0:00:01.670,0:00:06.990 Going to have a look in this[br]video and how we might be able 0:00:06.990,0:00:09.650 to find the area under a curve. 0:00:10.310,0:00:15.640 But the really important bit of[br]this video is to do with looking 0:00:15.640,0:00:20.970 at integration as summation, IE[br]the idea that we can add up lots 0:00:20.970,0:00:25.890 of little bits of something in[br]order to arrive at a concrete 0:00:25.890,0:00:27.120 block of something. 0:00:27.970,0:00:33.052 Let's begin by having a look at[br]something that's probably quite 0:00:33.052,0:00:39.686 familiar. It's a problem that's[br]often set GCSE, another. 0:00:40.900,0:00:42.640 Levels of Maths. 0:00:43.730,0:00:45.870 Supposing you were asked. 0:00:47.230,0:00:48.499 Find the area. 0:00:49.470,0:00:52.142 Of this shape. How might we do 0:00:52.142,0:00:56.510 it? One way that we would do it[br]perhaps is the divided up. 0:00:58.180,0:01:01.948 Into a series of shapes like 0:01:01.948,0:01:07.650 that. That's one way each of[br]these shapes is a standard area. 0:01:07.650,0:01:11.550 A triangle or square or[br]rectangle, whatever. And we can 0:01:11.550,0:01:17.010 workout what its area is. Then[br]we can get the area of the whole 0:01:17.010,0:01:21.690 shape by adding together the[br]area of each of these shapes. So 0:01:21.690,0:01:26.760 from a shape that had no defined[br]formula for its area by breaking 0:01:26.760,0:01:31.440 it up into more recognizable[br]shapes, we were able to sort out 0:01:31.440,0:01:33.000 what it's area was. 0:01:34.070,0:01:38.219 OK, can we take that[br]a little bit further? 0:01:39.430,0:01:42.730 For a circle, there is[br]a formula for the area 0:01:42.730,0:01:44.380 a equals π R squared. 0:01:45.480,0:01:49.080 But if there was no formula, how[br]might we proceed? 0:01:51.120,0:01:55.735 One way might be to place a grid[br]of squares over the circle, 0:01:55.735,0:01:59.640 workout the area of each square[br]and add them all together. 0:02:01.040,0:02:05.027 However, some of the squares[br]will not coincide completely 0:02:05.027,0:02:06.356 with the circle. 0:02:06.930,0:02:10.846 Thus, if we add together all[br]the squares that contain any 0:02:10.846,0:02:14.762 part of the circle, we will[br]arrive at an over estimate 0:02:14.762,0:02:16.898 of the area of the circle. 0:02:19.440,0:02:24.115 We could try to attempt to[br]correct this by ignoring all 0:02:24.115,0:02:27.940 those squares that do not[br]completely coincide with the 0:02:27.940,0:02:32.074 circle. This would mean[br]ignoring some of the area 0:02:32.074,0:02:34.978 of the circle and we[br]would gain an 0:02:34.978,0:02:37.519 underestimate of the area[br]of the circle. 0:02:40.120,0:02:46.035 However, we would now have two[br]limits on the area of the circle 0:02:46.035,0:02:47.400 and upper one. 0:02:47.990,0:02:48.968 Under lower one. 0:02:50.080,0:02:54.964 To trap the area of the circle[br]ever tighter between an upper 0:02:54.964,0:02:59.848 limit and a lower limit, we[br]would need to make the squares 0:02:59.848,0:03:04.732 in the grid smaller and smaller[br]so that the parts that were 0:03:04.732,0:03:08.395 included or discarded were in[br]total smaller and smaller. 0:03:12.570,0:03:18.258 Now we're going to do is[br]take that idea. 0:03:18.260,0:03:20.108 And use it. 0:03:20.680,0:03:27.628 To attempt to find the[br]area underneath a curve. 0:03:28.160,0:03:33.269 So what we've got here is a[br]curve, and we're looking to find 0:03:33.269,0:03:35.627 is can we find the area? 0:03:36.340,0:03:42.151 Underneath the curve, so can we[br]find in some way this area and 0:03:42.151,0:03:47.962 can we use the same sorts of[br]ideas that we just spoke about 0:03:47.962,0:03:49.303 with the circle? 0:03:51.360,0:03:57.205 Well, let's take a[br]very specific example. 0:03:58.320,0:03:59.936 I'm going to have a look at the 0:03:59.936,0:04:01.750 curve. Why? 0:04:02.930,0:04:05.189 Equals X squared. 0:04:08.560,0:04:12.226 Going to draw its graph between 0:04:12.226,0:04:19.539 a. And. A[br]square so this end point here 0:04:19.539,0:04:22.167 is the point a. 0:04:22.760,0:04:24.930 A squared. 0:04:26.280,0:04:30.120 Now. How can we divide 0:04:30.120,0:04:35.880 this up? Well, I just put a[br]limit to where we want to be. 0:04:36.510,0:04:42.474 One way might be to say, OK,[br]let's divide this in half, so we 0:04:42.474,0:04:44.178 take a over 2. 0:04:44.880,0:04:46.608 And let's take. 0:04:47.830,0:04:50.498 Some rectangles so there. 0:04:54.280,0:04:55.790 And there. 0:04:57.800,0:05:00.744 So there are two rectangles.[br]This one here. 0:05:02.180,0:05:03.420 And this big one. 0:05:04.030,0:05:11.246 Here. Now, at this point here[br]on the curve, X is equal to 0:05:11.246,0:05:17.850 a over 2 where dealing with the[br]curve Y equals X squared, so 0:05:17.850,0:05:24.454 that we know what this point is.[br]Here, it's a over 2A squared 0:05:24.454,0:05:30.986 over 4. So we know[br]the height of this rectangle. 0:05:30.986,0:05:37.730 It's A squared over 4, so I[br]guess an approximation at this 0:05:37.730,0:05:44.474 area underneath the curve. The[br]area a. We know that a is 0:05:44.474,0:05:51.218 in fact going to be less than[br]the area of this rectangle. 0:05:52.310,0:05:59.978 Which is a over two times[br]a squared over 4 plus the 0:05:59.978,0:06:05.729 area of this rectangle, which is[br]a over 2. 0:06:06.460,0:06:12.374 Times A. Squared because that's[br]the height of that rectangle. 0:06:13.710,0:06:19.478 So we've got this area a what[br]we've got is an upper limit for 0:06:19.478,0:06:22.774 it. We know it must be less than 0:06:22.774,0:06:28.440 that. OK, if that's the case,[br]then what about a lower 0:06:28.440,0:06:32.598 limit? One way might be to[br]take other rectangles. 0:06:34.690,0:06:38.490 Such as one down here of[br]zero height. 0:06:40.770,0:06:42.399 And this rectangle. 0:06:43.290,0:06:43.820 Here. 0:06:45.110,0:06:50.414 Where again, this height is[br]going to be a squared over 4 and 0:06:50.414,0:06:55.718 we know very clearly that that[br]means that this area a must be 0:06:55.718,0:06:59.798 greater than zero. That's the[br]area of this rectangle plus. 0:07:00.380,0:07:06.148 A over two times a[br]squared over 4. 0:07:07.400,0:07:12.008 Now what did we say about a[br]circle? To get a better 0:07:12.008,0:07:13.928 approximation, we said we take 0:07:13.928,0:07:16.060 smaller. And smaller. 0:07:16.770,0:07:21.112 Squares and put it on the[br]circle. So in this case, what we 0:07:21.112,0:07:25.120 want to do is take rectangles[br]which are smaller and smaller in 0:07:25.120,0:07:26.456 terms of their width. 0:07:27.170,0:07:34.766 So let's draw this picture again[br]and this time let's divide these 0:07:34.766,0:07:37.931 two segments into half again. 0:07:38.010,0:07:41.130 So let's draw. 0:07:41.670,0:07:42.840 Our curve. 0:07:43.910,0:07:44.640 Gain. 0:07:48.520,0:07:51.238 Take a there. 0:07:51.790,0:07:54.280 So this will be a squared. 0:07:55.060,0:08:00.044 There for the curve[br]Y equals X squared. 0:08:01.860,0:08:07.034 This area that we're trying to[br]find and we said that we would 0:08:07.034,0:08:09.180 divide. The base. 0:08:10.060,0:08:16.798 Into half And then[br]in two half again. 0:08:17.750,0:08:18.780 And. 0:08:20.800,0:08:23.470 Again there. 0:08:24.760,0:08:28.288 Now a over 2 is half 0:08:28.288,0:08:33.440 way. But I want to keep this[br]denominator of four if I can, so 0:08:33.440,0:08:37.940 I'm not going to call that a[br]over 2. I'm going to call it to 0:08:37.940,0:08:42.440 a over 4 and you'll see why I[br]want to do that in a moment. 0:08:44.210,0:08:47.380 Now, where are our rectangles? 0:08:48.920,0:08:51.790 Well, there's a rectangle there. 0:08:57.060,0:08:58.239 There's another one. 0:08:58.810,0:08:59.550 There. 0:09:03.700,0:09:05.728 There's another one there. 0:09:06.630,0:09:09.618 And the final one. 0:09:10.680,0:09:14.816 There, so here we've got four[br]rectangles, all of which contain 0:09:14.816,0:09:18.952 area that is underneath the[br]curve, but all of which contain 0:09:18.952,0:09:23.840 extra bits of area. So when we[br]write down the areas of these 0:09:23.840,0:09:28.728 rectangles and add them up, we[br]will get an area that is greater 0:09:28.728,0:09:33.240 than the area under the curve.[br]So let's just write down the 0:09:33.240,0:09:36.624 coordinates of these points,[br]because the coordinates of these 0:09:36.624,0:09:40.760 points will be the Heights of[br]the rectangles, so the Y 0:09:40.760,0:09:43.542 coordinate. There will[br]give us the height of 0:09:43.542,0:09:45.894 that rectangle, the Y[br]coordinate their the 0:09:45.894,0:09:48.246 height of that rectangle[br]and so on. 0:09:49.430,0:09:56.668 So this point here has an X[br]coordinate of X over 4 or a 0:09:56.668,0:10:03.906 over 4 in this case, so that's[br]a over 4. It will be a 0:10:03.906,0:10:05.457 squared over 16. 0:10:06.250,0:10:13.190 This one. Has an[br]X coordinate of two 8 over 4. 0:10:14.490,0:10:21.546 So it will have[br]a Y coordinate of 0:10:21.546,0:10:25.074 2 squared, A squared 0:10:25.074,0:10:32.460 over 16. This one[br]has an X coordinate of three, 0:10:32.460,0:10:38.895 a over 4, and so it[br]will have a Y coordinate. 0:10:39.730,0:10:47.110 Of three squared, A squared[br]over 60 and finally this 0:10:47.110,0:10:49.324 one will be. 0:10:51.030,0:10:58.842 It's X coordinate is A and[br]so it will be a square. 0:10:59.520,0:11:06.252 Another way of writing that to[br]keep the pattern going would be 0:11:06.252,0:11:14.106 to call it 4A over 4 so[br]it will be 16 A squared over 0:11:14.106,0:11:20.910 60. OK, let's write down[br]the area of each of these 0:11:20.910,0:11:28.190 rectangles. The width is a over[br]4, so we'll have a over four 0:11:28.190,0:11:33.230 times its height, which is a[br]squared over 16. 0:11:34.400,0:11:40.042 Plus the area of this rectangle,[br]its width is again a over 4 is 0:11:40.042,0:11:42.460 that all of the same width? 0:11:43.000,0:11:47.080 Times its height, which this[br]time is 2. 0:11:47.800,0:11:50.932 Squared A squared 0:11:50.932,0:11:55.970 over 16.[br]Plus 0:11:57.540,0:12:00.244 And now we want to move to this 0:12:00.244,0:12:03.940 one. Its width is again a 0:12:03.940,0:12:10.886 over 4. Its height is[br]3 squared, A squared over 0:12:10.886,0:12:18.470 16 and then finally the end[br]one again. Its width is a 0:12:18.470,0:12:19.734 over 4. 0:12:20.770,0:12:26.672 Times its height, which is now[br]I've written 16 and of course we 0:12:26.672,0:12:33.028 know that 16 is 4 squared, A[br]squared over 60 and that this is 0:12:33.028,0:12:37.568 bigger than a. We know that is[br]bigger than A. 0:12:38.220,0:12:42.854 Let me just have a look at this.[br]Can we see anything here that 0:12:42.854,0:12:47.157 might be of interest to us?[br]Well, first of all, we can see 0:12:47.157,0:12:49.143 there's a common factor of a 0:12:49.143,0:12:56.710 over 4. There's also a common[br]factor of a 16 and a squared, so 0:12:56.710,0:12:59.650 let's write that as a squared 0:12:59.650,0:13:06.758 over 60. And what are[br]we left with 1 + 0:13:06.758,0:13:13.768 2 squared, +3 squared +4[br]squared is bigger than a. 0:13:14.800,0:13:21.892 Now, what about our lower limit?[br]Well, there will be a rectangle 0:13:21.892,0:13:24.256 here of zero height. 0:13:24.950,0:13:27.130 There will be another rectangle 0:13:27.130,0:13:34.598 here. Another one here[br]and another one here. 0:13:35.140,0:13:39.456 So we're looking at the area of[br]that rectangle. The area of that 0:13:39.456,0:13:43.108 one, that one, and that one[br]where the upper boundaries of 0:13:43.108,0:13:44.768 the rectangles are marked in 0:13:44.768,0:13:51.556 red. What does that area come to[br]where we know that it will be 0:13:51.556,0:13:56.860 less than the area under the[br]curve and it will be 0? 0:13:57.680,0:14:05.504 Plus a over 4 times by[br]now that's its height, the Y 0:14:05.504,0:14:09.416 value there a squared over 16. 0:14:10.870,0:14:17.562 Plus a over 4 the width of that[br]one times its height, which is 0:14:17.562,0:14:25.064 this one. 2 squared A squared[br]over 16 plus the last one where 0:14:25.064,0:14:32.120 again we have a over 4 for[br]the width and for the height we 0:14:32.120,0:14:37.664 have 3 squared. A squared over[br]16. Three squared, A squared 0:14:37.664,0:14:44.216 over 16 and so a is greater[br]than like we look what we've 0:14:44.216,0:14:49.760 got. Again, we've got this[br]common factor of a over 4. 0:14:49.800,0:14:55.597 Again, we've got this common[br]factor of A squared over 16. 0:14:56.360,0:15:03.459 Bracket. And 0[br]+ 1 + 2 squared, 0:15:03.459,0:15:04.993 +3 squared. 0:15:05.680,0:15:10.598 OK. We could go on[br]and do this again. 0:15:12.100,0:15:17.492 But what we want is to try and[br]do it. In general, if we can. So 0:15:17.492,0:15:22.547 what I'm going to do is to take[br]the same piece of area, the same 0:15:22.547,0:15:26.928 piece of curve, the same piece[br]of area I'm going to divide the 0:15:26.928,0:15:31.646 X axis into N equal parts. Here[br]I had it divided into 4 equal 0:15:31.646,0:15:36.027 parts. Now I'm going to divide[br]it into N equal parts, and in 0:15:36.027,0:15:41.082 doing that I'm going to look at[br]only a part of it. But the idea 0:15:41.082,0:15:43.104 is going to be the same. 0:15:43.110,0:15:47.180 And the same patterns that we[br]picked out here, namely this 0:15:47.180,0:15:51.990 sums of squares of the integers[br]is going to be there again for 0:15:51.990,0:15:53.100 us to see. 0:15:53.990,0:15:55.720 So. 0:15:57.030,0:15:59.494 Here's a section of the X axis. 0:16:02.010,0:16:03.340 A piece of the curve. 0:16:04.180,0:16:06.328 Interested in the. 0:16:06.840,0:16:13.164 Off strip, so let's just mark[br]off a few of these strips. 0:16:15.750,0:16:22.428 So there are a few[br]of the strips now 0:16:22.428,0:16:24.654 remember each one. 0:16:26.190,0:16:28.478 Is the same width. 0:16:29.050,0:16:35.658 The total length of the X axis[br]we were looking at was A and 0:16:35.658,0:16:42.266 there are N strips, so the width[br]of each of these strips is a 0:16:42.266,0:16:47.930 over N, so each one has a width[br]of a over N. 0:16:48.800,0:16:54.080 Now that helps us count because[br]the arts trip. Let's say it's 0:16:54.080,0:17:00.240 this one here must be our times[br]a over N for its X coordinate 0:17:00.240,0:17:07.860 their. And here for its[br]X coordinate our minus one times 0:17:07.860,0:17:09.852 a over N. 0:17:11.260,0:17:17.436 Let's build up the rectangle[br]on this strip. 0:17:18.010,0:17:22.760 So there's the rectangle[br]now what's the area of that 0:17:22.760,0:17:25.610 rectangle? The area of the[br]rectangle? 0:17:27.570,0:17:32.530 Equals well its width,[br]which we know is a over 0:17:32.530,0:17:35.010 N times by its height. 0:17:36.660,0:17:40.040 Which is this? Why coordinate 0:17:40.040,0:17:46.186 here? And remember, this is[br]the curve Y equals X 0:17:46.186,0:17:50.458 squared, and so the[br]coordinates of this point 0:17:50.458,0:17:56.866 are a over N and then we[br]must square it R-squared A 0:17:56.866,0:18:03.274 squared over end square. So[br]the area is a over N times 0:18:03.274,0:18:07.546 that height R-squared, A[br]squared over N squared. 0:18:08.640,0:18:10.320 OK. 0:18:11.570,0:18:18.430 So this is the area of the Strip[br]and it's bigger than this area 0:18:18.430,0:18:22.350 underneath the curve. Let's call[br]that Delta A. 0:18:23.010,0:18:27.798 Let's just tidy this up a little[br]bit. We've gotten a cubed. 0:18:29.500,0:18:35.620 And we've gotten N cubed, and we[br]got this thing R-squared and 0:18:35.620,0:18:38.680 that is bigger than Delta A. 0:18:39.610,0:18:45.756 And what we want is the whole[br]area. So we want all of these 0:18:45.756,0:18:52.780 Delta Azan. We want to add them[br]all up. So we need to add up all 0:18:52.780,0:18:58.926 of these but that will still be[br]bigger than the area as a whole. 0:18:58.926,0:19:05.072 So let's add them all up Sigma.[br]That means some add up a cubed 0:19:05.072,0:19:09.901 over N cubed times by R-squared[br]and we'll have from our. 0:19:09.940,0:19:14.428 Equals 1 up to an. Added[br]all those up that will 0:19:14.428,0:19:18.100 still be bigger than the[br]area that we're after. 0:19:19.300,0:19:23.428 Now let's look at the[br]other rectangle. This 0:19:23.428,0:19:25.492 one the lower one. 0:19:27.890,0:19:34.390 Now we can say that the height[br]of this one depends upon this 0:19:34.390,0:19:38.890 point here and its coordinate is[br]R minus one. 0:19:39.470,0:19:46.130 Times a over N for X and so it's[br]Y coordinate is R minus 1 0:19:46.130,0:19:49.864 squared. A squared over N 0:19:49.864,0:19:57.315 squared. So what's the[br]area of this smaller 0:19:57.315,0:20:04.602 rectangle area? Equals well,[br]the width is still a over N, 0:20:04.602,0:20:10.938 but the height is different. Are[br]minus one all squared A squared 0:20:10.938,0:20:14.634 over N squared and this will be 0:20:14.634,0:20:19.458 less than? That[br]area Delta A. 0:20:20.500,0:20:26.372 We now need to Add all of these[br]up to get an idea of the lower 0:20:26.372,0:20:31.510 limit of the area. So let's do[br]that. A will be greater than the 0:20:31.510,0:20:37.015 sum of an. Let's tidy this one[br]up in the same way that we did 0:20:37.015,0:20:41.786 that we've gotten a cubed formed[br]by the A Times by a squared. 0:20:42.390,0:20:47.746 So that will give us the A[br]cubed and we've got an end 0:20:47.746,0:20:52.278 times by N squared which[br]will give us N cubed. And 0:20:52.278,0:20:56.810 then we've got this R minus[br]one all squared and will 0:20:56.810,0:21:00.518 some that from our equals 1[br]up to N. 0:21:01.630,0:21:07.696 So now let's write down[br]these two inequalities together. 0:21:07.700,0:21:11.388 So we've got Sigma. 0:21:12.120,0:21:15.580 R equals 1 to end. 0:21:16.390,0:21:22.194 Of a.[br]Cubed of 0:21:22.194,0:21:27.745 N cubed.[br]Times 0:21:27.745,0:21:34.890 by. All[br]squared is greater than 0:21:34.890,0:21:41.148 a. Is greater than[br]the sum from R equals 0:21:41.148,0:21:47.814 12 N of a cubed over[br]N cubed times by R 0:21:47.814,0:21:50.238 minus one or squared? 0:21:52.660,0:21:59.184 OK. This a cubed over NQ[br]bisa common factor in each one 0:21:59.184,0:22:01.908 so we can take that out. 0:22:23.260,0:22:27.964 Now question is can we add up[br]the sums of the squares of the 0:22:27.964,0:22:31.324 integers 1 squared +2 squared,[br]+3 squared, +4 squared, +5 0:22:31.324,0:22:35.020 squared? Remember, we had that[br]before when we were looking at 0:22:35.020,0:22:39.388 dividing it up into quarters and[br]I pointed out that we had one 0:22:39.388,0:22:43.084 squared +2 squared, +3 squared,[br]+4 squared, and which see that 0:22:43.084,0:22:47.452 again, and this is it. Here we[br]can see quite clearly 1 squared, 0:22:47.452,0:22:51.484 +2 squared, +3 squared, +4[br]squared, and so on, and the same 0:22:51.484,0:22:53.836 over here. Can we add those up? 0:22:53.910,0:22:58.837 Well, yes, there is a formula[br]that is a formula that tells us 0:22:58.837,0:23:01.490 what the sum of the first end 0:23:01.490,0:23:08.970 squares is. And the sum of[br]the first N squares from R 0:23:08.970,0:23:11.438 equals 1 to N. 0:23:12.450,0:23:14.240 Is N. 0:23:15.540,0:23:17.160 N plus one. 0:23:18.500,0:23:24.464 2 N plus one all over 6 looks a[br]bit complicated, but that's what 0:23:24.464,0:23:30.854 it is and in fact it's easy to[br]work with, so let's put that in 0:23:30.854,0:23:32.984 here instead of this one. 0:23:34.490,0:23:39.250 So we get a cubed[br]over and cubed. 0:23:40.450,0:23:47.542 Times by N over times by[br]M Plus One times by 2 0:23:47.542,0:23:50.497 N plus one over 6. 0:23:52.160,0:23:57.841 Is bigger than a is bigger[br]than now? This is if you like 0:23:57.841,0:24:03.522 R minus one. So in a sense,[br]we're always one less than N. 0:24:03.522,0:24:09.640 So we want an minus one times[br]N times 2 N minus one, which 0:24:09.640,0:24:16.632 is what we get when we replace[br]N by two N all over 6 times by 0:24:16.632,0:24:19.254 the A cubed over and cubed. 0:24:20.470,0:24:25.636 Now in each case we've got this[br]a cubed over and cubed times by 0:24:25.636,0:24:30.802 6, and in fact we've gotten end.[br]Look here on either side that we 0:24:30.802,0:24:35.968 can cancel so we can cancel that[br]we get a square and cancel that 0:24:35.968,0:24:41.503 and get a square. So I'm going[br]to take the A cubed over 6 out. 0:24:41.550,0:24:47.010 And I'm going to multiply out[br]each of these brackets and put 0:24:47.010,0:24:49.285 it all over N squared. 0:24:49.290,0:24:54.936 So have a cubed[br]over 6. 0:24:56.150,0:25:03.280 All over and squared, greater[br]than a greater than a 0:25:03.280,0:25:10.410 cubed over 6, all over[br]and squared. Let's just go 0:25:10.410,0:25:15.650 back. And look at these[br]brackets. This is N plus one 0:25:15.650,0:25:20.928 times by 2 N plus one, so it[br]will give us two and squared. 0:25:22.910,0:25:29.499 N and two N which will[br]be 3 N plus one. 0:25:29.500,0:25:36.836 So we'll have two[br]and squared plus 3N 0:25:36.836,0:25:43.890 plus one. This bracket will give[br]us a gain two and squared. 0:25:44.430,0:25:51.290 But then minus two and minus[br]sign will be minus 3 N and plus 0:25:51.290,0:25:59.051 one. So again, two and squared[br]minus 3 N plus one. Let's 0:25:59.051,0:26:06.983 divide each term by end squared[br]a over a cubed over 6. 0:26:08.210,0:26:15.050 2 + 3 over N plus one[br]over N squared that's dividing 0:26:15.050,0:26:22.460 each term in turn by the end[br]squared is greater than a is 0:26:22.460,0:26:25.880 greater than a cubed over 6. 0:26:26.560,0:26:33.570 2 - 3 over N[br]plus one over and squared. 0:26:34.700,0:26:37.989 Now it's taking us rather[br]along time to arrive at this 0:26:37.989,0:26:40.979 position, but we're here[br]where we want to be now. 0:26:42.880,0:26:49.750 Let's imagine that we let[br]an become very, very large, 0:26:49.750,0:26:56.620 so the number of strips[br]where taking is infinite there 0:26:56.620,0:27:02.034 infinitely thin. Infinitely thin[br]because N is very very large. 0:27:02.034,0:27:08.379 Now let's think what happens to[br]a number like 3 over N when N is 0:27:08.379,0:27:13.878 very very large. Well, it goes[br]to zero and one over N squared 0:27:13.878,0:27:19.800 goes to zero as those three over[br]N this side and one over N 0:27:19.800,0:27:21.492 squared at this side. 0:27:22.260,0:27:28.981 So in fact the area a[br]is trapped between a cubed 0:27:28.981,0:27:36.313 over 6 times by two and[br]a cubed over 6 times by 0:27:36.313,0:27:41.812 two again. So therefore as N[br]tends to Infinity. 0:27:43.260,0:27:44.940 In the limit. 0:27:46.200,0:27:53.484 A is equal to a cubed[br]over 6 times by two, which 0:27:53.484,0:28:00.161 is 1/3 of a cubed. It's[br]trapped between these two bits 0:28:00.161,0:28:03.803 that are the same here, because 0:28:03.803,0:28:07.499 these bits. Disappear to 0. 0:28:08.590,0:28:14.830 Now we've done that for[br]one particular curve. 0:28:15.460,0:28:21.972 To show that we can add up a lot[br]of little bits to arrive at a 0:28:21.972,0:28:26.042 finite answer. A lot of[br]infinitely small bits to arrive 0:28:26.042,0:28:32.554 at a finite answer. What we want[br]to be able to do now is to do 0:28:32.554,0:28:37.438 it in general to arrive at[br]something that will work for all 0:28:37.438,0:28:44.916 curves. So let's see if[br]we can extend what we've 0:28:44.916,0:28:48.500 done. To a more general curve. 0:28:49.490,0:28:51.470 So here's our curve, let's say. 0:28:52.060,0:28:59.860 And again, let's say that it[br]runs from X equals North to 0:28:59.860,0:29:01.810 X equals A. 0:29:02.380,0:29:04.095 And what we're going to do is 0:29:04.095,0:29:10.792 divide. The X axis up into very,[br]very thin strips, each one of 0:29:10.792,0:29:18.232 which is a width Delta X. So we[br]have X there and the next mark 0:29:18.232,0:29:25.176 on the X axis is X Plus Delta[br]X. Delta axes are small positive 0:29:25.176,0:29:26.664 amount of X. 0:29:27.910,0:29:28.969 So we've got. 0:29:29.820,0:29:33.570 Our. Ordinance up to the curve. 0:29:34.470,0:29:37.476 And we can complete a rectangle. 0:29:38.970,0:29:46.317 So. What are the coordinates[br]of that point? Well, this is the 0:29:46.317,0:29:53.428 curve Y equals F of X, and[br]so the coordinates of this point 0:29:53.428,0:29:55.069 are just XY. 0:29:56.160,0:29:59.368 That's the point, P. 0:30:00.430,0:30:03.006 What are the coordinates[br]of this point? 0:30:04.350,0:30:10.961 While the coordinates at this[br]point, let's call it the point 0:30:10.961,0:30:18.173 QRX plus Delta X&Y plus Delta[br]Y, where Delta. Why is that 0:30:18.173,0:30:19.976 small increment there? 0:30:21.780,0:30:26.993 That we've added on as a result[br]of the small increment that we 0:30:26.993,0:30:28.196 made in X. 0:30:28.710,0:30:34.606 Let's say that the area under[br]the curve is Delta A. 0:30:35.160,0:30:40.459 So this is the[br]area Delta A. 0:30:41.750,0:30:48.955 And the area Delta A is[br]contained between the areas of 0:30:48.955,0:30:53.699 two rectangles. The[br]larger rectangle. 0:30:54.730,0:30:57.964 Whose height is[br]why plus Delta Y? 0:30:59.460,0:31:03.906 And whose width is[br]Delta X. 0:31:05.280,0:31:11.064 And so that's it's area and the[br]smaller rectangle. Let me just 0:31:11.064,0:31:12.510 mark it's top. 0:31:13.250,0:31:20.198 Their whose width is Delta X[br]that whose height is just, why? 0:31:21.620,0:31:27.400 So it's area will be Y[br]times by Delta X. 0:31:28.560,0:31:34.736 So if I want the whole of this[br]area, I have to add up all of 0:31:34.736,0:31:40.526 these little bits, which means I[br]have to be able to add up all of 0:31:40.526,0:31:44.041 these bits. So let's do 0:31:44.041,0:31:51.030 that. A. The[br]total area underneath this curve 0:31:51.030,0:31:58.410 is the sum of all these[br]little bits of area from X 0:31:58.410,0:32:05.790 equals not up to X equals[br]A and so therefore that area 0:32:05.790,0:32:13.170 a is caught between the sum[br]of all of these little bits 0:32:13.170,0:32:16.860 from X equals not to X 0:32:16.860,0:32:19.650 equals. A at the bottom end. 0:32:20.180,0:32:27.161 And at the top end, the sum[br]of all of these little bits 0:32:27.161,0:32:34.142 from X equals nor two X[br]equals a or Y plus Delta Y 0:32:34.142,0:32:36.290 times by Delta X. 0:32:37.490,0:32:44.738 OK, let me multiply out this[br]bit so we have Sigma X 0:32:44.738,0:32:51.986 equals North to a of Y[br]times by Delta X Plus Delta 0:32:51.986,0:32:59.234 Y times by Delta X greater[br]than a greater than the sum 0:32:59.234,0:33:06.482 from X equals not to a[br]of Y times by Delta X. 0:33:07.340,0:33:13.836 Now we're going to let Delta X[br]tend to 0, just like we let N go 0:33:13.836,0:33:18.708 off to Infinity, which made the[br]strips under Y equals X squared 0:33:18.708,0:33:19.926 come down to. 0:33:20.550,0:33:24.788 A over N 10 down to a zero[br]thickness, we're going to let 0:33:24.788,0:33:29.026 Delta X come down to zero. Now[br]what's going to happen when we 0:33:29.026,0:33:32.612 do that? Will certainly here[br]we've got two very, very small 0:33:32.612,0:33:36.850 terms. We've got Delta. It's[br]going to 0, so the change in Y 0:33:36.850,0:33:41.414 is going to be very very small[br]as well. So this term here is 0:33:41.414,0:33:43.696 actually going to run off to 0. 0:33:44.360,0:33:49.400 But when that happens, let's[br]just cover that up. We see that 0:33:49.400,0:33:53.180 a is trapped between two things[br]which are identical. 0:33:53.710,0:33:56.790 And So what we have is that. 0:33:57.440,0:34:04.024 A is equal to[br]the limit as Delta 0:34:04.024,0:34:10.608 X tends to zero[br]of the sum from 0:34:10.608,0:34:17.192 X equals not a[br]of Y Delta X. 0:34:18.130,0:34:23.160 Now. With actually made an awful[br]lot of assumptions in what's 0:34:23.160,0:34:28.370 going on. And we've had to make[br]them because this level it's 0:34:28.370,0:34:32.759 very difficult to do anything[br]other than make these kinds of 0:34:32.759,0:34:36.172 assumptions. Let's just have a[br]look at two of them. 0:34:36.970,0:34:41.434 For instance, one of the things[br]that we have assumed is that 0:34:41.434,0:34:46.642 this curve is increasing all the[br]time for all values of X. But as 0:34:46.642,0:34:51.106 we know, curves can decrease as[br]X increases, curves can wave up 0:34:51.106,0:34:55.570 and down, they can go up and[br]down as X increases. However, 0:34:55.570,0:35:00.778 the results are still the same.[br]We need to do it a little bit 0:35:00.778,0:35:04.498 differently, but the results[br]still come out the same. The 0:35:04.498,0:35:08.590 other assumption that we're[br]making is that in fact we can 0:35:08.590,0:35:15.140 add up. In this form, lots of[br]little bits and still get a 0:35:15.140,0:35:16.700 definite finite answer. 0:35:17.420,0:35:22.865 And there's a whole raft of pure[br]mathematics, which assures us 0:35:22.865,0:35:29.300 that these things do work, so[br]here we are at this stage. Now 0:35:29.300,0:35:34.745 this is very, very cumbersome[br]language, and so in fact we 0:35:34.745,0:35:41.675 choose to write this as a equals[br]the integral from not a of YDX. 0:35:42.300,0:35:49.636 A is the integral from North to[br]a of Y with respect to X, 0:35:49.636,0:35:53.828 and it's this notation which[br]replaces that one. 0:35:54.570,0:36:00.546 OK, supposing we actually want[br]the area not from North to a, 0:36:00.546,0:36:07.518 but between, let us say two[br]limits A and B2 values of X and 0:36:07.518,0:36:14.640 the curve. So we want, let's[br]say, to find the area, let's 0:36:14.640,0:36:17.946 have a curve here that goes 0:36:17.946,0:36:20.560 between there. And. 0:36:21.590,0:36:22.440 There. 0:36:23.610,0:36:28.174 What would we want to do? Take[br]that back to the Y axis there? 0:36:28.174,0:36:30.130 What would we want to do? 0:36:30.630,0:36:35.417 Well. This is the area[br]that we're after. 0:36:36.380,0:36:41.490 If we think about what that area[br]is, it's the area from nought to 0:36:41.490,0:36:46.747 be. Minus the area from[br]North to A. 0:36:48.110,0:36:51.725 So this area that we're 0:36:51.725,0:36:59.104 wanting. Is equal to the[br]area from North to be, which is 0:36:59.104,0:37:04.456 that. Minus the[br]area from North to 0:37:04.456,0:37:07.260 a, which is that. 0:37:08.440,0:37:12.230 Now it seems quite natural to[br]write that as the. 0:37:13.050,0:37:19.023 Integral from A to B of Y[br]with respect to X. 0:37:20.570,0:37:25.180 So we would evaluate whatever[br]the result of this computation 0:37:25.180,0:37:30.712 was at B and subtract from it[br]the result of whatever the 0:37:30.712,0:37:32.556 computation was at a. 0:37:32.580,0:37:38.280 And so there we've seen how area[br]can be represented as a 0:37:38.280,0:37:43.505 summation and that that leads us[br]to the traditional way of 0:37:43.505,0:37:48.730 finding an area which is to[br]integrate the equation of the 0:37:48.730,0:37:50.630 curve and substituting limits. 0:37:51.200,0:37:57.750 To conclude, this video will[br]just look one further result. 0:37:58.420,0:38:01.910 This result will enable us to[br]actually calculate areas by 0:38:01.910,0:38:06.098 chopping them up into convenient[br]segments just the same way as we 0:38:06.098,0:38:09.937 began. If you remember that[br]shape rather like a dog were 0:38:09.937,0:38:13.776 able to chop it up in a[br]convenient segments, find the 0:38:13.776,0:38:17.266 area of the separate segments[br]added altogether. Well, this is 0:38:17.266,0:38:22.152 this result is going to show us[br]that we can do very much the 0:38:22.152,0:38:23.897 same with a curve, so. 0:38:26.290,0:38:32.230 Let's suppose that 4 hour curve.[br]We have three ordinance X equals 0:38:32.230,0:38:39.655 a X equals B&X equals C and that[br]they are in fact in order of 0:38:39.655,0:38:43.615 size a is less than B is less 0:38:43.615,0:38:50.012 than C. Let's begin by[br]asking ourselves what's the area 0:38:50.012,0:38:57.149 contained by the curve Y equals[br]F of X, and these two ordinate's 0:38:57.149,0:39:04.835 and the X axis. Well, it's from[br]A to see the integral of YDX. 0:39:05.670,0:39:12.594 And we know that that is[br]the integral from North. To see 0:39:12.594,0:39:18.941 of YDX minus the integral from[br]nought to a of YDX. 0:39:19.730,0:39:22.462 Equals, well, 0:39:22.462,0:39:28.450 rights. Introduce the[br]ordinate be now. 0:39:29.410,0:39:32.930 By taking away that. 0:39:33.800,0:39:40.688 Area if I've taken away, let's[br]add it on in order to 0:39:40.688,0:39:43.558 keep the quality the same. 0:39:44.270,0:39:50.067 Now if we look at this bit[br]natural interpretation of that 0:39:50.067,0:39:55.864 is again the integral from B to[br]CAYDX and then natural 0:39:55.864,0:40:02.188 interpretation of this bit is[br]the integral from A to BYX. So 0:40:02.188,0:40:09.566 what we've shown is that we want[br]if we want to find the area 0:40:09.566,0:40:13.255 from A to C and there's some 0:40:13.255,0:40:17.618 sort of. Inconvenience there[br]around be. Then we can work from 0:40:17.618,0:40:23.772 be to see an from A to B and add[br]the two together to give us the 0:40:23.772,0:40:25.582 area contained by the curve.