racist injections or products. ... I sent you the pictures you can see. It's very, very interesting and what do we do with these things or how we change what even the organization's who approved, after approving find out, that the material they have passed has been the cause of problem. How do..? But, it's good for the, what I call, the man who is ... white in the skin but not good for a man who comes from the African descent. What do we do? How do we... How do we, even in us trying to organize ourselves, have come up with this problem. It wasn't known. We didn't know that medicine, the new medicine has different effects, with different people. What happened to FDA control? Or, we never considered this? (JW) May I ask another question please? (MK) Please go ahead. (JW) Yes! Last Sunday we had a big discussion with a Spanish-speaking people ...They're saying they're producing Tritium ... GaNS ... and they call it CH3. For me it's... must be methane. ...I doubt they're producing Tritium? If we haven't managed to produce Deuterium, it's very difficult to produce Tritium GaNS, isn't it? (MK) Have they measured it? (JW) ... That's a good question? (MK) Just ask them, how they measured it? Rick, I sent you two pictures from this new... high blood pressure, which has been published, It's very interesting. Never been seen. (RC) Okay! I'm getting 'em up here now. (MK) It is very interesting, because now we... we are faced with the new world of science It's for hypertension, the name is there, we can't publish their name. And, it's done by the pharmaceutical organizations it's what they call, the first 'racist medicine'. And, strange enough, with women it's usually the top lip, with the men it's the bottom lip. I sent you another one, if you can change it, you can see by putting next to each other. So it's very, very interesting to see what is the outcome, of these kinds of developments. There's a name there which is burning. High pressure medicine, affecting only black, mainly, bottom lip with a man, top lip with a women. I bet we didn't have a black mouse, in the trial, clinical trial tests. otherwise, we would have seen it with them. Anything else? Yes, this is Justin. Thank you so much Mr. Keshe and everybody within the Foundation personally I'm grateful. I'd like to come back real quick before we go forward, through the animals. Where I was recently for the last month, trying to work with the people, It was (sigh) more so, that the animals were more receptive to the technology as far as, I guess you'll say it, healing I found that the animals were malnourished, dehydrated, and in the state of stress and emotional imbalance. and to go back with ... John was saying about the water. The easiest way to help the animals, is where my attention ended up going with the animals as they're just more receptive. They, they don't ask questions. They just go with what feels good. And, originally I didn't want to ... insult anyone or hurt their feelings, but the animals, just again you kind of come to what they understand as something that works and feels good. So, in the same sense it was very cold didn't have a place to bathe them completely, but able to dump the plasma waters into my hand, rub it on their forehead on their temples, behind their ears, on their neck, under their chin, and then just, hold onto them for a while. These were animals that were not drinking water, they would not eat food and they were literally on the brink of dying. And they ... within a few minutes, after having the water on their face and their head and, and holding onto the animal The emotional connection ... just loving on them within five minutes maybe an hour sometimes it was different with each one. They would eventually drink the same water from the same bottle with the patches on them and then shortly thereafter they would actually start eating again. So, there's a huge connection with the emotional balance and care, especially in a situation where the animals are being overlooked with the stress that the people are putting out as a magnetical, if you will. The the animals are gravitationally hanging onto that stress without an understanding of what's going on but they are in the environment and, and it's, it's on everything in the environment as we know of course. So, the CO2 and Zinc water, is what I was trying to get at. Rub it on the face, rub it into their hair, onto their skin, all around the head, was bringing an emotional, actual re-balance that the people there started noticing. One guy, walking around trying to deal with the animals, because the people didn't wanna listen. And we're not trying to force anyone into this anyway. They have to want it, and when they do want it for themselves, it's much easier than trying to masquerade around town saying, "I have the answer for you", because not really an answer it's just a a tool. So ... whether, I don't like, again we'll stay away from that word ... but healing promoting well-being ....The CO2 and the Zinc water, but also the emotional balance of the connection of the human or, or another animal even. They ... They were very receptive, far more than the people. So, it's been a great pleasure to work with the animals, actually. (MK) (chuckling) I think better, more than the human. Let me add to the knowledge you brought us. Maybe we understand a little bit more. ... When we were speaking about the animals ... with the dogs. I brought into the attention and ... this is.. comes as part of research Caroline has done with these dogs. That ... what we see it's called 'Parvovirus', which means ... What happened, is that the the animal... How they get this disease is very, very interesting. Is that, the animal, the puppy has been removed from the mother due to the economical... What do you call it? 'Need'. They take these dog away very early from the mother and ... So, it's the loss of the mother, because it's not fully nourished