LIFE IS TOO EXPENSIVE protest in Kaunas, Lithuania 'All of you who are workers, please lift your hand up!' 'Now those who are students!' 'Now, the unemployed! 'Please lift you hand up if you have children!' 'Now the ones who receive pension!' 'Ones who received €100,000 bribe to come here?!' 'And finally, those who think that prices are too big and salaries too small!' Crisis has passed, we've been left over! Crisis has passed, we've been left over! Our lives - not for your profit, Our lives - not for your profit Banner reads: LIFE TOO EXPENSIVE Prices too high, Salaries too low Banner reads: BELT RUBS THE BONES ALREADY 'There are so many of us here, so that we wouldn't just resume to... ...sitting and complaining and that this gathering wouldn't go to waste, you are all invited to participate. There's no hierarchy, we're ALL organisers. Let's share our opinions, our problems, this microphone is for everybody!'