Once there was a man going on a long trip. He had his servents take care of his property while he was gone. The master gave each man the number of talents he knew he could manage He gave one servent five talents, one servent two talents and one servent one talent. The man that was given five talents went to work using his masters money, and before long had doubled it, and had ten talents. The man with two talents also doubled his talents and had four talents. The man with the one talent went and burried his talent in a hole. After a long time, the master returned to see what the sevents had done with his talents. The first servent came to him and said, "Master. You gave me five talents, and now I have gained five more." The master was happy he had put his talents to good use and told him, "Well done thou good and faithful servent." "You have been faithful over a few things, so I will make you ruler over many." Then the servent that had two talents came to his master and said, "Master. You gave me two talents, and now I have four." The master was happy he had put his talents to good use and told him, "Well done thou good and faithful servent." "You have been faithful over a few things, so I will make you ruler over many." Then the servent that had gotten only one talent came and said, "Lord I knew you where a tough man, and I was afraid. " "So I went and hid your talent in the earth. And here is the talent that is your's" The master was mad that the servent had not put his talent to good use like the other two servents and told him, "You wicked and lazy servent! You know that I am a tough man" "but you didn't do anything with my talent" So the master told his talent and gave it to the servent with ten. The lesson of this story is, we need to use whatever "talent" God has given us, and he will increase it so that we can live our lifes to better glorify him. http://dlm-movies.com