0:00:00.000,0:00:12.110 [Traffic noises and car horns] 0:00:35.289,0:00:40.307 This is the town of Jorhat in the [br]remote North East of India. 0:00:41.887,0:00:47.623 I suppose Jorhat is not really that [br]different from any other city in India. 0:00:47.960,0:00:50.947 People here work very hard. 0:00:50.947,0:00:56.424 They keep their heads down and [br]push ahead. They don't look back. 0:00:57.191,0:01:03.053 Life here is difficult for some and [br]even more difficult for others. 0:01:03.053,0:01:09.812 My name is Jitu Kalita and Jorhat is [br]where I was born and where I live. 0:01:09.812,0:01:14.523 My house is located [br]just outside of Jorhat. 0:01:16.807,0:01:19.454 This is my nephew. 0:01:21.743,0:01:25.544 He is suspicious of cameras. 0:01:27.254,0:01:31.924 In Jorhat I do many different things [br]but mostly I am a photographer. 0:01:31.924,0:01:34.790 I love photographing nature. 0:01:34.790,0:01:41.341 I take shots of the beautiful birds and [br]wildlife that live in our part of India. 0:01:41.641,0:01:49.350 In my house I keep some of my photography [br]awards but I don't like to show them off. 0:01:50.499,0:01:58.129 A few kilometres North of Jorhat lies one [br]of the largest rivers in India, the Brahmaputra. 0:02:00.060,0:02:03.717 Millions of people live along its shores. 0:02:03.717,0:02:08.249 Every year during the monsoon the [br]river floods everything in sight. 0:02:08.249,0:02:15.183 Destroying homes and farms and eroding away [br]hundreds of square kilometres of land. 0:02:18.165,0:02:22.525 One of the worst affected [br]areas is Majuli island. 0:02:22.525,0:02:26.180 Majuli is the worlds largest river island. 0:02:26.180,0:02:30.501 And it is home to over 150,000 people. 0:02:30.501,0:02:38.263 Since 1917, Majuli has lost over [br]half its land mass to erosion. 0:02:38.281,0:02:42.489 And the rate of erosion [br]has recently accelerated. 0:02:43.645,0:02:50.004 Well the erosion of Majuli. There [br]are several causes. The first is that: 0:03:26.252,0:03:31.970 This islander lost his home and his [br]temple. He points to where it once stood. 0:03:52.441,0:03:58.061 This temple may be next. It's located [br]only 2km from the river bank erosion. 0:03:58.061,0:04:01.758 The temple is nearly 250 years old. 0:04:01.758,0:04:08.222 Unless something is done in as little as [br]5 years this temple could be washed away. 0:04:18.797,0:05:04.871 [he sings a prayer] 0:05:09.616,0:05:13.481 The Brahmaputra is where I [br]take most of my photos. 0:05:13.481,0:05:21.535 One day in 2009, I was exploring a barren [br]part by boat when I something strange. 0:05:21.535,0:05:25.214 It looked like a forest [br]far in the distance. 0:05:25.214,0:05:30.410 I began walking towards it and when I [br]reached it I couldn't believe my eyes. 0:05:30.410,0:05:35.549 I had found a dense forest in [br]the middle of a barren wasteland. 0:05:41.137,0:05:47.554 When I left the forest I saw a man far [br]in the distance so I began following him. 0:05:47.554,0:05:54.269 I found him by the riverside. At first he thought [br]I was a poacher and tried to attack me. 0:05:54.269,0:05:57.765 But he stopped when I told [br]him I was just a photographer. 0:05:57.765,0:06:00.358 I asked him what he was [br]doing in the forest. 0:06:00.358,0:06:05.756 He explained he was planting trees [br]and he had been since the 1970's. 0:06:05.756,0:06:10.333 He told me his name was Jadav Payeng. 0:06:28.388,0:06:35.138 When I discovered Jadav Payeng and his forest [br]I wrote an article about it in the local newspaper. 0:06:35.138,0:06:40.283 Soon after he became known throughout [br]India. We are now very good friends. 0:07:13.317,0:07:16.364 This is Majuli island. 0:07:16.364,0:07:21.188 Since I was a child Majuli has [br]been a place of wonder for me. 0:07:21.188,0:07:24.388 Once, I ran away from home and came here. 0:07:24.388,0:07:29.169 I spent days exploring and drawing [br]pictures of the plants and animals. 0:07:29.169,0:07:31.970 To me Majuli is heaven. 0:07:33.174,0:07:40.944 Scientists recently announced that in 15-20 [br]years Majuli island could be completely gone. 0:08:05.871,0:08:10.272 This is the forest mans [br]home on Majuli island. 0:08:24.461,0:08:32.192 Every morning the forest mans family helps [br]him prepare for his journey to the forest. 0:09:07.189,0:09:14.822 [motor boat engine starts] 0:11:29.619,0:11:46.599 [mobile phone ringtone plays] 0:11:46.599,0:11:48.561 Hello? 0:13:22.579,0:13:26.841 The forest man is being [br]honoured in a nearby city. 0:13:27.769,0:13:32.367 Payeng has won dozens of awards [br]for his incredible achievements. 0:13:32.367,0:13:36.800 But I think he feels frustrated [br]by getting awards. 0:13:40.236,0:13:45.768 Local government has tried to get Majuli [br]listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site 0:13:45.768,0:13:49.566 but their application has [br]been rejected each time. 0:13:50.510,0:13:54.424 Payeng has many brilliant [br]ideas about how to save Majuli. 0:13:54.424,0:14:00.942 He tells everyone his ideas but so [br]far no one has adopted them. 0:15:22.900,0:15:30.455 Sometimes I wonder what 10, 100 [br]or a thousand Payengs could do. 0:15:30.455,0:15:36.142 He once told me I worry about the [br]fate of the world just like everyone. 0:15:36.142,0:15:41.055 I see bad things happening on my [br]island and I do what I can to help. 0:15:41.055,0:15:44.711 I'm just a simple man. [br]There are many just like me. 0:15:44.711,0:15:50.273 When I asked him if he thought [br]Majuli could be saved he replied - Yes.