CIJ for kids and teens insight for life program is an awe-inspiring course focusing on mindfulness and emotional intelligence the curriculum is based upon a methodology first taught at Stanford University's famed creativity and business course that was developed by Dr. Michael Ray in 1979. It had such great success there. It was touted the most life transforming course ever to be taught at Stanford University. In 2001, it was finally brought out of the university by Julia Romaine and a team of coaches for the general public to enjoy. In 2014, the torch was passed to Hay House author and transformational coach Jennifer Grace who became the lead train-the-trainer and brought the curriculum worldwide under Ms graces direction it was then translated into six different languages and is now being taught in six different countries. In 2016, she and her team piloted the class for kids and teens. The results were profound. As of 2017, there are now 40 Insight for Life instructors teaching the curriculum in after schools, public and private schools, as well as yoga studios, and wellness centers here are the results from Muse Arts after-school center that has recently implemented the curriculum into its programming. -Hi my name is Yasmine satici. I'm the director of Muse Center for the Arts. So, bringing Insight for Life to our conservatory program has made such an incredible impact on the students here. They immediately fell in love with the material and we're super inspired by it and just kind of bubbling over with like enthusiasm and they just wanted more and more and it really taught them that they have a choice, they have a choice how they conduct themselves and the direction that they take their lives in and it gave them this power that they never really knew they had before. - Before I took Insight for Life, I really struggled with self-confidence like a lot it really helped me like figure out what my identity was and like Who I am - Before I took insight for life I was very confused about a lot of things I also thought really negatively about myself. It has made me more confident and I believed in myself way more than I have when I started this and I feel like I can do more and I trust myself more now. - I grew up a lot this year and I think it's a lot because of this class, but I really learned like how to love myself and like to love the mistakes that I've made through the process of this class but also through my life so this is what I created - Wow and it's like my inner gremlin. I'm like. it's also can be like representatives like me before this class and me now. I had bad anger issues and like they're a lot better now like - yeah and like I used to have a lot of conflicts with my mom and stuff like that's also a lot better now it helped me with focusing a lot better it helped me with different relationships with different friends and it helped me just focus - So the tools from insight for life and meditation and journaling and everything they helped me so much because I'm not a great test taker so when I got so stressed out. I would use SA TA NA MA meditation just to calm down and I'll breathe in and breathe out, get my focus straight and then I would continue I'm Olivia Holmes I'm 25 I live in central Massachusetts and when I was 15 years old I took CIJ Insights for Life with Jennifer Grace at that time I was about to drop out of high school I was dealing with friend drama, boyfriend drama and it made me, so, I wasn't confident in myself and I felt like I didn't fit in. I wanted to escape and the only way that I thought I could do that was to drop out of my high school and to start fresh and go to beauty school. Fast forward 10 years and I'm a graduate of Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst. I'm a marketing professional at a tech company in Boston .I've been there three years and I've earned myself three promotions working my way up from a marketing analyst to a marketing programs manager and I envisioned myself getting another promotion within the next six months Over the years I've gone back time and time again to those simple tools like journaling and meditating in order to get clear on Who I am and what I want I silenced my inner gremlin whenever I'm doubting myself and I think back to the creative process model that lets me know that hitting a brick wall in life is just part of the process. I don't know where my life would be at if I hadn't taken this course so many years ago, but I sincerely hope that every kid out there in the world has an opportunity to experience these tools because for me it's changed my life. - I think it would be amazing if Insight for Life was a part of like our everyday curriculum for our children in any age group from elementary school to middle school kids. if these tools were given to children at an earlier age where it was just an everyday thing to identify you know the different aspects of yourself your inner self the outer world and how you interact with it, it would give our children an incredible upper hand in just moving forward and dealing with life both in the an academic environment and outside of the academic environment You would allow them to really thrive as students and as human beings and as contributing members to our community and our society this should be as important as math and English. It's as important to be a healthy functioning well-adjusted young person who is self-aware and community conscious so that you can put all this wonderful academics at very learning to good use and and it really absolutely should be something that's a necessity and not a luxury. If you're interested in learning how you can bring this into your school, after-school program, yoga studio, Wellness Center or get your child involved Please visit: or contract the instructor that have shared this information with you today