_Net Neutrality was just It was? [and it's very confusing] With Net Neutrality some people ...for what it's worth just...you know? I don't know exactly what it is. with the Whopper® WHOPPER NEUTRALITY Got a number one. - How're you doing? - Do you know what number 98, what's going on with it? - Number 98...you got the Whopper? - Yeah. - You got the slow access Whopper pass. - Wait, what? It's on the menu right there with the fast, medium and slow. (Clerk) Slow MBPS, fast MBPS or hyper fast MBPS. MBPS of course standing for Making Burgers Per Second. So if we want a Whopper now we have to pay 26 dollars? That's how you get it fast, that's the highest priority. This is like a lane system? Yeah, fast lane, slow lane. It's gonna be like 15, 20 minutes. What are you talking about? Burger King Corporation believes that they can sell more and make more money selling chicken sandwiches and chicken fries so now they're slowing down the access to the Whopper. Were you given an option of a chicken sandwich or...? I don't want a chicken sandwich, I really want a Whopper. Don't you have any Whoppers ready? Yeah. The sandwich is ready, I'm just not allowed to actually give it to you. You can't give me the sandwich, it's ready but you can't give it to me? The Whopper Neutrality was repealed, they voted on it. - Whopper What? - This doesn't make any sense. Unfortunately I have no other choice. This is the worst thing I've ever heard of! See, he got the fast... and now he's getting his burger. Are you kidding me? You payed 26 dollars for a Whopper? He ordered it. Now he's a higher priority. - Come on guys, I want a burger, man! This is a bad dream right now. I just want a (beep) burger brother! I feel like I'm going insane. This is (beep) crazy. Here's what I'll do - you have the bag, and I can put it in the bag in 42 seconds. Hold on, 10 seconds. - We don't make the rules. - You just enforce these ridiculous rules? Unfortunately we have to. (customer) I felt like I was being taken advantage of in a sense, as a customer coming in to get their food, it felt like a power move. They already changed the policies overnight or whatever. I didn't think that ordering a Whopper would really open my eyes up to Net Neutrality. The Whopper actually taught me about Net Neutrality. It's stupid but true. _The internet should be like the Whopper®: the same for everyone. change.org/savethenet Actual Guests. Fake pricing for illustration purposes only. TM & ® 2018 Burger King Corporation. All rights reserved