience 0:10:55.440,0:11:00.959 Doma: ...if it's... maybe somebody opens[br]it. So, the idea by buying stuff in the 0:11:00.959,0:11:09.740 deep webs is basically also to anonymize[br]somehow your postal box and to test that 0:11:09.740,0:11:14.110 you can basically send yourself a letter[br]and see if something happens. It's also 0:11:14.110,0:11:19.140 good tactics, basically, if you want to[br]introduce a new address somewhere, start 0:11:19.140,0:11:28.899 sending letters there and the post office,[br]the post person, the delivery person, will 0:11:28.899,0:11:36.889 get used to it and basically...[br]Carmen: Yeah. The next item was a Sprite 0:11:36.889,0:11:45.439 stash can. You probably know this, this is[br]an empty soda can, constructed to weigh 0:11:45.439,0:11:51.119 the same as a full one and you can screw[br]the top on, so you can place whatever you 0:11:51.119,0:11:57.769 want inside and it's hidden away[br]Doma: Then, the next one: These Diesel man 0:11:57.769,0:12:07.869 jeans replica from Hong Kong for $79.[br]Carmen: And the last item we received was 0:12:07.869,0:12:19.519 a high quality scan of a Hungarian[br]passport for online verification. So, here 0:12:19.519,0:12:28.120 you see, this is basically how we[br]displayed the items and this all went 0:12:28.120,0:12:35.139 really well, until we took down the[br]exhibition in January 2015 and the day 0:12:35.139,0:12:42.929 after the exhibition closed, the public[br]prosecutor of St. Gallen in Switzerland 0:12:42.929,0:12:51.259 basically seized the whole work and we[br]were a bit confused. 0:12:51.259,0:12:58.720 laughter[br]applause 0:12:58.720,0:13:11.029 Carmen: So, we were a bit confused in the[br]first moment, because of the timing. So, 0:13:11.029,0:13:19.239 after the exhibition closed, they seized[br]the whole work, but it turned out, that 0:13:19.239,0:13:24.380 for them it was mostly about the drugs the[br]random darknet shopper had bought. We were 0:13:24.380,0:13:33.420 kind of worried about the passport and the[br]visa card as well, which they felt was 0:13:33.420,0:13:35.379 totally okay.[br]laughter 0:13:35.379,0:13:41.089 Doma: And in the first moment, the[br]question also by the public prosecutor was 0:13:41.089,0:13:46.390 raised, it was about responsibility: Who[br]is responsible in this specific moment? Is 0:13:46.390,0:13:53.459 it the artists who wrote the code? Is it[br]the museum who basically hosts the show? 0:13:53.459,0:13:57.899 Is it the curator? Is it the people who[br]work there? Because me and Carmen, we have 0:13:57.899,0:14:02.889 never touched those drugs; we have not,[br]basically... it was all done somehow 0:14:02.889,0:14:11.920 automatically. Or is it the bot himself[br]who is somehow its own legal entity and 0:14:11.920,0:14:18.800 could be punished? So, in order to somehow[br]also protect the staff of the museum and 0:14:18.800,0:14:25.889 to also to get our items back, we thought[br]"The stuff is ours; we want the things 0:14:25.889,0:14:31.319 back.", we raised our hands and said "No;[br]I think, if you want to charge somebody, 0:14:31.319,0:14:38.189 you should charge us."[br]Carmen: And we were summoned for an 0:14:38.189,0:14:42.509 interrogation, which was really[br]interesting. There we learned that the 0:14:42.509,0:14:49.100 drugs actually contained MDMA, so the[br]police had tested them and confirmed that 0:14:49.100,0:14:52.709 they did.[br]Doma: I mean, we knew through the ratings 0:14:52.709,0:14:56.629 on the drugs on the darknet markets, that[br]this stuff was good. 0:14:56.629,0:15:00.329 laughter[br]Carmen: But then we kind of had to 0:15:00.329,0:15:09.019 discuss. We tried to explain what we[br]were... that we were trying to raise these 0:15:09.019,0:15:16.339 questions in public through publicly[br]accessible art piece, because we felt it 0:15:16.339,0:15:22.299 very important that we talk about these[br]things. Nevertheless, the public 0:15:22.299,0:15:28.250 prosecutor decided to destroy the drugs,[br]which was very unfortunate. We, of cause, 0:15:28.250,0:15:31.369 claimed they were an art piece.[br]Doma: So, you're destroying an art piece 0:15:31.369,0:15:36.889 here and our lawyer was also referencing[br]all other artworks which involved drug 0:15:36.889,0:15:42.910 from the whole history.[br]Carmen: Yeah, but we did receive the whole 0:15:42.910,0:15:48.339 work back in the end, except for the[br]drugs, and all charges were dropped 0:15:48.339,0:15:58.689 against us and the public prosecutor wrote[br]a very nice letter, saying that we 0:15:58.689,0:16:04.839 actually were allowed to break certain[br]laws to raise certain questions within 0:16:04.839,0:16:10.449 society. Without specifically naming[br]freedom of art. 0:16:10.449,0:16:17.319 Doma: So, our understanding of why they[br]seized the whole thing, is that they were 0:16:17.319,0:16:22.790 afraid what the next artist would do. So,[br]the first one buys it, the second one 0:16:22.790,0:16:28.439 takes it as a performative act and the[br]third one gives it to the audience and 0:16:28.439,0:16:41.850 it's kind of clear that they need to draw[br]a line. So, the question about 0:16:41.850,0:16:51.959 responsibility was not solved.[br]Carmen: No, we still have it. We then 0:16:51.959,0:17:05.980 continued with this question of bots and[br]the mechanical gaze... Oh, okay. You're 0:17:05.980,0:17:17.119 jumping, sorry, wrong introduction... The[br]same year, we were asked to do a public 0:17:17.119,0:17:23.099 art piece, which is always the case in[br]Switzerland when public buildings are 0:17:23.099,0:17:32.000 built, part of the money has to go into an[br]art piece and usually that art piece is 0:17:32.000,0:17:35.820 sculptural: It can be a sculpture in the[br]lobby o... 0:17:35.820,0:17:41.450 Doma: ... a sculpture in public space. It[br]should... there're different kind of 0:17:41.450,0:17:48.450 things you need to address; the public art[br]piece should work for 30 years, should be 0:17:48.450,0:17:51.809 sustainable, so it's mostly made out of[br]stone. 0:17:51.809,0:17:59.510 Carmen: So, for us as digital artists,[br]this was a very interesting question, also 0:17:59.510,0:18:06.120 because the building is the house for[br]Electronic Arts in Basel, also 0:18:06.120,0:18:13.539 Switzerland. So, for us the question was[br]"How can we talk about digital topics, but 0:18:13.539,0:18:20.049 not using digital media?"[br]Doma: And we asked ourself "Is there a way 0:18:20.049,0:18:25.480 of... I mean we thought a lot about[br]architecture and software and how 0:18:25.480,0:18:35.360 basically the software you use is also[br]infecting the architecture which is built 0:18:35.360,0:18:41.760 and since this is all software, what we[br]have never seen is a software error. So, 0:18:41.760,0:18:51.070 we ask ourself "Is it possible to build or[br]is it funny to build a software error into 0:18:51.070,0:18:56.139 stone?" and...[br]Carmen: We kind of had to try that. 0:18:56.139,0:19:03.250 Doma: We had to try that, so we took a[br]picture of the place, of this house, and 0:19:03.250,0:19:13.610 basically glitched it through a small[br]script and told them to rebuild it and 0:19:13.610,0:19:16.860 this is how it looks now.[br]Carmen: This is what the building looks 0:19:16.860,0:19:28.230 like today. So, they... You can see it.[br]They... 0:19:28.230,0:19:39.210 applause[br]Carmen: And when you stand there it kind 0:19:39.210,0:19:45.350 of gives you a surreal feeling: There's a[br]square in front of this facade and you 0:19:45.350,0:19:52.320 you're not sure, whether your eyes are[br]wrong or the building is wrong, and then, 0:19:52.320,0:19:55.070 when you come closer, you then, of course,[br]see. 0:19:55.070,0:20:02.160 Doma: And also here, the glitch reveals[br]stuff, like... People came to us and asked 0:20:02.160,0:20:04.620 "How does the piping system work?"[br]giggling 0:20:04.620,0:20:09.789 Doma: "Is it still here?" And this is[br]something which we like about software 0:20:09.789,0:20:17.259 glitches. That you sometimes you get an[br]understanding how a system works only of 0:20:17.259,0:20:25.640 breaking it or by forcing it to throw[br]errors. 0:20:25.640,0:20:36.039 Carmen: Then we...[br]*the 2 lecturers discuss something, 0:20:36.039,0:20:39.259 whispering*[br]Carmen: Sorry. 0:20:39.259,0:20:45.269 Doma: We need to discuss what we are[br]speaking about. 0:20:45.269,0:20:49.130 laughter[br]Doma Okay, so we'll skip another project, 0:20:49.130,0:20:56.429 because we are running out of the time.[br]Carmen: I think the last piece we'd like 0:20:56.429,0:21:07.942 to just quickly show you is very recent.[br]We're still kind of amazed at this. So, 0:21:07.942,0:21:21.409 this year, we were asked to do a book on[br]our work and we felt... This was really 0:21:21.409,0:21:25.929 difficult for us, because usually we do[br]websites and you can change websites and 0:21:25.929,0:21:30.789 then you do a book and you kind of... it's[br]printed and then it's there and that 0:21:30.789,0:21:37.250 really... it was very hard for us, but[br]once we decided to do this, we kept 0:21:37.250,0:21:43.590 thinking about "How can we break this very[br]static print format of the book?" and 0:21:43.590,0:21:51.049 together with the 2 designers of the book,[br]Konrad Renner (???) and Christoph Knurz 0:21:51.049,0:21:56.639 (???), we thought about... we said "Well,[br]the title should be code, because maybe 0:21:56.639,0:22:06.130 through the title, you could inject code[br]into various websites, because books, 0:22:06.130,0:22:15.090 they're online, you can buy them online.[br]And we decided to go 0:22:15.090,0:22:19.289 for as its title. 0:22:19.289,0:22:25.769 Dona: JavaScript, which normally, like[br]YAML, you can't write JavaScript into a 0:22:25.769,0:22:30.700 commentary field on Facebook, because[br]these things is parsed out and so the 0:22:30.700,0:22:34.659 browser does not execute that code, so[br]they check it, but we thought "Maybe if 0:22:34.659,0:22:40.340 it's so deep in the databases, like the[br]ISBN databases, the national 0:22:40.340,0:22:46.110 bibliographies and whatever, it might pop[br]up somewhere." 0:22:46.110,0:22:47.200 laughter[br]applause 0:22:47.200,0:23:02.950 Carmen:And the book came out in September[br]and then in October we realized that on 0:23:02.950,0:23:16.131 Walther Kรถnig, which is a big art[br]bookseller with a big online website, it 0:23:16.131,0:23:21.940 worked, so when you search for[br]"!Mediangruppe Bitnik" on the website... 0:23:21.940,0:23:27.630 Hope this works... And you go to the[br]catalog... 0:23:27.630,0:23:34.730 laughter[br]applause 0:23:34.730,0:23:45.630 Doma: So, this one this one is pretty[br]okay. I mean, normally if you... on other 0:23:45.630,0:23:50.279 website it breaks the "buy" button, which[br]is not in our interest, but... 0:23:50.279,0:23:53.429 laughter[br]Doma: So, you can still buy it on 0:23:53.429,0:23:59.450 Buchhandlung Walther Kรถnig. Just click[br]"okay" and then it's okay. So, here's just 0:23:59.450,0:24:06.890 a small collection of 10, 12, which are[br]popping up. It's like... everyday we get 0:24:06.890,0:24:15.669 more. And we can show you a small video of[br]2, 3 pieces. 0:24:15.669,0:24:25.890 Carmen: Don't know what we're going to see[br]now. I think eBay. 0:24:25.890,0:24:35.130 Doma: I don't know.[br]Carmen: Okay. This is eBay. 0:24:35.130,0:24:41.299 Doma: So, ebay.co.uk.[br]smartphone notification sound 0:24:41.299,0:24:47.909 Doma: BAM! And this only worked on or...[br]they already fixed it, so somebody made a 0:24:47.909,0:24:52.090 bug report. I like this one.[br]smartphone notification sound 0:24:52.090,0:24:54.740 laughter[br]smartphone notification sound 0:24:54.740,0:24:57.390 laughter[br]smartphone notification sound 0:24:57.390,0:25:00.039 laughter[br]smartphone notification sound 0:25:00.039,0:25:02.690 laughter[br]smartphone notification sound 0:25:02.690,0:25:05.350 laughter[br]smartphone notification sound 0:25:05.350,0:25:08.660 laughter[br]different smartphone notification sound 0:25:08.660,0:25:11.980 laughter[br]Doma: So, thank you! 0:25:11.980,0:25:13.960 Carmen: Thanks.[br]applause 0:25:13.960,0:25:19.080 herald speaks, but it is unintelligible[br]due to technical problems 0:25:19.080,0:25:48.339 Herald: We have 5 minutes for a very short[br]Q&A if there are already people lying out 0:25:48.339,0:25:52.390 (???). Please, number 2.[br]M2: Very cool talk, thanks. I'm from 0:25:52.390,0:25:58.111 Switzerland, so I wonder, you were lucky[br]that you got dropped off the charges. How 0:25:58.111,0:26:04.490 much would it got for the charges if you[br]would not drop them? Do you know? 0:26:04.490,0:26:08.760 Doma: I don't you know. I mean, it was[br]basically or here it was about drug 0:26:08.760,0:26:17.620 possession and 10 ecstasy pills and we[br]were totally okay to take this fine. We 0:26:17.620,0:26:22.250 don't know it, but it was kind of...[br]Carmen: It would have been fine, because 0:26:22.250,0:26:28.080 in Switzerland, according to our lawyer,[br]it would have been for personal use. I 0:26:28.080,0:26:34.279 mean, this is not the amount you carry[br]around, apparently, if you're selling, so 0:26:34.279,0:26:40.419 we would have gotten away with a fine.[br]M2: So and I... Thanks very much that you 0:26:40.419,0:26:46.570 said that actually writing the code and[br]then the program buys it makes you 0:26:46.570,0:26:56.041 actually responsible, right? So, would[br]you... At the end you said, it was your... 0:26:56.041,0:26:59.590 "I would take the charge", because you[br]were writing the code... 0:26:59.590,0:27:08.740 Carmen: Yes, the problem was that usually,[br]at least in Swiss law, possession of drugs 0:27:08.740,0:27:14.580 needs to mean that the drugs were either[br]found on your person or in a space that 0:27:14.580,0:27:21.679 can be... that definitely belongs to you.[br]And the problem was that it was clear from 0:27:21.679,0:27:27.049 the process that we hadn't touched the[br]drugs and we didn't want somebody else to 0:27:27.049,0:27:31.889 get fined for drug possession ; that would[br]have made no sense. We wanted to also 0:27:31.889,0:27:41.220 publicly discuss this... having to step up[br]and say "No, it was us." 0:27:41.220,0:27:45.049 M2: Thanks.[br]Herald: Okay, final one. 0:27:45.049,0:27:51.030 Microphone x: Hi. Sorry... thanks for the[br]talk. I have to ask: Does the plumbing 0:27:51.030,0:27:56.590 work?[br]Carmen: Yeah. It works, because... so the 0:27:56.590,0:28:06.580 pillars were... I'll try to explain[br]briefly. So, architecturally this building 0:28:06.580,0:28:15.269 was a storage for dry goods and the[br]pillars used to support the building, but 0:28:15.269,0:28:21.169 when they turned it into a museum, they[br]actually filled the space between the 0:28:21.169,0:28:27.159 pillars with insulation, so the pillars[br]were gone. And then the architects didn't 0:28:27.159,0:28:31.870 like it. They thought, the pillars should[br]be there, because the building didn't look 0:28:31.870,0:28:40.340 good, so they actually put fake pillars[br]onto the facade again and so we could just 0:28:40.340,0:28:46.080 take the empty pillars and cut them up and[br]put the plumbing inside. So, now the 0:28:46.080,0:28:51.590 visible plumbing is fake, but the real[br]plumbing is inside the pillars; that's how 0:28:51.590,0:28:53.999 it works.[br]applause 0:28:53.999,0:29:08.880 Herald: Amazing work. One final, big round[br]of applause for Mediengruppe Bitnik and 0:29:08.880,0:29:21.980 thanks for being here![br]Carmen: Thank you; thanks. 0:29:21.980,0:29:24.569 Doma: Thank you.[br]applause 0:29:24.569,0:29:30.169 [Music] 0:29:30.169,0:29:34.000 Subtitles created by c3subtitles.de[br]in the year 2021. Join, and help us!