0:00:11.744,0:00:15.911 First of all, what makes a good logo[br]is making sure that there is... 0:00:15.911,0:00:18.383 There's a couple of different things[br]that go to logo... go into logos. 0:00:18.383,0:00:23.589 The typeface has to be representative[br]of the, um, look, tone, and feel 0:00:23.589,0:00:25.657 that you want to create[br]with your company. 0:00:25.657,0:00:29.908 It can be very formal, which gives the idea[br]to people that it's a very formal company. 0:00:29.908,0:00:34.068 It can be sort of fun and inviting,[br]the typeset... the typeface, 0:00:34.068,0:00:37.929 which cues that this might be [br]a product that is a little more, 0:00:37.929,0:00:40.607 um, you know, sort of, [br]not as... as serious. 0:00:40.607,0:00:42.708 So, I think you really have to[br]think about that kind of stuff 0:00:42.708,0:00:45.023 when it comes to [br]the actual type itself. 0:00:45.023,0:00:47.202 The design mark is... [br]um, 0:00:47.202,0:00:51.099 if... if you can get a design mark[br]that is symbolic or metaphorical, 0:00:51.099,0:00:53.792 that is an immediate read[br]for what your company does 0:00:53.792,0:00:56.955 and what you stand for,[br]um, that's really powerful. 0:00:56.955,0:01:01.940 A good logo is a quick [br]understanding, a quick glance, 0:01:01.940,0:01:04.585 of what the company [br]is about. 0:01:04.585,0:01:07.184 Hum, [br]especially... 0:01:07.184,0:01:11.336 I'm a carpenter,[br]so to have a complicated logo 0:01:11.336,0:01:14.497 if a van is passing you [br]in the street 0:01:14.497,0:01:17.565 and you're looking for [br]that sort of trade, 0:01:17.565,0:01:19.869 you want to immediately[br]be able to get to it, 0:01:19.869,0:01:22.532 and something that [br]sticks in your head. 0:01:30.118,0:01:34.842 Yes, I'm responsible for it,[br]because I head up corporate marketing. 0:01:34.842,0:01:38.535 Um, our company [br]does not actually have a... 0:01:38.815,0:01:40.881 So when you think [br]about a brand, 0:01:40.881,0:01:44.202 there... there are two things that[br]could come... that come with a brand. 0:01:44.202,0:01:48.699 The actual words[br]and then the design mark, okay? 0:01:48.699,0:01:50.869 So some companies[br]have both 0:01:50.869,0:01:53.678 and some companies[br]don't have a design mark. 0:01:53.678,0:01:56.162 Vantage does not[br]have a design mark, 0:01:56.162,0:01:58.431 um, but [br]we do have a logo 0:01:58.431,0:02:00.780 um, [br]and it is very stylized. 0:02:00.780,0:02:04.088 There's a particular font[br]that is associated with it. 0:02:04.088,0:02:07.405 Um, it is absolutely[br]trademarked. 0:02:07.405,0:02:11.674 When it is in the logo, [br]um, it's all lower case 0:02:11.674,0:02:13.445 and it's a certain color. 0:02:13.445,0:02:14.626 It's grey. 0:02:14.626,0:02:16.671 Yes, we have a logo[br]which is a crest, 0:02:16.671,0:02:20.968 which is three reindeer,[br]a shield, three stars, and a... 0:02:20.968,0:02:22.951 No. It's one star. [br](Chuckles) Sorry! 0:02:22.951,0:02:24.635 Interviewer: [br]Do you think it's a good logo? 0:02:24.635,0:02:27.300 Um. [br]When it's in color, yes. 0:02:35.129,0:02:37.836 Color is... is a very [br]powerful thing. 0:02:37.836,0:02:40.020 So red has a connotation,[br]right? 0:02:40.020,0:02:42.299 Red can be [br]very aggressive, um, 0:02:42.299,0:02:47.416 and, um, and blue is very... [br]um, it's associated with finance, 0:02:47.416,0:02:50.904 and it's also considered,[br]sort of, um, safe. 0:02:50.904,0:02:54.660 So... So colors actually have[br]quite a bit of power, 0:02:54.660,0:02:56.074 and you do want [br]to think about that 0:02:56.074,0:02:59.644 when you're looking at [br]designing a logo, yeah.