WEBVTT 00:00:01.793 --> 00:00:03.436 (Bell) 00:00:09.707 --> 00:00:15.565 (Bell) 00:00:33.457 --> 00:00:38.452 For the past few years, I've been obsessed with video games, 00:00:38.696 --> 00:00:42.085 playing for 8 hours a day 00:00:42.379 --> 00:00:50.638 and I need suggestions to stop this obsession of playing video games. 00:00:52.221 --> 00:00:54.815 (Sr. True Dedication): Dear Thay, dear sangha, 00:00:55.098 --> 00:00:59.644 a young friend just shared that for the last few years 00:00:59.862 --> 00:01:03.438 he has been playing a lot of computer games. 00:01:03.620 --> 00:01:08.249 About 8 hours every day he plays computer games 00:01:08.422 --> 00:01:11.320 and it has become an obsession. 00:01:11.552 --> 00:01:13.926 He would like any help, any ideas 00:01:14.166 --> 00:01:19.057 how he can stop this obsession with playing computer games. 00:01:21.401 --> 00:01:27.824 The young people may already have a lot of suffering in themselves. 00:01:29.886 --> 00:01:36.479 Their parents do not know how to help their children to suffer less, 00:01:36.714 --> 00:01:39.680 to transform the suffering in them. 00:01:39.862 --> 00:01:43.215 That is why both, parents and children 00:01:43.432 --> 00:01:51.240 try to cover up the suffering inside by entertainment: 00:01:51.475 --> 00:01:58.633 music, books, films, electronic games and so on. 00:01:59.041 --> 00:02:02.217 This is not really enjoyment, 00:02:02.462 --> 00:02:07.013 it is just trying to run away from the suffering inside. 00:02:08.533 --> 00:02:16.003 As the time passes, the suffering inside continues to grow. 00:02:16.183 --> 00:02:22.421 Because the items that we consume 00:02:24.590 --> 00:02:27.396 in order to forget about our suffering 00:02:27.682 --> 00:02:31.282 can bring more toxins, poisons, 00:02:32.117 --> 00:02:37.520 anger, distress, to us. 00:02:38.702 --> 00:02:42.154 This is not living. 00:02:42.562 --> 00:02:48.086 That is running away from life. 00:02:49.729 --> 00:02:57.159 What the West calls the Kingdom of God 00:02:59.566 --> 00:03:03.828 in Buddhism is called the Dharma body. 00:03:07.367 --> 00:03:10.560 The Buddha has the Buddha body, 00:03:10.794 --> 00:03:14.534 but he also has a Dharma body. 00:03:14.813 --> 00:03:19.365 When the physical body of the Buddha is no longer there, 00:03:19.573 --> 00:03:24.274 his Dharma body continues to give Dharma talks. 00:03:25.175 --> 00:03:29.240 When you contemplate a flower 00:03:29.557 --> 00:03:32.980 or when you listen to the wind in the willow 00:03:33.220 --> 00:03:35.871 with mindfulness and concentration, 00:03:36.079 --> 00:03:41.072 you hear the Dharma talk given by the Dharma body of the Buddha. 00:03:42.504 --> 00:03:46.908 So the Buddha is always alive giving Dharma talks. 00:03:47.269 --> 00:03:53.021 If you contemplate the Moon, the cloud, the blue sky, 00:03:53.262 --> 00:03:55.983 the river, the rising tide, 00:03:56.231 --> 00:03:59.313 then everything is teaching the Dharma. 00:03:59.522 --> 00:04:03.586 The Dharma body is equivalent to the Kingdom of God. 00:04:05.146 --> 00:04:08.120 We know that the Kingdom of God is there. 00:04:08.337 --> 00:04:13.923 Every flower, every tree belongs to the Kingdom of God. 00:04:14.354 --> 00:04:17.681 They speak to you about the Kingdom of God 00:04:17.910 --> 00:04:20.679 that is here and now. 00:04:20.885 --> 00:04:24.783 So if you know how to go home to the here and the now, 00:04:24.946 --> 00:04:27.642 you have the Kingdom of God with you. 00:04:27.844 --> 00:04:30.000 It will nourish you, make you happy. 00:04:30.196 --> 00:04:33.893 You don't have to run away and take refuge in electronic games. 00:04:34.261 --> 00:04:38.651 When you breathe in mindfully, you bring your mind home to your body. 00:04:38.880 --> 00:04:42.995 When mind and body are together, you are truly alive. 00:04:43.232 --> 00:04:46.272 If you get lost in your computer, 00:04:46.986 --> 00:04:49.559 your body and your mind are separated. 00:04:49.840 --> 00:04:51.800 You are not truly alive. 00:04:52.080 --> 00:04:54.474 You are wasting your live. 00:04:54.960 --> 00:04:58.152 You don't profit from your life. 00:04:59.025 --> 00:05:01.564 Nature has given us a life. 00:05:01.783 --> 00:05:05.174 Every second, every minute is a jewel. 00:05:05.383 --> 00:05:07.960 If you can stay in the here and the now, 00:05:08.133 --> 00:05:10.953 you can enjoy the Kingdom of God in the here and the now. 00:05:11.093 --> 00:05:15.246 That is the best kind of enjoyment. 00:05:19.312 --> 00:05:27.597 There is an image in the Gospel. 00:05:28.559 --> 00:05:36.025 A peasant, a farmer, discovers a piece of land 00:05:36.311 --> 00:05:38.656 with a treasure in it. 00:05:38.872 --> 00:05:42.904 He goes home and sells everything in order to buy that small piece of land. 00:05:42.994 --> 00:05:45.321 Because it has a treasure in it. 00:05:45.552 --> 00:05:48.182 And that treasure can make him happy all his life 00:05:48.360 --> 00:05:50.592 and in the next life also. 00:05:50.758 --> 00:05:53.528 So if you have the treasure, the Kingdom of God, 00:05:53.662 --> 00:05:55.754 you don't need other things, 00:05:55.902 --> 00:06:03.096 including money, fame, power, sensual pleasures 00:06:03.393 --> 00:06:05.699 and electronic games. 00:06:05.896 --> 00:06:10.863 That is why parents should practice 00:06:11.080 --> 00:06:14.078 in order to be able to enjoy the Kingdom of God 00:06:14.255 --> 00:06:16.222 in the here and the now. 00:06:16.404 --> 00:06:19.678 In that way, they can teach their children to do the same. 00:06:20.240 --> 00:06:22.516 And they will not run away 00:06:22.665 --> 00:06:25.193 and take refuge in electronic games 00:06:25.304 --> 00:06:27.678 and got addicted to them anymore. 00:06:27.848 --> 00:06:29.676 Because if you continue, 00:06:29.893 --> 00:06:34.924 your body will have a lot of problems and your mind also. 00:06:36.394 --> 00:06:38.787 That has proved to be exact. 00:06:39.247 --> 00:06:42.899 If you spend too much time with your computer, 00:06:43.035 --> 00:06:45.338 your electronic games, 00:06:45.475 --> 00:06:48.507 you are addicted to new technologies, 00:06:48.720 --> 00:06:53.267 then you don't have any time left to enjoy the wonders of life, 00:06:53.507 --> 00:06:56.960 the Kingdom of God that is available in the here and the now. 00:06:57.280 --> 00:07:00.319 This is not only an answer to a young person, 00:07:00.564 --> 00:07:04.461 but to all of us, especially parents and teachers. 00:07:06.227 --> 00:07:08.673 Thank you for asking a question. 00:07:09.855 --> 00:07:11.432 (Bell) 00:07:14.854 --> 00:07:21.276 (Bell)