WEBVTT 00:00:10.054 --> 00:00:11.769 Thank you very much. 00:00:11.769 --> 00:00:15.652 13 months ago my son's classmate, Robyn Higgins, 00:00:15.652 --> 00:00:18.735 was diagnosed with something called Neuroblastoma, 00:00:18.735 --> 00:00:23.171 which is a rare form of aggressive childhood cancer. 00:00:23.171 --> 00:00:30.450 And all my son could think of was, how can my dad and mum help her? 00:00:30.450 --> 00:00:36.771 So, we rallied together and we created a little blog, we created a Facebook group. 00:00:36.771 --> 00:00:39.171 I know Facebook is popular here. 00:00:39.171 --> 00:00:43.522 And we tweeted about things, and the problem was that we had 00:00:43.522 --> 00:00:51.480 to raise 300,000 pounds within about 8 weeks so that Robyn could fly to America, 00:00:51.480 --> 00:00:54.622 which is the only place where she could actually be treated. 00:00:54.622 --> 00:01:01.283 As the person in charge of -- well, self volunteered in charge of 00:01:01.283 --> 00:01:08.175 trying to coordinate the diligent efforts here and rallying support. 00:01:08.175 --> 00:01:13.994 I just did what I'd normally do and collaborated with as many people as possible, 00:01:13.994 --> 00:01:17.089 and it got about 10,000 people involved, actually. 00:01:17.089 --> 00:01:21.018 So I was just one small cog of a very large wheel. 00:01:21.018 --> 00:01:25.739 And a few months ago, Robyn had her tests back from the operation. 00:01:25.739 --> 00:01:29.204 We did raise the 300,000 pounds and she's now all clear. 00:01:29.204 --> 00:01:31.740 And she is gonna live. 00:01:31.740 --> 00:01:35.823 (Applause) 00:01:37.669 --> 00:01:42.920 And that was when this presentation started in my head. 00:01:42.920 --> 00:01:46.685 Because I'm a geek, I don't know if you can tell. 00:01:46.685 --> 00:01:49.775 I'm a nerd. I'm geek and I'm proud. 00:01:51.422 --> 00:01:53.703 I even have glasses as well because apparently all geeks 00:01:53.703 --> 00:01:57.168 have to wear glasses it's some strange stereotype. 00:01:57.168 --> 00:02:00.628 So as a technologist, which I prefer the term of, 00:02:00.628 --> 00:02:04.873 I have been looking back at what happened and thinking, 00:02:04.873 --> 00:02:09.016 "Was this only possible, raising a third of a million pounds, by and large, 00:02:09.016 --> 00:02:12.490 was it possible because of technology?" 00:02:12.490 --> 00:02:16.506 You know, we were able to tweet information that was retweeted and retweeted 00:02:16.506 --> 00:02:19.615 and retweeted to such an extend that even the BBC picked it up. 00:02:19.615 --> 00:02:22.348 It was on the home page of the BBC, the Evening Standard, 00:02:22.348 --> 00:02:25.929 it went worldwide, because of technology. 00:02:27.760 --> 00:02:31.923 So it got me thinking, what else is possible if we can do this? 00:02:31.923 --> 00:02:34.944 We raised 300,000 pounds in 8 weeks, 9 weeks, 00:02:34.944 --> 00:02:38.318 using the tools that we have in our hands. 00:02:38.318 --> 00:02:41.729 Surely we can do so much more than just that. 00:02:41.729 --> 00:02:49.494 And to cut a short story long, I eventually ended up with these ridiculous philosophical questions 00:02:49.494 --> 00:02:52.688 such as "What about if Mandela had tweeted?" 00:02:52.688 --> 00:02:54.896 And that's how we get to where we are today. 00:02:58.762 --> 00:03:02.179 It's not to do with Twitter that I'm fascinated with. 00:03:02.179 --> 00:03:05.058 It's not necessarily to do with Nelson Mandela, 00:03:05.058 --> 00:03:07.731 who I have a private passion for, but that's not really the point. 00:03:07.731 --> 00:03:10.360 The point is if the people 00:03:10.360 --> 00:03:13.515 who have changed the world and had a massive difference, 00:03:13.515 --> 00:03:16.023 actually had the tools and technologies in their hands 00:03:16.023 --> 00:03:20.343 that we do today, what else could have had taken place? 00:03:20.343 --> 00:03:25.642 You know, some people who've changed the world for millions of people rather than just for one person. 00:03:25.642 --> 00:03:29.195 Of course through the eyes of Robyn, her world has fundamentally changed. 00:03:29.195 --> 00:03:31.790 She had a life or death, and she has a life. 00:03:31.790 --> 00:03:34.858 Which is as much of a change of world as anyone could possibly have. 00:03:34.858 --> 00:03:38.262 So, then I started thinking "Well what about if da Vinci had Photoshop?" 00:03:38.262 --> 00:03:39.984 (Laughter) 00:03:39.984 --> 00:03:41.934 Bear with me. 00:03:41.934 --> 00:03:49.655 It's just starting to wonder how the tools that we have now, so readily available, 00:03:49.655 --> 00:03:55.039 would actually impact the people that have made fundamental difference. 00:03:55.039 --> 00:03:58.287 What about if Einstein had Google? 00:03:59.857 --> 00:04:07.358 What would that mean? How would that actually have changed the work that he did? 00:04:07.358 --> 00:04:11.940 What if Ernesto "Che" Guevara had had mobile? 00:04:11.940 --> 00:04:16.289 All he had was 'Radio Rebelde', Radio Rebel. 00:04:16.289 --> 00:04:23.373 What about if all of his troops in his guerrilla war that took down Batista with Fidel Castro, 00:04:23.373 --> 00:04:24.662 had actually been armed 00:04:24.662 --> 00:04:28.953 with weapons of mass communication rather than mass destruction? 00:04:28.953 --> 00:04:31.227 And believe me, the more you start thinking about this, 00:04:31.227 --> 00:04:33.766 the more you get caught up in this kind of thing, 00:04:33.766 --> 00:04:38.422 it's produced many sleepness nights as anyone who knows me will tell. 00:04:38.422 --> 00:04:42.256 But maybe it's actually the fact that the Vitruvian man 00:04:42.256 --> 00:04:43.839 is geometrically perfect anyway, 00:04:43.839 --> 00:04:48.214 so therefore, it doesn't matter that da Vinci didn't have Photoshop. 00:04:48.214 --> 00:04:53.649 It's arguable E=mc^2 is actually the ultimate answer, 00:04:53.649 --> 00:04:56.932 therefore, what would Google have done for him? 00:04:56.932 --> 00:05:01.490 Computers are only as good as the data that we put into them after all. 00:05:01.490 --> 00:05:07.558 And finally, with someone like "Che" Guevara, who knows? 00:05:07.558 --> 00:05:13.474 All we can go is as far as who cares but there's a limited amount of time 00:05:13.474 --> 00:05:16.509 that you think about these things until you brain starts hurting. 00:05:16.509 --> 00:05:19.263 Well, in my case anyway, because it's not much to hurt. 00:05:19.263 --> 00:05:23.696 But it's something which I've been amazed by 00:05:25.081 --> 00:05:26.790 when you start thinking about the tools 00:05:26.790 --> 00:05:30.822 that we have today, what can we actually do. 00:05:30.822 --> 00:05:36.456 So to answer this question, is it the tools? Is it what's in our hands? 00:05:36.456 --> 00:05:41.407 Or is it what's in our hearts that actually makes those differences? 00:05:41.407 --> 00:05:45.283 With Robyn Higgins, the tools for sure helped. 00:05:46.683 --> 00:05:51.339 But looking at the seven characteristics of the people that changed the world, 00:05:51.339 --> 00:05:56.022 and by the way, the more you read up about people who've changed the world and how, 00:05:56.022 --> 00:06:01.045 there's writing all over the place, you can find 11 characteristics, 20 characteristics. 00:06:01.045 --> 00:06:04.498 You've got Covey's "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People", 00:06:04.498 --> 00:06:06.753 there's lots of writing, etc. 00:06:06.753 --> 00:06:13.114 But actually the ones that I have found the most resonant, is that, sometimes, 00:06:13.114 --> 00:06:16.656 to change the world, you just have to be genius. 00:06:16.656 --> 00:06:18.941 That's quite handy. 00:06:20.449 --> 00:06:23.042 I wouldn't know of course. 00:06:23.042 --> 00:06:31.222 The second one is the absolute conviction of belief as shown by MLK [Martin Luther King Jr.] 00:06:31.222 --> 00:06:36.073 The third, shown by someone like Tim Berners-Lee. 00:06:36.073 --> 00:06:41.052 The imagination of seeing something that any sane person 00:06:41.052 --> 00:06:46.232 would've found absolutely improbable or arguably impossible. 00:06:48.186 --> 00:06:50.891 The passion of the Wright brothers. 00:06:50.891 --> 00:06:54.684 The Wright brothers who were in competition 00:06:54.684 --> 00:06:59.172 with a certain gentleman from the Smithsonian Institute 00:06:59.172 --> 00:07:02.682 to be the first people to have a flying machine. 00:07:02.682 --> 00:07:05.755 He was funded -- the guy from the Smithsonian Institute, 00:07:05.755 --> 00:07:11.667 was funded with grants from Kings and Princes and he very much wanted to win. 00:07:11.667 --> 00:07:14.423 He very much wanted to be the first person. 00:07:14.423 --> 00:07:17.507 The Wright brothers who actually, eventually, became the first, 00:07:17.507 --> 00:07:22.456 the day afterwards the guy from the Smithsonian cancelled his project. 00:07:22.456 --> 00:07:25.070 You'd think why would he cancel his project? 00:07:25.070 --> 00:07:28.815 The thing was that he didn't want to fly, he wanted to win. 00:07:28.815 --> 00:07:31.352 The Wright brothers wanted to fly. 00:07:33.491 --> 00:07:39.157 The persistence of someone like Churchill. Especially on this day of awe. 00:07:39.157 --> 00:07:44.757 And for those watching us on video this is Remembrance Day, hence the poppies. 00:07:44.757 --> 00:07:46.780 The compassion of someone like Ghandi. 00:07:46.780 --> 00:07:49.367 How many tools did he have? How many Facebook accounts, 00:07:49.367 --> 00:07:52.984 How many Facebook likes did he receive? 00:07:52.984 --> 00:07:55.324 So when I start looking at these things, I start thinking to myself, 00:07:55.324 --> 00:07:58.702 "Hold on a minute, these guys didn't have any tools." 00:07:58.702 --> 00:08:04.107 They had an old radio station here and there, and a chalk board and some chalk. 00:08:04.107 --> 00:08:08.155 And finally I have my 7 anyway, with no disrespect to Neal and Buzz, 00:08:08.155 --> 00:08:10.047 the first people we've ever put on the moon. 00:08:10.047 --> 00:08:15.654 This guy here, the stones of someone like Yuri Gagarin, the first man into space. 00:08:15.654 --> 00:08:19.061 Of course, landing on the moon was when all the awards were handed out. 00:08:19.061 --> 00:08:26.375 But the bravery that's needed to act in these ways of changing the world, 00:08:26.390 --> 00:08:33.387 is something which isn't related in any way, to necessarily using the modern tools of technologies. 00:08:33.387 --> 00:08:39.412 So looking at what we have today, these tools, are they actually irrelevant? 00:08:44.289 --> 00:08:49.079 We look at something like Barack Obama's first campaign, 00:08:49.079 --> 00:08:54.135 not reflecting his most recent results, but the initial campaign, 00:08:54.135 --> 00:08:56.451 that got him into the White House, 00:08:56.451 --> 00:08:59.433 is an arguably way of using modern technology 00:08:59.433 --> 00:09:02.835 to connect multiple hearts, his case across the middle America. 00:09:02.835 --> 00:09:08.364 People who have never necessarily felt represented before, using common tools and technologies 00:09:08.364 --> 00:09:12.149 for donations and for news bulletins, etc., 00:09:12.149 --> 00:09:16.104 for urging people on to go and actually vote. 00:09:16.104 --> 00:09:19.586 So in this instance here, the tools really did help. 00:09:21.571 --> 00:09:26.321 The tools also can increase the speed of emotion with the Haiti earthquake appeal. 00:09:26.321 --> 00:09:31.805 Ushahidi.com is a site where people can pledge support. 00:09:31.805 --> 00:09:36.852 And it's very sad to hear the most recent events in Haiti, 00:09:38.406 --> 00:09:42.333 but Ushahidi's efforts, or their tools, their technologies 00:09:42.333 --> 00:09:48.921 that actually sped up the ability for people to emote and support is unarguable. 00:09:48.921 --> 00:09:51.557 The tools helped that unendingly. 00:09:54.604 --> 00:09:57.366 And finally, the magnification of feeling. 00:09:57.366 --> 00:10:01.646 Like we see from how the world's AIDS day, 00:10:01.646 --> 00:10:06.860 is actually able to use the emotions, not just as a physical manifestation as the bow, 00:10:06.860 --> 00:10:10.605 but also throughout the tools, platforms and channels, 00:10:10.605 --> 00:10:13.714 the Facebooks, the Twitters. 00:10:13.714 --> 00:10:20.531 This is something which is magnifying the feeling, not just from the transmitter, 00:10:20.531 --> 00:10:23.784 i.e. the World's AIDS day and the Foundation, 00:10:23.784 --> 00:10:25.792 but the receptors as well. Which is us. 00:10:25.792 --> 00:10:28.739 Who then become transmitters onto other receptors 00:10:28.739 --> 00:10:31.877 who become more transmitters onto other receptors. 00:10:31.877 --> 00:10:36.322 So the technologies aren't so vitally important. 00:10:36.322 --> 00:10:39.622 But from the 7 characteristics that I showed, not one of them 00:10:39.622 --> 00:10:42.509 was called Facebook or Google. 00:10:44.586 --> 00:10:47.087 So I went round, and round and round 00:10:47.087 --> 00:10:52.236 and I spoke with lots of people about it and got myself in a bit of a pickle. 00:10:52.236 --> 00:10:59.326 And eventually you end up back with the question, "So what if Mandela had tweeted?" 00:11:02.603 --> 00:11:06.436 What if he was able to smuggle a phone into his cell? 00:11:09.236 --> 00:11:11.886 And somehow mobilize his group? 00:11:15.194 --> 00:11:17.420 What if that had happened? 00:11:17.420 --> 00:11:20.901 Would it be the case that he had been released earlier 00:11:20.901 --> 00:11:23.391 because of the pressure from the crowds? 00:11:24.867 --> 00:11:30.388 If you look into how the Berlin Wall fell, it started with one person protesting. 00:11:30.388 --> 00:11:33.308 The tipping point with that was actually 00:11:33.308 --> 00:11:37.427 when there were more people protesting than it was possibly able to police. 00:11:39.612 --> 00:11:45.519 It's the power of citizens, [it] is immense if mobilized. 00:11:45.519 --> 00:11:51.055 Maybe what would've happened with Mandela is that the messaging from inside his cell, 00:11:51.055 --> 00:11:56.086 which could only really be transported by writings, at much later days 00:11:56.086 --> 00:11:59.573 would actually have changed the minds of people 00:11:59.573 --> 00:12:03.379 around the world to stop apartheid much earlier. 00:12:07.348 --> 00:12:12.032 So the question, is it more to do with what's in our hands 00:12:14.171 --> 00:12:17.237 or is it more to do with what's in our hearts? 00:12:17.237 --> 00:12:26.640 How important is what is in our hands in relation to the importance to what's in our hearts? 00:12:26.641 --> 00:12:30.287 And this has confused the hell out of me for a year. 00:12:32.103 --> 00:12:36.721 And I think I have the answer and it's a really simple one. 00:12:36.721 --> 00:12:38.102 And I think the answer is this 00:12:38.102 --> 00:12:43.217 it doesn't really matter what's in your hands unless it's in your heart. 00:12:43.217 --> 00:12:50.813 I don't believe that you can use the tools in the most effective powerful way, 00:12:52.921 --> 00:12:54.487 unless it's in your heart. 00:12:54.487 --> 00:12:59.570 The people that submitted fundraising ideas on the RobynHiggins.com website, 00:12:59.570 --> 00:13:03.463 were offering to give away their entire salaries. 00:13:04.402 --> 00:13:09.342 Children saying I don't want any presents, please use the money to donate. 00:13:11.604 --> 00:13:17.637 It wasn't the technology that did it, it was what was people's hearts that did it. 00:13:17.637 --> 00:13:24.453 We just had the technology to transfer that emotion, to magnify that feeling, 00:13:24.453 --> 00:13:28.637 to connect to the multiple hearts in the best way 00:13:28.637 --> 00:13:33.981 and as we move forward, you guys are half my age. Lucky group. 00:13:33.981 --> 00:13:36.168 (Laughter) 00:13:36.168 --> 00:13:42.269 When you're my age, think about the stuff you're going to have. 00:13:42.269 --> 00:13:47.936 We've just started with augmented reality, virtualization of all physical. 00:13:47.936 --> 00:13:49.669 Think about what you can do. 00:13:49.669 --> 00:13:56.154 Think about how if it's in you hearts, actually, things that are absolutely outrageous, 00:13:56.154 --> 00:13:58.462 raising a third of a million quid in 8 weeks 00:13:58.462 --> 00:14:03.113 for some girl in a school in the middle of nowhere, where I live. 00:14:03.113 --> 00:14:06.055 How all of this is it possible? 00:14:06.055 --> 00:14:09.687 Somebody in your family is ill, something needs to be changed on the roads, 00:14:09.687 --> 00:14:13.020 new road system, a law needs to be changed. 00:14:13.020 --> 00:14:16.987 We can do this now. We have the tools. 00:14:16.987 --> 00:14:26.070 But we need to have first what's in our hearts and that is the end of, I must admit, 00:14:26.070 --> 00:14:33.471 a very long story, in my heart, that I finally feel as if I've resolved on this stage. 00:14:33.471 --> 00:14:34.861 I'd like to thank you for your patience. 00:14:34.861 --> 00:14:37.633 And I'd like to wish you all the best in changing the world 00:14:37.633 --> 00:14:39.024 in whichever way you see fit. 00:14:39.024 --> 00:14:40.224 Namaste! Thank you. 00:14:40.224 --> 00:14:42.628 (Applause)