0:00:10.550,0:00:15.740 If we want to understand Mister Mushroom,[br]then the obvious place to start is with Schrödinger’s 0:00:15.740,0:00:16.740 Equation. 0:00:16.740,0:00:20.369 One of the most prevailing theories in the[br]realm of quantum mechanics is the many world 0:00:20.369,0:00:24.140 interpretation first postulated by Hugh Everett[br]III. 0:00:24.140,0:00:28.590 The seeming collapse of the wavefunction of[br]a photon first demonstrated by the now infamous 0:00:28.590,0:00:33.040 double slit experiment is no longer an issue,[br]because the superposition is extended beyond 0:00:33.040,0:00:36.600 the particle to include the measuring device[br]and the human observer. 0:00:36.600,0:00:41.260 Team Cherry are clearly fans of Everett’s[br]work, as Mister Mushroom is definite proof 0:00:41.260,0:00:46.309 of the many worlds interpretation being true[br]in the world of Hollow Knight. 0:00:46.309,0:00:52.670 Now video games having multiple or parallel[br]universes is not a unique concept. 0:00:52.670,0:00:58.220 Dark Souls I uses it as a clever excuse to[br]allow for a canonical explanation for PvP. 0:00:58.220,0:01:03.870 Dark Souls III uses it as a lazy excuse to[br]reuse characters for the sake of fanservice. 0:01:03.870,0:01:07.930 Undertale uses it as well, but I’m not touching[br]that game with a ten foot pole. 0:01:07.930,0:01:10.750 But Mister Mushroom is a bit more unique. 0:01:10.750,0:01:15.160 Just to catch anyone up who doesn’t know,[br]Mister Mushroom is this weird NPC that shows 0:01:15.160,0:01:17.990 up in various places throughout Hallownest. 0:01:17.990,0:01:22.470 His location is hinted at by this strange[br]lore tablet located in the Kingdom’s Edge. 0:01:22.470,0:01:27.520 The tablet begins by saying “We speak the[br]path of the Master Herald, he who would signal 0:01:27.520,0:01:29.050 an Age's end.” 0:01:29.050,0:01:32.710 Mister Mushroom will only appear after the[br]Knight has destroyed the three Dreamers. 0:01:32.710,0:01:38.360 So the ending age in this instance would appear[br]to be the end of the stasis over Hallownest. 0:01:38.360,0:01:42.430 After interacting with Mister Mushroom with[br]the Spore Shroom charm equipped in every location, 0:01:42.430,0:01:47.570 he will literally rocket into the sky like[br]how I assume Elon Musk gets around. 0:01:47.570,0:01:51.430 He then appears after the game’s credits[br]as the words “To Be Continued” are thrown 0:01:51.430,0:01:55.000 on the screen in giant letters like this is[br]a fucking JoJo reference. 0:01:55.000,0:01:57.630 [Funny Meme Music] 0:01:57.630,0:02:02.120 Now the fact that “To Be Continued” only[br]shows up with Mister Mushroom implies that 0:02:02.120,0:02:04.740 he is connected to a future game from Team[br]Cherry. 0:02:04.740,0:02:11.530 And as we start to analyze his dialogue, we’ll[br]see that this makes like 40% sense, which 0:02:11.530,0:02:13.560 is pretty good for Hollow Knight lore. 0:02:13.560,0:02:17.560 So basically you can encounter Mister Mushroom[br]a total of seven times in game. 0:02:17.560,0:02:21.870 Each time, he is basically ignoring us and[br]appears to be talking to somebody else. 0:02:21.870,0:02:26.500 Now, mushrooms in Hollow Knight exhibit a[br]shared mind, meaning they can talk to each 0:02:26.500,0:02:29.120 other in a manner similar to telepathy. 0:02:29.120,0:02:33.250 So it makes sense that Mister Mushroom could[br]be talking to somebody else. 0:02:33.250,0:02:37.580 Once we meet Mister Mushroom for the final[br]time, he finally does talk to the Knight, 0:02:37.580,0:02:41.790 giving a flowery speech about journeys and[br]destinations and all that garbage. 0:02:41.790,0:02:46.450 But what is more interesting here is how he[br]has conversations with creatures we cannot 0:02:46.450,0:02:47.450 see. 0:02:47.450,0:02:49.600 Who exactly is Mister Mushroom talking to? 0:02:49.600,0:02:54.080 Well, I would say we know with a good deal[br]of certainty what at least two of these conversations 0:02:54.080,0:02:55.460 are actually about. 0:02:55.460,0:02:58.010 Let’s start with the first conversation. 0:02:58.010,0:03:02.560 Mister Mushroom mentions that the person he[br]is talking to was able to save their friend, 0:03:02.560,0:03:05.950 and also mentions that this person isn’t[br]hungry anymore. 0:03:05.950,0:03:11.490 This is a pretty obvious reference to Hungry[br]Knight, the first game ever made by Team Cherry. 0:03:11.490,0:03:15.900 Hungry Knight was made during Ludum Dare 27,[br]a popular game jam event. 0:03:15.900,0:03:20.310 William Pellen and Ari Gibson used this game[br]jam as a way to practice working together 0:03:20.310,0:03:23.900 on games, and Hungry Knight was the result. 0:03:23.900,0:03:28.970 In this game, you play as the Hungry Knight,[br]who has to eat cherries to stay alive so they 0:03:28.970,0:03:32.130 can bring their friend back from the dead[br]by collecting masks. 0:03:32.130,0:03:36.640 But apparently, this character we see in Hungry[br]Knight is somehow talking to Mister Mushroom 0:03:36.640,0:03:40.580 from Hollow Knight, which in turn, would mean[br]that the Knight and the Hungry Knight are 0:03:40.580,0:03:43.050 in the same multiverse. 0:03:43.050,0:03:47.110 Now before you shit my pants and try to tell[br]me that this completely breaks the entire 0:03:47.110,0:03:51.810 lore of Hollow Knight, let me point out that[br]Team Cherry does this type of stuff in other 0:03:51.810,0:03:53.420 parts of the game as well. 0:03:53.420,0:03:56.080 Let’s take a look at the Shrine of Believers. 0:03:56.080,0:04:02.240 In the Spirit’s Glade, the Knight is able[br]to access a hidden area, full of strange tablets. 0:04:02.240,0:04:06.849 The text on these tablets are actually messages[br]from Kickstarter backers, who backed Hollow 0:04:06.849,0:04:08.890 Knight in 2014. 0:04:08.890,0:04:12.961 Some of these are pretty interesting, like[br]the references to Dark Souls, because you 0:04:12.961,0:04:15.239 guys remember Dark Souls, right? 0:04:15.239,0:04:17.380 This one is a stolen quote from H.P. 0:04:17.380,0:04:18.380 Lovecraft. 0:04:18.380,0:04:21.600 This one just says “The Collective lives[br]on.” 0:04:21.600,0:04:27.150 This one talks about a guy named Baron Robert[br]Apples who was the first of his kind to enslave 0:04:27.150,0:04:28.150 a Gantrus. 0:04:28.150,0:04:31.200 What the fuck is a Gantrus? 0:04:31.200,0:04:33.100 Let’s see here. 0:04:33.100,0:04:33.860 Uhh… 0:04:34.620,0:04:35.760 Umm…. 0:04:36.180,0:04:38.060 I’m just gonna… 0:04:38.060,0:04:43.900 Anyway, this area is guarded by this solitary[br]moth spirit who explains that these utterings 0:04:43.900,0:04:49.689 are from a group of people united in a mysterious[br]cause who exist in another world. 0:04:49.689,0:04:54.759 This implies that the Hollow Knight kickstarter[br]and our very reality are actually a part of 0:04:54.759,0:04:56.470 Hollow Knight canon. 0:04:56.470,0:05:02.250 This means that technically King of the Hill[br]and Hollow Knight are in the same universe. 0:05:02.250,0:05:07.439 So basically what I am saying is, expect a[br]Bobby Hill lore video very soon. 0:05:07.439,0:05:11.650 Getting back to Mister Mushroom, we have a[br]pretty good idea about what his third conversation 0:05:11.650,0:05:13.310 is referring to. 0:05:13.310,0:05:17.979 He is talking about how the dead have no use[br]for wealth and how this person is providing 0:05:17.979,0:05:19.610 for a big brood. 0:05:19.610,0:05:23.979 This is a clear reference to the other game[br]Team Cherry created before working on Hollow 0:05:23.979,0:05:26.129 Knight: Tomb Cat. 0:05:26.129,0:05:29.759 This was a game where you raid pyramids for[br]money so that you could take care of your 0:05:29.759,0:05:30.889 young. 0:05:30.889,0:05:33.129 These two references are the most obvious. 0:05:33.129,0:05:37.710 In fact, in his final encounter, Mister Mushroom[br]hints at these games again. 0:05:37.710,0:05:38.860 He says: 0:05:38.860,0:05:42.759 And if those stops can't be lovely things,[br]wouldn't you say? 0:05:42.759,0:05:48.509 Transcendent plateaus, distant sandy lands,[br]vast ancient kingdoms. 0:05:48.509,0:05:53.419 Yours was not the first, nor will it be the[br]last, but it's a unique and special thing 0:05:53.419,0:05:54.659 nonetheless. 0:05:54.659,0:05:59.659 Transcendent plains, distant sandy lands,[br]and vast ancient kingdoms seem to relate to 0:05:59.659,0:06:03.409 Hungry Knight, Tomb Cat and Hollow Knight[br]respectively. 0:06:03.409,0:06:07.520 This dialogue also reinforces the idea that[br]Mister Mushroom is some kind of traveler, 0:06:07.520,0:06:10.610 moving through the lands created by Team Cherry. 0:06:10.610,0:06:14.939 But of course, this is where our tracks stop[br]cold. 0:06:14.939,0:06:18.009 Mister Mushroom still has five more dialogue[br]entries we need to analyze. 0:06:18.009,0:06:23.220 And I’m sure you’re a super busy person[br]with very little free time to waste, so let 0:06:23.220,0:06:26.860 me just say that we are about to enter pure[br]speculation territory. 0:06:26.860,0:06:31.240 I have spent the last three years of my life[br]thinking about this shit, but at the end of 0:06:31.240,0:06:35.479 the day, this dialogue is just too open ended[br]to really nail down. 0:06:35.479,0:06:40.520 Now there are other games that have been produced[br]by William Pellen and Ari Gibson separately. 0:06:40.520,0:06:46.440 Through his job at an animation company, Ari[br]Gibson worked on classics like de Blob, Megamind: 0:06:46.440,0:06:52.419 Mega Team Unite, de Blob 2 and M. Night Shyamalan’s[br]The Last Airbender. 0:06:52.419,0:06:56.999 Now it’s been a while since I’ve watched[br]Shyamalan’s breathtaking film, but I think 0:06:56.999,0:07:01.349 there is something to do with Sokka’s girlfriend[br]becoming the spirit of the moon because the 0:07:01.349,0:07:04.749 previous spirit of the moon was killed when[br]the fire nation attacked. 0:07:04.749,0:07:08.839 And in conversation six, Mister Mushroom says[br]to trust the moon. 0:07:08.840,0:07:10.860 So maybe he is talking to Sokka? 0:07:11.540,0:07:15.020 “It’s a giant mushroom.” 0:07:15.020,0:07:20.020 Megamind is all about how our perceptions[br]of heroes and villians often lack nuance, 0:07:20.020,0:07:22.410 and tend to change over time. 0:07:22.410,0:07:26.389 This theme lines up pretty nicely with conversation[br]four. 0:07:26.389,0:07:30.969 As for William, he worked on several video[br]games by himself in his free time. 0:07:30.969,0:07:36.029 The two most popular games like this are Return[br]to Booty Grotto and Lulanda. 0:07:36.029,0:07:40.330 Unfortunately, neither one of these games[br]seem to be related to Mister Mushroom at all. 0:07:40.330,0:07:45.620 But of course, William has come up with several[br]games that we only know a little bit about. 0:07:45.620,0:07:50.379 When he was a kid, William would make game[br]manuals for his own game ideas. 0:07:50.379,0:07:53.849 What if Mister Mushroom is actually talking[br]to characters from these games William designed 0:07:53.849,0:08:00.039 back in the 90s like Castlemania III or Shadowmaster:[br]Quest of the Past. 0:08:00.039,0:08:05.809 In fact, William actually designed a board[br]game called The Egyptian Game. 0:08:05.809,0:08:11.370 In this game, you had to find a sphinx's nose[br]while avoiding evil Mummies and… 0:08:11.370,0:08:12.479 Sonic? 0:08:12.479,0:08:15.310 Now this is clearly just a Chutes and Ladders[br]rip off. 0:08:15.310,0:08:20.919 But this game is all about finding a nose,[br]and in conversation two, Mister Mushroom mentions 0:08:20.919,0:08:24.399 “if you have a keen nose, use it”. 0:08:24.399,0:08:26.990 This is an oddly specific reference. 0:08:26.990,0:08:30.499 Also he says to beware of those who are hunting[br]you. 0:08:30.499,0:08:35.300 ie the mother fucking mummies and the mother[br]fucking Sonic. 0:08:35.300,0:08:39.780 So in this instance, Mister Mushroom would[br]be talking to whoever played this board game 0:08:39.780,0:08:45.800 that William made when he was a child, which[br]makes a lot of sense if… 0:08:45.800,0:08:47.060 if you… think… 0:08:47.930,0:08:49.460 Okay this might be a dead end. 0:08:51.260,0:08:52.640 Let’s rethink this. 0:08:52.649,0:08:56.209 We have five conversations left to figure[br]out, but they don’t seem to be referencing 0:08:56.209,0:08:59.740 any games William and Ari worked on separately. 0:08:59.740,0:09:04.550 Perhaps these are references to games that[br]Team Cherry didn’t actually work on. 0:09:04.550,0:09:07.540 But how would we ever figure out which games[br]these would be? 0:09:07.540,0:09:10.759 I mean, just think about how many games exist[br]today. 0:09:10.759,0:09:12.660 There must be at least 30. 0:09:12.660,0:09:17.340 Well, it would make the most sense to look[br]at games that we know Team Cherry took inspiration 0:09:17.340,0:09:20.000 from when making Hollow Knight. 0:09:20.000,0:09:28.399 This includes Zelda II, the Adventure of Link,[br]Faxanadu, Paper Mario, Pikmin, Mega Man X, 0:09:28.399,0:09:34.160 Super Metroid, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow,[br]and Ori and the Will of the Wisp, er…wait. 0:09:34.160,0:09:39.329 If we dig through these games hard enough,[br]maybe we can see some connection between them 0:09:39.329,0:09:41.399 and Mister Mushroom’s dialogue. 0:09:41.399,0:09:46.769 As it turns out, conversation six actually[br]kinda lines up with the story of Castlevania: 0:09:46.769,0:09:47.769 Aria of Sorrow. 0:09:47.769,0:09:52.750 We, of course have the moon, where Dracula’s[br]castle was sealed away in 1999, as well as 0:09:52.750,0:09:57.080 the double crossing Graham who actually is[br]only interested in becoming the reincarnated 0:09:57.080,0:10:01.360 Dracula which he thinks is possible because[br]he was born the same day Dracula was destroyed 0:10:01.360,0:10:02.360 and that… 0:10:02.360,0:10:04.380 I’m sorry, what was that? 0:10:04.380,0:10:06.800 You have no idea what the fuck I’m talking[br]about? 0:10:06.800,0:10:09.400 Well… maybe you need a little context. 0:10:09.400,0:10:13.629 The lore of Castlevania begins in the year[br]1094. 0:10:13.629,0:10:19.360 Leon Belmont is a hero of knighthood, but[br]one day his fiance Sara was kidnapped. 0:10:19.360,0:10:25.569 Leon learns from his bedridden friend Mathias[br]Cronqvist, that his love has been stolen by 0:10:25.569,0:10:30.570 a malicious vampire going by the terrifying[br]name, Walter. 0:10:30.570,0:10:35.500 Unfortunately, by the time Leon finds his[br]beloved, Sara has already been tainted by 0:10:35.500,0:10:40.649 the vampire, so she sacrificed her soul to[br]enchant Leon’s whip, turning it into the 0:10:40.649,0:10:42.480 Vampire Killer. 0:10:42.480,0:10:47.611 So Leon kills Walter, but it turns out this[br]whole thing was orchestrated by Mathias, who 0:10:47.611,0:10:52.510 then becomes a vampire himself and flees into[br]the country, becoming known as Dracula. 0:10:52.510,0:10:58.040 In retaliation, Leon Belmont swears that the[br]Belmont family will hunt down vampires for 0:10:58.040,0:11:01.300 as long as the game franchise is profitable. 0:11:01.300,0:11:06.009 And so Dracula keeps trying to wipe out humanity[br]as the Belmonts keep bitch slapping his ass 0:11:06.009,0:11:09.009 back into his coffin for another prolonged[br]hibernation. 0:11:09.009,0:11:15.150 It isn’t until 1999 that the epic Demon[br]Castle Wars take place and it is believed 0:11:15.150,0:11:18.620 that Dracula is finally destroyed once and[br]for all. 0:11:18.620,0:11:24.100 His giant castle is sealed away inside the[br]darkness of an eclipse and the Catholic church 0:11:24.100,0:11:28.180 tries to erase all memory of Dracula or the[br]Belmont family. 0:11:28.180,0:11:34.339 This brings us to 2035, when the events of[br]Aria of Sorrow finally take place. 0:11:34.339,0:11:39.579 Two childhood friends, Soma Cruz and Mina[br]Hakuba are going to the Hakuba Shrine to witness 0:11:39.579,0:11:42.120 the first solar eclipse of the century. 0:11:42.120,0:11:46.709 But they end up actually traveling into the[br]eclipse and arriving at Dracula’s castle. 0:11:46.709,0:11:51.560 Soma learns that he has the power to control[br]monsters, and starts on a quest to escape 0:11:51.560,0:11:55.570 Dracula’s castle and learn a little bit[br]about himself along the way. 0:11:55.570,0:12:01.439 To do so he leaves Mina behind in a protective[br]barrier created by Genya Arikado, who is actually 0:12:01.439,0:12:04.540 Dracula’s son Alucard in disguise. 0:12:04.540,0:12:10.110 You see back in the 15th century Dracula fucked[br]doctor but then she… you know what, nevermind. 0:12:10.110,0:12:12.389 It’s a whole thing. 0:12:12.389,0:12:17.769 Anyway, Soma meets a cast of colorful characters[br]who also happen to be running around Dracula’s 0:12:17.769,0:12:23.990 castle, such as Genya, Yoko Belnades, Hammer,[br]and Julius Belmont. 0:12:23.990,0:12:28.380 But there is one character, Graham Jones,[br]who believes he is destined to become the 0:12:28.380,0:12:29.380 next Dracula. 0:12:29.380,0:12:34.459 He doesn’t mention this when Soma first[br]meets him, and Yoko even warns Soma to be 0:12:34.459,0:12:35.459 weary of Graham. 0:12:35.459,0:12:39.760 So yeah, a lot of this tracks to what Mister[br]Mushroom actually says. 0:12:39.760,0:12:44.389 Mentioning that the person left a girl somewhere,[br]telling them to trust in something, but not 0:12:44.389,0:12:47.540 a certain man, mentioning the moon. 0:12:47.540,0:12:52.259 Not sure why you would trust the moon, but[br]you know what let’s just ignore that. 0:12:52.259,0:12:55.970 So that just leaves us with four more conversations[br]to figure out. 0:12:55.970,0:13:00.730 As for conversation two, the comment about[br]not relying on your eyes and using your nose 0:13:00.730,0:13:06.060 might be a reference to Pikmin, because Captain[br]Olimar’s eyes are never fucking open and 0:13:06.060,0:13:07.420 he’s got a giant ass schnauzer. 0:13:07.420,0:13:11.209 And there are numerous natural predators to[br]the pikmin. 0:13:11.209,0:13:19.470 Such as the Bulborb, the Waterwraith, the[br]Smoky Progg, the Scuttlebug, Celine Dion, 0:13:19.470,0:13:27.449 the Albino Bulborb, the Puffstool, the Fiery[br]Young Yellow Wollywag, and of course, the 0:13:27.449,0:13:28.670 Bike Bulborb. 0:13:28.670,0:13:34.870 As for conversation five, it mentions coming[br]back up because things down below are dangerous, 0:13:34.870,0:13:39.010 and that they could come back up and wander[br]around aimlessly. 0:13:39.010,0:13:43.649 Now this sounds like the general experience[br]people have while playing a Metroidvania, 0:13:43.649,0:13:48.470 so I could see this being a cheeky reference[br]to Metroid or Super Metroid, since those games 0:13:48.470,0:13:50.810 start from the top and then go downward. 0:13:50.810,0:13:56.540 Also, maybe I’m just stupid but it’s really[br]easy to get lost in these games. 0:13:56.540,0:13:59.860 Conversation four uses both the words “hero”[br]and “time”, so let’s just say that’s 0:13:59.860,0:14:01.389 a reference to Zelda. 0:14:01.389,0:14:04.620 That just leaves one final conversation from[br]Mister Mushroom. 0:14:04.620,0:14:09.820 “It’s not by tools that you’ll triumph,[br]it’s through your smarts, your speed, your 0:14:09.820,0:14:11.360 determination...”. 0:14:11.360,0:14:17.300 Now this is so nondescript and vague that[br]this could be talking about anything, Paper 0:14:17.300,0:14:23.310 Mario, Mega Man X, or maybe even one of these[br]weeb shit games. 0:14:23.310,0:14:28.540 So to recap, these are the characters Mister[br]Mushroom might be talking to. 0:14:28.540,0:14:32.269 But to be honest, this whole thing seems a[br]bit weird. 0:14:32.269,0:14:37.230 Would Team Cherry really try and shove their[br]own character into the lore of other games? 0:14:37.230,0:14:39.209 Like, is that even allowed? 0:14:39.209,0:14:43.650 It’s one thing when Dead Cells includes[br]a picture of the Knight in their game, but 0:14:43.650,0:14:47.689 to have your character actually talk to characters[br]from another universe? 0:14:47.689,0:14:53.019 What if JK Rowling decided to tweet that Harry[br]Potter did blow with Patrick Star? 0:14:53.019,0:14:54.389 You know what? 0:14:54.389,0:14:56.829 Fuck the entire notion of fiction. 0:14:56.829,0:15:02.420 From now on I’m sticking to real stuff like[br]true crime podcasts and professional wrestling. 0:15:02.420,0:15:07.079 But of course, there is one other explanation[br]for Mister Mushroom’s additional lines of 0:15:07.079,0:15:08.259 dialogue. 0:15:08.259,0:15:13.089 Perhaps Mister Mushroom is reaching forward[br]through time to talk to characters from games 0:15:13.089,0:15:15.730 Team Cherry hasn’t even made yet. 0:15:15.730,0:15:20.790 So in this case, it would literally be impossible[br]to know what Mister Mushroom is talking about, 0:15:20.790,0:15:23.570 because these games don’t exist yet. 0:15:23.570,0:15:29.579 Of course there is Silksong, which could theoretically[br]line up with either conversation five or seven 0:15:29.579,0:15:33.579 since they reference things like hunting,[br]gathering and tools. 0:15:33.579,0:15:38.319 Aside from that, we are aware of one other[br]game Team Cherry might be working on. 0:15:38.319,0:15:42.449 Another Hollow Knight YouTuber known as Relyea[br]made a video discussing the discovery of a 0:15:42.449,0:15:47.610 trademark filed by Team Cherry for the phrase[br]“Fearless Fox”. 0:15:47.610,0:15:53.540 And after doing a bit of sleuthing myself,[br]I discovered that foxes actually have noses. 0:15:53.540,0:15:56.720 So this could be a reference to conversation[br]two. 0:15:56.720,0:15:59.569 But that’s where our leads drop dead. 0:15:59.569,0:16:04.430 Maybe Team Cherry will go back and make “Castlemania[br]III”, or “War of S.P.O.R.E. 0:16:04.430,0:16:08.790 II” or maybe they’ll finally make “Ultra[br]Dangerous Guys 64”. 0:16:08.790,0:16:12.720 So I guess I’ll have to make a follow up[br]video to this in 30 years once Team Cherry 0:16:12.720,0:16:16.050 has made two or three more games. 0:16:16.050,0:16:18.800 And so this video comes to an end. 0:16:18.800,0:16:22.610 Mister Mushroom is definitely supposed to[br]be some kind of Easter Egg character that 0:16:22.610,0:16:26.749 makes references to other video games, and[br]in doing so, proves that Hollow Knight is 0:16:26.749,0:16:28.839 a part of some kind of multiverse. 0:16:28.839,0:16:34.139 And who knows, maybe the Knight will be able[br]to travel to different parts of the multiverse. 0:16:34.139,0:16:39.290 Maybe it will make a cameo in Fearless Fox,[br]or some other Team Cherry game. 0:16:39.290,0:16:43.180 Maybe it will even help the Avenger’s by[br]climbing inside Thanos’ asshole.