0:00:00.840,0:00:06.160 JONATHAN BLOW: It was very clearly the case that more ideas came out of the development process, 0:00:06.160,0:00:11.880 and ended up in the final game, than I put into it as a designer. 0:00:11.880,0:00:16.289 The process of designing the gameplay for[br]this game was more like discovering things 0:00:16.289,0:00:22.600 that already exist than it was like creating[br]something new and arbitrary. 0:00:22.600,0:00:25.060 And another way to say that is that there[br]was an extent to which 0:00:25.070,0:00:27.970 this game designed itself 0:00:31.760,0:00:37.600 This is Game Maker's Toolkit, I'm Mark Brown. 0:00:37.600,0:00:43.730 That was Jonathan Blow talking about the rewindable[br]platformer Braid at the Game Developer's Conference 0:00:43.730,0:00:45.170 in 2011. 0:00:45.170,0:00:49.440 What Blow's describing here is a philosophy[br]of game design that he used when making both 0:00:49.440,0:00:56.390 Braid and The Witness where rules and puzzles[br]were discovered through programming and play-testing, 0:00:56.390,0:01:01.079 rather than designed through the implementation[br]of some preconceived idea. 0:01:01.079,0:01:06.569 So with the Mario-like platformer Braid, he[br]started with a mechanic - the ability to turn 0:01:06.569,0:01:09.700 back time by a practically unlimited amount. 0:01:09.700,0:01:15.719 In the process of coding that, new ideas emerged.[br]If he was rewinding the position of everything 0:01:15.719,0:01:20.539 in the world, he could choose to not do that[br]for certain objects, and thus make them immune 0:01:20.539,0:01:25.749 to your ability to manipulate time. A rule was born. 0:01:25.749,0:01:30.810 After implementing these new rules, Blow could[br]play the game and look for consequences that 0:01:30.810,0:01:36.270 he perhaps did not foresee. Like how if a[br]moving platform was immune to time travel, 0:01:36.270,0:01:41.099 the hero could rewind to a point where the[br]platform is no beneath his feet, and would fall 0:01:41.099,0:01:46.319 down as soon as he stops manipulating time. 0:01:46.319,0:01:47.489 That's kinda cool. 0:01:47.489,0:01:52.989 So each puzzle became an illustration of one[br]of those phenomena, so that by solving it, 0:01:52.989,0:01:58.319 the player would stumble upon that interesting[br]fact about Braid's unique universe - the same 0:01:58.319,0:02:02.099 fact that Blow himself discovered while programming[br]the game. 0:02:02.099,0:02:08.020 A similar process was used in The Witness,[br]where Blow made rules and puzzles by exploring 0:02:08.020,0:02:14.219 the mechanic of drawing lines on a grid. Play[br]testing this showed Blow that he was often 0:02:14.219,0:02:18.180 partitioning grid cells - perhaps that could[br]become a rule? 0:02:18.180,0:02:22.709 Which leads to situations like this. This[br]puzzle is pretty easy to solve: you just loop 0:02:22.709,0:02:27.409 around here and you're away. The next puzzle[br]looks identical but you'll notice that the exit 0:02:27.409,0:02:32.670 has moved. Now, using that same solution will cut[br]off your access to the exit. So you have to 0:02:32.670,0:02:35.640 solve it like this. 0:02:35.640,0:02:41.480 Here, the mechanic of drawing a line inspired[br]a rule about partitioning cells which had 0:02:41.480,0:02:47.140 the consequence of cutting off your exit,[br]which led to a puzzle illustrating this fact. 0:02:47.140,0:02:52.780 Describing the invention of this puzzle type[br]at IndieCade in 2011, Blow said... 0:02:52.780,0:02:55.860 JONATHAN BLOW: That came from asking these little known questions. 0:02:55.860,0:03:00.740 It didn't come from a top-down imposition 'I want to make a puzzle type that... blah' 0:03:00.740,0:03:06.540 Rather, it came from this very simple process of exploration very early in development. 0:03:06.540,0:03:12.340 While Blow may have largely abdicated the[br]duty of designing puzzles to, I dunno, the 0:03:12.349,0:03:15.549 universe, he still has some important roles[br]to play. 0:03:15.549,0:03:20.840 First, is making sure the ramifications of[br]each change are explored to the fullest. In 0:03:20.840,0:03:25.440 The Witness, Blow asked how every part of[br]the game could be twisted, and that includes 0:03:25.440,0:03:28.840 the grid, the cells, the line, the environment, and the panel. 0:03:28.840,0:03:33.480 And in Braid, you'll notice that the consequences[br]of each rule change are explored by every 0:03:33.489,0:03:34.730 object in the game. 0:03:34.730,0:03:39.469 In the world where objects can be immune to rewind,[br]for example, there are puzzles where enemies, 0:03:39.469,0:03:44.489 keys, doors, clouds, platforms, and even the[br]player character have this property. 0:03:44.489,0:03:50.219 Blow's second job is to present the resulting puzzles[br]in a way that will give the player the best 0:03:50.219,0:03:54.579 possible set-up to discover the interesting[br]fact at the heart of the conundrum. 0:03:54.579,0:03:59.670 For example, he frequently uses misdirection[br]to lull you into making a seemingly obvious 0:03:59.670,0:04:05.170 move - only to show you that this is not correct.[br]In the Braid puzzle "Hunt", you're told to 0:04:05.170,0:04:09.319 kill all the monsters but they're set up in[br]a way that if you kill them in the most obvious 0:04:09.319,0:04:11.519 sequence, you're unable to solve the puzzle. 0:04:11.520,0:04:17.100 Misdirection like this stops the player from brute-forcing[br]the puzzle and failing to grasp the interesting 0:04:17.109,0:04:22.130 fact. And showing the player why something[br]doesn't work is often part of that fundamental 0:04:22.130,0:04:25.810 truth that Blow is illustrating in each puzzle. 0:04:25.810,0:04:31.500 The designer also uses sequences, pairings[br]and reprisals. If you come across a simple 0:04:31.500,0:04:36.180 puzzle - like this one about trying to unlock[br]two doors with one key - you'll likely come 0:04:36.180,0:04:38.610 across a more substantial version in the same[br]area. 0:04:38.610,0:04:42.810 And by using familiar layouts in different[br]worlds, with different rules, you can see 0:04:42.810,0:04:48.380 how the consequences have changed. This level[br]is essentially repeated in Worlds 2 and 4, 0:04:48.380,0:04:52.310 but the way time works in each means the solution[br]is unique. 0:04:52.310,0:04:56.520 Jonathan Blow also subverts the rules you're[br]used to. In the level Irreversible, you have 0:04:56.520,0:05:01.340 to realise that you must not use your rewind[br]powers. And throws in traps, to catch out 0:05:01.340,0:05:06.080 those who aren't thinking hard enough. In[br]this level, the wacky way that time works means 0:05:06.080,0:05:09.250 only one of these gates can be opened... 0:05:09.250,0:05:14.979 Blow's final job is to be ruthlessly curatorial,[br]and edit out mechanics, rules, and puzzles 0:05:14.979,0:05:20.710 that lack a sense of surprise, or overlap[br]with each other, or fail to say anything interesting. 0:05:20.710,0:05:25.190 Both Braid and The Witness were spin-offs[br]of games that were shelved because their main 0:05:25.190,0:05:30.580 mechanics didn't present a rich enough space[br]to explore. And Blow killed off rules, like 0:05:30.580,0:05:35.699 Braid's weird turn-based world, because their[br]consequences weren't surprising, or the rules 0:05:35.699,0:05:37.979 felt contrived. 0:05:37.980,0:05:42.360 But where Jonathan Blow will differ from other[br]designers is that he deliberately left stuff 0:05:42.370,0:05:46.669 in, even if it wasn't fun - simply because[br]it was interesting or would make the game 0:05:46.669,0:05:48.990 feel incomplete to remove it. 0:05:48.990,0:05:53.780 Like this super weird puzzle where a key can[br]bumble along on its own. It is, after all, 0:05:53.780,0:05:57.870 a surprising and interesting consequence of[br]this game's universe. 0:05:57.870,0:06:02.750 Because for Jonathan Blow, a puzzle is never[br]just a puzzle. It's a communication of an 0:06:02.750,0:06:06.970 idea from the designer to the player. And[br]solving the puzzle is the player's way of 0:06:06.970,0:06:09.419 saying "I understand". 0:06:09.419,0:06:14.419 And I think "I understand" is a significantly[br]different concept to "I finally figured it 0:06:14.419,0:06:19.449 out", which is how many puzzle games operate with[br]their arbitrary steps and intricate sequences 0:06:19.449,0:06:21.479 and red herrings and obtuse mechanisms. 0:06:21.479,0:06:27.460 But the puzzles in Blow's games feel more[br]fair. And that's why this design philosophy 0:06:27.460,0:06:31.960 isn't just about letting the design help direct[br]you to the next rule or the next puzzle - it's also 0:06:31.960,0:06:35.480 about helping you make better, and more honest puzzles. 0:06:35.490,0:06:39.830 Braid and The Witness introduce all the elements[br]upfront and teach their mechanics quickly 0:06:39.830,0:06:44.610 with introductory puzzles - from there the[br]harder puzzles are only about understanding 0:06:44.610,0:06:49.400 the consequences of those known mechanics[br]in different set-ups, combinations, and layouts. 0:06:49.400,0:06:54.759 And the puzzles can be blisteringly simple.[br]Most are about exploring just one idea and 0:06:54.759,0:06:59.720 the stages are small enough so you can consider[br]all the moving parts at once. And there are 0:06:59.720,0:07:05.409 no, or very few, red herrings, and also few[br]arbitrary steps to finish. Once you've found 0:07:05.409,0:07:08.449 the solution, it's relatively effortless to[br]execute it. 0:07:08.449,0:07:13.039 So solving a puzzle in this game isn't like[br]solving a Rubik's cube or trying to guess 0:07:13.039,0:07:18.250 at the answer to a riddle. It's simply seeing[br]something that was there all along. The answer 0:07:18.250,0:07:23.250 was right in front of your eyes, if only you[br]knew the right way to look at the world. 0:07:23.250,0:07:25.639 Kinda like those hidden puzzles in The Witness. 0:07:25.639,0:07:30.300 So that "a-ha!" moment you get when solving[br]a puzzle isn't about finally putting together 0:07:30.300,0:07:34.900 all the pieces or finally understanding what[br]the hell the designer was asking you to do, 0:07:34.900,0:07:38.139 but it feels like you just saw the world a[br]bit more clearly. 0:07:38.139,0:07:43.169 As Jonathan Blow told Gamasutra, "the more[br]that a puzzle is about something real and 0:07:43.169,0:07:47.740 something specific, and the less it's about[br]some arbitrary challenge, the more meaningful 0:07:47.740,0:07:51.420 that epiphany is". 0:07:53.240,0:07:54.289 Thanks for watching! 0:07:54.289,0:07:59.490 One of my goals with GMT is to pass on the[br]philosophies of the best game designers around 0:07:59.490,0:08:02.580 so you can use their ideas in your own games. 0:08:02.580,0:08:06.400 If you're interested, I've put loads of links[br]in the description where Jonathan Blow talks 0:08:06.400,0:08:08.270 more about the process. 0:08:08.270,0:08:12.490 And it's not just for puzzles games - Blow[br]reckons that this process of letting the design 0:08:12.490,0:08:16.509 dictate the rules and mechanics could be used[br]in other genres, too. 0:08:16.509,0:08:20.009 As always if you liked the show you can leave[br]a comment, give me a thumbs up, subscribe 0:08:20.009,0:08:25.000 on YouTube, or even support the show financially[br]on Patreon like these endlessly awesome gold 0:08:25.000,0:08:25.699 tier supporters...