WEBVTT 00:00:10.550 --> 00:00:13.229 Hayat? 00:00:23.270 --> 00:00:24.149 Come on girl! 00:04:28.550 --> 00:04:31.549 I told you that this fairytale has ended, 00:04:31.550 --> 00:04:34.549 this fairytale will only end when I die! 00:05:46.550 --> 00:05:49.549 Mother? 00:05:49.550 --> 00:05:52.549 What are you doing here? 00:05:52.550 --> 00:05:55.549 Son, I didn't want anyone to hurt you, 00:05:55.550 --> 00:05:58.549 Everything happened so fast! What happened? 00:05:58.550 --> 00:06:01.549 Why did you call me? 00:06:01.550 --> 00:06:04.549 Hazali! What happened mother? 00:06:04.550 --> 00:06:07.549 Tell me! She threatened me! 00:06:07.550 --> 00:06:10.549 Screamed me and, 00:06:10.550 --> 00:06:13.549 I was so scared, I wanted to protect myself! 00:06:13.550 --> 00:06:16.549 What did you do her where is she now? 00:06:16.550 --> 00:06:19.549 She was at the stairs and was pulling my strings, 00:06:19.550 --> 00:06:22.549 And while we were arguing, 00:06:22.550 --> 00:06:25.549 She fell from the stairs. 00:06:25.550 --> 00:06:28.549 Fell? 00:06:28.550 --> 00:06:31.549 Does she live or did she die? I don't know! 00:06:31.750 --> 00:06:34.549 Mother how don't you Know she fell and you left her like that? 00:06:37.550 --> 00:06:40.549 Son what Is going to happen me? Protect me please. 00:06:40.550 --> 00:06:43.549 Don't let them take me protect me son! 00:06:43.550 --> 00:06:46.549 Please! Ok be calm sit here. 00:06:55.550 --> 00:06:58.549 I don't understand I really don't understand! 00:06:58.550 --> 00:07:01.549 How did this happen like that? 00:07:01.550 --> 00:07:04.549 It finished so fast, I did't see my own party! 00:07:04.550 --> 00:07:07.549 You can disrupt everything but why did you go? 00:07:07.550 --> 00:07:10.549 How can he go like that? 00:07:10.550 --> 00:07:13.549 Dont say to him like that when we don't know what happened! 00:07:13.550 --> 00:07:16.549 Didn't he say anything when he left? 00:07:22.550 --> 00:07:25.549 I saw him in the door he was talking on the phone with someone, 00:07:25.550 --> 00:07:28.549 What was he saying? 00:07:28.550 --> 00:07:31.549 You can hear everything you may have head! 00:07:31.550 --> 00:07:34.549 The saloon was big and I couldn't hear him, but he got sad! 00:07:37.550 --> 00:07:40.549 It was something big enough to make him leave! 00:07:40.550 --> 00:07:43.549 Our wedding, his best friends marriage is that so? 00:07:43.550 --> 00:07:45.890 He says brother to this man! 00:07:45.990 --> 00:07:49.540 How can he leave the ceremony and leave I can't understand it really! 00:07:49.550 --> 00:07:52.549 At one moment we see, and then Mr. Murat is gone! 00:07:52.550 --> 00:07:55.549 He just left without saying anything to anyone! 00:08:01.550 --> 00:08:04.549 I can't undestand it I can't! 00:08:13.550 --> 00:08:16.549 At least we were there heh? Think it like this. 00:08:19.550 --> 00:08:22.549 Hayat, call him once more what is happening? 00:08:25.550 --> 00:08:28.549 What is his problem? He Is just trying to get attention! 00:08:28.550 --> 00:08:31.549 Or he got very bored and left! 00:08:31.550 --> 00:08:34.549 He Is very egoist! 00:08:40.390 --> 00:08:42.070 No grandpa, he doesn't answer! 00:08:42.190 --> 00:08:44.830 Anyway I called him so many times since he left. 00:08:44.890 --> 00:08:49.540 Don't worry, he has gone to save the world or he wouldn't have gone! 00:08:49.550 --> 00:08:52.549 What can he have? Or maybe he Is saving Mars. 00:09:07.550 --> 00:09:10.549 Shut up Emin shut up! 00:09:10.550 --> 00:09:13.549 Don't open your mouth but no! 00:09:13.550 --> 00:09:16.549 I can't bear this anymore. 00:09:16.550 --> 00:09:19.549 Girl, don't deal with him! 00:09:19.550 --> 00:09:22.549 He wont answer the phone, 00:09:22.550 --> 00:09:25.549 Even after everything you did! 00:09:25.550 --> 00:09:27.850 Look at this girl, 00:09:27.930 --> 00:09:31.540 You don't listen to your mothers word and then you are hurt like this! 00:09:34.550 --> 00:09:37.549 Go girl go! 00:09:37.550 --> 00:09:40.549 Lets see to where are you going to go? 00:09:46.550 --> 00:09:49.549 Some prayer in Arabic! 00:09:52.550 --> 00:09:55.549 Don;t worry grandpa, I will deal with the girls! 00:09:55.550 --> 00:09:58.549 Thank you. 00:10:13.550 --> 00:10:16.549 Girls? 00:10:16.550 --> 00:10:19.549 I didn't say it I front of everyone, 00:10:19.550 --> 00:10:22.549 When Murat was leaving, 00:10:22.550 --> 00:10:25.549 This fairytale will end only when I die he said! 00:10:25.550 --> 00:10:27.330 If he did something to himself! 00:10:27.570 --> 00:10:31.540 Hayat, don't make me laugh please! We are talking about Murat Sarsilmaz! 00:10:31.550 --> 00:10:34.549 Can he do anything to himself? 00:10:34.550 --> 00:10:37.549 He is making you suffer only! 00:10:37.550 --> 00:10:40.549 Ipek? Look, 00:10:40.550 --> 00:10:43.549 I understand it was your ceremony today, 00:10:43.550 --> 00:10:46.050 It was a very important day for you but, 00:10:46.130 --> 00:10:49.540 It didn't went as you dreamed but, What has it to do with my ceremony? 00:10:49.550 --> 00:10:52.549 Am I angry to Murat only for my ceremony? 00:10:52.550 --> 00:10:55.549 This man didn't stand to his best friend: 00:10:58.550 --> 00:11:01.549 Don't do this girls don't I will get mad! 00:11:01.550 --> 00:11:04.549 What if he did something to himself I say, 00:11:04.550 --> 00:11:07.549 How can I forgive Kerem if he did something to himself? 00:11:16.550 --> 00:11:19.549 Doesn't answer! 00:11:34.550 --> 00:11:37.549 She was here! 00:11:43.550 --> 00:11:46.549 Hazal? Hazal? 00:11:46.550 --> 00:11:49.549 The plate fell and everything was in the stairs. 00:11:52.550 --> 00:11:55.549 Mother? Look I am going to say it to you. Maybe you saw this wrong! 00:11:55.550 --> 00:11:58.549 It may be a dream, it's natural. 00:11:58.550 --> 00:12:01.549 No! No son! 00:12:01.550 --> 00:12:04.549 Look she was right here! 00:12:07.550 --> 00:12:10.549 It means that she is not dead. She left! 00:12:10.550 --> 00:12:13.549 It has gone to the police, she will say about me! 00:12:13.550 --> 00:12:16.549 Murat don't let them take me please! 00:12:16.550 --> 00:12:19.549 Mother be calm, everything is okay! 00:12:22.550 --> 00:12:25.549 Son? Where did you go like that? 00:12:25.550 --> 00:12:28.549 We call you and you don't answer your phone! 00:12:28.550 --> 00:12:31.549 It was very shame to Kerem. 00:12:31.550 --> 00:12:34.549 How are you going to make him forgive you? 00:12:34.550 --> 00:12:37.549 Answer boy where were you? 00:12:40.550 --> 00:12:43.549 Did you came together? From where? 00:12:43.550 --> 00:12:46.549 From the hospital. 00:12:46.550 --> 00:12:49.549 My mother was sick and had to go. 00:12:49.550 --> 00:12:52.549 I can deal with Kerem tomorrow grandma ok? 00:12:52.550 --> 00:12:55.549 Come mother. 00:12:55.550 --> 00:12:58.549 Where was Hazal? Why did she call you? 00:13:01.550 --> 00:13:04.549 Yes where is Hazal? 00:13:04.550 --> 00:13:07.549 It is not important anyway! 00:13:07.550 --> 00:13:10.549 We are okay. Lets talk tomorrow. Come on mother. 00:13:10.550 --> 00:13:13.549 Why didn't come Hazal with you? 00:13:13.550 --> 00:13:16.549 Since you were sick, the nurse should be with her. 00:13:16.550 --> 00:13:19.549 Because I were. 00:13:19.550 --> 00:13:22.549 It wasn't neccesary for Hazal to come. 00:13:22.550 --> 00:13:25.549 Come! 00:13:25.550 --> 00:13:28.549 Son! It will be good if you call Hayat she got very worried for you. 00:13:28.550 --> 00:13:31.549 Ok grandma I will call her, good night. 00:13:31.550 --> 00:13:34.549 We are also sleeping now. Good night! 00:13:37.550 --> 00:13:40.549 Something is happening! 00:13:40.550 --> 00:13:43.549 It will be clear very soon. 00:13:52.550 --> 00:13:55.549 She was lying there. She was there I swear! 00:13:55.550 --> 00:13:58.549 I saw it with my own eyes, she was there. 00:13:58.550 --> 00:14:01.549 Okay listen lets do it like this, 00:14:01.550 --> 00:14:04.549 You lie now and we will talk about it tomorrow! 00:14:04.550 --> 00:14:07.549 I will find Hazal! 00:14:07.550 --> 00:14:10.549 And I am going to learn what happened! 00:14:10.550 --> 00:14:13.549 I'm so happy that you are here. 00:14:13.550 --> 00:14:16.549 Okay okay! 00:14:16.550 --> 00:14:19.549 Ok now have a shower and lie down! 00:14:22.550 --> 00:14:25.549 Good night! 00:14:34.550 --> 00:14:37.229 Alo? It's me Hazal! 00:14:40.550 --> 00:14:43.549 I am at my friends home I am calling from her phone. 00:14:43.550 --> 00:14:46.549 Are you ok you fell my mom said! I fell! 00:14:46.550 --> 00:14:49.549 Did she say like that? 00:14:49.550 --> 00:14:52.549 Yes she said that you argued and you fell from the stairs. 00:14:52.550 --> 00:14:55.549 No it didn't happen like that, she pushed me thats why I fell! 00:14:55.550 --> 00:14:58.549 How? She did it on purpose? 00:14:58.550 --> 00:15:01.549 No, I may have said something to her, 00:15:01.550 --> 00:15:04.549 And she pushed me. 00:15:04.550 --> 00:15:07.549 One second, when you say I said something! 00:15:07.550 --> 00:15:10.549 Did she remembered you? This memory 100s Is a lie? 00:15:10.550 --> 00:15:13.549 No, she didn't remember anything! 00:15:16.550 --> 00:15:19.549 Ok, it's is not a problem, 00:15:19.550 --> 00:15:22.549 I don't want you to come anymore. 00:15:25.550 --> 00:15:28.549 I will pay you tomorrow. 00:15:28.550 --> 00:15:31.549 But at the end she will remember, don't you want to know the truth? 00:15:31.550 --> 00:15:34.549 Not in this way, I will find another way. 00:15:34.550 --> 00:15:37.549 Ok? If you need anything call me. 00:15:40.550 --> 00:15:43.549 He hang up. Girl are you mad? 00:15:43.550 --> 00:15:46.549 You were almost dying, it is not clear what she will do! 00:15:46.550 --> 00:15:49.549 You are looking for death yourself! 00:15:49.550 --> 00:15:52.549 You were really lucky that you didn't hit your head! 00:15:55.550 --> 00:15:58.549 Don't come here anymore he said. He is right, that women Is crazy! 00:15:58.550 --> 00:16:01.549 She pushed you from the stairs, 00:16:01.550 --> 00:16:04.549 Look at this cruelty! 00:16:07.550 --> 00:16:10.549 I must go back to that house. Are you crazy? 00:16:10.550 --> 00:16:13.549 Are you looking for adventures Hazal? 00:16:13.550 --> 00:16:16.549 There is something happening but, 00:16:16.550 --> 00:16:19.549 Think for yourself at least. 00:16:43.550 --> 00:16:46.549 To where at this hour girl? 00:16:46.550 --> 00:16:49.549 Mother, Murat isn't asnwering the phone. 00:16:49.550 --> 00:16:52.549 I called Doruk and he didn't answer, Hazime neither. 00:16:52.550 --> 00:16:55.549 Something bad must have happened I am going to see. 00:16:58.550 --> 00:17:01.549 Go but be careful is raining go with taxi ok? 00:17:01.550 --> 00:17:04.549 Ok don't worry. 00:17:07.550 --> 00:17:10.549 If you don't want me to make it a problem. 00:17:10.550 --> 00:17:13.549 Call me as soon as you can ok? 00:17:13.550 --> 00:17:16.549 Did you understand? Ok mother I will call you don't worry! 00:18:01.550 --> 00:18:04.549 Open this phone Lejla I know that you are not sleeping. 00:18:22.550 --> 00:18:25.549 What do you mean you are at the door? 00:18:43.550 --> 00:18:46.549 Kerem what are you doing here? 00:18:49.550 --> 00:18:52.549 I forgot the keys in the house from the emotions, I am outside now. 00:18:55.550 --> 00:18:58.549 Ipek? Can we close the phones? 00:19:03.310 --> 00:19:07.540 When you came at the door in this hour I thought something happened. 00:19:10.550 --> 00:19:13.549 Did you worry about me? 00:19:13.550 --> 00:19:16.549 I wanted to see you before I sleep. 00:19:16.550 --> 00:19:19.549 You were So sad. 00:19:28.550 --> 00:19:31.549 Where are you going to sleep? 00:19:31.550 --> 00:19:34.549 At the ear. In this condition? 00:19:34.550 --> 00:19:37.549 No Kerem don't say like this, you are so wet, 00:19:37.550 --> 00:19:40.549 If you sleep in the car you will get sick. 00:19:49.550 --> 00:19:52.549 Come on. Where? Inside. 00:19:55.550 --> 00:19:58.549 It can be a problem, everyone Is inside. 00:20:04.550 --> 00:20:07.549 If we don't do noise there won't be e problem I gues. 00:20:46.550 --> 00:20:49.549 You are dreaming, look what I am going to do now. 00:20:55.550 --> 00:20:58.549 Wait hayat what are you doing? Was it a dream? 00:20:58.550 --> 00:21:01.549 Are you mad? Yes I am mad, you made me crazy! 00:21:01.550 --> 00:21:04.549 Why are you doing? I am sleeping, was! 00:21:04.550 --> 00:21:07.549 How did you get inside at this time? From the door. 00:21:07.550 --> 00:21:10.549 Your grandma opened tt. 00:21:10.550 --> 00:21:13.549 You how do you sleep how! 00:21:13.670 --> 00:21:16.549 I call you and you don't open the phone why don't you answer? 00:21:16.550 --> 00:21:19.549 Well done! 00:21:19.550 --> 00:21:22.549 Hayat really it hurts don't hit me. 00:21:22.550 --> 00:21:25.549 It hurts? Does it hurt like this he? 00:21:25.550 --> 00:21:28.549 It hurts a lot. Let it hurt! 00:21:28.550 --> 00:21:31.549 When I hit you I get cold inside, since you don't suffer, 00:21:31.550 --> 00:21:34.549 I will make it hurt! 00:21:34.550 --> 00:21:37.549 Come here. Let me! Wait! 00:21:58.550 --> 00:22:01.549 Hayat? Get it! That's how I am e? 00:22:01.550 --> 00:22:05.230 Does it hurt? The pillow is supposed to be soft but it seemed like a stone! 00:22:07.550 --> 00:22:10.549 Give me this, look at me give it! 00:22:43.550 --> 00:22:46.549 Look want you did! Do you see? 00:22:46.550 --> 00:22:49.549 You bad girl look what you did! 00:22:52.550 --> 00:22:55.549 And now no! Look at me! 00:22:55.550 --> 00:22:58.549 What kind of pillow is this? 00:22:58.550 --> 00:23:01.549 Don't do it anymore! 00:23:01.550 --> 00:23:04.549 You don't deserve it. Children are you okay? 00:23:07.550 --> 00:23:10.549 I am good grandma, but this little bird is not okay! 00:23:10.550 --> 00:23:13.549 I will kill you! 00:23:13.550 --> 00:23:16.549 Yes the little bird is also okay! 00:23:16.550 --> 00:23:19.549 It still speaks, 00:23:19.550 --> 00:23:22.549 You are still kidding! 00:23:22.550 --> 00:23:25.549 Than this is over. OK! 00:23:37.550 --> 00:23:40.549 Look at this! 00:23:43.550 --> 00:23:46.549 How am I going to sleep now! 00:24:22.550 --> 00:24:25.549 Azime is calling! 00:24:25.550 --> 00:24:28.549 Azime what is happening? 00:24:28.550 --> 00:24:31.549 Hasmet how do you speak without opening the phone? 00:24:31.550 --> 00:24:34.549 Azime what is in this hour? 00:24:34.550 --> 00:24:37.549 There is not a problem right? 00:24:37.550 --> 00:24:40.549 Did anything bad happened? It happened, 00:24:40.550 --> 00:24:43.549 but don't worry something good happened. 00:24:43.550 --> 00:24:46.549 Our little bird came here in this rain, 00:24:46.550 --> 00:24:49.549 And is beating our boy. 00:24:49.550 --> 00:24:52.549 This bird you are saying is our Hayat? 00:24:52.550 --> 00:24:55.549 She is there? Yes she is here. 00:24:55.550 --> 00:24:58.549 In this hour, alone! 00:24:58.550 --> 00:25:01.549 Without getting permision from me! 00:25:01.550 --> 00:25:04.549 Oh god give me patience! 00:25:04.550 --> 00:25:07.549 Don't get mad mr. Hasmet, she worried about her husband. 00:25:07.550 --> 00:25:10.549 She coulnd't resist and she came. 00:25:10.550 --> 00:25:13.549 Did they forgive each other? 00:25:13.550 --> 00:25:16.549 If they did't they wall! 00:25:16.550 --> 00:25:20.810 Because I closed them in the room, they will be there till morning! 00:25:22.550 --> 00:25:25.549 I called you not to worry for Hayat. 00:25:25.550 --> 00:25:28.549 Azime well done, you did the same I was thinking, 00:25:28.550 --> 00:25:31.549 I would have thought the same. 00:25:31.550 --> 00:25:34.549 Azime you are mad! 00:25:34.550 --> 00:25:37.549 Like the half of an apple! 00:25:37.550 --> 00:25:40.549 I am right to be in love with you. 00:25:40.550 --> 00:25:43.549 It's late now, 00:25:43.550 --> 00:25:46.549 Sleep noe, have anice sleep. 00:26:31.550 --> 00:26:34.549 What are you doing in this hour? At least be calm. 00:26:34.550 --> 00:26:37.549 It's my fault for worrying about you. 00:26:37.550 --> 00:26:40.549 Be home at peace at your home girl, 00:26:40.550 --> 00:26:43.549 Why do you think for this one? 00:26:43.550 --> 00:26:46.549 You leave your home, 00:26:46.550 --> 00:26:49.549 and at this hour, in this rain. What are you worried about. 00:26:49.550 --> 00:26:52.549 And I am Saying, 00:26:52.550 --> 00:26:55.549 At this hour, at this rain, 00:26:55.550 --> 00:26:58.549 You come till here. 00:26:58.550 --> 00:27:01.549 This is love, 00:27:01.550 --> 00:27:04.549 You think it's love, we call it humanity. 00:27:04.550 --> 00:27:07.549 You don't know why I came. 00:27:07.550 --> 00:27:10.549 My wife is worried about me. 00:27:13.550 --> 00:27:16.549 Actually, 00:27:16.550 --> 00:27:19.549 If I wouldn't be waiting so much for the taxi I wouldn't be so wet! 00:27:19.550 --> 00:27:22.549 You know the taxl in istanbul get late. 00:27:22.550 --> 00:27:25.549 They get lost. 00:27:25.550 --> 00:27:28.549 And in this rain. I know. 00:27:28.550 --> 00:27:31.549 But how do you know you have a car and a driver. 00:27:31.550 --> 00:27:34.549 Did you ever wait for a taxi in your life? 00:27:34.550 --> 00:27:37.549 Anyway, I won't interrupt you, go to your sleep. 00:27:37.550 --> 00:27:40.509 I am leaving. 00:27:40.550 --> 00:27:43.549 Ok, since you are going I am going to sleep. 00:27:43.550 --> 00:27:46.549 Thank you for coming. 00:27:46.550 --> 00:27:49.549 What? 00:27:52.550 --> 00:27:55.549 Are you kidding? 00:27:55.550 --> 00:27:58.549 At least, you can take me home, 00:27:58.550 --> 00:28:01.549 Or at least let me call you a tax! Says. 00:28:01.550 --> 00:28:04.549 But you what don't you worry, are you mad! 00:28:04.550 --> 00:28:07.549 I am not saying you to go, we have a big bed! 00:28:07.550 --> 00:28:10.549 Come let's sleep together. You are very funny! 00:28:19.610 --> 00:28:21.730 You are kidding, 00:28:21.810 --> 00:28:25.540 You did this? Since you know that you are not able to keep me in here in any other way. 00:28:25.550 --> 00:28:28.549 What have I done? You have locked the door, give me the Key. 00:28:28.550 --> 00:28:31.549 I didn't do. 00:28:34.550 --> 00:28:37.549 Look Murat, 00:28:37.550 --> 00:28:40.549 I am wet, very mad, and will go. 00:28:40.550 --> 00:28:43.549 Open this! Did I go near the door when we were talking? 00:28:43.550 --> 00:28:46.549 How didi close tt? 00:28:46.550 --> 00:28:49.549 Find a way. You are good at this plays. 00:28:52.550 --> 00:28:55.549 Don't do it like that or you are going to brake tt. 00:28:55.550 --> 00:28:58.549 Open it than. 00:28:58.550 --> 00:29:01.549 I am coming, you are so unpatient. 00:29:13.550 --> 00:29:16.549 Grandma. 00:29:16.550 --> 00:29:19.549 How? She closed us in here? 00:29:22.550 --> 00:29:25.549 Oh god! 00:29:25.550 --> 00:29:28.549 Help us, let the children compromise tonight. 00:29:28.550 --> 00:29:31.549 Don't let them appart anymore. 00:29:34.550 --> 00:29:37.549 Ms. Azime? 00:29:37.550 --> 00:29:40.549 Please open the door. 00:29:40.550 --> 00:29:43.549 Please! Ms Azime? 00:29:46.550 --> 00:29:49.549 Ms Azime listen I must go home. 00:29:49.550 --> 00:29:51.450 It's is very late they will get worried for me. 00:29:51.730 --> 00:29:53.210 Grandpa is going to kill me! 00:29:54.090 --> 00:29:57.830 I will say something, what didn't you like it? What? 00:29:58.050 --> 00:30:02.370 Why will he kill you? Call him say you are at your husband and thats It. 00:30:07.550 --> 00:30:10.549 Don't do this anymore everyone Is sleeping. 00:30:10.550 --> 00:30:13.549 Let them get up, we are stuck in here. 00:30:13.550 --> 00:30:16.549 Itis avery beautiful condition look. 00:30:16.550 --> 00:30:19.549 Now this condition, 00:30:19.550 --> 00:30:22.549 We can get something out of it. 00:30:22.550 --> 00:30:25.549 Don't think to get close to me, I don't believe this things anymore. 00:30:31.550 --> 00:30:34.549 You thought it was a trick? 00:30:34.550 --> 00:30:37.549 What trick is this? 00:30:40.550 --> 00:30:43.549 It was a trick. 00:30:52.550 --> 00:30:55.549 It is my favourite. 00:31:13.550 --> 00:31:16.549 Hayat what are you doing? Are you going to sleep there? 00:31:16.550 --> 00:31:19.549 It is something you have done before, 00:31:19.550 --> 00:31:22.549 Do you want me to bring you a pillow? 00:31:37.550 --> 00:31:40.549 Look at this, it is good. 00:31:46.550 --> 00:31:49.549 Be careful. 00:31:51.330 --> 00:31:55.540 You are supid girl, when did something bad happened to the bad guys? 00:31:58.550 --> 00:32:01.549 Andil came here at this hour. 00:32:01.550 --> 00:32:04.549 Why do you care? Let him do what he wants. 00:32:07.550 --> 00:32:10.549 Because you love me! 00:32:10.550 --> 00:32:13.549 You love me did you hear me? I did. 00:32:13.550 --> 00:32:16.549 Why are you listenin to me I am talking with myself. 00:32:16.550 --> 00:32:19.549 I can't control it, your voice is very sweet. 00:32:19.550 --> 00:32:22.549 Look Murat I am mad don't continue anymore please. 00:32:28.550 --> 00:32:31.549 His like a horse! 00:32:31.550 --> 00:32:34.549 He fouled me! 00:32:34.550 --> 00:32:37.549 He didn't answer the phone to make me come here. 00:32:37.550 --> 00:32:40.549 And I was fouled. 00:32:43.550 --> 00:32:46.549 Do you want help? I don't! 00:33:07.550 --> 00:33:10.549 Emine wake up! What happened father? 00:33:10.550 --> 00:33:13.549 Is it an earthquake? 00:33:13.550 --> 00:33:16.549 Be calm it was not an earthquake. 00:33:16.550 --> 00:33:19.549 But it will happen soon. 00:33:19.550 --> 00:33:22.549 I will wake up all the house, where is the girl? 00:33:22.630 --> 00:33:25.540 Which one father? Emine wake up, 00:33:25.550 --> 00:33:28.549 And I am askink again where is Hayat? 00:33:28.550 --> 00:33:31.549 Which Hayat father? 00:33:34.550 --> 00:33:37.549 Father go to sleep and we will talk in the morning. 00:33:37.550 --> 00:33:40.269 Come have a nice sleep. 00:33:40.550 --> 00:33:43.549 Where are you going walt. 00:33:43.550 --> 00:33:46.549 I am asking for the last time where is Hayat? 00:33:49.550 --> 00:33:52.549 You are talking about our Hayat! 00:33:52.550 --> 00:33:55.549 Yes our Hayat. 00:33:55.550 --> 00:33:58.549 Father where will she be, she is sleeping in her room. 00:34:01.550 --> 00:34:04.549 Then lets go check. 00:34:04.550 --> 00:34:07.549 No father they are sleeping in this hour. 00:34:10.550 --> 00:34:13.549 Then at this hour in the room fo young girls, 00:34:13.550 --> 00:34:16.549 We can't enter as nothing happened. 00:34:16.550 --> 00:34:19.549 They will get mad. 00:34:19.550 --> 00:34:22.549 You know they are mad anyway. 00:34:22.550 --> 00:34:25.549 I will get care of them. 00:34:25.550 --> 00:34:28.549 Come on. 00:34:40.550 --> 00:34:43.549 When did this girl came? 00:34:43.550 --> 00:34:46.549 Did you say anything Emine? 00:34:46.550 --> 00:34:49.549 No I didn't say anything father. 00:34:49.550 --> 00:34:52.549 Come lets go and sleep father. Wait. 00:34:52.550 --> 00:34:55.549 Hayat Is at Murat, 00:34:55.550 --> 00:34:58.549 Who is this one lying here? 00:35:01.550 --> 00:35:04.549 Open this one here. Oh god help me! 00:35:04.550 --> 00:35:07.549 Why will I open it? Open! 00:35:07.550 --> 00:35:10.549 Father they are sleeping don't wake them up. 00:35:10.550 --> 00:35:13.549 Come lets go and sleep, I am very sleepy father. 00:35:13.550 --> 00:35:16.549 Emine, do what I am saying/ 00:35:16.550 --> 00:35:19.549 If I say open, open It! 00:35:19.550 --> 00:35:22.549 Grandma, mother is right. 00:35:25.550 --> 00:35:28.549 Don't open grandpa don't. 00:35:28.550 --> 00:35:31.549 Open this, open! 00:35:43.550 --> 00:35:46.549 Oh god help me! 00:35:52.550 --> 00:35:55.549 Oh god was I going to see this? 00:35:55.550 --> 00:35:58.549 Emine why didn't you open it? 00:35:58.550 --> 00:36:01.389 There is nothing father. 00:36:01.550 --> 00:36:04.549 If you wan't please let's go to sleep. 00:36:04.550 --> 00:36:07.549 Why did you panicked? Lets go father. 00:36:07.550 --> 00:36:10.549 Grandpa. Kerem! 00:36:13.550 --> 00:36:16.549 Let me kiss your hand. What are you doing here? 00:36:16.550 --> 00:36:19.549 What am I going to do with you now? 00:36:19.550 --> 00:36:22.549 You moron! 00:36:43.550 --> 00:36:46.549 Hayat? Hayat? 00:36:49.550 --> 00:36:52.549 Are you going to stay there till morning? It's not your business, 00:36:52.550 --> 00:36:55.549 Go try to open the door instead of talking to me. 00:36:55.550 --> 00:36:58.549 If you need help I can halp you. 00:37:01.550 --> 00:37:04.549 Yes actually I have something, can you come? 00:37:04.550 --> 00:37:07.549 Really? 00:37:16.750 --> 00:37:19.549 Really. 00:37:22.550 --> 00:37:25.549 Hayat what are you doing? 00:37:25.550 --> 00:37:28.549 Look at me! You deserve tt. 00:37:28.550 --> 00:37:31.549 What are you a child? 00:37:31.550 --> 00:37:34.549 You didn't thought you'll get away easy I will get my revenge. 00:37:34.550 --> 00:37:37.549 Girl Hayat don't come, 00:37:46.550 --> 00:37:49.549 That is ok now we are equal. 00:37:49.550 --> 00:37:52.549 Help mei got very hurt Hayat. 00:37:52.550 --> 00:37:55.509 And you are dying Murat, 00:37:55.550 --> 00:37:58.549 Please I am not kidding now, it hurts. 00:38:01.550 --> 00:38:04.509 OK ok, 00:38:04.550 --> 00:38:07.549 do you know what to do, don't be silly like that, 00:38:07.550 --> 00:38:10.549 I think, 00:38:10.550 --> 00:38:13.549 You get this in your head, 00:38:13.550 --> 00:38:16.549 And lie all the day, or all your life, 00:38:16.550 --> 00:38:19.549 You can lie here, is it a good I dea? 00:38:19.550 --> 00:38:22.549 Let me. 00:38:22.550 --> 00:38:25.549 I wont let you. 00:38:25.550 --> 00:38:28.549 I didn't say you not to kiss me anymore? 00:38:28.550 --> 00:38:31.549 Did you? I didn't hear it! 00:38:31.550 --> 00:38:34.549 You don't hear it means. 00:38:34.550 --> 00:38:37.549 Your voice is so sweet, 00:38:37.550 --> 00:38:40.549 Thats why e? 00:38:43.550 --> 00:38:46.549 What are you thinking? Nothing. 00:38:52.550 --> 00:38:55.549 Ok let me. 00:39:22.550 --> 00:39:25.549 Now I will make fun of you, 00:39:28.550 --> 00:39:31.549 No no! 00:40:38.550 --> 00:40:41.549 So you wanna be my wife? 00:40:41.550 --> 00:40:44.549 Ok then. Be my wife! 00:41:14.590 --> 00:41:17.589 Stop! 00:41:17.590 --> 00:41:20.589 I don't want to. 00:41:41.590 --> 00:41:44.589 Can you give me my clothes? 00:42:59.590 --> 00:43:02.589 Alo! 00:43:02.590 --> 00:43:05.589 Where are you dad? Why haven't you called? 00:43:05.590 --> 00:43:08.589 No one called me. Who would call me? 00:43:11.590 --> 00:43:14.589 Yes. Mum is here too. Why are you asking? 00:43:17.590 --> 00:43:20.589 Answer me dad. If you don't, I will hang up. 00:43:35.590 --> 00:43:38.589 My dad called me. 00:43:38.590 --> 00:43:41.589 He keeps calling once in a while. 00:43:44.590 --> 00:43:47.589 Good night! 00:43:50.590 --> 00:43:53.589 Hayat! 00:43:56.590 --> 00:43:59.589 Don't say anything! 00:44:02.590 --> 00:44:05.589 Good night! 00:44:32.590 --> 00:44:35.589 Kerem! 00:44:35.590 --> 00:44:38.589 So are you hurt? 00:44:38.590 --> 00:44:41.589 No grandpa, not a big deal! 00:44:41.590 --> 00:44:44.589 Wherever you hit a flower blooms. 00:44:44.590 --> 00:44:47.589 Nice to hear that. 00:44:47.590 --> 00:44:50.589 Just, what was that punch hike that. 00:44:50.590 --> 00:44:53.589 My hand aches! 00:44:56.590 --> 00:44:59.589 Grandpa, did you use to practice boxing when you were young? 00:44:59.590 --> 00:45:02.589 Come on boy sleep now, so that I can sleep too! 00:45:05.590 --> 00:45:08.589 Grandpa, what if I slept mn the living room? 00:45:08.590 --> 00:45:11.589 Enough! Sleep now. 00:45:11.590 --> 00:45:14.589 Don't be ashamed! OK sleep now. 00:45:14.590 --> 00:45:17.589 OK! What if we untie this thing? 00:45:17.590 --> 00:45:20.589 Not possible! That's for insurance. What insurance? 00:45:20.590 --> 00:45:23.589 Health insurance! 00:45:23.590 --> 00:45:26.589 I did this in your benefit! 00:45:26.590 --> 00:45:29.589 If you slept in another room wouldn't be good for you! 00:45:29.590 --> 00:45:32.589 Good night now! 00:47:29.590 --> 00:47:32.589 I was just about to! 00:47:32.590 --> 00:47:35.589 OK they are done! 00:47:35.590 --> 00:47:38.589 Let's put them on the baking pan. 00:47:38.590 --> 00:47:41.589 Reduce the temperature. 00:47:41.590 --> 00:47:44.589 OK! Done. 00:47:47.590 --> 00:47:50.589 Shall I bring sherbet? Yeah bring it. 00:47:56.590 --> 00:47:59.589 Who are you making this for? Is there any king coming? 00:47:59.590 --> 00:48:02.589 Some guests are coming! 00:48:02.590 --> 00:48:05.589 My problems are enough to me. Please don't add them. 00:48:08.590 --> 00:48:11.349 Didn't the nurse come? 00:48:11.590 --> 00:48:14.589 No! She had the day off yesterday. I couldn't talk. 00:48:14.590 --> 00:48:17.589 OK! Tell me when she comes. 00:48:17.590 --> 00:48:20.549 OK mam! 00:48:23.590 --> 00:48:26.589 We hadn't been eating your cooking for a long time. 00:48:26.590 --> 00:48:29.589 I'm lucky today! 00:48:29.590 --> 00:48:32.589 Bon apetit! 00:48:32.590 --> 00:48:35.589 Bon apetite! 00:49:56.590 --> 00:49:59.589 What's going on? 00:49:59.590 --> 00:50:02.589 They came! 00:50:02.590 --> 00:50:05.589 Nothing Is ready yet! 00:50:05.590 --> 00:50:08.589 You open the door! I'll tell the rest to make everything ready! 00:50:08.590 --> 00:50:11.589 Brother what is going on? What's this noise about? 00:50:11.590 --> 00:50:14.589 I don't know! Let me take a look. 00:50:32.590 --> 00:50:35.589 OK nothing can surprise me anymore! 00:50:53.590 --> 00:50:56.589 Hey mum! When is the wedding? 00:50:56.590 --> 00:50:59.589 God willing! 00:50:59.590 --> 00:51:01.750 Let us know at least! 00:51:01.830 --> 00:51:05.580 Let it not be unexpectedly! We need to check for the bridesmaid dress too! 00:51:05.590 --> 00:51:08.589 What are you talking about in front of the guys! 00:51:14.590 --> 00:51:17.589 Grandpa, come down! 00:51:20.590 --> 00:51:23.589 Come on quick! 00:51:23.590 --> 00:51:26.589 Forth! Take your seats! 00:51:35.590 --> 00:51:38.589 Dad you're freaking me out! Where did you find these? 00:51:38.590 --> 00:51:41.589 Three ' ee "H's girl! 00:51:41.590 --> 00:51:44.589 Hamid! Halit! Hakmet! 00:51:44.590 --> 00:51:47.589 Now stop it and dance! 00:51:47.590 --> 00:51:50.589 Take your seats! 00:51:53.590 --> 00:51:56.589 You will start when I make you a sign! 00:51:56.590 --> 00:51:59.589 We'r e ready! 00:51:59.590 --> 00:52:02.589 Kerem! 00:52:02.590 --> 00:52:05.589 Come on! You bring it too! Here I am grandpa! 00:52:05.590 --> 00:52:08.589 You too stay here! 00:52:08.590 --> 00:52:11.589 Now stay on line! Emine, you stay in the middle! You are the oldest! 00:52:11.590 --> 00:52:14.589 I am two months older than her! 00:52:14.590 --> 00:52:17.589 You too close to her! 00:52:17.590 --> 00:52:20.589 Guys, are we ready? 00:52:20.590 --> 00:52:23.589 Just as we talked about! OK? 00:52:23.590 --> 00:52:26.589 I never saw something like this in my life! 00:52:26.590 --> 00:52:29.589 Well done grandpa Hasmet! 00:52:29.590 --> 00:52:32.589 They turned the house into a village! 00:52:32.590 --> 00:52:35.589 Are you surprised groom? 00:52:35.590 --> 00:52:38.589 Actually I am a little bit! 00:52:38.590 --> 00:52:41.589 Just look, 00:52:41.590 --> 00:52:44.589 how to take a girl! 00:52:44.590 --> 00:52:47.589 Mrs. Azime how are you? I'm fine! You? 00:52:47.590 --> 00:52:50.589 We're fine too! When I saw you I felt better! 00:52:50.590 --> 00:52:53.589 I would die to see you smile like that! 00:52:56.590 --> 00:52:59.589 Start! 00:53:38.590 --> 00:53:41.589 How is it? Nice? 00:53:59.590 --> 00:54:02.589 Come on girls. Go! On line 00:54:02.590 --> 00:54:05.589 Hurry up! Go girl 00:54:18.690 --> 00:54:23.580 Murat! What is happening here? They have brought the brides dowry! 00:54:23.590 --> 00:54:26.589 Whom? 00:54:38.590 --> 00:54:41.589 Well done to them! 00:54:44.590 --> 00:54:47.589 Calm down! 00:54:50.590 --> 00:54:53.589 Come on groom! You should shoot too! No, I'm fine sir! 00:54:56.590 --> 00:54:59.589 Grandpa what are you doing? Don't be afraid! 00:54:59.590 --> 00:55:02.589 Duruk, does Murat know? 00:55:05.590 --> 00:55:08.589 What's that noise? Alo, Tuwal. 00:55:08.590 --> 00:55:11.589 Tuwal, did you hang up? 00:55:11.590 --> 00:55:14.589 Grandpa what are you doing? 00:55:14.590 --> 00:55:17.589 What is happening there! Is there a fight? 00:55:17.590 --> 00:55:20.589 Come on Say it quickly! 00:55:20.590 --> 00:55:23.589 Asmet grandpa is here 00:55:23.590 --> 00:55:26.589 Are you shooting? What are you doing? 00:55:26.590 --> 00:55:29.589 Tell me! There is a wedding happening here! 00:55:29.590 --> 00:55:32.589 Yeah, everything is fine. My brother is here too! 00:55:32.590 --> 00:55:35.589 Alive! OK got it! 00:55:35.590 --> 00:55:38.589 Hayat and Murat are making Asmet granpa crazy! 00:55:38.590 --> 00:55:41.589 and he is making some action! 00:55:41.590 --> 00:55:44.589 Crazy but, 00:55:44.590 --> 00:55:47.589 he is in love as much as my brother. 00:56:32.590 --> 00:56:35.589 Come on! 00:56:38.590 --> 00:56:41.589 What's that noise? 00:56:41.590 --> 00:56:44.589 It's Murat and Hayat's neighborhood. 00:56:44.590 --> 00:56:47.589 They have brought some people from the Black sea! 00:56:47.590 --> 00:56:50.589 They are having a lot of fun! 00:56:50.590 --> 00:56:53.029 It's OK 00:56:53.070 --> 00:56:53.589 It's OK. 00:56:53.870 --> 00:56:56.309 Bon apetit! 00:57:20.590 --> 00:57:23.589 Yeah! Since even granpa Asmet Is here, 00:57:23.590 --> 00:57:26.589 Let us all take our sits. 00:57:26.590 --> 00:57:29.589 Come sir, lets take our sits. 00:57:32.590 --> 00:57:35.589 Get him! Whom? 00:57:35.590 --> 00:57:38.589 Yo leave me. What Is going on? Sir Asmet? 00:57:38.590 --> 00:57:41.589 Don't move! 00:57:41.590 --> 00:57:44.589 What is this for? 00:57:44.590 --> 00:57:47.589 Sir Asmet! What are you doing? 00:57:47.590 --> 00:57:50.589 Didn't we have an agreement? Don't move! 00:57:50.590 --> 00:57:53.589 OK this was left, getting tied in a chair! 00:57:56.590 --> 00:57:59.589 What is this now grandpa? This one was left. 00:57:59.590 --> 00:58:02.589 Grandpa? What Is this for> 00:58:02.590 --> 00:58:05.589 You wouldn't do something like this. 00:58:05.590 --> 00:58:08.589 Emine, you didn't teach a thing to your daughter! 00:58:08.590 --> 00:58:11.589 None of our habits! 00:58:17.590 --> 00:58:20.589 Let's see who will untie him now. 00:58:32.590 --> 00:58:35.589 If he doesn't get untied he won't have dinner. 00:58:35.590 --> 00:58:38.589 He will be hungry. 00:58:47.590 --> 00:58:50.589 Right? 00:58:53.590 --> 00:58:56.589 Yeah. Let's sit now. 00:58:56.590 --> 00:58:59.589 Grandma. It's a habit. 00:58:59.590 --> 00:59:02.589 Untie him. Now. 00:59:11.590 --> 00:59:14.589 These habits are so weird. 00:59:23.590 --> 00:59:26.589 Come on sir. 00:59:26.590 --> 00:59:29.589 Come on sit. 00:59:29.590 --> 00:59:32.589 They are all weird as a family. 00:59:35.590 --> 00:59:38.589 Look at the positive side. 00:59:41.590 --> 00:59:44.589 What will we do now? 00:59:44.590 --> 00:59:47.589 You know. 00:59:59.590 --> 01:00:02.589 I wanna meet Murat. 01:00:05.590 --> 01:00:08.589 Murat is not here. I'll wait for him. He might not come. 01:00:08.590 --> 01:00:11.589 ll still wait. 01:00:17.590 --> 01:00:20.589 Mr. Gulent welcome. What Is this visit for? 01:00:20.590 --> 01:00:23.589 Mrs. Twval. The situation is not good. 01:00:23.590 --> 01:00:26.589 Please don't joke. 01:00:26.590 --> 01:00:29.589 Excuse me! I didn't understand you. 01:00:32.590 --> 01:00:35.589 We haven't got our payments. Do you understand now? Money. 01:00:35.590 --> 01:00:38.589 Yeah. I understand. Money. 01:00:38.750 --> 01:00:41.589 You can't get money. 01:00:41.590 --> 01:00:44.589 You came here. 01:00:44.590 --> 01:00:47.589 It's impossible 01:00:50.590 --> 01:00:53.589 There has never been a problem with the payments. 01:00:53.590 --> 01:00:56.589 Has there ever been something like this till now? 01:00:56.590 --> 01:00:59.589 No. I have been waiting for a month. I thought there was a problem 01:01:02.590 --> 01:01:03.949 One month? How is that possible? 01:01:03.950 --> 01:01:05.589 One month? How tis that possible? 01:01:05.590 --> 01:01:08.589 Cagla! 01:01:08.590 --> 01:01:11.589 Where is Mr. Levent. Call him right away. 01:01:11.590 --> 01:01:14.589 Mrs. Twal. 01:01:14.590 --> 01:01:17.589 I called Mr. Levent but I couldn't reach him. 01:01:17.590 --> 01:01:20.589 He is in the south hemisphere. 01:01:26.590 --> 01:01:29.589 OK! 01:01:35.590 --> 01:01:38.589 Will you eat something? Yeah I'll have something to eat. 01:01:41.590 --> 01:01:44.589 You want some? Yeah, a little. 01:01:44.590 --> 01:01:47.589 Do you want girls? 01:01:50.590 --> 01:01:53.589 Bon apetit. 01:02:14.830 --> 01:02:17.589 Everything is so beautiful. 01:02:17.590 --> 01:02:20.589 Well done Mrs. Azime. 01:02:20.590 --> 01:02:23.589 Bon apetit. 01:02:23.590 --> 01:02:26.589 You should learn some too. 01:02:26.590 --> 01:02:29.589 What should I learn? 01:02:29.590 --> 01:02:32.589 To tell Mrs. Azime mother. 01:02:41.590 --> 01:02:44.589 Easy mum. Be careful. 01:02:44.590 --> 01:02:47.589 What should I do. They are so funny. 01:02:53.590 --> 01:02:56.589 What happened mam. Is there something on my face? 01:02:56.590 --> 01:02:59.589 You've been staring at me since u came. 01:03:02.590 --> 01:03:05.589 No, you look very beautiful. 01:03:05.590 --> 01:03:08.589 That's why I am looking at you. 01:03:23.590 --> 01:03:26.589 With your permission. 01:03:29.590 --> 01:03:32.589 Hayat. Why are you so shy? 01:03:32.590 --> 01:03:35.589 You haven't had nothing to eat? 01:03:38.590 --> 01:03:41.589 I'm fine grandpa. Didnt? you have an agreement? 01:03:41.590 --> 01:03:44.589 Mr. Asmet! 01:03:44.590 --> 01:03:47.589 No. They had an agreement. They are very happy. 01:03:50.590 --> 01:03:53.589 _ Hayat! Grandpa will be sad. 01:03:56.590 --> 01:03:59.589 We had an agreement grandpa, don't worry. 01:04:02.590 --> 01:04:05.589 Yeah. Right. 01:04:05.590 --> 01:04:08.589 From now on, 01:04:08.590 --> 01:04:11.589 I want our family to be happy. 01:04:11.590 --> 01:04:14.589 OK. Sure. 01:04:14.590 --> 01:04:17.589 They are very happy. 01:04:29.590 --> 01:04:32.589 Since we are all together, we don't have any problems now. 01:04:32.590 --> 01:04:35.589 Now, we need a nephew. 01:04:35.590 --> 01:04:38.589 And love him a lot. 01:04:47.590 --> 01:04:50.589 Oh no! I suffered a lot with one daughter, 01:04:50.590 --> 01:04:53.589 I can't handle one more. 01:04:56.590 --> 01:04:59.589 I think it should be a boy. Like a king. 01:04:59.590 --> 01:05:02.589 May he be nice and healthy. 01:05:02.590 --> 01:05:05.589 Id doesn't matter a boy or a girl. 01:05:05.590 --> 01:05:08.589 Don't make the kids embarrassed. Everything on it's time. 01:05:11.590 --> 01:05:14.589 Mum! 01:05:17.590 --> 01:05:20.309 Welcome. Nice to see you. 01:05:20.590 --> 01:05:23.549 I didn't get an invite, but 01:05:23.590 --> 01:05:26.589 I wanted to meet my friends family. No, because she was sick. 01:05:26.590 --> 01:05:29.589 We didn't want to bother you. But, come, sit. 01:05:29.590 --> 01:05:32.589 Come on girl, bring a chalr. 01:05:32.590 --> 01:05:35.589 Hayat! 01:05:38.590 --> 01:05:41.589 Ah the bride! She is so beautiful. 01:05:44.590 --> 01:05:47.589 Thank you. Welcome. 01:05:47.590 --> 01:05:50.589 You look fine. I feel better today. 01:06:05.590 --> 01:06:08.589 You! Have you worn my clothes? Yes 01:06:08.590 --> 01:06:11.589 I just got out of the hospital. I didn't have something to wear. 01:06:11.590 --> 01:06:14.589 I couldn't come with pajamas. 01:06:14.590 --> 01:06:17.589 You entered in my room, 01:06:17.590 --> 01:06:20.589 without my permission. On what rights? Mum please. 01:06:20.590 --> 01:06:23.589 you can't in my house 01:06:23.590 --> 01:06:26.589 touch my clothes without my permission. 01:06:26.590 --> 01:06:29.589 Your house. Are you sure? 01:06:29.590 --> 01:06:32.589 This is my sons house. 01:06:32.590 --> 01:06:35.589 I can't even see your husband. 01:06:35.590 --> 01:06:38.589 Mum, this is not the right place. Come on. 01:06:38.590 --> 01:06:41.589 Go out of this room. Calm down Derya. 01:06:41.590 --> 01:06:44.589 You are embarrassing my son in front of his family. 01:06:44.590 --> 01:06:47.589 I told you to go out of this room. 01:06:47.590 --> 01:06:50.589 Mum what are you doing. You are making us embarrassed. 01:06:50.590 --> 01:06:53.589 Can't you see son? 01:06:53.590 --> 01:06:56.589 What are you doing? Are you doing this to make me angry? 01:06:56.590 --> 01:06:59.589 On what rights does she get Into my room. Come on say something. 01:06:59.590 --> 01:07:02.589 Calm down! Calm your mothers. They will get into a fight. 01:07:02.710 --> 01:07:04.670 OK, Asmet grandpa! 01:07:04.750 --> 01:07:08.580 Take this person iin it's room! And don't let get out without calming down. 01:07:08.590 --> 01:07:11.589 Look at me. Please Doruk. 01:07:11.590 --> 01:07:14.589 You'll pay for this. 01:07:17.590 --> 01:07:20.589 Don't gO away 01:07:26.590 --> 01:07:29.589 Mum! 01:07:29.590 --> 01:07:32.589 Can you come with me. Please son. 01:07:32.590 --> 01:07:35.149 Bon apetit to you. 01:07:44.590 --> 01:07:47.589 Ah, what was this all about? 01:07:53.590 --> 01:07:56.589 Azime, how will you deal with them. 01:08:11.590 --> 01:08:14.589 What was that in front of the guests mum? 01:08:14.590 --> 01:08:17.589 What did I do son? Your stepmother did tt. 01:08:17.590 --> 01:08:20.589 She screamed at me in front of all those people. 01:08:20.590 --> 01:08:23.589 Look. That woman has a name. Derya. 01:08:23.590 --> 01:08:26.589 And she is my father's wife, and my brothers mom. 01:08:26.590 --> 01:08:29.589 It means she is part of the family. 01:08:29.590 --> 01:08:32.589 And you should show respect. I get it son. 01:08:32.590 --> 01:08:35.589 I'm sorry I don't know what I did 01:08:36.250 --> 01:08:41.580 Unexpectedly there is a hatred feeling. That's why I got into a fight with Hazal too. 01:08:44.590 --> 01:08:47.589 Wait. Wait. Where are you going. To apologize to Derya. 01:08:47.590 --> 01:08:50.589 I'll tell her I won't touch her clothes anymore. 01:08:50.590 --> 01:08:53.589 No, there is no need. I'll tell her. 01:08:53.590 --> 01:08:56.589 If you need anything call Olja. 01:08:56.590 --> 01:08:59.589 OK son, I'm going to the guests. 01:08:59.590 --> 01:09:02.589 Are you coming? No I ruined your day. 01:09:02.590 --> 01:09:05.589 Shall I not come? 01:09:08.590 --> 01:09:11.589 OK 01:09:26.590 --> 01:09:29.589 Dad. We should go too 01:09:32.590 --> 01:09:35.589 Why are you in a hurry daughter. 01:09:44.590 --> 01:09:47.589 I really apologize to you all. 01:09:47.590 --> 01:09:50.589 Not a problem. Don't feel sad. 01:09:50.590 --> 01:09:53.589 Nota big deal. 01:09:53.590 --> 01:09:56.589 These things happen in a family. 01:09:59.590 --> 01:10:02.589 I'm really sorry 01:10:02.590 --> 01:10:05.589 Yeah, Twal. 01:10:05.590 --> 01:10:08.589 Leave me. 01:10:08.590 --> 01:10:11.589 Don't make this more difficult. Tawal what is happening? 01:10:11.590 --> 01:10:14.589 Doruk. Tell Murat we have some problems. 01:10:17.590 --> 01:10:20.589 Tuwal. Don't scream. Calm down. What attack? I can't calm down. 01:10:20.590 --> 01:10:23.589 They are taking everything. 01:10:23.590 --> 01:10:26.589 Tell Murat to come immediately. We are ina fight. 01:10:26.590 --> 01:10:29.589 She is so strong. 01:10:32.590 --> 01:10:35.589 Brother. 01:10:41.590 --> 01:10:44.589 You can't get this from me. 01:10:44.590 --> 01:10:47.589 I'll tell you once more. 01:10:47.590 --> 01:10:50.589 Sarisilmaz don't owe anything to no one. 01:10:50.590 --> 01:10:53.589 You will pay your debts in this way. 01:10:53.590 --> 01:10:54.930 No, no. No way. 01:10:55.030 --> 01:10:58.970 Never. If you are subcontractor you should know your place. 01:10:59.030 --> 01:11:02.090 If there were no subcontractors, this company wouldn't be standing as It Is. 01:11:02.290 --> 01:11:05.580 We will never work for you again. 01:11:05.590 --> 01:11:08.589 You will never step on Sarte again. 01:11:11.590 --> 01:11:14.589 Let It go. 01:11:20.590 --> 01:11:23.589 Levent isn't still picking up the phone. 01:11:23.590 --> 01:11:26.589 Leven't has worked for many years. 01:11:26.590 --> 01:11:29.589 Why would he steal from Sarte? 01:11:29.590 --> 01:11:32.589 You're right brother. I think the same. 01:11:35.590 --> 01:11:38.589 We'll figure it out when we go. 01:11:38.590 --> 01:11:41.589 I still can't believe it. The subcontractors are stealing the company. 01:11:41.590 --> 01:11:44.589 There's even worse. We will learn more about these things. 01:11:46.670 --> 01:11:50.580 Really! Do you remember last year. We almost failed because of a single word. 01:11:53.590 --> 01:11:56.589 Don't talk bullshit. I mean literally. 01:11:56.590 --> 01:11:59.589 It's not easy 01:11:59.590 --> 01:12:02.589 Kerem, go faster. 01:12:05.590 --> 01:12:08.589 Look at this. 01:12:08.590 --> 01:12:11.589 Mum sent everything, 01:12:11.590 --> 01:12:14.589 like I will never go back again. 01:12:17.590 --> 01:12:20.229 Yes, Emre. 01:12:20.590 --> 01:12:23.589 Hayat! Did I bother you? Aren't you coming today? 01:12:23.590 --> 01:12:26.589 I don't know. 01:12:26.590 --> 01:12:29.589 I'll keep drawing. 01:12:29.590 --> 01:12:31.490 They were on Tuwal's desk. 01:12:31.690 --> 01:12:35.580 But first I wanted to ask Tuwal, because they have come for confiscation. 01:12:35.590 --> 01:12:37.990 It's a little messy round here. 01:12:38.110 --> 01:12:41.580 What confiscation. How Is it possible. You don't know anything right? 01:12:41.590 --> 01:12:44.589 Murat is coming to fix it. 01:12:44.590 --> 01:12:47.589 Look Hayat! 01:12:47.590 --> 01:12:50.090 If something happens, I won't let them touch your drawings. 01:12:50.589 --> 01:12:53.580 This might be Sarte, or even if it was somewhere else I won't abandon you. 01:12:53.590 --> 01:12:56.589 We're talking bullshit. 01:12:56.590 --> 01:12:59.589 Whatever is the problem, it will be fixed Emre. 01:13:05.590 --> 01:13:08.589 I am talking to you. 01:13:08.590 --> 01:13:11.589 Give those to them. Those are ours. 01:13:11.590 --> 01:13:14.589 Leave them. 01:13:14.590 --> 01:13:17.589 Our products. Leave them Mrs. Tuwal. 01:13:20.590 --> 01:13:23.589 Murat is here. 01:13:23.590 --> 01:13:26.589 What tis happening here. 01:13:26.590 --> 01:13:29.589 I'll take them back. Why. 01:13:29.590 --> 01:13:32.589 You haven't made your payments. Walt, what? 01:13:32.590 --> 01:13:34.670 Letus check the accounts and then we talk. 01:13:35.110 --> 01:13:38.580 Am I lying? Let me check the accounts and I will make the payments tomorrow. 01:13:38.590 --> 01:13:41.589 OK. You will take everything tomorrow back too. 01:13:41.590 --> 01:13:44.589 Mr. Bulent. 01:13:44.590 --> 01:13:47.589 No one can take a thing from my company iin this way. Ok? Well I do. 01:13:47.590 --> 01:13:50.589 If you don't make the payment this is how I take. 01:13:50.590 --> 01:13:53.589 You can't. I did. What will you do? 01:13:56.590 --> 01:13:59.589 After this, even if you make the payment, nothing will change. 01:13:59.590 --> 01:14:02.589 I'll sue you. I'll embarrass you. 01:14:02.590 --> 01:14:05.589 Really? Then you have one more reason to sue you. 01:14:05.590 --> 01:14:08.589 Leave me. 01:14:08.590 --> 01:14:11.589 This is what happens when you mess with the wrong people. 01:14:11.590 --> 01:14:14.589 What are you looking at? 01:14:14.590 --> 01:14:17.589 Tuwal! Inside! 01:14:20.590 --> 01:14:23.589 I envy you for these moves. 01:14:29.590 --> 01:14:32.589 I'm so tired. My feet aches 01:14:33.990 --> 01:14:35.549 I'm really so tired 01:14:35.590 --> 01:14:38.589 Let us stretch a little. 01:14:38.590 --> 01:14:41.589 Maybe we relax a little. 01:14:47.590 --> 01:14:50.589 Look at dad. He is so tired. 01:14:50.590 --> 01:14:53.589 As soon as he came he slept. 01:14:53.590 --> 01:14:56.589 Yeah, but he was so happy. 01:14:59.590 --> 01:15:02.589 Girl! 01:15:02.590 --> 01:15:05.589 What happened to you? 01:15:05.590 --> 01:15:08.589 I know you well. Tell me. 01:15:08.590 --> 01:15:11.589 Tell me. What happened? 01:15:14.590 --> 01:15:17.589 Let's be happy now. Hayat and Murat are again together. Yes. 01:15:17.590 --> 01:15:20.589 But! But what? Didn't you see the groom? 01:15:20.590 --> 01:15:23.589 How they fought with his mother? 01:15:23.590 --> 01:15:26.589 We know Derya Is mean... 01:15:26.590 --> 01:15:29.589 But even the other isn't less than her. 01:15:29.590 --> 01:15:32.589 And then it's Azime too. 01:15:32.590 --> 01:15:35.589 Azime doesn't do a thing to Hayat, but still even she sometimes... 01:15:35.590 --> 01:15:38.589 Now it's three in a row. 01:15:41.590 --> 01:15:44.589 Girl. Fadik. What did we do? 01:15:44.710 --> 01:15:47.589 We left the girl between three wolfs, 01:15:47.590 --> 01:15:50.589 and we went away. 01:15:56.590 --> 01:15:59.589 No no. You're just messing my head. 01:16:02.590 --> 01:16:04.829 What happened. 01:16:04.830 --> 01:16:05.589 ' What happened. 01:16:05.830 --> 01:16:08.589 No nothing. Come on say it. 01:16:08.870 --> 01:16:11.589 Girl! Say it. I shouldn't. 01:16:11.590 --> 01:16:13.469 But I can't Keep it. 01:16:13.470 --> 01:16:14.589 But I can't keep it. 01:16:14.830 --> 01:16:17.589 Now, they ere all in the house. 01:16:17.590 --> 01:16:20.589 Yes. Then we were having dinner. 01:16:20.590 --> 01:16:23.589 They said there was a problem in the company and they all went away. 01:16:23.590 --> 01:16:26.589 Eee? What do you mean eee? Think about it. 01:16:26.590 --> 01:16:29.589 Think! 01:16:29.590 --> 01:16:32.589 Eee? Girl! 01:16:32.590 --> 01:16:35.589 Is there an economic crisis? 01:16:44.590 --> 01:16:47.589 No, it's Sarsilmaz? 01:16:47.590 --> 01:16:50.589 Even their surname tells it! Sarsilmaz! (Steady) 01:17:05.590 --> 01:17:08.589 Brother, look at this! 01:17:14.590 --> 01:17:17.589 What is this? 01:17:17.590 --> 01:17:20.589 The bills. According to these, 01:17:20.590 --> 01:17:23.589 we have payed everything. We don't have any debts. 01:17:26.590 --> 01:17:29.589 Then why does he say, he didn't get any money? 01:17:32.590 --> 01:17:35.589 Hold up. I can't understand a thing. Where are the money? 01:17:38.590 --> 01:17:41.589 The money, dear Tuwal, 01:17:41.590 --> 01:17:44.589 are in Levent's pocket. 01:17:44.590 --> 01:17:47.589 Levent to whom we trusted, he stoled everything. 01:17:47.590 --> 01:17:49.950 What can we do now? 01:17:50.010 --> 01:17:53.590 We have to pay all the money. This will put us in a very difficult situation. 01:17:53.590 --> 01:17:56.589 We will find a way. 01:17:56.590 --> 01:17:59.429 How? How will we find it? 01:18:02.590 --> 01:18:05.589 Like everything has evaporated. I'm really hurt. 01:18:08.590 --> 01:18:11.589 What if we find this man? He Is gone. 01:18:11.590 --> 01:18:14.589 He can't make a move with that much money. 01:18:14.590 --> 01:18:17.589 Everything is going wrong! 01:18:17.590 --> 01:18:20.589 What he did will make the others panic. 01:18:20.590 --> 01:18:23.589 And they will come to the door. Doruk, calm down. 01:18:23.590 --> 01:18:26.589 We will find a way. 01:18:29.590 --> 01:18:31.970 What shall I do? I'm yours. 01:18:32.190 --> 01:18:35.380 We will continue normally. This shouldn't affect the workers. 01:18:35.590 --> 01:18:38.589 OK. I will deal with this. 01:18:38.590 --> 01:18:41.589 I'll work day and night. 01:18:41.590 --> 01:18:44.589 You too Doruk. 01:18:56.590 --> 01:18:59.589 What? I didn't get this. 01:19:05.590 --> 01:19:08.589 Look at the environment. 01:19:08.590 --> 01:19:11.589 If anyone sees this, would come immediately. 01:19:14.590 --> 01:19:17.589 No problem Mrs. Azime. I am learning. 01:19:17.590 --> 01:19:20.589 Ah my cultured girl. 01:19:23.590 --> 01:19:26.589 What happened? Are you sad? 01:19:27.550 --> 01:19:32.150 Murat and Doruk went out because they had problems in the company. I am thinking about that. 01:19:32.550 --> 01:19:35.070 Call and ask your husband daughter. 01:19:38.590 --> 01:19:41.589 Murat might be busy right now. Let's not bother him. 01:19:44.590 --> 01:19:47.589 Must be him. I'll check. 01:19:59.350 --> 01:20:02.349 Did you get them girl? 01:20:02.350 --> 01:20:05.349 What Lejla wanted. I got them all Ms Azime. 01:20:05.350 --> 01:20:08.349 Ok, give it to me I'll send them. 01:20:08.350 --> 01:20:11.349 You go to the kitchen. 01:20:17.350 --> 01:20:20.349 Lejlas new stuff. 01:20:20.350 --> 01:20:23.349 She sends it to you with her own hands. 01:20:23.350 --> 01:20:26.349 The one who made noise, 01:20:26.350 --> 01:20:29.349 In front of the guests for wearing your clothes was you. 01:20:29.350 --> 01:20:32.349 We got some things. 01:20:32.350 --> 01:20:35.349 Well done, looks a skillful woman. 01:20:35.350 --> 01:20:38.349 Since she has Ms Azime before her. 01:20:38.350 --> 01:20:41.349 I think I am taking It easy. 01:20:56.350 --> 01:20:59.349 Come in! 01:21:04.970 --> 01:21:08.340 Murat had sent Ozan for shopping, He should get you something to wear. 01:21:08.350 --> 01:21:11.349 He had got something actually. 01:21:11.350 --> 01:21:14.349 Leave them here. 01:21:17.350 --> 01:21:20.349 Ms Azime there is something more. 01:21:20.350 --> 01:21:23.349 I saw that my ring was in Derja's finger. 01:21:23.350 --> 01:21:26.349 I want back that ring. 01:21:26.350 --> 01:21:29.349 You will get that ring imidiately And you'll give it to me. 01:21:29.350 --> 01:21:32.349 That wont happen! That ring is putten. 01:21:32.350 --> 01:21:35.349 You lost that time. 01:21:35.350 --> 01:21:38.349 Ms Azime you didn't understand me I suppose. 01:21:41.350 --> 01:21:44.349 We talked about this before! You will do what I say! 01:21:44.350 --> 01:21:47.349 Or what? Or! 01:21:47.350 --> 01:21:50.349 Or my memory comes back tmidiately! 01:21:50.350 --> 01:21:53.349 And I start talking. 01:21:53.350 --> 01:21:56.349 Don't forget that I have lots of things to tell Murat about you. 01:21:56.350 --> 01:21:59.349 I want that ring back. 01:22:02.350 --> 01:22:05.349 How you do it I don't know. 01:22:41.350 --> 01:22:44.349 How am I going to do tt with all of this. 01:22:50.350 --> 01:22:53.349 Hello? 01:22:53.350 --> 01:22:56.149 The only thing I was missing now was your voice. 01:22:56.350 --> 01:22:59.349 I thought you were busy. 01:22:59.350 --> 01:23:02.349 But you worried! Is everything okay? 01:23:02.350 --> 01:23:05.349 It's okay, nothing to worry about. 01:23:05.350 --> 01:23:08.349 What did you do? 01:23:08.350 --> 01:23:11.349 I cooked something with grandma! That's why I called. 01:23:11.350 --> 01:23:14.349 Are you coming for dinner? Should we wait you? 01:23:14.350 --> 01:23:17.349 You cooked? I like it! 01:23:17.350 --> 01:23:20.349 Oh so? 01:23:20.350 --> 01:23:23.349 I did cuz grandma wanted. 01:23:23.350 --> 01:23:26.349 Okay you start without me I have some more things to do. 01:23:29.350 --> 01:23:32.349 But, when I come I'll eat! The food made by my beautiful wife's hands. 01:23:32.350 --> 01:23:35.349 If there is anything left you'll eat. 01:23:35.350 --> 01:23:38.109 My wife will safe something for me. 01:23:38.350 --> 01:23:41.349 Lets see. 01:23:41.350 --> 01:23:44.349 Anyway, I'm closing up. 01:23:47.350 --> 01:23:50.349 There is no marriage like that Murat. 01:23:50.350 --> 01:23:53.349 I can't think of marriage like this. 01:23:53.350 --> 01:23:56.349 We would wake up every morning together. 01:23:59.350 --> 01:24:02.349 I would do breakfast for you. 01:24:05.350 --> 01:24:08.349 When you would come home You would ask me if I needed anything. 01:24:11.350 --> 01:24:14.349 We would be happy. A little! 01:24:14.350 --> 01:24:17.349 Now we are not happy! 01:24:20.350 --> 01:24:23.349 Wait! Do you need anything? 01:24:23.350 --> 01:24:26.349 I mean should I get anything when I come home? 01:24:29.350 --> 01:24:32.349 No thank you! 01:24:32.350 --> 01:24:35.349 See you in the dinner. Ok. 01:24:38.350 --> 01:24:41.349 Oh come on give me this Ms Azime. 01:24:41.350 --> 01:24:43.989 I wont give it, 01:24:44.350 --> 01:24:47.349 What is happening there? 01:24:47.350 --> 01:24:50.349 Give it to me now! 01:24:50.350 --> 01:24:53.349 I am saying no! 01:24:53.350 --> 01:24:56.349 Enough! This woman wont have anything she wants. 01:24:56.350 --> 01:24:59.349 And this is to much. 01:24:59.350 --> 01:25:02.349 This you wont get it from me I told you I wont give it. 01:25:02.350 --> 01:25:05.349 You should, it's better this way. 01:25:05.350 --> 01:25:08.349 Give that ring! Don't continue this anymore. 01:25:08.350 --> 01:25:11.349 Let it! 01:25:11.350 --> 01:25:14.349 Over my dead body you will get this. 01:25:14.350 --> 01:25:17.349 Girl this ring is not yours, 01:25:17.350 --> 01:25:20.349 This ring is mine! 01:25:20.350 --> 01:25:23.349 Second, the matter is not about the ring And you know tt very well! 01:25:23.350 --> 01:25:26.349 Give me that ring! 01:25:26.350 --> 01:25:29.349 Did she want you to get the ring from me? 01:25:29.350 --> 01:25:32.349 Azime I know you, you wouldn't let this happen. 01:25:32.350 --> 01:25:35.349 Say it, did Lejla threaten you? 01:25:35.350 --> 01:25:38.349 What are you watching? Did you like it? 01:25:38.350 --> 01:25:41.349 Happy to see me in this condition. 01:25:41.350 --> 01:25:45.470 I came just because I heard your voices. Don't confuse me with yourself! 01:25:45.490 --> 01:25:47.340 Don't listen her girl, you can go downstairs. 01:25:47.350 --> 01:25:47.910 Look at this. 01:25:48.050 --> 01:25:53.340 You believe to your husband right? What do I believe my husband? 01:25:53.350 --> 01:25:56.349 What Is wrong in believing him? 01:25:56.350 --> 01:25:59.349 Derya enough, live the girl in peace. 01:25:59.350 --> 01:26:02.349 You can't scream everyone in this home. 01:26:02.350 --> 01:26:05.349 Give me that ring 01:26:05.350 --> 01:26:08.349 Give it, and we'll finish this thing. I won't give it. 01:26:08.350 --> 01:26:11.349 If it's that easy come and take tt. 01:26:11.350 --> 01:26:14.349 Ms Azime are you ok? 01:26:14.350 --> 01:26:17.349 Tension. 01:26:23.350 --> 01:26:26.349 OK relaks, come. 01:26:56.350 --> 01:26:59.349 While I am here, 01:26:59.350 --> 01:27:02.349 You proud and self confidence will do Derya. 01:27:02.350 --> 01:27:05.349 You will leave from this home. 01:27:10.530 --> 01:27:14.340 Mr Murat didn't knew anything When he learned about it he made the payment. 01:27:14.350 --> 01:27:17.349 If you are not ashamed you would cry! 01:27:17.350 --> 01:27:20.349 If you want send some flowers to apologize. 01:27:20.350 --> 01:27:23.349 We cant work with you, you embarrassed us! 01:27:23.350 --> 01:27:26.349 Aren't you exaggerating a little? I found youa job! 01:27:26.350 --> 01:27:29.349 I told you that I will find what you want. 01:27:29.350 --> 01:27:32.349 Don't behave to me like I told you to lie to them. 01:27:32.350 --> 01:27:35.349 Look there is something I don't understand. 01:27:35.350 --> 01:27:38.349 Why do you want Sarte to be in money problem? 01:27:38.350 --> 01:27:41.349 you will see. 01:27:41.350 --> 01:27:44.349 Or one day I will explain it to you. 01:27:44.350 --> 01:27:47.349 Anyway, lets get back to work. 01:27:53.350 --> 01:27:56.349 When this will be ready? 01:27:56.350 --> 01:27:59.349 This is beautiful, whose is it? 01:27:59.350 --> 01:28:02.349 A skillful girl. 01:28:02.350 --> 01:28:05.349 For 3 days. 01:28:05.350 --> 01:28:08.349 What 3 days? Tomorrow immediately! 01:28:08.350 --> 01:28:11.349 No! You can work tonight and finish it. 01:28:14.350 --> 01:28:17.349 What happened? look how happy you are, you are smiling. 01:28:20.350 --> 01:28:23.349 Mr Murat is calling. Really? 01:28:23.350 --> 01:28:26.349 Yes he is really calling what should we do? Answer! 01:28:26.350 --> 01:28:29.149 Don't be afraid answer. 01:28:29.350 --> 01:28:32.349 Hello? Are you available? 01:28:32.350 --> 01:28:35.349 Yes, what Is it? 01:28:35.350 --> 01:28:38.450 Where are you? At the office 01:28:38.610 --> 01:28:41.070 Ok I'm there too, I'm coming. 01:28:41.170 --> 01:28:44.340 Lets talk. Don't do it. 01:28:44.350 --> 01:28:47.349 Ok I'm waiting. He is at the door. 01:28:47.350 --> 01:28:50.349 He is coming here. What are you saying? 01:28:50.350 --> 01:28:53.349 Is there any back door? Just a pillar. Ok. 01:28:53.350 --> 01:28:56.349 Look, don't say anything about what we talked. 01:28:56.350 --> 01:28:59.349 Fast, he is coming. 01:29:26.350 --> 01:29:29.349 Mr Murat? 01:29:32.350 --> 01:29:35.349 Come lets do to the office. 01:29:41.350 --> 01:29:44.349 Come in. 01:29:44.350 --> 01:29:47.349 Do you want anything to drink? 01:29:47.350 --> 01:29:50.349 There's no need for anything. 01:29:53.350 --> 01:29:56.349 I actually, 01:29:56.350 --> 01:29:59.349 Came to ask for something. 01:30:02.350 --> 01:30:05.349 I apologize for what happened in the morning. 01:30:05.350 --> 01:30:08.349 What's done is done. It's over now. 01:30:08.350 --> 01:30:11.349 If you came for this it wasn't necessary. 01:30:14.350 --> 01:30:17.349 Why didn't you told me before that the payment wasn't made? 01:30:20.350 --> 01:30:23.349 I? Don't know! 01:30:26.350 --> 01:30:29.349 I don't understand what you are saying Mr Murat. I am just asking. 01:30:29.350 --> 01:30:32.349 Why did you got tensed by this? 01:30:32.350 --> 01:30:35.349 No, I thought you were going to Say something! 01:30:35.350 --> 01:30:38.349 Don't miss understand me. 01:30:38.350 --> 01:30:41.349 I see. 01:30:41.350 --> 01:30:44.349 If there is nothing else I have to go. 01:30:44.350 --> 01:30:47.349 With your permision! 01:31:02.350 --> 01:31:05.349 Good night! Good night. 01:31:38.350 --> 01:31:41.349 Mustaj guy! 01:31:41.350 --> 01:31:44.349 What is this surprise? 01:31:44.350 --> 01:31:47.349 No tonight I didn't come for you, I came for grandpa Ashmet. 01:31:47.350 --> 01:31:50.349 That's why I came. 01:31:50.350 --> 01:31:53.349 What Is it? I don't know. We will learn when I come in. 01:31:53.350 --> 01:31:56.349 Ok come in. 01:32:02.350 --> 01:32:05.349 Emine the movie started. 01:32:05.350 --> 01:32:08.349 Tell your father, it is dangerous. 01:32:11.350 --> 01:32:14.349 Doesn't like movies. 01:32:14.350 --> 01:32:17.349 Last week after 5 min he started snoring. 01:32:20.350 --> 01:32:23.349 Good evening. 01:32:23.350 --> 01:32:26.349 Welcome son. 01:32:29.350 --> 01:32:32.349 Emine get Fadik and go to the kitchen make us some tea. 01:32:32.350 --> 01:32:35.349 And something else. 01:32:35.350 --> 01:32:38.349 Come girl. 01:32:50.350 --> 01:32:53.349 Why did you sit there? Go to the kitchen. 01:32:53.350 --> 01:32:56.349 Help them. 01:32:56.350 --> 01:32:59.349 Learn these things, tomorrow will come guests. 01:32:59.350 --> 01:33:02.349 Ok grandpa, don't get mad I am going. 01:33:05.350 --> 01:33:08.349 Now that you left, come closer. 01:33:08.350 --> 01:33:11.349 Yes grandpa? 01:33:11.350 --> 01:33:14.349 I will talk very important with you. I am listening. 01:33:17.350 --> 01:33:20.349 We'll make an alliance. 01:33:20.350 --> 01:33:23.349 We'll make an unity. 01:33:23.350 --> 01:33:26.349 What happened? Why are you laughing? 01:33:26.350 --> 01:33:29.349 Is there anything? 01:33:29.350 --> 01:33:32.349 No grandpa, I was surprised a little. 01:33:32.350 --> 01:33:35.349 Ms Azime accepted your proposal. 01:33:38.350 --> 01:33:41.349 Of course she accepted, why would I call you? 01:33:41.350 --> 01:33:44.349 Yes, I see! 01:33:44.350 --> 01:33:47.349 Take this. What is this? 01:33:47.350 --> 01:33:50.349 Money. 01:33:53.350 --> 01:33:56.349 Quiet! 01:33:59.350 --> 01:34:02.349 Did you hear anything? Nothing. 01:34:02.350 --> 01:34:05.349 What has father to do with Kerem? 01:34:08.350 --> 01:34:11.349 Girl! 01:34:11.350 --> 01:34:14.349 Come and help me. 01:34:14.350 --> 01:34:17.349 Me and Ms Azime want to go for vacations. 01:34:17.350 --> 01:34:20.349 Hope we live what we have left. 01:34:23.350 --> 01:34:26.349 Honey moon? Yes honey moon! 01:34:26.350 --> 01:34:29.349 You will arrange for us, 01:34:29.350 --> 01:34:32.349 The hotel and other stuff. 01:34:32.350 --> 01:34:35.349 Of course I'll do, you are showing me the way. 01:34:35.350 --> 01:34:38.349 Ipek will also come with us. No lets take Murat and Hayat also! 01:34:38.350 --> 01:34:41.349 Asli can come too. 01:34:41.350 --> 01:34:44.349 And the ones in the kitchen too, they can come too. 01:34:44.350 --> 01:34:47.349 Lets all go like a family. Yes grandpa it will be nice. 01:34:47.350 --> 01:34:50.349 But this money are not enough! 01:34:50.350 --> 01:34:53.349 You fool! Only me and my girlfriend are going to go. 01:34:53.350 --> 01:34:56.349 You two look for yourselfes! 01:34:56.350 --> 01:34:59.349 Ok grandpa! Why do you get mad! I got it! You'll go together. 01:34:59.350 --> 01:35:02.349 Let it be a suit. 01:35:02.350 --> 01:35:05.349 Be what? 01:35:05.350 --> 01:35:08.349 Suit! 01:35:08.350 --> 01:35:11.349 Grandpa I will get the best for you. 01:35:14.350 --> 01:35:17.349 Lets see. 01:35:32.350 --> 01:35:35.349 Are you sleeping? 01:35:38.350 --> 01:35:41.349 What are you doing? 01:35:41.350 --> 01:35:44.349 Book. 01:35:47.350 --> 01:35:50.349 You don't ask if I am hungry. 01:35:50.350 --> 01:35:53.349 I came from work, you said you did something. 01:35:53.350 --> 01:35:56.349 Yes in the fridge. 01:36:02.350 --> 01:36:05.349 Thank you. 01:36:05.350 --> 01:36:08.349 You think too much, but even I think a little. 01:36:11.350 --> 01:36:14.349 I got you a gift. Thank you. 01:36:17.350 --> 01:36:20.349 The books sounds interesting. It is. 01:36:26.350 --> 01:36:29.349 You wont open it! I will see it later! At least thank me. 01:36:29.350 --> 01:36:32.349 Thank you! 01:36:35.350 --> 01:36:38.349 Can you get the light of? I am sleeping. 01:36:38.350 --> 01:36:41.349 At this ttme? 01:36:41.350 --> 01:36:44.349 I am so tired Murat! I did a lot of things today. 01:36:47.350 --> 01:36:50.349 Okay then. 01:36:50.350 --> 01:36:53.349 Where is my towel? In the closet. 01:36:53.350 --> 01:36:56.349 Why do you ask me? 01:37:02.350 --> 01:37:05.349 Don'te ry now/ 01:37:05.350 --> 01:37:08.349 It is not worthy for a ring. 01:37:08.350 --> 01:37:11.349 It's not just the ring, but the humiliation. 01:37:14.350 --> 01:37:17.349 Look if you don't want to stay here, 01:37:17.350 --> 01:37:20.349 Lets go to another house. 01:37:20.350 --> 01:37:23.349 No! 01:37:23.350 --> 01:37:26.349 I wont let her bother me. 01:37:26.350 --> 01:37:29.349 I wont let her this house! She wont take nothing mine! 01:37:29.350 --> 01:37:32.349 Mom? 01:37:32.350 --> 01:37:35.349 It's not worthy to work so much. 01:37:35.350 --> 01:37:38.349 Everything you do are numbers. 01:37:38.350 --> 01:37:41.349 What gets me more sad are the things done. 01:37:41.350 --> 01:37:44.349 Since dad left everything changed. 01:37:44.350 --> 01:37:47.349 If it's not dad it's me, don't get upset now. 01:37:47.350 --> 01:37:50.349 I will handle it. 01:37:50.350 --> 01:37:53.349 I will talk with my brother. 01:38:08.350 --> 01:38:11.349 How am I? 01:38:14.350 --> 01:38:17.349 What are you doing? What does it seem like? 01:38:17.350 --> 01:38:20.349 I am doing my bed. You haven't decided yet I suppose. 01:38:23.350 --> 01:38:26.349 Noidid. Now iam doing tt. 01:38:26.350 --> 01:38:29.349 Then show me too. It is very simple. 01:38:29.350 --> 01:38:32.349 This line is our border. 01:38:32.350 --> 01:38:35.349 This is yours this mine. 01:38:35.350 --> 01:38:38.349 If no one passes the border. 01:38:38.350 --> 01:38:41.349 We will get along fine. 01:38:41.350 --> 01:38:44.349 Is there anything you don't understand? Yes it is. 01:38:44.350 --> 01:38:47.349 Can I show you the practice? 01:38:47.350 --> 01:38:50.349 Lets get to our parts. 01:38:50.350 --> 01:38:52.829 Yes I am listening. 01:38:53.350 --> 01:38:56.349 Now! 01:38:56.350 --> 01:38:59.349 Lets suppose that I want to touch you. 01:38:59.350 --> 01:39:02.349 Like this for example, I can touch you. 01:39:02.350 --> 01:39:05.349 No this way you cross the border. 01:39:05.350 --> 01:39:08.349 Ok there is another problem. 01:39:11.350 --> 01:39:14.349 Lets suppose I crossed the border, 01:39:14.350 --> 01:39:17.349 And I hug you, what are we going to do? 01:39:17.350 --> 01:39:20.349 Murat do you wnat to loose discipline points? 01:39:20.350 --> 01:39:23.349 You accept this or, 01:39:23.350 --> 01:39:26.349 Or what? Leave. 01:39:26.350 --> 01:39:29.349 You know I am here for the family's happiness. 01:39:29.350 --> 01:39:32.349 Yes I know. Then get to your part. 01:39:32.350 --> 01:39:35.349 But iam very happy here. 01:39:35.350 --> 01:39:38.349 Murat let me. If I let you you will fall! 01:39:38.350 --> 01:39:41.349 Murat, please. 01:39:44.350 --> 01:39:47.349 Look there is a problem with this border, lets see it again. 01:39:50.350 --> 01:39:53.349 I am okay here, good night. 01:39:53.350 --> 01:39:56.349 Okay then I will come beside you. 01:39:56.350 --> 01:39:59.349 My place is close to the bride. 01:40:05.350 --> 01:40:08.349 I left you all that bed, go there. 01:40:08.350 --> 01:40:11.349 Hayat can I tell you something? 01:40:17.350 --> 01:40:20.349 Why should I ask? 01:40:20.350 --> 01:40:23.349 You will say everything was ok, you will lie! 01:40:23.350 --> 01:40:26.349 Lie what? 01:40:26.350 --> 01:40:29.349 Was there everything okay in the company Murat? 01:40:29.350 --> 01:40:32.349 Yes! 01:40:32.350 --> 01:40:35.349 Emre didn't said like that, I know what happened. 01:40:35.350 --> 01:40:38.349 Ti fole me Emren? Po! 01:40:38.350 --> 01:40:42.230 The fool messes with everything! 01:40:43.150 --> 01:40:47.340 Then tell me the truth! If there was something important I would tell you. 01:40:47.350 --> 01:40:50.349 But no! You shouldn't get upset now. 01:40:50.350 --> 01:40:53.349 Just a little problem, I will fix it. 01:40:53.350 --> 01:40:56.349 Only one thing I haven't handle. And thats you. 01:40:59.350 --> 01:41:02.349 We live in the same place but I don't touch you. 01:41:05.350 --> 01:41:08.349 In my mind and heart Is only one thing, you. 01:41:11.350 --> 01:41:14.349 I know Hayat I know. 01:41:14.350 --> 01:41:17.349 That's why I don't get mad with you. 01:41:17.350 --> 01:41:20.349 You are right. 01:41:23.350 --> 01:41:26.349 Murat! 01:41:26.350 --> 01:41:29.349 Mom? Did anything happen? 01:41:29.350 --> 01:41:31.989 Murat! Are you listening me? 01:41:32.350 --> 01:41:35.349 I am coming mom. 01:41:47.350 --> 01:41:50.349 What happened mom? Are you okay? I am but... 01:41:50.350 --> 01:41:53.349 I was worried about you, you didn't come to see me. 01:41:53.350 --> 01:41:56.349 How, is everything okay in the company? It is. 01:41:56.350 --> 01:41:59.349 Don't Worry 01:41:59.350 --> 01:42:02.349 Son, I wanted you to hear it from me not from anyone else, 01:42:02.350 --> 01:42:05.349 Today Ms Azime and Derya had a discussion. Why? 01:42:08.350 --> 01:42:11.349 Now, this ring, 01:42:11.350 --> 01:42:14.349 I wanted it from Derja, since it is given to the brides 01:42:14.350 --> 01:42:17.349 And since Hayat is yours, 01:42:17.350 --> 01:42:20.349 I wanted to give it to her. I see. 01:42:20.350 --> 01:42:23.349 I will handle it tomorrow. 01:42:23.350 --> 01:42:26.349 But I want something from you, I don't want any problems in this house. 01:42:26.350 --> 01:42:29.349 Dear, 01:42:29.350 --> 01:42:32.349 I didn't had bad reason, they misunderstood me. 01:42:32.350 --> 01:42:35.349 Ok there is no problem I will talk. 01:42:35.350 --> 01:42:38.349 With your permision I will sleep cuz I am very tired. 01:42:38.350 --> 01:42:41.349 Okay son, good night. You too. 01:43:17.350 --> 01:43:20.349 There is no need to pretend as if you are sleeping Hayat. 01:43:20.350 --> 01:43:23.349 I wont cross the border don't worry. 01:43:23.350 --> 01:43:26.349 Good night. 01:43:47.350 --> 01:43:50.349 You are leaving too? Yes brother. 01:43:50.350 --> 01:43:53.349 I want to leave without mom seeing me. 01:43:53.350 --> 01:43:56.349 Give me something. 01:43:59.350 --> 01:44:02.349 Do you know which I dreamed last night? Which? 01:44:08.350 --> 01:44:11.349 Good morning Mr Ashmet. 01:44:11.350 --> 01:44:14.349 Good morning my Azime. 01:44:14.350 --> 01:44:17.349 Good morning, you too Mr Ashmet. 01:44:17.350 --> 01:44:20.349 I say we go to the office today, 01:44:20.350 --> 01:44:23.349 Lets handle our work. 01:44:23.350 --> 01:44:26.349 Than lets have breakfast. 01:44:26.350 --> 01:44:29.349 What are we going to do in the office? Marriage. 01:44:32.350 --> 01:44:35.349 Ashmet aren't we going a little fast? 01:44:35.350 --> 01:44:38.349 It's been 50 years. 01:44:38.350 --> 01:44:41.349 The only condition was for the children to unite, 01:44:41.350 --> 01:44:44.349 Yes that was 01:44:44.350 --> 01:44:47.349 They did. 01:44:47.350 --> 01:44:50.349 Ok first lets say to the children. 01:44:50.350 --> 01:44:53.349 Okay this night we will get together. 01:44:53.350 --> 01:44:56.349 And tell the children. 01:44:56.350 --> 01:44:59.349 No not tonight! I will tell you when. 01:44:59.350 --> 01:45:02.349 Ok as you wish Azime. 01:45:02.350 --> 01:45:05.349 Have a goog day. 01:45:05.350 --> 01:45:08.349 Good day. 01:45:35.350 --> 01:45:38.349 It is not done like that by putting borders. 01:45:38.350 --> 01:45:41.349 You are fire he is powder, are you mad? 01:45:41.350 --> 01:45:44.349 Everyone Is trying to unite you. 01:45:44.350 --> 01:45:47.349 And Ms Azime had locked you in the room. 01:45:47.350 --> 01:45:50.349 Everything happened because of her. 01:45:50.350 --> 01:45:53.349 I couldn't stop it. 01:45:53.350 --> 01:45:56.349 even they think we complied. 01:45:56.350 --> 01:45:59.349 Of course. 01:45:59.350 --> 01:46:02.349 YOu couldn't say no. 01:46:02.350 --> 01:46:05.349 But if you don't want, 01:46:05.350 --> 01:46:08.349 I can talk with Mr Ashmet then. 01:46:08.350 --> 01:46:11.349 Like this. 01:46:11.350 --> 01:46:14.349 Hi Asi! 01:46:14.350 --> 01:46:17.349 The girl doesn't want to comply why are you making her to? 01:46:17.350 --> 01:46:20.349 Do something like that? No Tuval! 01:46:20.350 --> 01:46:23.349 If you don't want. 01:46:23.350 --> 01:46:26.349 Then don't. It's not depended in me. 01:46:26.350 --> 01:46:29.349 Of course 01:46:29.350 --> 01:46:32.349 You still think what Murat said that night. 01:46:32.350 --> 01:46:35.349 A little bit more, 01:46:35.350 --> 01:46:38.349 Ok then! 01:46:38.350 --> 01:46:41.349 Murat's movie will soon be in the cinemas. 01:46:41.350 --> 01:46:44.349 And I don't want tt. 01:46:44.350 --> 01:46:47.349 I will get mad, 01:46:47.350 --> 01:46:50.349 You don't want this and don't want that, what do you want then? 01:46:50.350 --> 01:46:53.349 I just want to be happy. 01:46:56.350 --> 01:46:59.349 This has a solution. 01:46:59.350 --> 01:47:02.349 Do you want the formula of happiness? 01:47:02.350 --> 01:47:05.349 What Is it? 01:47:05.350 --> 01:47:08.349 Do you want it? 01:47:11.350 --> 01:47:14.349 Little Sarsilmaz. 01:47:23.350 --> 01:47:26.349 Don't fight, make a child. 01:47:26.350 --> 01:47:29.349 They will rescue the world, 01:47:29.350 --> 01:47:32.349 Little, beautiful, 01:47:32.350 --> 01:47:35.349 With long eyelashes. Heu mom dad. 01:47:35.350 --> 01:47:38.349 Like it's talking with the eyelashes. 01:47:50.350 --> 01:47:53.349 Dream it. 01:47:53.350 --> 01:47:56.349 One woman. 01:47:59.350 --> 01:48:02.349 You are right, I dreamed tt. 01:48:05.350 --> 01:48:08.349 Ok that is done. 01:48:08.350 --> 01:48:11.349 Come go make children. 01:48:17.350 --> 01:48:20.349 I came right on the girl talking. 01:48:20.350 --> 01:48:23.349 No sweety babies. 01:48:23.350 --> 01:48:26.349 Lets see our work. 01:48:26.350 --> 01:48:29.349 I am taking Hayat for one hour. No you can't! 01:48:29.350 --> 01:48:32.349 I cant come. You must. 01:48:32.350 --> 01:48:35.349 You will come with me cuz you will select the part. 01:48:35.350 --> 01:48:38.349 We will just see the parts. 01:48:38.350 --> 01:48:41.349 Be back in half an hour. 01:49:02.350 --> 01:49:05.349 What is this? 01:49:05.350 --> 01:49:08.349 Grandpa Ashmet gave mi last night. 01:49:14.350 --> 01:49:17.349 Why did he gave you this money? 01:49:20.350 --> 01:49:23.349 He will go in vacation with grandma, honey moon. 01:49:32.350 --> 01:49:35.349 Ok handle tt. 01:49:35.350 --> 01:49:38.349 You are not mad? 01:49:41.350 --> 01:49:44.349 You are kidding right? 01:49:44.350 --> 01:49:47.349 You are serious! Yes. 01:49:47.350 --> 01:49:50.349 Do as he wants. 01:49:50.350 --> 01:49:53.349 But tell us too. 01:49:53.350 --> 01:49:56.349 Ok. 01:50:05.350 --> 01:50:08.349 Ms. Azime! 01:50:08.350 --> 01:50:11.349 You have guests, come come. 01:50:11.350 --> 01:50:14.349 Mr. Asmet! Come. 01:50:14.350 --> 01:50:17.349 Wellcome, what is today? 01:50:17.350 --> 01:50:20.349 Nothing, give me the hand. 01:50:20.350 --> 01:50:23.349 It's shame Mr. Ashmet, someone will see us. 01:50:23.350 --> 01:50:26.349 There is the bride in the house. 01:50:26.350 --> 01:50:29.349 Why is shame? Aren't we going to get married? 01:50:29.350 --> 01:50:32.349 Give me. 01:50:32.350 --> 01:50:35.349 Why not? Ok/ 01:50:35.350 --> 01:50:38.349 I will get the finger size for the ring. 01:50:38.350 --> 01:50:41.349 What did we talk on the phone? We wont go fast. 01:50:41.350 --> 01:50:44.349 But I am just getting prepared. 01:50:44.350 --> 01:50:47.349 And you are exaggerating. 01:50:47.350 --> 01:50:50.349 Give me. 01:50:53.350 --> 01:50:56.349 Yes ok. 01:50:56.350 --> 01:50:59.349 Lets not wait anymore. 01:51:11.350 --> 01:51:14.349 Excuse me, I am bothering I guess. 01:51:14.350 --> 01:51:17.349 Ms Azime, I was going to ask if you got the ring. 01:51:17.350 --> 01:51:20.349 I am leaving. 01:51:28.330 --> 01:51:29.990 I didn't got the answer. 01:51:31.350 --> 01:51:35.350 I will give you the answer. Everyone in this house is obsessed with rings. 01:51:35.350 --> 01:51:38.349 If you want it so much go get it yourself. 01:51:38.350 --> 01:51:41.349 Do what you want. Leave me alone. 01:51:47.350 --> 01:51:50.349 What the hell? 01:52:20.350 --> 01:52:23.349 This is not a warehouse. No! 01:52:23.350 --> 01:52:26.349 What are you trying to do? Relaks Hayat! 01:52:26.350 --> 01:52:29.349 I will show you something. No. 01:52:29.350 --> 01:52:32.349 Hayat! 01:52:35.350 --> 01:52:38.349 Leave me! Take your hand of! Okay calm down. 01:52:38.350 --> 01:52:40.990 What is this answer! I came to show you one model! 01:52:41.030 --> 01:52:42.550 You lied to me, by coming here. 01:52:44.350 --> 01:52:47.349 No since it was in the way, we'll see a model and go to the warehouse. 01:52:47.350 --> 01:52:50.349 Hayat! Look I am worried. 01:52:50.350 --> 01:52:53.349 Don't behave like this, we are working. 01:52:56.350 --> 01:52:59.349 Ok sorry, but I got worried. 01:52:59.350 --> 01:53:02.349 Ok I appologize. 01:53:02.350 --> 01:53:05.349 I just wanted your opinion, don't you have 5 min? 01:53:11.350 --> 01:53:14.349 Yes Murat? 01:53:14.350 --> 01:53:17.349 I didn't see you in Sarte! 01:53:17.350 --> 01:53:20.349 Where are you? 01:53:20.350 --> 01:53:23.349 We are out to get a model. 01:53:23.350 --> 01:53:26.349 What? You left with Emre? 01:53:26.510 --> 01:53:29.349 Yes we will be there in an hour. 01:53:31.930 --> 01:53:35.340 Ok don't get late. OK don't worry. 01:53:35.350 --> 01:53:38.349 I have something to say. 01:53:41.350 --> 01:53:44.349 Say it now. Not not now in the evening. 01:53:44.350 --> 01:53:47.349 OK see you. 01:54:08.350 --> 01:54:11.349 Welcome. 01:54:11.350 --> 01:54:14.349 Hello! 01:54:14.790 --> 01:54:17.349 Welcome, is this the one? 01:54:17.350 --> 01:54:20.349 I didn't undestand? The pictures are great. 01:54:20.350 --> 01:54:23.349 What is he saying? 01:54:23.350 --> 01:54:26.349 Be patient and you will see. 01:54:26.350 --> 01:54:29.349 Hayat! Don't behave like this. 01:54:32.390 --> 01:54:35.349 I think she will get surprised when she sees. 01:54:53.350 --> 01:54:56.349 Is this my design Emre? Yes, 01:54:56.350 --> 01:54:59.349 What is this doing here? And does Murat know? 01:55:02.350 --> 01:55:05.349 How can you do this? Who are you? 01:55:05.350 --> 01:55:08.349 Who did you get permision from? 01:55:08.350 --> 01:55:11.349 Calm down. Sarte can't handle this. 01:55:11.350 --> 01:55:14.349 The condition is very bad. 01:55:14.350 --> 01:55:17.349 Then we wont do it Emre! Hayat this is your work. 01:55:20.350 --> 01:55:23.349 I did this Just for you! What do you think yourself? 01:55:23.350 --> 01:55:26.349 You are Tuval's friend or else, 01:55:26.350 --> 01:55:29.349 I would be at the cops cuz this is theft! 01:55:35.350 --> 01:55:38.349 Mr. Emre! The maddam says theft! 01:55:38.350 --> 01:55:41.349 It's ok 01:55:47.350 --> 01:55:48.690 Now. 01:55:48.830 --> 01:55:53.340 You are saying that after new year we will make children collection? 01:55:53.350 --> 01:55:56.349 You read my thoughts. 01:55:59.350 --> 01:56:02.349 Kiss me here. 01:56:02.350 --> 01:56:05.349 What are you doing? What about the name? 01:56:05.350 --> 01:56:08.349 What will it be? 01:56:08.350 --> 01:56:11.349 Yes Hayat and Murat. 01:56:11.350 --> 01:56:14.349 Something like that must be. 01:56:17.350 --> 01:56:20.349 Haymur! 01:56:20.350 --> 01:56:23.349 Haymur! Wonderful! 01:56:29.350 --> 01:56:32.349 What? Your order came. 01:56:32.350 --> 01:56:35.349 Give me. 01:56:38.350 --> 01:56:41.349 What is this for? 01:56:41.350 --> 01:56:44.349 Its the start for the children collection. 01:57:02.350 --> 01:57:05.349 Curiosity is something bad I told you right? 01:57:05.350 --> 01:57:08.349 You will be happier if you leave. 01:57:17.350 --> 01:57:20.349 How? 01:57:20.350 --> 01:57:23.349 I will wear it. 01:57:23.350 --> 01:57:26.349 Next time. 01:57:38.350 --> 01:57:41.349 U are back? 01:57:41.350 --> 01:57:44.349 The parts? We didn't see them. 01:57:47.350 --> 01:57:50.349 Did anything happened? 01:57:50.350 --> 01:57:53.349 I knew! 01:57:56.350 --> 01:57:59.349 Lets not do my collection. What? 01:57:59.350 --> 01:58:02.349 Lets not do it. Why not? 01:58:02.350 --> 01:58:05.349 You didn't want that project! You got mad with me. 01:58:08.350 --> 01:58:11.349 Its not important, I want it now. 01:58:11.350 --> 01:58:14.349 What tis happening Hayat? 01:58:14.350 --> 01:58:17.349 You were right. 01:58:17.350 --> 01:58:20.349 Working with Emre was wrong. 01:58:20.350 --> 01:58:23.349 Wait. 01:58:23.350 --> 01:58:26.229 Did he do anything to you? He didn't. 01:58:26.350 --> 01:58:29.349 Don't misunderstand. 01:58:29.350 --> 01:58:32.349 Just that I don't like the way he works. 01:58:35.350 --> 01:58:38.349 I have some more plans. What plans? 01:58:38.350 --> 01:58:41.349 I didn't understand. 01:58:41.350 --> 01:58:44.349 I'll tell you in the evening. 01:58:44.350 --> 01:58:47.349 Wait! 01:58:47.350 --> 01:58:50.349 I wont let you go nowhere without telling me. 01:58:50.350 --> 01:58:53.349 I wont tell you nothing, not a little thing. 01:58:56.350 --> 01:58:59.349 Stay a little away, it became hot here. 01:58:59.350 --> 01:59:02.349 If you tell me I will let you. 01:59:02.350 --> 01:59:05.349 If you let mel will. 01:59:08.350 --> 01:59:11.349 Your dreams will come true. 01:59:11.350 --> 01:59:14.349 see you. 01:59:23.350 --> 01:59:26.349 Your dreams will come true. 01:59:44.350 --> 01:59:47.349 Tuval! 01:59:50.350 --> 01:59:53.349 Good to have you, I love you so much. Me too. 01:59:56.350 --> 01:59:59.349 I would ask about this happiness but I am afraid of braking it. 01:59:59.350 --> 02:00:02.349 Cuz of you. 02:00:02.350 --> 02:00:05.349 I didn't understand? 02:00:05.350 --> 02:00:08.349 I see, 02:00:08.350 --> 02:00:11.349 You decided to finish this war. 02:00:11.350 --> 02:00:14.349 Yes I am going home. 02:00:17.350 --> 02:00:20.349 But, 02:00:20.350 --> 02:00:23.349 I didn't finish my job. 02:00:23.350 --> 02:00:26.349 What is that? 02:00:32.350 --> 02:00:35.349 This is for loves. 02:00:35.350 --> 02:00:38.349 You understand? 02:00:38.350 --> 02:00:41.349 Yes. 02:00:41.350 --> 02:00:44.349 Tuval you are great. 02:00:44.350 --> 02:00:47.349 Yes I am! 02:00:47.350 --> 02:00:50.349 But there is no one deserving me. 02:00:50.350 --> 02:00:53.349 Go now don't talk, go have kids. 02:00:53.350 --> 02:00:56.349 What are you? I got bored with you. 02:01:20.350 --> 02:01:23.349 YOu didn't like it? I did it as you like them. 02:01:23.350 --> 02:01:26.349 Now the mail guy with come and get the mail. 02:01:26.350 --> 02:01:29.349 If they ask who sent, don't tell. 02:01:32.350 --> 02:01:35.349 I will go at this adress. 02:01:38.350 --> 02:01:41.269 But today. OK. 02:01:41.350 --> 02:01:44.349 Ok. 02:01:47.350 --> 02:01:50.349 Ah Ashmet you gave the money and got it beautiful than Murat. 02:01:53.350 --> 02:01:56.349 But Azime is worth it. 02:02:02.350 --> 02:02:05.349 You fool, you scared me. 02:02:05.350 --> 02:02:08.349 You almost hit me. How would I granpa? 02:02:08.350 --> 02:02:11.349 Till now I haven't sent anyone in the other world/ 02:02:17.350 --> 02:02:20.349 Don't talk like that, don't take this happiness from me. 02:02:23.350 --> 02:02:26.349 But these will make you happy. You brought them? Thank you. 02:02:26.350 --> 02:02:28.050 Of course I brought grandpa. 02:02:28.130 --> 02:02:34.030 Just for 2 people in the paradise! The paradise in this world right? 02:02:34.110 --> 02:02:35.340 In this world grandpa. 02:02:35.350 --> 02:02:38.349 Everything is okay, we will go this week. This week? 02:02:38.350 --> 02:02:41.349 With the family, we will all go. 02:02:41.350 --> 02:02:44.349 All? 02:02:44.350 --> 02:02:47.349 My friend did me a favor, for the price of two he gave me 8. 02:02:47.350 --> 02:02:50.349 I told you vacation for two. 02:02:50.350 --> 02:02:53.349 You brought us 6 more people behind. 02:02:53.350 --> 02:02:56.349 Go now! 02:02:56.350 --> 02:02:59.349 Ok grandpa see you. 02:03:14.350 --> 02:03:17.349 Ah this Oya puts everything In one place. 02:03:17.350 --> 02:03:20.349 When you look and don't find tt. 02:03:23.350 --> 02:03:26.349 Where is this? 02:03:29.350 --> 02:03:32.349 What does he want? 02:03:35.350 --> 02:03:38.349 What is again Ms Ashmet? 02:03:38.350 --> 02:03:41.349 I will tell you something. What? 02:03:41.350 --> 02:03:44.349 No no! 02:03:44.350 --> 02:03:47.349 I will ask something from you. 02:03:47.350 --> 02:03:50.349 What? I want to take you 2 days if you are free. 02:03:50.350 --> 02:03:53.349 Why? For vacation. 02:03:53.350 --> 02:03:56.349 Lets go on vacation. Only us? 02:03:56.350 --> 02:03:59.349 No alltogether with the children. 02:04:02.350 --> 02:04:05.349 I cant leave the house and go, I have lots of problems. 02:04:05.350 --> 02:04:08.349 Where did this vacation came from? 02:04:14.350 --> 02:04:17.309 This man wont understand/ 02:04:20.350 --> 02:04:23.349 Like my only problem was to get married. 02:04:23.350 --> 02:04:26.349 Ah, Azime! You promised. 02:04:26.350 --> 02:04:29.349 Now handle this. 02:05:02.350 --> 02:05:05.349 Welcome father. 02:05:08.350 --> 02:05:11.349 Father what happened? Are you sick? 02:05:14.350 --> 02:05:17.349 What happened to him? 02:05:41.350 --> 02:05:44.349 I am going Cagla! Murat! 02:05:44.550 --> 02:05:47.349 I found the flowers you wanted. 02:05:47.350 --> 02:05:50.349 Thanks. 02:05:56.350 --> 02:05:59.349 I have a mail for Mr Murat Sarsilmaz. 4'th floor. 02:06:23.350 --> 02:06:26.349 I have an order. 02:06:41.350 --> 02:06:44.349 I have forgotten the phone from the emotions. Emotions? 02:06:47.350 --> 02:06:50.349 You have a mail. Let me give you this. 02:06:50.350 --> 02:06:53.349 Ok. 02:06:53.350 --> 02:06:56.349 Thanks Cagla! Good night. 02:09:35.350 --> 02:09:38.349 Girl we are going on vacations. 02:09:38.350 --> 02:09:41.349 Don't say like that or some problem will come up. 02:09:41.350 --> 02:09:44.349 And we cant go. Come on girls one of you call dad. 02:09:44.350 --> 02:09:47.349 Tell him to come to dinner. The food is getting cold. 02:09:53.350 --> 02:09:56.349 This man doesn't understand. 02:09:56.350 --> 02:09:59.349 I got upset cuz he will dye, 02:09:59.350 --> 02:10:02.349 But even I don't have the desire for marriage. 02:10:02.350 --> 02:10:05.349 I gave a word now handle with it. 02:10:11.350 --> 02:10:14.349 Grandpa? 02:10:20.350 --> 02:10:23.349 Grandpa? Were you sleeping? Who told you to come in? 02:10:23.350 --> 02:10:26.349 Close the door. 02:10:39.350 --> 02:10:40.350 What happened girl? 02:10:41.350 --> 02:10:44.349 Something has happened to grandpa. Is he sick? 02:10:44.350 --> 02:10:47.349 He screamed at me! 02:10:47.350 --> 02:10:50.349 Even when he came he was not good. 02:10:50.350 --> 02:10:53.349 You sit. 02:10:53.350 --> 02:10:56.349 The food is getting cold. 02:10:56.350 --> 02:10:59.349 Let him alone, he'll be here in a while. 02:11:23.350 --> 02:11:26.349 Levent! Don't go! 02:11:26.350 --> 02:11:29.349 Relaks Mr Murat I will explain. 02:11:29.350 --> 02:11:32.349 Shut up! What are you thinking? 02:11:32.350 --> 02:11:34.110 I didn't do anything. It's not my fault. 02:11:34.190 --> 02:11:38.340 Then where did you found those? Mr. Emre brought them! Then he came with that girl. 02:11:38.350 --> 02:11:41.349 The drawings were hers, I didn't thought it was a problem. 02:11:41.350 --> 02:11:44.349 What girl? I don't know her name. 02:11:44.350 --> 02:11:47.349 Long dark hair, a beautiful girl. 02:11:50.350 --> 02:11:53.349 It was a mistake. Sorry Murat. 02:12:05.350 --> 02:12:08.349 If you want I wont get money since I made a mistake. 02:12:08.350 --> 02:12:11.349 I apologize! Mr Murat! 02:14:05.350 --> 02:14:08.349 Give me your farewell. 02:14:08.350 --> 02:14:11.349 Father where are you going? 02:14:11.350 --> 02:14:14.349 What is this farewell? Where are you going? I am soing home. 02:14:14.350 --> 02:14:17.349 Why grandpa? How? 02:14:17.350 --> 02:14:20.349 I am not going to answer to you. 02:14:20.350 --> 02:14:23.349 But you can't do like this. 02:14:23.350 --> 02:14:26.349 Father did you see something wrong at us? 02:14:26.350 --> 02:14:29.349 Did we do anything? 02:14:29.350 --> 02:14:32.349 For god sake say something! 02:14:32.350 --> 02:14:35.349 I got bored from you. Ok? 02:14:35.350 --> 02:14:38.349 I am leaving. Good bye! 02:18:08.350 --> 02:18:11.349 Did anything happen? 02:18:11.350 --> 02:18:14.349 I thought. 02:18:14.350 --> 02:18:17.349 Lets not do my project. 02:20:35.350 --> 02:20:38.349 Murat! Welcome. 02:20:38.350 --> 02:20:41.349 Hazal is upstairs waiting for you. 02:23:35.350 --> 02:23:38.349 Now I want to be happy! 02:23:56.350 --> 02:23:59.349 Let the dream come true. 02:24:02.350 --> 02:24:05.349 Cuz without you I wont. 02:24:11.350 --> 02:24:14.349 I love you.