We have an amazing day today. A lot of baptisms, a lot of things are happening On the day of baptism, first, I walked around and prayed for people. Once I prayed for you, and I have it on video. You fell down and something left you. And the Holy Spirit came and you spoke in tongues. When people see that, it can seem like crazy, but it was crazy in a good way. How was it for you? What happened there? Well, I've been watching your videos for so long, but I really didn't think it was gonna happen to me. So what I felt was when you started praying for me, I just felt like I had no control over my body and something came over me. I just couldn't hold myself and I fell down, and then I started feeling like something's want to come out of me and I was coughing heavily. I wasn't really sure what it was, but I was just I had to cough it out, and I wasn't in control. Yeah, that was over. I felt so free and so relieved. And the Holy Spirit came and you spoke in tongues I spoke in tongues?! You didn't know about that at first, but it came later also, guys. But she had spoken in tongues when she was... but you were not aware of it. That was beautiful. Yes! Because I think I was in the zone. I didn't know where I was. That was really good. And I want to say to all of you out there, It's also for you. So you've seen that YouTube video, she just dropped in today, what you said there was "I'm not sure if this is for me." If you're sitting out there, thinking, you're not if this is for you -- it is for you. It's for everyone. Is this real? It is real. It is real. Today you experienced freedom? Oh, I have peace and I have freedom I don't have any more guilt nor shame. How was it you got baptized afterwards? As soon as we took you over and you got baptized, like real immersion in your own faith. How was that? It was amazing cause I was looking forward to it and I was praying that you would baptize me. It's not about me. It's not about me. I know but I really wanted to be here and I really wanted to be delivered by you. It was amazing. I just had peace come over me, complete peace and freedom. I just felt like I was on clouds and I got up and I was free. I just felt like I'm free. Are you aware that you spoke in tongues? Not really. I thought but I don't know. [Tongues] How is it? She said she didn't know how. God bless! Hallelujah! Sometimes she was speaking so fast, she was saying that she wasn't aware that she received the gift. How did we know that she was speaking in tongues there? It just came out. That is the Holy Spirit. This is real. I have to tell you, I was scared to get baptized there, like last second. I came for this. I need this forever. I came and the devil started playing with me, and I was like, I have nobody who I know here who can hold my hand. I'm a stranger, I don't know what to do. I was scared. And I prayed that you would come close to me, cause I knew if you were just gonna be close to me, I would just gonna go for it. I had my best friend with me for twenty years. She's my best friend from Brazil who prayed for me for ten years. What about your body, because you also had some physical pain? Yeah, I had...but I don't have now. The thing I had in my...remember we talked about this? I don't have it. Where is it? I don't know. How long have you had that problem? Oh, it's been a while, many years. Many years, and where is the pain now? Right now? I don't have any pain. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. God has been good to you. God bless you! A lot of things have happened and we have so many testimonies like this. It's revival here outside Chicago and it's been amazing. Ten people get baptized, twenty people get baptized every night. People get healed, set free. Next stop is New Hampshire. Come and join us, it's going to be amazing New Hampshire, come and join us. We're looking forward to that.