Morning Sir, we have a casting Yes, of course, gladly Go ahead, go ahead, ladies At your service I´m coming to an interview Go ahead, over there Good morning Good morning We're here for a casting Yes! With Mr. Hugo Lombardi Are you models? Yes Second floor, at the end of the hall Thank you Models! Skinny, clumsy I am more of a model, mamitas Morning. I'm here for an interview Yes. Second floor, Meeting room Yes, nice, very nice. With class Whats up? Yes, gorda Come in late and you'll see !Inesita! Take care of the models Yes Don Hugo, I'm on it Where's my coffee? My coffee ?What are you doing here? Who are you ?What agency sent you I'm looking for the Meeting Room The Meeting Room is over there Don't come here, we're rehearsing !Don´t even think about it ?Not even as a joke! Did you hear .Patricia Fernández! That's me Please go ahead .I have to leave you, they called me !Beatriz Pinzón That´s me That´s me I am Beatriz Pinzón Come on, come on Dr, Beatriz P is here Okay now, good morning Good morning, take a seat Thank you Have a seat please You´re name? Patricia Fernández And yours? Beatriz Pinzón Solano ,Good. As you know we´re looking for a secretary for the presidency of this company I want to know why you think you´re right for the job .Let´s see Patricia let´s begin with you ?What experience do you have ?and why are you here Well, actually I don´t have experience as a secretary I´ve never worked, but I did six semesters of finance on the San Marino and well, I´m here because Marcela Valencia told me that Armando was looking for a secretary ?Oh I understand. And you Well, I don´t have experience as a secretary either but, allow me to explain I studied Economy at the University of Economy and Finance And as you can see on my resume I graduated with honors and had the highest GPA You can find the Principal a nd the Dean as personal references Then I did a course on accounting and after, a postgraduate on Finance I was also an assitant on the international area of the Montreal Bank being the VP of that area Dr Manuel José Becerre Who is also as a reference I manage databases, analyse finances international commerce, feasibility analisys, costs and budgets I am also familiar with the stock market All the information is there Yes, yes, I see I am missing your pic Why didn´t you attach it to your resume Well, since I´ve had so many interviews I ran out of them But I can bring one tomorrow if you want No, don´t worry about it Tell me something if you have this resume ?How is it that you´re applying to be a secretary A you know, it´s competitive and I don´t have experience I would like to begin my career as a secretary on a company like this one Show my abilities and rise in the company and I don´t have a problem with the work as a secretary I can make calls, manage a schedule, write letters It´s very easy for me ?Of couse What about languages Well I can kind of speak english I speak English, French and some Italian And are you divorced, married, ?widows, single Well I´m divorced I was married to Mauricio Brickman ,Brickman, of course! I know him President of Coltex Corp The same one I met him when I studied Finance on the San Marino We fell in love and got married Because of him I left the University And well, we got divorced a year ago I lived on Spain for a while and just returned a month ago So I´m free at the moment ?And you I´m single, single Of course Well we have your CVs Thank you for coming we´ll be calling you Wait! Patricia, stay for a moment Thank you for coming. We´ll be calling you Don´t worry, thank you !Girls, girls! Don´t be so noisy Oh, sorry! Girl, for God´s sake !Good Morning everybody! Good Morning No mija, help me hide it They can´t see this mess Who are they? Don Roberto Mendoza, President of the company And his son, Don Armando who´s going to be the new President And your boss if you´re chosen ?Why is there so much people Hugo, he´s rehearsing with the models for the show And Gutierrez, that´s interviewing the cantidates to secretary of Presidency, dad ?and why aren´t you doing that personally One should chose his own ?secretary, or not Dad, should I do interviews, or ?review the deal with you Let Gutiérrez take care of that. He knows what I´m looking for Yes, I also know what you´re looking for Hello ?Don Roberto, how are you ?What´s the meaning of this Berta Doctor, I...I This has no excuse Don´t you see all the ?people that are visiting today How are we going to look like a ?fashion company if we´re full of garbage ...Yes Doctor, what happens is that ,Nothing! Call Cleaning you have 10 min To make this hall shine ?Did I made myself clear, Bertha Yes, Doctor !Go, clean! Go man I am so sorry No, don't worry We're going to call you to sign the contract Berthica! Yes, Doctor Get rid of these people No more interviews Girls, no more interviews for today If anything changes we'll call you ?Why did she stay here Maybe she still hoped to be hired Gutiérrez, Did you made ?the right choice hiring the pretty one The ugly one is much more prepared Yes brother, but she´s useless for him Armando asked me to hire his secretary and I know what he´s looking for If I present him that thing he fires me I can sacrifice myself by having an ugly secretary like Bertha But a President? Noo and much less Don Armando He gets a rash when he sees an ugly woman ?Hello Betty, mija. How was it I think okay mom, but we have to wait Your father has been calling all day long Asking for you You have to be patient mom Mamita I already put another candle to San Pancracio ?And who is that My love! The Saint that looks for work The company that you applied ?to is called like EcoModa ?Yes, why Because I read an article Mija That could be useful if you go there Wait, I´ll bring it Ma´am, look at me, ma´am !Nicolás, Nicolás Come on! She´s divine Betty don´t you see ?How was it today ?Where were you Betty On a Fashion company ?And Same as always A pretty took my spot ?What happenned with my office Nothing Dad I brought my desk and things over here Not that I didn´t like the design or decoration of your office What happens is that it´s not for someone my age ...Dad, your books, your pipes We put them on boxes We´re waiting for you to tell us what to do with them I... I should have asked you before But since you said to take the Presidency Not to wait until the Board´s meeting That´s what I tried to do No, no, it´s perfect ...What happens it that Its just not easy to see dissapear a space you´ve spent your last Your last thirty five years Dad I know, but stop looking at your office like that You´re going to have depression and it´s going to be worse Good Afternoon, tomorrow your office will be finished Don Armando Good, thank you Gutiérrez Tell me, how is the search for my ?secretary going. Do we have something Yes Don Armando, I wanted to talk to you about that I found your secretary ?Really? Who is it This one ?Gutiérrez, Gutiérrez, are you crazy Sorry Doctor, I thought it was the best option Mrs Fernández has six semesters of Finance ,And if you allow me she is very atractive Additionally, she´s recommended by Doña Marcela ?Whats´ happening? Who is it Patricia, Marcela´s friend, dad ?Didn´t you bring me more options ?Was she the only one you preselected I have other CVs, but I can assure you no one is as attractive as her ?Gutiérrez how do I make you understand? How !Did I ask for a model? No !Did I ask you to get me Sharon Stone? No I simply asked you to get me a secretary ,A person with two languages able to manage systems That at least knows where the hell she´s standing I didnt ask for a pretty woman, I asked for someone efficient Neither did I ask for a friend of Marcela, that wil be spying on me 24 hours Gutiérrez don´t make me lose my time ? Do you have something else I can show you the other ones I interviewed Doctor Go, run! And show !me the CVs, But now Come on, Betty tell me ?You applied to what company To EcoModa Ecomoda Mendoza, Valencia and partners That company has 50 million on assets And has annual sales of sixty thousand Pesos One of the most profitable and reliable of the country Look my love, the magazine Jet Set Where the artice on EcoModa got published What´s up Nico? Doña Julia These are the owners of the company, mija Today I saw this man with his son, there, at the company I read on a economic review that there´s going to be a replacement there On the Presidency, the old man is retiring And leaves the Presidency in his son´s hands ? And, why is that Why would I know? I read it on a serious magazine Not on a Gossip´s magazine like that one But maybe it´s there Maybe you can figure it out I´m going to serve your dad´s food Im also bringing something for you Niquito Thank you Doña Julia Betty, are you sure you got rejected Because it´s a great company You would fit. See Yes, it is not an option Nicolás They almost signed the other one right in front of me as a secretary And I heard that they needed a pretty woman for that position ?What? You applied as a secretary Shh Yes Nicolás, let´s go to my room and I´ll explain Dad, I´m also planning on expanding the cutting area I´m bringing twelve machines more Son, I´m only going to ask you not to sacrifice people´s work space Just to bring more machines No, machines, no Dad I´m not going to do that Everything is going to stay as it is I´m just going to expand the back a bit That´s it Doctor, here. I brought you the CVs of the prospects ?Where can we sit to go over them Look Gutiérrez, to make this process less wastefull ,Tell me. According to you ?who is the most prepared Well, Doctor, the most prepared has no experience as a secretary But her only experience is as an assitant on the international area of the Bank of Monreal ?The Bank of Monreal Yes, she even has the VP of the international area as a personal reference Ahh Manuel José Becerra Yes, yes, Doctor. she also has the Dean and the Principal Of the University of Economy and Finance Apparently she graduated with honors and with the highest GPA ?Who is she ...Well, she's called Beatriz Beatriz... Beatriz Pinzón Solano She´s an economist, with a thesis on finance, manages systems perfectly ...Speaks English, French knows financial analysis International commerce, some ..stock market. Well She has a very rich Curriculum in studies ...What I find very strange is that Why is a woman with her preparation ?aspiring to the position of secretary Because I got tired Nicolás! I got tired of looking a position as an executive No one is going to hire me as an assistant and much less as an executive My studies, my intership on the Bank Monreal are worthless My references... Ive been to over !ten companies and nothing My last choice was to look for a position as a secretary What´s in it for you to work as ?a secretary of a company She told me that as the market was so saturated She prefered to begin as a secretary, show her abilities Rise in the company... and that secretary work wouldn´t be hard The only thing left to is to confirm that everything on her CV is true Well, that is easy to confirm with Manuel José ...But I have a interrogative A question Gutiérrez Tell me, if you interviewed someone with that good of a curriculum ...Someone so prepared Why did you end up choosing ? Patricia Fernández What? Did she show you her ?legs and you went dumb Or not, I know... Marcela ?ordered it, right ...No, no Doctor that isn´t it What happens is that she has a little problem ?"What "little problem She´s ugly ? Ugly? How ugly Show me the picture in the CV There it is, but she didn´t put a picture ?Why Because my CV is very good, what ruins it is the picture Yes, It´s true Nicolas. Remember that they warned us in College If youre ugly dont include a picture because they´ll discard you We ignored them and see Everyone is impressed when they see my CV, but then they see the pic and reject me It´s a casting problem ?Casting Yes, in other words... Everyone rejects me because im ugly No, no, it isn´t that Betty. Look What happens is that neither of us can aspire to an executive position Don´t you see that we don´t have any professional experience That´s why no one welcomes you Claudia Guzmán finished College and immediatetly began working As regional manager of Atinza Roberto Gómez is on the Central Bank Alejandra Ruís is a credits analyst at Sanchez Figueroa Practically all our classmates got good executive jobs except for the two of us No one wants to welcome us and that´s because we´re ugly No, no There is a possibility we haven´t tried yet We haven´t asked for job on a circus Imagine. Come and see the hideous humans in the Economists´cage They can also hire us to scare the lions when they get rebellious Yes Nicolás, no one wants us because we´re ugly Thats what caused my departure of the Bank Monreal Thank you Manuel José. See you.. That... yes. Wednesday at the Club Perfect, good bye ?What did he say dad That everything is true It is true that she worked on the Bank, it is true that she has all those studies And that it is true, as Gutiérrez says, that she is very ugly But she recommended her a lot He told me that she is an incredible woman That she can reeplace anyone at the Bank in any position And that if we hire her we would be getting an exceptional professional Gutiérrez, to have an idea, tell me ?Is she uglier than you A bit more Don Armando How to explain. The face is ugly But what truly ruins her is the body But the worst part is that she dresses badly She doesn´t have a good appearance And much less to be secretary for Presidency That´s why I disqualified her Well you´ll see. Didnt you want a ?prepared woman instead of a pretty woman You decide Let´s see. Gutiérrez call her for tomorrow Let´s see once and for all how ugly she is Way to ugly for a world like this I would never fit on a fashion company It´s beautiful people, with class EcoModa, one of the most important companies of design and confection Released a new colllection in their ostentatious show room Keep reading Betty, lets see if they know why the man in retiring The event´s hosts. Roberto Mendoza, President of EcoModaand and his wife, Margarita Saénz Announced that next month they are moving permanently to their house in London As always, very close and smiling They look like a happy couple ?Roberto what´s happening You´ve been worried since last night Actually, you´ve been worried since you decided to leave the company Love, could it be that you aren´t ?sure about retiring Of course I am sure, I´m truly tired And it´s time to let the company to the younger ones But if this is going to cause trouble with the Valencia I won´t be able to sleep Look at Armando and Daniel, they´ve been talking for over half an hour And honestly, I don´t like the tone they are using Enjoy the company´s last party Armando I´ll probably be the last one The next one will be its funeral, because you Armando Are going to make sure to bury one of the most important fashion companies of the country And its thirty five years of work You too Daniel, enjoy the party Because the next one will be to celebrate the profits it´s going to make under my lead The number are going to be so high that neither your bile nor your ego Are going to be able to stand it. So, the service we´re going to attend will be yours But don´t worry, I´m going to send a beautiful bouquet of gardenias To go with your coffin I hope you´re not discussing once again about the presidency Dad, Daniel hasn´t been able to recover from the news He won´t be able to get over not getting the Presicency of EcoModa Daniel I thought it was clear enough If after the first year Armando hasn´t reached the goals he promissed You will assume the Presidency. I don´t see what else to discuss I hope there is something left to manage I want to manage a patrimony, not ashes Armando is going to put EcoModa in a cremation oven You know, maybe I´ll put EcoModa´s ashes in the same urn with my parents´ ashes Enough! I don´t want to touch this subject until the next meeting When Armando takes the Presidency In the meantime not a single word !Specially not here, please Excuse me sirs, a picture for the magazine Jet Set Smile Armando, it might be the last time you do it When the magazine comes out, look for the picture and cut it Because it might be the last time you smile Well that we have to see Next year when we launch next season my smile will be much bigger than now And you´re going to be older, a bit more wrinkled You know what, you should also save that magazine It´s going to be the evidence of how a man could age of envy in only a year !Daniel, smile In the picture, Roberto Mendoza with his son, Armando Mendoza Who will take assume the Presidency of EcoModa, starting next week Next is Daniel Valencia, stockholder of the company And who was also a cantidate for succeeding Roberto The Mendoza and Valencia, two inseparable families I thought he and his son were the only owners of the company From what I understand the Valencia own a half of the company And Daniel Valencia doesn't work for the company He's a high executive of the government Yes, I know, he's the manager of Financial Resources They look like very close families And not only because of the company, look Armando Mendoza and his beautiful fiance, Marcela Valencia Are together only by the company, but have been in love for two year now Wedding bellls are ringing They're getting married Your gilfriends are going to kill you when they see you hugging me ?But, my love, why ?What girlfriends You're talking with your future and monogamous husband That was a very nice the picture You know, you have a mazanine romance The only times I've seen him affectionate with you is when a photographer is near Ha Ha Ha Ha Good one We don't like PDA, and don't judge, you haven't seen us when we're alone