so we see this system that's all based
on naani and bad character a system in
which you pay to be promoting your NS
cuz had it been real and somebody wanted
to sit with the shake for guidance and
listen to the shik tell you you're wrong
your NS is bad stay quiet sit down take
whatever you can take God has a purpose
for you to learn something from that
situation what they would pay you $300
an hour they would leave in 5 minutes
what's happening on people want to pay
people to feel good about themselves and
the self that they're thinking is the NS
and they pay big money and they corrupt
the minds and hearts of people because
it's based on everything opposite from
the heavens that no you're right you
need your space that everything in you
was wrong everything happened to you in
your life was wrong those people cut
them off don't talk to them don't listen
to them and they even tried to regress
you back to it was because your parents
which is big toal adab in Quran