0:00:19.528,0:00:22.429 My uncle Eddy is unlike [br]anyone else I've ever met. 0:00:22.429,0:00:24.735 He grew up in Oregon,[br]and resembles a lumberjack; 0:00:24.735,0:00:27.984 tall, muscular, bearded[br]and wears flannel. 0:00:27.984,0:00:32.421 But, it's always been his personal style[br]that I've really envied, 0:00:32.421,0:00:36.591 large rings, earrings [br]and fabulous necklaces. 0:00:36.592,0:00:40.701 He often does my makeup, drag queen style[br]with glittery false eyelashes, 0:00:40.701,0:00:42.137 brings me sparkly jewelry 0:00:42.137,0:00:45.627 and dresses me up[br]in feather boas and bedazzled finery. 0:00:45.627,0:00:49.509 We spend hours together perfecting[br]Ester Williams synchronized swing moves 0:00:49.509,0:00:52.839 and Judy Garland song and dance routines. 0:00:52.839,0:00:57.449 As a little girl, I thought my uncle Eddy[br]was the perfect manliest of men. 0:00:57.449,0:00:58.830 I didn't understand 0:00:58.830,0:01:02.570 why Eddy would enthusiastically engage[br]in these activities with me, 0:01:02.570,0:01:06.690 while my three older brothers [br]were less than willing participants. 0:01:06.695,0:01:07.685 (Laughter) 0:01:07.702,0:01:11.396 I now understand that my brothers felt[br]they couldn't stray outside[br] 0:01:11.396,0:01:13.415 the expected norms of masculinity, 0:01:13.415,0:01:16.495 while Eddy had already crossed[br]all these boundaries. 0:01:16.495,0:01:19.307 Now, I'm a pretty typical[br]15-year-old girl, 0:01:19.307,0:01:21.891 I like fashion, I spend [br]too much time on my phone, 0:01:21.891,0:01:24.961 and I have seen [br]every episode of gossip girl. 0:01:24.961,0:01:30.779 But I'm also loud, assertive, bossy.[br]I like math and I am a terrible cook. 0:01:30.779,0:01:34.849 Like everyone else, I possess[br]both masculine and feminine qualities. 0:01:34.849,0:01:37.539 We can accept a woman [br]with masculine traits, 0:01:37.551,0:01:40.811 although the same cannot be said[br]for men and femininity. 0:01:40.811,0:01:43.039 Masculinity is consistently defined 0:01:43.039,0:01:45.859 by separation and oppositeness[br]from femininity. 0:01:45.861,0:01:49.889 And in this way, masculinity [br]and femininity define each other, 0:01:49.889,0:01:52.469 no matter their individual expectations. 0:01:52.469,0:01:55.409 In 1991, psychologist Monica Biernat 0:01:55.409,0:02:00.525 found that children do not initially see[br]masculinity and femininity as opposites, 0:02:00.525,0:02:04.503 although as they got older, their views[br]became increasingly contradictory. 0:02:04.503,0:02:07.258 The idea that men and women[br]act as opposites, 0:02:07.258,0:02:10.188 and their respective traits,[br]is completely learned. 0:02:10.193,0:02:14.309 We've internalized these traits[br]with a concrete male/female association, 0:02:14.309,0:02:16.919 although the traits and qualities[br]belonging to a woman, 0:02:16.919,0:02:21.220 could just as easily exist[br]within any man, like my uncle Eddy. 0:02:21.228,0:02:24.968 When one of my brothers was a toddler,[br]he had a favorite Power Ranger, 0:02:24.975,0:02:27.076 the pink Power Ranger. 0:02:27.076,0:02:30.122 He was obsessed, and would[br]dress only in this outfit. 0:02:30.122,0:02:33.815 He didn't think the pink Power Ranger [br]was feminine, he just liked the color. 0:02:33.815,0:02:38.109 Today he shudders with embarrassment[br]whenever we bring up his close association 0:02:38.109,0:02:40.769 to something so feminine. 0:02:40.769,0:02:43.748 These identities are conscious,[br]chosen behaviors 0:02:43.748,0:02:46.508 to act within our socials norms [br]and boundaries. 0:02:46.508,0:02:50.867 Masculinity and femininity are formed[br]by social cultural expectations, 0:02:50.867,0:02:53.313 not biological differences. 0:02:53.313,0:02:55.903 We've explored femininity, [br]and we can accept 0:02:55.914,0:02:59.254 a wide variety of personalities[br]outside the norm, as feminine. 0:02:59.254,0:03:03.069 We wear pants, play sports, vote,[br]and can have the same jobs as men, 0:03:03.069,0:03:04.453 and we're still feminine. 0:03:04.459,0:03:08.849 This acceptance and fluidity[br]is not the same for men and masculinity, 0:03:08.849,0:03:13.397 and men are still widely expected to live[br]within their impossible stereotype. 0:03:13.397,0:03:15.871 Our ideals of masculinity[br]allow men to maintain 0:03:15.871,0:03:20.041 a socially dominant position over women[br]and other gender identities. 0:03:20.044,0:03:24.089 This social dominance of masculinity[br]is known as hegemonic masculinity. 0:03:24.089,0:03:27.369 Hegemonic masculinity [br]draws on male privilege 0:03:27.369,0:03:30.555 creating an idea of superiority[br]and enforcing a dominance 0:03:30.555,0:03:33.069 over other's perceived weaknesses. 0:03:33.069,0:03:36.219 This idea for superiority [br]sometimes leads to violence, 0:03:36.219,0:03:37.964 such as rape and misogyny, 0:03:37.964,0:03:40.374 as a man overcompensating[br]for his masculinity 0:03:40.374,0:03:45.614 tries to prove that he is not shy,[br]afraid, or worst of all, feminine. 0:03:45.614,0:03:49.887 Heterosexuality is one of the [br]largest parts of hegemonic masculinity. 0:03:49.887,0:03:52.497 So men may use sexuality and homophobia 0:03:52.497,0:03:56.275 as a basis of "taking away"[br]another man's masculinity. 0:03:56.275,0:03:58.606 Saying that someone is gay[br]is no longer used 0:03:58.606,0:04:00.343 to question their sexuality, 0:04:00.343,0:04:06.623 but rather the term has become synonymous[br]with dumb, stupid, or simply unmasculine. 0:04:06.623,0:04:10.506 Hegemonic masculinity causes [br]many problems throughout our society,[br] 0:04:10.506,0:04:15.516 although the most powerful influence[br]it has, is that it limits our potential. 0:04:17.451,0:04:20.530 The idea that there is[br]only one type of masculinity 0:04:20.530,0:04:23.850 boxes men into this expectation,[br]and keeps women out. 0:04:23.850,0:04:27.612 We allow and even enforce a duality[br]or double standard. 0:04:27.612,0:04:30.152 Male leaders are strong,[br]powerful and decisive, 0:04:30.152,0:04:33.642 yet a woman in the same exact position[br]is considered a bitch. 0:04:33.642,0:04:37.056 We slut-shame girls [br]while admiring a man who is a player. 0:04:37.056,0:04:41.001 Hegemonic masculinity creates the idea[br]that men are superior, 0:04:41.001,0:04:43.471 causing self-esteem problems among women. 0:04:43.471,0:04:45.242 Phrases like, "Don't be such a girl", 0:04:45.242,0:04:47.580 are used to describe actions[br]performed poorly, 0:04:47.580,0:04:52.440 saying that everything girls do[br]is inherently bad because of their gender. 0:04:52.440,0:04:55.974 Whenever gender is an issue,[br]I am not at my best. 0:04:55.974,0:04:58.028 I wonder if many of us feel this way? 0:04:58.028,0:05:03.096 How many of us in our modern societies[br]still struggle with their own greatness, 0:05:03.096,0:05:06.102 because we second-guess[br]our ability to be equal? 0:05:06.108,0:05:07.848 I play the string bass, 0:05:07.848,0:05:11.056 so usually I'm the only girl[br]in a group of all boy basses. 0:05:11.056,0:05:13.020 Last year, in the Lincoln Youth Symphony, 0:05:13.020,0:05:15.550 we had a playing test[br]which determined our seating, 0:05:15.550,0:05:18.711 and when the results were released,[br]I was first chair. 0:05:18.711,0:05:22.846 I should have been happy, ecstatic,[br]and so proud of my achievement, 0:05:22.849,0:05:24.519 yet I only felt panic. 0:05:24.519,0:05:28.758 I got into my mom's car after rehearsal[br]and immediately started sobbing. 0:05:28.758,0:05:32.975 I was certain and terrified[br]that the other all male bassists[br] 0:05:32.975,0:05:35.605 would be angry at me [br]for being first chair. 0:05:35.605,0:05:38.139 I thought that I shouldn't be[br]better than them 0:05:38.139,0:05:40.799 and continued to downplay[br]my own abilities. 0:05:40.799,0:05:44.152 At the time, I couldn't articulate[br]why I felt this way, 0:05:44.152,0:05:47.366 although I've since realized[br]that it's because hegemonic masculinity 0:05:47.366,0:05:50.842 and its inherent social dominance[br]had been so ingrained in me 0:05:50.842,0:05:55.632 that I felt it was not my place[br]as a girl to demonstrate superior talent. 0:05:55.632,0:05:58.883 I wasn't considered any less feminine[br]by my new seating, 0:05:58.883,0:06:01.085 although I was still limited[br]in my identity 0:06:01.085,0:06:03.095 and what I thought that meant. 0:06:03.095,0:06:05.261 We are not gender conforming robots, 0:06:05.261,0:06:07.671 we are complex human beings[br]with countless traits 0:06:07.671,0:06:10.321 that should not be confined by a gender. 0:06:10.321,0:06:13.185 Even subconsciously we are worried[br]about being judged 0:06:13.185,0:06:16.979 or ridiculed for doing something[br]outside the expected norm. 0:06:16.979,0:06:21.315 Kind of like a teenage girl giving[br]a TEDx talk on hegemonic masculinity. 0:06:21.315,0:06:23.845 (Laughter) 0:06:25.160,0:06:27.568 By breaking down [br]the stereotype of masculinity, 0:06:27.568,0:06:30.568 we can increase [br]the acceptability of femininity. 0:06:30.568,0:06:34.879 These identities differ by culture, [br]region, religion, and personal belief. 0:06:34.886,0:06:38.026 So there are unlimited forms[br]of masculinity and femininity, 0:06:38.026,0:06:41.104 and we can be open[br]to accepting them all as a spectrum, 0:06:41.104,0:06:43.462 instead of two strict ideals. 0:06:43.462,0:06:46.459 I see my uncle Eddy as the perfect man, 0:06:46.459,0:06:50.195 and I now admire his ability [br]to transcend stereotypes boundaries. 0:06:50.195,0:06:52.310 I was born inside the boundaries, 0:06:52.310,0:06:55.491 and I'm still trying to figure out[br]who I want to be in this world. 0:06:55.491,0:06:57.273 I'm a girl, I wear dresses; 0:06:57.273,0:07:00.763 yet, obviously I have[br]masculine traits too. 0:07:00.763,0:07:03.893 None of us can live[br]on one side or the other. 0:07:03.893,0:07:06.908 My identity is not decided[br]by my etiquette, 0:07:06.908,0:07:10.478 being assertive, [br]or my hatred of high heels. 0:07:10.478,0:07:15.437 So I challenge you not to limit yourself [br]to being a pink or blue Power Ranger. 0:07:15.437,0:07:19.087 The spectrum of possibilities is endless. 0:07:19.087,0:07:21.697 (Applause)