Can't you hear?
Move out of the way.
Who are you?
Where do you want to go?
But you are alone so
late in this rainy night.
I am not alone.
You must be going somewhere.
You can't take me to
where I want to go.
Is it very far?
It is very near.
No way for the car to travel?
There are many ways.
But you can't go there.
Look, I am a doctor. Don't fear me.
I am not afraid of any human being.
Then come and sit in the car.
I will escort you
to wherever you say.
But you will ask me many questions.
If you don't want, I won't ask you.
You won't ask anything, will you?
No. Come.
It's so strange. The
wipers were working.
It's difficult to drive.
I can't see the road.
I can see it.
You can? But the road
is not at all visible.
The road is clear. Drive straight.
There is a pit ahead.
Go from the right.
Look ahead. There is a left turn.
What happened to your finger?
- Blood?
I got a cut from a blade.
- How?
It happens quite often.
While sharpening the
pencil for the portrait.
Strange! You can
see the way in dark.
But you can't see
the blade in light.
You should have
applied some ointment.
I like blood.
You like blood? Why?
You only said that you
won't ask any question.
- Here?
I want to get down here.
In this lonely place.
This is a graveyard.
But where will you go in this place?
You said that you
won't ask any question.
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Beloved, I am
waiting for you to come. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
Son, you have come?
You have still not gone to sleep!
You always ask this whenever
you are late. How was the feast?
The feast?
I completely forgot, mother!
I'll just be back. They must
be waiting for me at the feast.
Those who are giving the feast.
Strange guy!
Hello, Seema.
Seema, what do I tell you !
Today, such a strange
thing happened. If I told you. .
Good evening, Rosy.
- Good morning.
Rosy, good day.
- I said good morning.
From where are you
coming all drenched up?
I had gone to check on a patient.
I got late there.
Why don't you clearly
say that you forgot?
You forgot that there
is a girl called Seema.
She is waiting for you
at dinner. She is awake.
I had forgotten, Seema.
But what do I tell you?
Doctor's profession is such.
Good that you
forgot before marriage.
Don't forget after marriage.
What do I tell you,
Seema? It's so strange.
Do you know? Today I saw a ghost.
I am not talking about you.
Female or male?
A female.
Young or old?
Very young.
Then you must have
seen one. Have food.
You think I am joking ! I am serious.
While I was returning. .
. .she was standing in
the middle of the road.
In the dead of the night. .
isolated place.
And heavy rainfall. I
gave her a lift in my car.
As soon as she sat, the
wipers stopped working.
It was difficult to drive.
That's why I forbid you from
giving a lift to all girls.
See? Now even spirits have
started stopping your path.
I couldn't see the road properly.
But she could see it clearly.
She gave the directions.
And I drove the car.
On her saying, I
stopped the car at one place.
I saw that it is a graveyard.
She got down from
the car and slowly. .
. .started walking
towards the graveyard.
The graveyard's gate
opened on its own.
And then it closed.
She disappeared in front of my eyes.
After as soon as she disappeared
the wipers started working.
Seema, have you ever seen a ghost?
Yes! I saw it once! In Darjeeling !
It followed me.
But the ghost got scared
from you and ran away.
Yes, yes! No, no! I will tell you.
I am sorry. I am sorry.
Oh, my God ! Graveyard !
Hello! Yes, yes. Doctor, your ghost.
I mean, a call for you.
This is Lata calling
from the hospital.
There is an urgent case.
Come quickly.
But who told you that I am here.
I tried at many places.
I even called at home.
Then I thought maybe
in your romantic mood. .
. .you will be with somebody.
My guess was right, wasn't it?
What do I say about your guess?
You are more than just a doctor.
Yes. But you don't understand.
It's an urgent case. Come soon.
Fine, I'll just come. Okay.
- Yes.
Do you have to leave right now?
- Yes.
What about dinner?
- It's an urgent case.
I love you.
Dr. Singh.
Yes, what can I do for you?
I am Ratilal M . Padamsee, solicitor.
I am representing
Padamsee & Padamsee. - Yes.
There is a doctor
Anand in your staff.
I need his certificates.
Have a seat.
- Thank you.
What kind of certificate
do you want for Dr. Anand?
A medical certificate.
To certify that Dr.
Anand is mentally stable.
Excuse me, daddy. Can I
have Mrs. Sethi's x-ray?
Oh, sure!
She is my daughter, Dr.
Lata. Padamsh's solicitor.
Hello. - Hello. - Listen to him.
What were you saying?
I want a certificate to certify
that Dr. Anand is mentally stable.
Are you kidding?
Dr. Anand is one of the
best doctors in our staff.
He is as mentally stable
as you are. Are you fine?
Forgive me. But Dr.
Anand is very lucky.
He has inherited millions of rupees.
But the special clause
in the will is that. .
. .the inheritor
should be mentally stable.
Otherwise some other heir
will inherit the wealth.
There have been instances of
insanity in Dr. Anand's family.
So the deceased person has
included this condition.
It is only a technical matter.
Excuse me.
- Oh !
You had scared me.
I will give it to you.
What should I write?
This is to certify that Dr. Anand. .
You are going to
inherit loads of wealth.
Is that so?
- Yes.
Listen. .
Have you lost your mind?
I am telling you the truth.
You have inherited huge wealth.
- You will be sent for very soon.
Doctor, a ma'am is calling you.
Right time.
Always. Tell her that
I will be there soon.
Excuse me. Can I help you?
Thank you.
Seema. .
- Yes.
The lawyer and the
inheritance are waiting for you.
All this can wait.
But you should not keep a
beautiful lady waiting. Correct?
Listen ! Don't
forget the dance today.
I will remember it.
Ladies, friends and doctors.
Thanks for coming here.
Don't worry. I won't
give a long speech.
Today, the doctors and
nurses in our hospital. .
. .will come in front
of you in a new form.
This item has been
prepared by Dr. Lata, Dr. Anand. .
. .and his friend Ms. Seema.
Ladies and gentlemen,
kindly give them a good hand.
I thank you.
''Last night the one I
had met in my dreams. ''
''Are you that same person?''
''Tell me. Tell me.
Tell me. '' ''Tell me. ''
Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
''Yesterday I gave you my heart. ''
''What did you do with it?''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
- ''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
''I wish you some day look at
your beauty with my eyes. ''
''I gained the bliss of both the
worlds after giving my heart. ''
''I wish you some day look at
your beauty with my eyes. ''
''I gained the bliss of both the
worlds after giving my heart. ''
''Is there any other
gorgeous damsel like you?''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
''Last night the one I
had met in my dreams. ''
''Are you that same person?''
''Beloved, your each
glance stole my heart. ''
''Beloved, all the time
your love robbed me. ''
''Beloved, your each
glance stole my heart. ''
''Beloved, all the time
your love robbed me. ''
''Should I sigh? Tell
me what should I do?''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
''Yesterday I gave you my heart. ''
''What did you do with it?''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
- ''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. Tell me. Tell me. ''
''Tell me. ''
And now everyone on the
floor please. I thank you.
- What sorry!
Ramesh, you?
- Anand !
Meet him. He is Mr.
Ramesh. My uncle's son.
The prodigal son.
She is Ms. Seema. Your
future sister-in-law.
Your future sister-in-law.
Best of luck.
- Thank you.
My brother is great!
He chooses any
beautiful thing that he sees.
But Seema, my liking
doesn't change everyday like his.
Tell me. What are
you doing nowadays?
It means you are still
saving yourself from working.
You can say that
work escapes from me.
Tell me. Is your
diary over or you are. .
. .still filling it
with your exciting deeds?
Seema, it's his childhood habit.
He writes each trivial
matter in his dairy.
What he ate, what he drank.
If we both have a fight,
he writes about that too.
That today Anand bashed me badly.
Everything is fine.
It's okay to keep a diary
and to fill it everyday.
But Ramesh hit Anand.
- Bye.
Who are you?
- I am a man.
I can see that. Who are you?
No matter how you
see it, I am the same.
What are you doing here?
- Working.
Working !
- Service, service.
I can understand Hindi.
What is your name?
What can a poor man's name be, sir?
Call me whatever you want to.
- Would you tell me something?
What do I tell you? My
parents have named me Madhav.
But nobody calls a
poor man with his name.
Hey, you ! Come here!
Somebody calls me fool or idiot!
How did you come here?
- From the street.
The street?
- Yes. -Yes.
Poor man was lying
on the street and. .
. .getting drenched in
the rain since many days.
I took pity on him. Ramu has left.
So I kept him as our servant.
Mother, you don't know a
person and you feel pity for him.
You appoint a man lying on
the street, your servant.
- Yes.
You don't appoint those living
in bungalow as your servant.
You find them on the street only.
What is there to know?
I saw him shelter less.
And I gave him shelter.
The weather is so lovely.
- Very.
It is so cold.
- Yes.
I am still not engaged.
- Yes.
I said I am still not engaged.
It won't happen too.
- Why?
Because we will first get married.
No need for engagement.
You always jest. Do
be serious sometimes.
Look, Seema. My position
at home is already serious.
If I also got serious, then
everything will be in a mess.
What do you mean?
Mother has given me the notice.
What notice?
- To get married.
Mother is fixing my
alliance somewhere else.
What did you tell your mother?
Seema, before mother
selects some other girl. .
. . it is very important
for you to meet mother.
- Yes.
What if mother didn't like me?
If mother didn't like you. .
Very simple!
I will marry the
girl of mother's choice.
Then go! What are you doing here?
Romancing you.
You love me and you
will marry somebody else.
What is the harm?
Why are you getting angry?
I'll marry you and
love somebody else. Happy?
Fine, I'll marry and
love only you. Happy?
Very happy!
- Very good !
Leave my hand.
''Leaving the support of your love. ''
''Leaving the support of your love. ''
''Tell me. Where will I go?''
''I am afraid that in your arms. ''
''I am afraid that in your arms. ''
''Today I might die of happiness. ''
''The distances of the
heart have today bridged. ''
''I am standing near my destination. ''
''When you smiled and glanced at me. ''
''All the grievances of
the heart disappeared. ''
''These precious
moments are so lovely. ''
''Tell it to stop here only. ''
''I am afraid that in your arms. ''
''Today I might die of happiness. ''
''I will offer my life to your feet. ''
''And the light of my eyes. ''
''If you are happy. ''
''Then I will bestow all the
happiness of my heart on yours. ''
''My beloved, my happiness lies in. ''
''Seeing you wherever I go. ''
''Leaving the support of your love. ''
''Tell me. Where will I go?''
''Seeing love in these eyes. ''
''Has lit the path with lamps. ''
''If I had not met you. ''
''Then this world would
have been a lonely place. ''
''Tell your sighs. ''
''Not to ever come on your lips. ''
''Leaving the support of your love. ''
''Tell me. Where will I go?''
''I am afraid that in your arms. ''
''Today I might die of happiness. ''
Seema, what happened?
What happened to you?
What happened, Seema?
What happened?
- What? Who?
Tell me.
Seema !
Cyanide's injection.
Sit down, inspector. Sit down.
SP. . I think only
doctors have this poison.
Doctors, nurses, chemist,
hospitals, laboratories. No!
No, inspector. You are mistaken.
The oldest rule is the best rule.
You find the motive and
you find the murderer.
First try to find out who will
benefit from Seema's murder.
And appoint two of
your special men. .
. .to keep a tight tab on Dr.
Lata and Dr. Singh.
Dr. Singh?
- Yes.
Dr. Singh.
Madhav! Hey, Madhav!
Yes, sir.
What are you doing here?
- Nothing. I was sleeping.
You didn't return soon.
But I fell asleep quickly.
You have progressed a lot.
From the street to the compound.
From the compound to the hall.
From here now go to my bedroom.
As you say, sir.
- Yes. Where are you going?
You told me to sleep in
the bedroom, didn't you?
I told you to go to hell ! Go!
- As you say, sir.
Why are you getting angry?
He just got up. He
is not fully awake.
You are saying something and
he is hearing something else.
Madhav! Warm the food.
- Yes.
I won't eat, Mother.
- Why?
I don't feel like eating anything.
I know, son. I am your mother.
I can understand your pain better.
But you don't die with the deceased.
Will Seema's soul find
peace seeing you in this state?
She is dead.
Had it been an extinguished lamp,
I'd have lit it again.
Now the only thing I
can do is to bring. .
. .another girl to
take Seema's place.
It will alleviate your pain.
Daughter-in-law will
come in this house.
The isolation of this house, the
grief of your heart, my worries. .
. .everything will vanish.
Tell me, Anand. Answer me!
Say yes, son. Son, say yes.
Dr. Anand speaking.
Yes, Dr. Anand speaking.
Sorry, doctor. You don't know me.
But a patient at our
home is very sick.
From where are you calling?
I am calling from the
public phone, doctor.
I don't know your
residential address.
I'll be waiting for you at
the post office circle, doctor.
Doctor, do come. Please, doctor.
Somebody's life and
death is at stake, doctor.
Please! Please, doctor!
Post office circle.
Fine, I'll be right over.
Thank you. Thanks a lot, doctor.
Are you Dr. Anand?
Did you call me to
visit the patient?
Yes, I had called.
- Come, sit.
Hurry up, doctor.
Where do we have to go?
- I will direct you the way.
Come, doctor.
Come, doctor.
Extend your hand
towards the right side.
The candle is kept there. Light it.
Come. Come upstairs.
Such a huge house. And a
sick person. And no light!
What do I tell you, doctor?
I am a poor man. The
radiance of the house is long gone.
Go away! Why have you come now!
My daughter is dead !
She is dead ! She is dead !
My daughter is dead !
She is dead ! You go away!
Take this doctor away! He's a
butcher! He's stone hearted.
Doctor! Come with me.
- Take him away!
Take him away! Take him away!
I say take him away!
Doctor, I am sorry.
Who are you?
I am a doctor. Dr. Anand.
Why did you come here?
To see a patient.
You entered this bungalow?
- Yes.
What's the matter, Inspector?
Did somebody call
you to see the patient?
And that patient
was a beautiful girl.
And she died before you came here.
And an old lady sitting
besides her was crying.
All this is true,
inspector. But how do you know it?
Doctor, I very well know that
this bungalow is vacant since ages.
Such charades are common
during such stormy nights.
And many doctors have
reported to the police.
But we never found anything.
What are you saying, inspector?
That dead girl, that crying lady. .
. .I saw them just
now with my own eyes.
You come with me.
- Let's go.
You all stay here.
Come with me.
But here. . that dead girl. .
that shrieking lady. . just. .
Somebody's soul is wandering.
Come, doctor.
It's so strange!
When I met that girl
for the first time. .
. .she vanished in the graveyard.
- That man. .
- Nobody.
Come. Let's go,
doctor. There's no one here.
Bring me the tea.
- Paper.
Is this the paper?
- No.
The tea is fresh and
the paper is also fresh.
Mother has returned from
the temple? - Not yet.
Why are you sweeping
early in the morning?
Let me have tea. - Sir,
along with cleaning the body. .
. . it is important to clean
the room in the morning too.
Madhav, wait.
An unknown girl in railway accident.
Who is this unknown girl?
The police are
investigating this accident.
That same girl. . the same one.
Who is she, sir?
How old is this paper?
- What do I know?
How did it come here?
- How do I know that?
How did it come here?
How do I know that? It
must have come somehow.
Anything special?
Hello! Hello! Dr.
Anand ! Is it doctor Anand?
Dr. Anand ! Hello! Hello!
Did you send for me?
- Yes.
Last night you got a
call from the hospital.
And you disconnected the call. Why?
That was a call from the hospital?
Of course.
I thought it was wrong number.
- Wrong number?
I thought it was
not some man's call.
What do you mean? Wrong number,
some man's call.
Do you realise, your patient
was so serious last night.
Luckily they found
me at the clinic. .
. .otherwise your
patient would have died.
And you would have
been at court right now.
What's the matter?
Nothing, sir.
I was really worried last night.
If you remain worried then
what will happen to your patients?
You are hiding something !
Nothing, sir. I. . I couldn't
sleep for the past 2-3 nights.
You couldn't sleep.
Anand, don't make a
mockery of yourself.
I am observing, since
the time of Seema's death. .
. . neither your mind nor
your heart is in your control.
You will ruin yourself.
Sir, it is not in my control.
Anand, you should not
forget that you have a mother.
And she has some right over you.
If you won't fulfil her wishes,
then who else will?
I have always
considered you as my dear one.
Your best interest
lies in getting married.
- Yes.
For your best interest,
for your mother's happiness. .
. .and if you believe
then for my happiness too.
I have come to complain about Anand.
- Yes.
Nowadays he has
lost interest in work.
I have come to imprison
him for his whole life.
But not behind bars.
In the bond of marriage
that can never be broken.
Oh ! I got so scared.
That God knows what
punishment you will give him.
Doctor, what can a mother wish for?
That a
daughter-in-law comes in the house.
And the family lineage continues.
You don't worry. I have
explained everything to him.
And he has not refused me.
Doctor, you have
convinced the unconvincing guy.
On your saying,
though he is a doctor. .
. . he agreed to marry the
girl of his mother's choice.
Everything was fixed.
He did not agree.
That's why it got delayed.
The alliance was fixed?
Whom have you fixed
the alliance with?
She is a motherless girl.
They live near my sister's house.
I have not seen the girl.
The matter was
communicated through my sister.
They are in great hurry.
This is really good.
I had also come for the same thing.
Now I'll take your leave.
Thanks a lot, doctor.
You have always
considered Anand as your dear one.
You always took care of him.
You improved his faltering life.
Even your name is Sandhya.
When your name is so pretty,
then how pretty will you be?
I don't know as to
what is the connection. .
. .of this gusty breeze with my life.
Maybe tonight is the
night of stories. .
. .and it will be spent
in narrating stories.
Listen, once there was a
stormy night like this one.
As if many unseen
souls are shrieking.
The shadow of the trees
is swaying like ghosts.
Suddenly there was a
strong blow of wind.
The window curtains fluttered.
The glass kept here shattered.
Then I received a call
to see a sick person.
Quickly I went to an
isolated bungalow to see the sick.
She was a beautiful girl.
She was dead before I reached there.
When I was returning.
I came to know. .
. .that bungalow has been
unoccupied since ages.
And doctors keep coming here.
And that girl always dies.
Sandhya, do you know
that girl's face. .
You? How did you come here?
Who are you? Who are you?
I say, who are you?
Why don't you say! Who are you !
What happened, son?
What's the matter?
What happened, son?
Whom were you yelling at?
Whom were you yelling at, son?
On my fate.
What's the matter?
Who is she, mother?
- She. . she. .
Yes! She!
Are you asking
about daughter-in-law?
- Yes.
You fulfilled your obstinacy,
Instead of a daughter-in-law,
I don't know whom you have got.
Neither you, nor I
know the consequence.
Excuse me. Where
can I meet Dr. Anand?
He will be in his room.
- His room!
Hello, Anand !
- Ramesh, you?
Yes. It's me! Your forgotten cousin !
I have just come from home.
From there, I came to know that. .
. .you are at the
hospital day and night.
I thought I will meet you.
But you are very shameless.
You got married.
And you didn't even give
me the invitation card.
Card is sent to those
whose address we know.
You are a wanderer.
Sometimes here. Sometimes there.
You are right. I returned
from Hong Kong this morning.
And by tonight's
flight I am going to Delhi.
I thought I should at least
congratulate you for your wedding.
Thank you.
How is sister-in-law?
Come in my cabin.
- Not right now.
I have to catch my flight.
After returning, I
will meet sister-in-law. .
. .and take a grand
treat from you too.
Sure! Sure! Sure!
Doctor, come inside.
- I will just come.
Okay. All the best.
- Thank you.
What is this?
Portraits made by daughter-in-law.
Look, how lovely it is!
Yellow mountains.
This lady who is smoking. So nice.
Such a nice mansion.
Come, doctor.
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Beloved, I am
waiting for you to come. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''Countless sorrows,
this loneliness. ''
''This disgrace of love. ''
''Countless sorrows,
this loneliness. ''
''This disgrace of love. ''
''This is how I spend all the night. ''
''Neither you nor death came. ''
''This glimmer of the bind. ''
''Is like some flame. ''
''The henna of my hand. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Beloved, I am
waiting for you to come. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
How do you know this song?
I have always known it.
I asked as to how
you know this song?
I don't remember.
Since when you have been singing it?
I don't remember. Actually. .
You like this song
a lot, am I right?
You remember the song.
But you don't
remember how you learnt it.
You don't remember since
when you have been singing it.
I feel as if I have
been singing it forever.
That's why you sing it everywhere?
- No. I. .
Do you recognise this bungalow?
I think I have seen it somewhere.
- When?
I don't remember.
Why don't you say that
you don't want to tell me?
When did you visit this bungalow?
I didn't visit this bungalow.
I don't even know whether
such a bungalow exists or not.
Then how did you draw this portrait?
Using my imagination.
You said that you've seen
this bungalow somewhere.
Maybe I have seen its picture.
And from that picture,
you made this portrait.
If you don't like my
drawing portraits. .
. .then henceforth I won't do it.
What happened to your finger?
Say that it often gets
cut with the blade. .
. . used to sharpen the pencil.
Say that you like blood !
You can't hide your
real face forever.
What have you done?
Daughter-in-law had
drawn such a nice portrait.
Mother, you have
only seen the portrait.
But not her changing colours.
Why have you come here?
To ask you why do
you stay away from me?
What is the need to hate me so much?
Need? As such there is
no need in the world.
The ground doesn't need the sky.
What was the need
for us to get married?
If it was possible. . I
would have asked my fate.
Why do you want to ask your fate?
Ask the fate of the person who
wanted to make a deal of happiness.
And he bought sorrow.
You are right.
The arrival of a bride
covered with a veil. .
. . had spread happiness all around.
If I had known that
after the veil is removed. .
. .all the happiness would
be converted into sorrows. .
. .then I would have
remained behind the veil.
From the day you have seen my face. .
. .you have started hating me.
I have become the
thorn in your heart.
Not thorn, an incurable pain.
There is no cure for it.
What is my fault?
Fault? It is my fault. I was
searching for you everywhere.
I came in front of
you again and again.
I married you to fill the
greatest void of my life.
I couldn't see beauty
in the living world.
So I brought a live
corpse from the world of dead.
She is very beautiful.
Like some crime.
I am so unlucky.
Fate has revealed as
to how much you hate me.
Now do tell me what the
reason of this hatred is?
''Eyes are brimming. .
. . with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Beloved, I am
waiting for you to come. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''I am an incomplete saga. ''
''If you remember it, then come. ''
''See what my plight
has become without you. ''
''The eyes filled with tears. ''
''Makes the eyes glitter. ''
''The forlorn eyes are morose. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Beloved, I am
waiting for you to come. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes. . ''
Temple's offering.
Ma'am! Ma'am!
What happened?
He has come.
- Who?
The saint. He is a devout saint.
He was not ready to come.
With great difficulty, I
convinced him to come here.
Why have you brought him here?
Because his presence
vanquishes evil spirits.
That's why I have brought him here.
Show your daughter-in-law to him.
He will surely give some solution.
You did the right thing.
- Come. Come.
What radiance!
His eyes are shut but
he can see everything.
Saint! Saint!
It's you.
- Yes.
I will leave now.
Why? What's the matter?
Saint, what is her fault?
It's nobody's fault. I
can't stay in this house.
Many things exist here.
Many things?
Yes. You are not
alone in this house.
There is somebody else too.
My son is there. My
daughter-in-law is there.
Daughter-in-law! She is
not your daughter-in-law!
She is a wandering soul.
She will never leave
this place. Never.
Have mercy, saint. You be seated.
I will bring her.
Sister, she won't
come in front of me.
The evil spirit that
has captured her. .
. .that won't let her
come in front of me.
If you don't believe me,
then try it out.
Go! Bring her in front of me. Go!
She won't come. She will never come.
Hail the Lord, that's the Truth.
What are you doing, dear?
- Nothing, Mother.
I was just sitting. Sit.
At times do come downstairs too.
Don't you feel
anxious sitting here alone?
Now I am used to living alone.
Young girls should not stay alone.
It diverts their mind.
And it veils the mind from
what is right and wrong.
I didn't see anything around me.
Dear, you don't see these spectres.
Only a learned man and
saint can recognise it.
Those who don't
recognise their own self. .
. .what will the
saints recognise them?
Dear, don't say this.
They are ascetics.
And with the power
of their penance. .
. .they can ward away many spectres.
Come downstairs with me.
Madhav has brought a saint.
Why, Mother?
He says, if somebody is
possessed by an evil spirit. .
. .then he wards it off.
He can even ward off
ghosts and phantoms.
But what will I do by meeting him?
Go and sit there quietly.
No, Mother. I won't go.
I know why you are refusing.
The saint had said that
this girl won't come. .
. . in front of me no matter what.
Mother, I am fine.
Believe me. I am fine.
Then why are you
refusing to meet him?
Mother, already fate
has humiliated me a lot.
My husband doesn't
even want to see my face.
I have lost my self-respect.
Now don't humiliate me more
by taking me to the saint.
I beg you. Don't make my
mockery in this house.
I am the daughter-in-law of
this house. I am the honour.
Besides this, I don't
have any other identity.
I don't have any other identity!
I don't have any other identity!
Nurse! Who passed my room just now?
- Nobody.
But I heard somebody's footsteps.
I didn't see anybody.
Who switched off the light?
- I don't know.
You may go.
- Goodnight, doctor.
Don't switch it on.
You !
And here!
I have come to take you.
- Where?
Where it's isolated. And
there is nobody, besides us.
Where I can talk to you in leisure.
Can't we talk at home?
Home! Ask yourself!
How much did you speak
to me at home till date?
At home, I have received
nothing except your hatred.
If home had been home for me. .
. .then why would I
have come here today?
Oh ! So you have
come here to complain.
Have you ever given me
the right to complain?
Come with me.
- Listen.
Let's go home.
Now you won't have any
complain in that house.
No! I will choke in that house.
I want to breathe free air.
Open air, where I can talk openly.
Let's go. Where it
is completely silent.
Open air. Open surrounding.
Soft sand.
Is it that you don't
like all this too, like me?
You tell me why you
have brought me here?
To solve the biggest
question of my life.
What question?
Do you know?
Somebody was wandering for
lifetimes in your search.
Do you know?
In the bleakness of the world. .
so many times. .
. .you almost escaped from her grasp.
This. . what are you saying?
And now to win you, those
unfulfilled desires of lifetimes. .
. .got converted into a girl.
And you are that girl.
Yes, my life partner.
I am that girl.
Being with her, you
stay away from her.
Sandhya, I take a step towards you.
I don't know who stops me.
I want to touch your beauty.
I don't know why my hands stop.
When I lift my eyes I
feel as if there is. .
. .a veil between you and me.
What else can that fate
be except my misfortune?
I don't understand anything,
What I should do and
what I should not.
Fill your palms with
my anguished beauty. .
. .and look at it closely.
Let my tresses
spread over your shoulder.
Today, rip apart all those
curtains and hold my hands.
''Embrace me. ''
''This lovely twilight. ''
''Embrace me. ''
''This lovely twilight
might not come again. ''
''Maybe we won't meet again. ''
''Embrace me. ''
''This lovely twilight
might not come again. ''
''Maybe we won't meet again. ''
''Embrace me. ''
''Our destiny has given
us these moments today. ''
''Our destiny has given
us these moments today. ''
''Let me see you closely
to my heart's content. ''
''You might not be destined
. .for these moments again. ''
''Maybe we won't meet again. ''
''Embrace me. ''
''Come closer to me. ''
''I won't come to
you again and again. ''
''Come closer to me. ''
''I won't come to
you again and again. ''
''Take me in your arms. ''
''And let me cry to
my heart's content. ''
''These tears of love might not
. . be shed again from the eyes. ''
''Maybe we won't meet again. ''
''Embrace me. ''
''This lovely twilight
might not come again. ''
''Maybe we won't meet again. ''
''Embrace me. ''
It is raining.
- So what?
You will get drenched.
Today I feel like getting drenched.
Why are you looking at me like this?
Today, I want to see you
to my heart's content.
Sandhya !
It's so strange!
The wipers were
functioning just now.
It's difficult to drive.
I can't see the road.
The road is clear. I
can see it clearly.
You can see?
You drive. I'll give
you the directions.
Why did you hold my hand?
You will find out soon.
Do you see the bungalow?
Do you know this bungalow?
I feel as if I have
seen it in my dreams.
Even I have seen it.
But not in my dream.
Come with me.
Where are you
taking me? I am scared.
I feel, if I go there then
I won't come back again.
Leave me!
What is there to fear?
I am with you.
It is so dark in here.
Extend your hand towards your right.
The candle is kept there. Light it.
Leave my hand.
Today there is no sound.
What sound?
Somebody's wails.
Does somebody stay here?
Today, you will come to know.
- You are with me. Come.
Why did you stop? Go on walking.
Which way?
- Upstairs.
Go on walking. No need to fear.
Go straight. Straight.
Toward the last room.
Come with me.
Open the door.
What is in the room?
You will find out
after you open the door.
I am feeling scared.
I should be the one to
feel scared. Open the door.
On such a stormy night. .
I too was brought here.
A beautiful girl was
lying dead on this bed.
Her face was your mirror image.
Can you tell me? This. .
If you had to come
here then what was. .
. .the need to disappear from there?
Why don't you say!
What are you saying, son?
Mother, ask her where she was.
Where she didn't go?
Does it take time
for her to go anywhere?
She was at the hospital,
the isolated place. .
. .graveyard and that bungalow!
She was everywhere.
How is that possible, son?
You don't know, Mother.
No matter where she is,
her silhouette tails me.
She is not your daughter-in-law!
She is a mirage! A mirage!
She is the light of life
and the shadow of death too.
I have seen her properly
in all her forms. You are. .
Son !
Mother, you wanted a
daughter-in-law, didn't you?
You got one.
This is our house.
Not the abode of a wandering spirit.
What are you saying, son?
Get this straight, Mother!
If you want me to live, then
get rid of this shadow of death.
Get rid of her!
Yes! Yes! I have seen the same face!
Are you sure, what you said,
that had happened?
I saw everything with my own eyes.
Wrong ! Eyes see what the
mind wants them to see!
But how can the mind conceive
of all the future incidents?
It happens! Mind is very powerful.
But this is impossible.
The girl whom I offer a lift in
my car, she is my imagination.
I see the same girl dead in the
bungalow, this. .
. .too is my imagination.
I run and go back in the
bungalow and don't find anybody. .
. .this too is my imagination.
My wife's face is that
dead girl's mirror image.
Can this too be my imagination?
It is possible.
Your imagination saw only one girl.
And you saw that girl everywhere.
Her reality is nothing more than
a figment of your imagination.
Why don't you believe me?
Because there is a huge difference. .
. . between truth and illusion.
Is there no difference
between a live woman. .
. .and the picture of imagination?
Mother, has she left or
she is still in this house?
She is leaving by
tomorrow morning's train.
I am leaving by
tomorrow morning's train.
I heard that.
I didn't want to go. .
. . but I kept quiet thinking. .
. .that you would get
some peace if I leave.
Who knows?
I am not someone whom
you would remember. .
. . but if you do remember me
accidentally, then do forgive me.
When I came to this house you
had Seema's grief in your heart.
There was pain.
There were his memories.
And now when I am leaving I am
leaving a wound in your heart. .
. .which has no remedy.
Though I am leaving my
heart and soul will be here. .
. .with you. The only thing that
hurts me is that. .
. .you will become lonely again.
Alone in this big house.
Why are there tears in your eyes?
Just like that.
Fate is cruel.
The one who should
be laughing is crying.
''When I narrated my story to you. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''When I narrated my story to you. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''My heart has been ruined. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''It is my pain and sorrow. ''
''Why are you enduring it?''
''Why do you shed it from your eyes?''
''I have started
the fire of sorrows. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''When I narrated my story to you. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''I have cried a lot. ''
''But now for your sake,
I won't cry. ''
''I have lost my solace. ''
''But you won't lose yours. ''
''The doomsday
drowned in your tears. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''When I narrated my story to you. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''If these tears didn't stop. .
. .Then I too will start crying. ''
''I will drown the moon
and the stars in my tears. ''
''The whole
creation will annihilate. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''When I narrated my story to you. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
''My heart has been ruined. ''
''Why did you start crying?''
Watchman ! Madhav!
Who came here just now?
Nobody, sir.
Did you see anybody here?
- What rubbish !
I am telling the truth.
We've been sitting here
for the past half an hour. .
Nobody came.
What's the matter, sir?
- Nothing.
What's the matter?
- Nothing.
'I'm leaving. But my heart and
soul will reside here only. '
'With you. '
'I only regret that you
will again become alone. '
Anand ! Anand, son !
Anand ! Anand ! Anand !
What happened, Mother?
What's the matter?
Son, a terrible thing has happened.
I have bad news.
- What?
The train in which
daughter-in-law was travelling. .
. . it has met with an accident.
- Yes.
See the paper.
Many people have died.
What time did the
accident take place?
At 7 o'clock in the evening.
Mother, she is not dead !
I pray for the same.
She can never die!
Only living people can die.
But how can the girl who
dies again and again die?
What are you saying?
You won't believe me,
Mother. I am telling the truth.
The train met with an
accident at 7 o'clock pm.
I saw her at 2 o'clock in
the night. She was here only.
You must have dreamt it.
You saw her in the dream, you
saw her before your dream too.
She must have survived.
I pray to God what you say,
that comes true.
Maybe she survived.
Son, go. Find out about her.
It's futile to go, Mother.
She is there and she is not there.
She will be found
and she won't be found.
I can't understand your riddle.
Have mercy on me.
Find my daughter-in-law.
Sir, let's go. We
should go and check out
Son, go. Go.
Let's go, sir. Now what is here now?
Doctor, Anand's plight is such
that I can't endure to see it.
Yes. I understand.
After Seema, Sandhya's
death came as a shock to him.
I suggest you to take
him to Shimla immediately.
My mansion is unoccupied there.
And you won't have trouble too.
If you want, you can
take Lata with you.
Is somebody there?
Is somebody inside?
Nobody is here.
Some servant must be here.
Nobody is there. This
place is so terrifying, ma'am.
You are scared of everyplace.
What is there to fear?
There is nothing to fear, ma'am.
Did you hear that?
There is no sound.
It seems to be an abode of ghosts.
What rubbish ! No ghosts dwell here.
Ghosts are not trustworthy.
They don't need ticket,
or train or plane.
And they don't even need
warm clothes for winter.
Maybe they have arrived before us.
Shut up! Let's go in !
Son, come.
- Let's go.
Let all troubles vanish.
Let all troubles vanish.
Sher Singh ! Sher Singh !
Ma'am, listen to me.
Nobody is seen here.
If we stayed in a hotel, at
least we will see somebody.
Please come.
They too are going inside.
Oh, God ! Somebody is coming.
I can't see it.
- Ghost.
Who are you?
I am Sher Singh. The
caretaker of this place.
The caretaker of this place?
It means you have
been working here. .
. .since the time
this mansion was built?
I was even born here.
You were born here! Tell me,
is there any ghost here?
Ghost? Only ghosts dwell here.
There are all kinds of ghosts.
Do you see that tree?
- Yes.
A spirit dwells there.
If you go a bit further,
you will find a witch.
Witch ! - Yes. She sings
at 12 o'clock at night.
She sings at 12 o'clock at night.
And at the backyard of this mansion. .
- I don't care who is there.
But I hope nobody is
inside the mansion.
Inside the mansion. .
- Sher Singh ! Sher Singh !
Coming ! I will tell you later.
- Fine.
He is Sher as well as Singh (lion ).
What's the time now?
She sings at 12 O'clock at night.
Who are you?
- Who are you?
Who are you?
- Who are you?
Who are you?
Forget that! Tell me,
what is your name?
My name! My name is Sher Singh !
What is your name?
- My name is Billi ( cat ) Singh.
Billi Singh?
- Yes. - What is that?
Billi Singh. Here I am.
This is Madhav.
Oh, God ! Madhav, you scared me.
Tell me. What's the time?
- Yes. - Must be 1 1 o'clock.
1 1 o'clock?
- Yes.
The clock will strike 12
after an hour. - Yes, of course. .
Tell me.
- Yes.
At what time does the
ghost come out? - Ghost? -Yes.
Madhav, do ghosts
have any fixed time?
They will come whenever they want.
I have heard that
they come at 12 o'clock.
12 o'clock?
- Yes.
How will I pass this night?
Madhav, this is a hilly region.
Nights here are cold.
Is that so?
- Yes.
What time do they sing?
Between 1 and 3.
Between 1 and 3?
- Yes.
Do they sing all kinds of songs?
- Yes.
Nowadays they even sing movie songs.
They even sing movie songs?
- Yes.
Who is she?
- Madhumati.
- Yes.
Padmavati's sister?
- No.
Sher Singh, you go inside.
- Sher Singh !
You go inside! And
where should I go?
Son, look who has come.
Who are you?
It's good that you have come.
Now you can't leave this place.
Mother, who was he?
Madhav says that he is a
great saint of this place.
But why did he leave like this?
I feel very strange.
What are you writing?
- Nothing ! Nothing !
If it's nothing, then
why are you hiding it?
I was writing a poem.
A poem? The way I write lyrics.
Lyrics, what is that?
It is what it is.
But what is a poem?
Poem is what a poet writes.
Lyric is what a
talented person writes.
What is that?
It is what it is.
But what is this poet?
Poet! The person who writes poems.
Talented person is the
one who writes lyrics.
What is that?
That is what it is.
But what is this poem?
What is poem?
- Yes.
Shall I tell you?
- Yes.
Tell me.
- She has come.
She has come?
- Yes.
Tell me. - The way a
cuckoo sings in a garden.
Lyric goes something like this.
The way a crow sings on a tree.
Shall I explain it to you?
- What?
Shall I explain it to you?
- No, I have understood.
Then give me a cigarette.
You don't want to come for skating?
Everybody is waiting downstairs.
You guys go. I will be there soon.
- Okay.
Were you looking out for me?
- Yes.
Are you searching
for somebody else too?
Life itself is a search.
And you have got
lost in that search.
I know I have lost my way. I
admit that I am searching.
But I don't know what
I am searching for. .
. .and for what I
am wandering around.
You will find out.
- When?
When the time is right.
- When the time is right?
Yes. And at that time you'll
come to meet me on your own.
''The lightening of the sly eyes. ''
''Strike it in my heart. ''
''Don't worry about me. ''
''You just keep smiling. ''
''The lightening of the sly eyes. ''
''The desires have aroused. ''
''Glimmering in the heart. ''
''On the path of faithfulness. ''
''I have started
walking along with you. ''
''If you want, you
can make me laugh. ''
''If you want, you can make me cry. ''
''The lightening of the sly eyes. ''
''Strike it in my heart. ''
''The lightening of the sly eyes. ''
''The destination of
love is far away. ''
''It is very far away. ''
''Come and hold my hands. ''
''The soul is not far away. ''
''Leaving your world. ''
''Enter my world. ''
''The lightening of the sly eyes. ''
''Strike it in my heart. ''
''The lightening of the sly eyes. ''
What's the matter, Anand?
What's the matter, Anand?
I saw her again.
Whom? Whom, Anand?
'Daddy, I think it is
deeply affecting his mind. '
'He had seen somebody. '
'But when I asked him, he refused. '
'Now it could prove
even more dangerous. '
Your time has arrived.
Good that you have come.
March ahead.
This is the end of your journey.
Do you see anything?
- Nothing.
You won't see
anything with these eyes.
Soul is craving for
the soul. Not your body.
If you want to see her, then
let go of your physical body.
The soul that has been
waiting for you for 100 years. .
. .do you want to see
her with these eyes?
100 years?
Yes. Try to remember. 100 years ago.
She had slipped at this place.
You left her and went away.
Her soul is still wandering for you.
And it will continue to wander.
Till the time you both unite.
Now don't think anything.
Look. Covered in that
white silky sheet of snow. .
. .so silently she is
calling out to you.
Just one jump of yours and everybody
will reach their destination.
Just one jump. You will meet her.
Her soul.
''Eyes are brimming . . .
. . with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Beloved, I am
waiting for you to come. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''Those days dwell in my eyes. ''
''Those memories reside in my sighs. ''
''Those days dwell in my eyes. ''
''Those memories reside in my sighs. ''
''That soul still wanders. ''
''On the path of love. ''
''Lonely paths, fervent arms. ''
''The craving of ages
dwells in the eyes. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''My eyes fidget without you. ''
''Love can't do anything. ''
''My eyes fidget without you. ''
''Love can't do anything. ''
''Come to me, my beloved. ''
''The lamp of
faithfulness is burning. ''
''My life companion. ''
''Again I am restless. ''
''Wherever you are, come to me. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''Eyes are brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
''It is brimming with tears. ''
Anand !
Anand !
Anand !
Anand ! Anand ! Anand !
You are perfectly fine.
Anand, you have been a fine doctor.
Now be a good patient.
Who was she? What was she?
Forget it completely.
Now you need to rest just
for a week. Complete rest.
You are even
forbidden from thinking.
Anand. . remember.
If you didn't
control your thoughts. .
. .then you are a doctor,
you yourself can think. .
. .what the outcome will be.
Thank you, sir.
- Lata.
Don't leave him
alone even for a minute.
Lata !
What's the matter?
- Call, Mr. Singh immediately.
What happened?
Mr. Singh. Quickly.
- I'll go and call him.
Daddy, he is gone!
Come inside.
The bungalow.
The bungalow.
Anand, I am here.
Why did you stop?
I had to bring you only till here.
Even I had to come only till here.
So that I find out as to
who are you? What are you?
You have still not understood?
No, but today I will understand.
Today, you are under my control.
I was under your control since ages.
You only stayed away from me.
I always moved towards you,
trying to lure you.
The result was that the distance. .
. . between life and death increased.
Distance! Today that
distance will be bridged !
Now there is only a veil between
us that is hiding the truth.
And you are that veil.
It's you ! It's you ! It's you !
Today that life
will come to an end. .
. .which entangled me
in the guise of death.
You can't kill me.
Only living people can die.
Listen to me. Come with me.
In such a world, where
there is no sorrow, no joy. .
. . no tears, no smile.
Stop! Stop! Wait!
Don't go after her!
I am Sandhya ! I am your Sandhya !
She is a mirage! She is. .
Who was she? She was you !
With the charade of being a soul,
you always confused me.
You were that person !
You met me in the isolated place
and vanished in the graveyard.
You were the one who was
lying dead in this house.
When I returned,
you had disappeared.
You were that person !
You brought me from the
hospital to this place. .
. .and then you disappeared.
You were that person !
Why are you getting scared?
I won't say anything to you.
The living person is the problem.
You did all this!
But I ask you, why you did it?
Why did you do it? Why?
Ramesh, you?
Yes. It's me.
You did all this? !
Yes! I did it.
But why? Why did you do it, Ramesh?
For Lala Jagat Narayan's wealth.
You inherit it!
Do you remember the condition?
If you go mad, then some other
heir will inherit that wealth.
And I was that other heir.
Listen !
Before dying,
listen to me carefully!
Your mother wanted to
get you married to Sandhya.
And I also wanted the same.
Because Sandhya's twin
sister was my hostage.
And even Sandhya
didn't know about it.
The means to make you mad.
But you. . you wanted to marry Seema.
So I killed her too.
Sandhya !
Anand !
Stop! Otherwise I will shoot.
Anand !
From the street to the house.
And from the house to
the big house. Come on !
Mr. Ramesh !
I arrest you for
the murder of Seema.
Today she has died.
She has really died.
I regret her death.
But this poor girl had become a
puppet in wicked Ramesh's hands.
We found out about this
secret from Ramesh's diary.
18 years ago, Sandhya's
parents had a quarrel.
The matter became so serious that. .
. .they both separated forever.
Mother took this girl with her.
Father kept Sandhya with her.
And he told her that
her mother is dead.
Mother died leaving this
girl at the mercy of the world.
This girl went missing.
And 16 years later, when
the father found her. .
. .she had already
become characterless.
Father. . out of shame
didn't say anything to Sandhya.
Ramesh taught this girl
all of Sandhya's habits.
Her art. . her painting. .
even her song.
Eyes are brimming with tears.
And then he sent her to
meet Anand in a stormy night.
The door didn't open on
its own in the graveyard.
In fact somebody opened it.
This was the first incident.
The second time Anand was
called in this bungalow. .
. .and shown the same girl as dead.
And all this was done,
so that the fear. .
. .of ghost always grips your mind.
But that inspector, the police. .
All of that was just a charade.
They were Ramesh's men and
all of them are present here.
When you entered the room
again with these bogus policemen. .
. .the room was rearranged.
Ramesh, like a malicious man,
weaved the mesh. .
. .of his conspiracy all around.
And he sent Madhav as a
servant to Anand's house.
So that Ramesh is
informed about everything.
Madhav saw Sandhya's clothes.
And Ramesh bought the same
clothes from the market.
So that when the need
arises some other girl. .
. .can take up the guise of Sandhya.
That other girl came to
the hospital as Sandhya.
And after taking
Anand to the bungalow. .
. .she herself disappeared.
But that song in the boat?
That was just a tape recorder.
When you reached your house,
the door was locked.
Inside the twin girl was
singing that same song.
You searched everywhere.
You didn't find anybody.
But when you opened
your house's door. .
. .you saw your wife in front of you.
Superintendent, what
about that train accident?
Dr. Singh, that
accident really happened.
But Sandhya was abducted
before the accident occurred.
When you took Dr. Anand to Shimla. .
. . Ramesh
imprisoned her twin sister. .
. .and sent her
twin sister to Shimla.
So that Dr. Anand sees her.
And believes that his wife
who died in the accident. .
. . has come in front of
him as a wandering soul.
Sandhya will tell you the rest.
After abducting me from the train,
I was imprisoned here.
Here, I came to
know about everything.
That how they were
trying to make you go mad.
I met her too. She
was very merciless.
She brought you here
from the hospital.
Sometimes I was
hidden and she was shown.
Sometimes she was
hidden and I was shown.
I couldn't do anything.
Because they threatened to kill you.
Somehow I escaped from there.
I went upstairs and I saw you there.
And I screamed.
Leave me!