0:00:02.879,0:00:06.870 Hey! Welcome to Make Thrift Buy, the show[br]where you send in stuff that you want me to 0:00:06.870,0:00:11.900 try and recreate, and then sometimes, I recreate[br]it! Now, I’ve done musical-themed items 0:00:11.900,0:00:16.550 on this show before, like this pleated piano-skirt[br]dress, and today’s challenge is along the 0:00:16.550,0:00:21.480 same lines – which is, these musical note[br]tights! Thank you Boomer Love for the suggestion! 0:00:21.480,0:00:25.939 Now the original tights are from… ebay?[br]Maybe? This is an item that appears to be 0:00:25.939,0:00:30.359 sold out absolutely everywhere that I looked,[br]which makes it a perfect candidate for some 0:00:30.359,0:00:31.429 DO-IT-YOURSELF. So let’s begin! 0:00:31.429,0:00:36.120 The important materials that I’m going to[br]need are a pair of tights – and I actually 0:00:36.120,0:00:40.520 have like 5 packets of these sheer white tights[br]from the 80s that were given to me by a family 0:00:40.520,0:00:44.820 friend, so this was $0 for me – but it is[br]really really easy to find these kind of tights 0:00:44.820,0:00:47.190 in thrift shops.[br]I’m also going to need a black marker – 0:00:47.190,0:00:51.760 now, my one is an actual fabric marker, but laundry-safe permanent markers will work fine as well. 0:00:52.260,0:00:55.900 Now the first method that I tried out involved[br]getting myself a big old piece of cardboard. 0:00:55.900,0:00:59.720 The next step was remembering that I should[br]probbbably at least make an effort to brush my hair. 0:00:59.720,0:01:00.880 Yep. 0:01:00.880,0:01:04.680 Anyway, I rolled the piece of cardboard up[br]into a leg-sized tube like so. 0:01:04.680,0:01:07.450 I then taped up the tube so that it stayed[br]this shape. 0:01:07.450,0:01:10.520 Then, I stretched the tights over the cardboard[br]tube like soooo. 0:01:10.520,0:01:14.119 Why do I feel like I’m giving instructions[br]for a highschool health class- 0:01:14.119,0:01:16.640 – and then I started drawing some musical[br]notes! 0:01:16.640,0:01:20.179 Now if you’re anything like me and your[br]artistic skills aren’t AMAZING, then you’ll 0:01:20.179,0:01:24.060 want to practice drawing some beforehand on[br]a piece of paper, and then keep these pictures 0:01:24.060,0:01:26.819 nearby for reference while you’re drawing[br]on your tights. 0:01:26.819,0:01:30.219 You can even print out an image of the shape[br]that you want to trace over, stick this on 0:01:30.219,0:01:32.850 your tube, and then use it as a template to[br]guide you. 0:01:32.850,0:01:36.639 While drawing the notes onto the tights, I[br]put one arm inside the tube to help the tube 0:01:36.639,0:01:40.810 keep its cylindrical shape. Because the marker[br]will snag on this fabric, I found that the 0:01:40.810,0:01:45.859 best way to go about drawing was to first[br]dot an outline of the shape of a musical note, 0:01:45.859,0:01:51.759 and then to fill in the outline using small,[br]quick strokes, like this. 0:01:57.299,0:02:02.419 And then I basically just repeated this with[br]a number of different musical notes for both legs! 0:02:05.240,0:02:08.509 And before I show you all what they looked[br]like, I also did a second pair of tights with 0:02:08.509,0:02:11.720 MORE musical notes on them, using a slightly[br]different method. 0:02:11.720,0:02:15.220 Now, this is a method that you can use if[br]you don’t have any cardboard paper but you 0:02:15.220,0:02:19.500 have some tights and a marker and you want[br]to get started on this project right away. 0:02:19.500,0:02:23.500 THIS method involved covering my legs with[br]paper, so I wouldn’t get pen all over my 0:02:23.500,0:02:29.000 legs, and then drawing on my musical notes.[br]Because this pair had many more musical notes 0:02:29.000,0:02:33.980 on it than the other pair, it took me around[br]~3 hours to complete. And gave me a sore back. 0:02:33.980,0:02:38.610 I would not recommend this method if you plan[br]on doing a really detailed design like this. 0:02:38.610,0:02:42.570 Anyway, I put about double the amount of musical[br]notes on this pair because I think that it 0:02:42.570,0:02:43.920 makes it look closer to the original. 0:02:43.920,0:02:48.010 I also made a pair with lettering, which I[br]did by printing out my letters and then tracing 0:02:48.010,0:02:53.150 over them, and a pair with a cherry-pattern,[br]using my coloured fabric markers! 0:02:53.150,0:02:54.570 Anyway - how did they turn out? 0:02:54.570,0:02:55.370 [music plays] 0:03:27.240,0:03:28.500 [record scratch sound, music abruptly stops] 0:03:28.500,0:03:29.340 Annnnd there's a hole in my tights. 0:03:29.980,0:03:31.440 [music resumes] 0:03:35.120,0:03:36.100 [record scratch sound, music stops abruptly] 0:03:36.100,0:03:37.650 Are you kidding me. 0:03:37.650,0:03:41.510 No matter how good your designs are, if you're[br]going to be working with sheer tights, prepare 0:03:41.510,0:03:45.870 yourself for some heartbreak. These rips and[br]ladders happened AFTER I worked on the design, 0:03:45.870,0:03:49.790 and before you mention it, it's not just because[br]I was using thrifted retro tights - the ones 0:03:49.790,0:03:53.180 that I used for the MAKE, THRIFT design were[br]actually brand new! 0:03:53.180,0:03:56.810 Sheer tights are the worst.[br]They’re the worst. 0:03:56.810,0:04:01.790 Seriously why do they even exist? Why do we[br]even wear them? WHY ARE THEY A THING!? I don’t 0:04:01.790,0:04:06.290 think that I’ve ever had a pair of sheer[br]tights last me, rip-free, for more than 1 0:04:06.290,0:04:09.760 wear. Has anybody out there??[br]IS THE WHOLE WORLD MAD? 0:04:09.760,0:04:14.260 So with this musical pair of tights - while[br]they worked really well, I don’t even think 0:04:14.260,0:04:19.090 that I’m ever going to wear them again because[br]they took me 3 hours to make and the disappointment 0:04:19.090,0:04:24.090 when they rip – WHICH THEY WILL DO – will[br]be far too soul-crushing. So, I can’t do 0:04:24.090,0:04:26.090 it. So, my conclusion is: 0:04:26.940,0:04:28.940 [scissor snipping, zipper sound effect] 0:04:28.950,0:04:32.730 BUT… use thicker tights. And it’s not[br]like you can buy these anymore, anyway, so 0:04:32.730,0:04:35.710 that does kind of cross out "buy" from the[br]whole make thrift buy equation. 0:04:35.710,0:04:40.450 Most tights you get online are super thin[br]and flimsy anyway – I actually bought a 0:04:40.450,0:04:44.910 whole bunch of tattoo tights when they were[br]really popular a few years ago, and after 0:04:44.910,0:04:49.070 one or two wears - they all got holes in them![br]Of course I have kept them all because I can’t 0:04:49.070,0:04:54.630 bear to just THROW clothes away… even though[br]these are no longer useful to anybody which 0:04:54.630,0:05:00.490 is why... SHEER TIGHTS JUST MAKE NO SENSE.[br]But, anyway, at least I didn’t spend like 0:05:00.490,0:05:05.510 $20 on these suckers. Just time and energy.[br]Priceless. 0:05:05.510,0:05:10.130 ANYWAY IGNORING HOW MUCH SHEER TIGHTS SUCK[br]- these actually did turn out pretty well. 0:05:10.130,0:05:14.430 The music note tights don’t look exactly[br]like the original, and I think that I made 0:05:14.430,0:05:17.479 them a little too busy – the notes could[br]have been spaced out a little bit more evenly 0:05:17.479,0:05:22.310 – and they really are a labour of love - so[br]if you were feeling more lazy and wanted music-themed 0:05:22.310,0:05:27.510 tights, you could just maybe just draw some[br]bigger notes, do them more spaced-out, or 0:05:27.510,0:05:32.530 draw like a really large quaver on your knees[br]- for a kind of similar effect. It's really 0:05:32.530,0:05:37.250 up to you and how much energy and time you're[br]willing to put into something like this. Just 0:05:37.250,0:05:42.180 USE THICKER TIGHTS. I can't stress that enough.[br]Oh my god I hate sheer tights. 0:05:42.180,0:05:45.040 And with that, I'll see you all in my next[br]video. Bye! 0:05:45.040,0:05:49.250 Thank you so much to all of my Patreon supporters,[br]whose love and support helped to make this 0:05:49.250,0:05:51.450 video happen![br]In this episode, I want to give a shoutout 0:05:51.450,0:05:55.810 to one of my wonderful business supporters[br]– Sarsparilly! Maria makes the prettiest 0:05:55.810,0:05:58.970 dresses. I’ve had this Mermaid print one[br]here for over 2 years now and it’s still 0:05:58.970,0:06:03.479 one of the prettiest, most well-made thing[br]that I own. Check her Sarsparilly's store 0:06:03.479,0:06:08.300 – there's a whole bunch of original, handmade[br]designs along with a whole bunch of vintage-reproduction 0:06:08.300,0:06:10.860 dresses as well! Links are in the description.