(Beep) (Screaming) (Jazzy intro) How does it feel to be the same sex as Donald Trump? How does it feel to be the same sex as Sarah Palin? How does it feel to be the same sex as Michelle Bachman? How does it feel to be the Same sex as anybody you disagree with? Why does it even matter whether or not you’re the same gender as somebody else? I mean, I’m also the same gender as Abraham Lincoln, Einstein, and the guy who introduced chocolate to the western world. So what are you even getting at with this question? Are you trying to say Donald Trump is bad, and Donald Trump is a man, therefore, men are bad? Why do you hate rom-coms? Or do you feel like you need to hate them? Everybody likes The Notebook, everybody likes Beyoncé. It’s just a fact. Men hate romantic comedies for the same reason you hate video games with over-sexualized female characters. The men in these movies are always willing to sacrifice their careers, their dreams, even their lives to win the lead females’ affection. Now, I don’t have any empirical data to back this up, but it seems to me that romantic comedies and romance movies in general cause women to have unrealistic expectations of men and what love should be like, and these become the expectations that men have to live up to. And it’s unfair. Feminists like to bitch about poor representation of women in media intended for men because they promote body issues and shit like that. And I agree, to at least an extent, but it's not any better for men. when we’re expected to be Prince Charming; ready and willing to sacrifice themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally, and we’re called selfish for daring to have our own desires, or even misogynistic for daring to draw attention to our own problems. These movies appeal to the female fantasy of having a knight in shining armor swear their entire existence to pleasing them, and thus reinforce these notions within their target audience of women like you that you somehow deserve and should expect to have your boyfriends and husbands give up everything that makes them who they are and basically dehumanize themselves for your pleasure and devote 100% of their time and energy to you. The fact that some of you watching this are scoffing at what I just said only proves my point. You have fooled yourselves into thinking that I'M somehow the one who's being selfish when I object to the notion that men should be expected to cave into all of your demands for the sake of your perverted, idealistic conception of love, and I have no doubts that some of you will accuse me of being bitter at some ex-girlfriend for saying that, but I'm not, and I will pre-emptively characterize such an argument as out-cropping of the very mentality that I'm talking about. You expect all of your demands to be catered to, and any man who is unwilling or unable to cater to them must have something wrong with THEM. Us men are human beings with our own interests and goals, and it's selfish for you to expect us to give all that up for you. But these movies condition you to expect exactly that, and that is why we hate romantic comedies. We don't see anything romantic about them. What we see is the reinforcement of unfair and unreasonable expectations about what we should be doing with our own lives. Also, f*** Beyonce. Why do you make women sit around and talk about men in movies, when ya'll easily just sit around and talk about boobs, for HOURS? One: I don't know. Maybe you should be asking the people who write the romantic comedies you like so much, because those are the movies which have women sitting around, talking about men. Or better yet, instead of complaining about how writers depict women in their movies, maybe you should try being the change you want to see, and write your own damn movie. Then, you could make the females characters sit around and talk about whatever you want, like how men are oppressing them, or how men are objectifying them, or how men are such pigs, or how men spread their legs too far apart on the subway, or how men hate romantic comedies. There's nothing stopping you. Two: You're referring to the Bechdel test, which is bulls**t. All the Twilight movies pass the Bechdel test, but I think you'd hesitate to call any of those movies pro-feminist. Three: I don't know a single guy who ever talks about boobs for hours at a time. I think the only guys who do are medical students learning how to conduct mammograms. You want to know what most of the men I know talk about? Movies, video games, politics, religion, music, sports, cars, boats, technology, work, guns, hunting, places they've been to, people they've met, and so on. The subject of boobs actually rarely ever comes up. Contrary to what you may have been told in your Women's Studies class, men don't think about sex constantly. If we did, we would never have invented the camera equipment you used to make this video. Four: If anybody is talking about boobs for hours at a time, it's feminists. You're the ones who are always whining about the designs of fictional characters, complaining that Batgirl's tits are too big. In all honesty, the only time I ever even think about a comic book character's tits is when I hear a feminist bring it up, so I think, maybe, you're projecting. Why do you automatically assume that you won't like TV or movies that star a female lead? We don't. In fact, some of my favorite movies and TV shows have female leads. I don't know a single man who has ever scoffed at the notion of watching a movie or TV show just because it has a female protagonist. However, I have seen feminists scoff at anything with a male lead. Why are you surprised when women are funny? I'm probably funnier than you! I'm not surprised when women are funny. There are plenty of funny women out there; Shoe0nHead, etc. But, I will say that women in general are not as funny as men, and I think most women will agree with that statement. I also think there's a reason for this. See, if you understand what humor is and how it works, which I'm guessing you don't, because you're feminists, then you know that the things that make people laugh often have their roots in very dark subject matter. To quote "The Amazing Atheist," "These people who are f***ing offended by rape jokes don't even understand humor! They don't under- they think that humor is like, a happy thing, because humor makes us laugh, and laughter makes us happy! But a lot of the times, they don't seem to notice that what we're actually laughing at is quite dark and morbid. Like, if you actually look at it and examine the jokes, and look at the exaggeration and try to figure out the mechanics of how the joke works, why does it work, you're gonna find that a lot of jokes have their Genesis in pain and suffering. Because laughter is this great, transcendent tool we have where we can take something that's- that's bitter and difficult to comprehend or deal with, and make it something funny. Like if I take a joke like 'how many police officers does it take to change a lightbulb? None, they just beat the room for being black,' you know, that joke has its genesis in some very serious, very dark s***, and that joke is not making light of the fact that people have suffered, or its not making light of the fact that people, you know, marched in the Civil Rights Movement, or that people are racially discriminated against, or police brutality- it's not making light of any of that. What it's doing is it's taking that pain, and it's taking that dark subject matter, and it's helping us transcend it for a moment, and view the absurdity of our circumstance because that is what humor is supposed to do. Humor at its best takes the elements of the world that are dark and horrible and shows your their obsurdity. It shows you the absurdity of the human condition, and that is important." See, men are socially conditioned to not talk openly and honestly about their feelings, which I will talk more about later, and that's why we cultivate a sense of humor. The only way we can really talk about the things that upset us is if we do it through the filter of comedy, but women have the privilege to not be subject to such social conditioning, and so they don't feel the need to cultivate a sense of humor, and that's why women, in general, aren't as funny as men. That isn't to say that all men are funny, or that all women are unfunny. It's just that, in general, men are funnier than women. I'm sorry, but that's how it is. Also, no. I rather strongly doubt that you're funnier than me, and it's not because you're a woman. Just judging by how you look and talk, I'm willing to bet that your sense of humor boils down to saying something rude, and then following it with "just kidding." I mean, I'm not the funniest person in the world, but if you think of yourself as "the funny one," you probably lack the objectivity to realize that everybody else in your circle of friends probably thinks of you as the annoying one. Just kidding! Actually, I'm not. Why do you think that we're obsessed with you when we hook up? Nine times out of ten, I just want you to leave too; I'm busy, I got s*** to do. Probably because you do s*** like text us 50 times in the space of one hour and slash our tires when we dump you after you accuse us of cheating because you saw our sister's name in our call history. Also, what s*** could you possibly have to do, pluck your eyebrows to the point where they're so unnaturally clean around the edges that they look like they're drawn on? Spend your husband's money on more frumpy sweaters? Buy a tub of Ben and Jerry's and watch Glee? Or write more lame questions for men to answer because you're so lacking in self-awareness that you can't figure out the answers for yourself? Why can't I sleep with as many people as I want to without being judged? When men do it, they're congratulated. Go ahead and sleep with as many people as you want. I don't give a s***, and, once again, I don't know anybody who would. The only time I would care is if I was dating you, because if you told me you've been with 20 other guys before I met you, I would naturally assume that there's something wrong with you if you've been in so many relationships and had them all fail. Not to mention the fact that you're substaintially more likely to be carrying an STD, and I think it's perfectly reasonable for a woman to view men who have slept with a lot of other women the same way.