So dipshits what have you decided?
like I said I'm going to be a plumber
you should become an electrician
plumbers are nothing short of toilet
I want to build custom bathrooms and
beautiful designer kitchens
oh my god get your money out have your
plumbers fixed plug shitters and leaky
you will go home late every day smelling
like shit and your wife will resent
you should be an electrician electricians
go home at 3 oclock
smelling like money (orange haired): Fine! I'll become a
painters make dreams come true by
creating beautiful rooms & exteriors
you have got to be fucking kidding me. Painters use a single tool to accomplish
all of their work
electricians carry a million-dollar
tool bag with an arsenal of specialized
tools to perform miracles
Fuck you! I'll become a tinsmith sheet
metal workers have a lot of tools and are
strong and tough
I will get all the women and have a
shitload of money
stop! Tin knockers cannot hold their liquor
you will be deaf before you are thirty
, will have arthritis
and finally die from brain damage
caused by sniffing duct sealing and
insulation blue
electricians are fucking immortal we eat
volcanic lava,
piss perfection, and shit gold. (Orange): I'm
thinking about being a carpenter
I'll Drive a four by four diesel truck
and build huge houses. (Black) Oh my fucking god,
carpenters make fuck all an hour
and drive nails into wood all day, every
the same boring shit I told you
you should be an electrician. electricians
drive fucking sports cars,
live in huge houses, and get married to
hot babes with big juggs.
you live in a piece of shit double wide
drive your piece of shit Ford and go
home to your piece of shit girlfriend
how about a dry waller? (Black): dude please. (Orange):
(Black): hell no! (Orange): well fuck maybe I should just
become a Maytag fucking repairman
you're not listening to me you should
become an electrician.
you will never amount to anything unless
you do President Obama was a fucking
Oprah fucking Winfrey was an electrician.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was an elec-fucking-trician.
are you picking up what I am laying down
? (Orange): So,
Fuck it. I am going to be an electrician!
(Black): you don't stand a fucking chance!