1 00:00:01,207 --> 00:00:02,895 Hello. 2 00:00:02,895 --> 00:00:05,288 I'd like to introduce you to someone. 3 00:00:05,288 --> 00:00:07,793 This is Jomny. 4 00:00:07,983 --> 00:00:10,768 That's "Jonny" but spelled accidentally with an "m," 5 00:00:10,768 --> 00:00:12,592 in case you were wondering, 6 00:00:12,592 --> 00:00:13,764 because we're not all perfect. 7 00:00:13,764 --> 00:00:15,626 Jomny is an alien 8 00:00:15,626 --> 00:00:18,831 who has been sent to Earth with a mission to study humans. 9 00:00:18,831 --> 00:00:22,720 Jomny is feeling lost and alone and far from home, 10 00:00:22,720 --> 00:00:25,916 and I think we've all felt this way. 11 00:00:26,076 --> 00:00:27,754 Or, at least I have. 12 00:00:27,754 --> 00:00:30,736 I wrote this story about this alien at a moment in my life 13 00:00:30,736 --> 00:00:32,729 when I was feeling particularly alien. 14 00:00:32,729 --> 00:00:35,778 I had just moved to Cambridge and started my doctoral program at MIT, 15 00:00:35,778 --> 00:00:40,305 and I was feeling intimidated and isolated and very much like I didn't belong. 16 00:00:40,305 --> 00:00:44,182 But I had a lifeline of sorts. 17 00:00:44,182 --> 00:00:48,292 See, I was writing jokes for years and years 18 00:00:48,292 --> 00:00:50,674 and sharing them on social media, 19 00:00:50,674 --> 00:00:54,471 and I found that I was turning to doing this more and more. 20 00:00:54,471 --> 00:00:58,765 Now, for many people, the internet can feel like a lonely place. 21 00:00:58,765 --> 00:01:00,169 It can feel like this, 22 00:01:00,169 --> 00:01:02,695 a big, endless, expansive void 23 00:01:02,695 --> 00:01:05,944 where you can constantly call out to it but no one's ever listening. 24 00:01:06,873 --> 00:01:10,383 But I actually found a comfort in speaking out to the void. 25 00:01:10,383 --> 00:01:12,866 I found, in sharing my feelings with the void, 26 00:01:12,866 --> 00:01:16,833 eventually the void started to speak back. 27 00:01:16,833 --> 00:01:19,800 And it turns out that the void isn't this endless lonely expanse at all, 28 00:01:19,800 --> 00:01:23,248 but instead it's full of all sorts of other people, 29 00:01:23,248 --> 00:01:25,886 also staring out into it and also wanting to be heard. 30 00:01:25,886 --> 00:01:29,678 Now, there have been many bad things that have come from social media. 31 00:01:29,678 --> 00:01:32,041 I'm not trying to dispute that at all. 32 00:01:32,041 --> 00:01:35,525 To be online at any given point is to feel so much sadness 33 00:01:35,525 --> 00:01:37,757 and anger and violence. 34 00:01:37,757 --> 00:01:39,398 It can feel like the end of the world. 35 00:01:39,398 --> 00:01:40,907 Yet, at the same time, I'm conflicted, 36 00:01:40,907 --> 00:01:42,156 because I can't deny the fact that so many of my closest friends 37 00:01:42,349 --> 00:01:44,217 are people that I had met originally online. 38 00:01:44,217 --> 00:01:51,670 And I think that's partly because there's this confessional nature 39 00:01:51,670 --> 00:01:52,892 to social media. 40 00:01:53,947 --> 00:01:57,954 It can feel like you are writing in this personal, intimate diary 41 00:01:57,954 --> 00:01:59,998 that's completely private, 42 00:01:59,998 --> 00:02:02,707 yet at the same time you want everyone in the world to read it. 43 00:02:02,707 --> 00:02:05,517 And I think part of that, the joy of that 44 00:02:05,517 --> 00:02:08,678 is that we get to experience things from perspectives from people 45 00:02:08,678 --> 00:02:10,970 who are completely different from ourselves, 46 00:02:10,970 --> 00:02:12,424 and sometimes that's a nice thing. 47 00:02:12,424 --> 00:02:13,840 For example, when I first joined Twitter, 48 00:02:13,840 --> 00:02:16,904 I found that so many of the people that I was following 49 00:02:16,904 --> 00:02:19,763 were talking about mental health and going to therapy 50 00:02:19,763 --> 00:02:23,475 in ways that had none of the stigma that they often do 51 00:02:23,475 --> 00:02:25,690 when we talk about these issues in person. 52 00:02:25,911 --> 00:02:29,752 Through them, the conversation around mental health was normalized, 53 00:02:29,752 --> 00:02:32,969 and they helped me realize that going to therapy was something 54 00:02:32,969 --> 00:02:34,514 that would help me as well. 55 00:02:34,514 --> 00:02:34,764 Now, for many people, 56 00:02:34,764 --> 00:02:39,362 it sounds like a scary idea to be talking about all these topics 57 00:02:39,362 --> 00:02:43,801 so publicly and so openly on the internet. 58 00:02:43,801 --> 00:02:48,397 I feel like a lot of people think that it is a big, scary thing 59 00:02:48,397 --> 00:02:52,174 to be online if you're not already perfectly and fully formed. 60 00:02:52,655 --> 00:02:56,008 But I think the internet can be actually a great place to not know, 61 00:02:56,008 --> 00:02:59,207 and I think we can treat that with excitement, 62 00:02:59,207 --> 00:03:04,807 because to me there's something important about sharing your imperfections 63 00:03:04,807 --> 00:03:07,778 and your insecurities and your vulnerabilities 64 00:03:07,778 --> 00:03:10,151 with other people. 65 00:03:12,092 --> 00:03:15,890 Now, when someone shares that they feel sad or afraid 66 00:03:15,890 --> 00:03:19,565 or alone, for example, it actually makes me feel less alone, 67 00:03:19,565 --> 00:03:23,226 not by getting rid of any of my loneliness 68 00:03:23,226 --> 00:03:25,157 but by showing me that I am not alone 69 00:03:25,157 --> 00:03:26,699 in feeling lonely. 70 00:03:26,699 --> 00:03:28,572 And as a writer and as an artist, 71 00:03:28,572 --> 00:03:31,913 I care very much about making this comfort of being vulnerable 72 00:03:31,913 --> 00:03:35,117 a communal thing, something that we can share with each other. 73 00:03:35,377 --> 00:03:37,928 I'm excited about externalizing the internal, 74 00:03:37,928 --> 00:03:42,680 about taking those invisible personal feelings that I don't have words for, 75 00:03:42,680 --> 00:03:44,105 holding them to the light, 76 00:03:44,105 --> 00:03:45,208 putting words to them, 77 00:03:45,208 --> 00:03:46,859 and then sharing them with other people 78 00:03:46,859 --> 00:03:50,974 in the hopes that it might help them find words to find their feelings as well. 79 00:03:50,974 --> 00:03:53,239 Now, I know that sounds like a big thing, 80 00:03:53,239 --> 00:03:55,691 but ultimately I'm interested in putting all these things 81 00:03:55,691 --> 00:03:58,591 into small, approachable packages, 82 00:03:58,591 --> 00:04:01,304 because when we can hide them into these smaller pieces, 83 00:04:01,304 --> 00:04:02,639 I think they are easier to approach. I think they're more fun. 84 00:04:02,639 --> 00:04:06,928 I think they can more easily help us see our shared humanness. 85 00:04:06,928 --> 00:04:09,712 Sometimes that takes the form of a short story, 86 00:04:09,712 --> 00:04:12,878 sometimes that takes the form of a cute book of illustrations, for example, 87 00:04:12,878 --> 00:04:15,492 and sometimes that takes the form 88 00:04:15,492 --> 00:04:17,301 of a silly joke that I'll throw on the internet. 89 00:04:17,301 --> 00:04:20,679 For example, a few months ago, I posted this app idea 90 00:04:20,679 --> 00:04:22,725 for a dog-walking service 91 00:04:22,725 --> 00:04:25,377 where a dog shows up at your door and you have to get out of the house 92 00:04:25,377 --> 00:04:27,041 and go for a walk. 93 00:04:27,041 --> 00:04:29,003 (Laughter) 94 00:04:30,638 --> 00:04:32,830 If there are app developers in the audience, 95 00:04:32,830 --> 00:04:35,148 please find me after the talk. 96 00:04:35,148 --> 00:04:38,740 Or, I like to share every time I feel anxious about sending an email. 97 00:04:38,740 --> 00:04:40,211 When I sign my emails "Best," 98 00:04:40,211 --> 00:04:42,306 it's short for "I am trying my best," 99 00:04:42,306 --> 00:04:45,985 which is short for "Please don't hate me, I promise I'm trying my best!" 100 00:04:46,936 --> 00:04:49,335 Or, my answer to the classic icebreaker, 101 00:04:49,335 --> 00:04:52,480 if I could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, I would. 102 00:04:52,480 --> 00:04:53,392 I am very lonely. 103 00:04:53,392 --> 00:04:55,968 (Laughter) 104 00:04:57,037 --> 00:05:01,897 And I find that when I post things like these online, 105 00:05:01,897 --> 00:05:04,116 the reaction is very similar. 106 00:05:04,116 --> 00:05:05,253 People come together to share a laugh, 107 00:05:05,253 --> 00:05:08,571 to share in that feeling, 108 00:05:08,571 --> 00:05:12,242 and then to disburse just as quickly. 109 00:05:12,242 --> 00:05:13,049 (Laughter) 110 00:05:13,049 --> 00:05:14,557 But -- yes, leaving me once again alone. 111 00:05:14,557 --> 00:05:17,119 But I think sometimes these little gatherings can be quite meaningful. 112 00:05:17,119 --> 00:05:21,186 For example, when I graduated from architecture school 113 00:05:21,186 --> 00:05:22,600 and I moved to Cambridge, 114 00:05:22,600 --> 00:05:24,305 I posted this question: 115 00:05:24,305 --> 00:05:26,209 how many people in your life have you already had 116 00:05:26,209 --> 00:05:28,262 your last conversation with? 117 00:05:29,018 --> 00:05:32,893 And I was thinking about my own friends who had moved away 118 00:05:32,893 --> 00:05:34,830 to different cities and different countries, even, 119 00:05:34,830 --> 00:05:37,377 and how hard it would be for me to keep in touch with them. 120 00:05:37,377 --> 00:05:41,016 But other people started replying and sharing their own experiences. 121 00:05:41,016 --> 00:05:44,008 Somebody talked about a family member they had a falling out with. 122 00:05:44,008 --> 00:05:47,288 Someone talked about a loved one who had passed away 123 00:05:47,288 --> 00:05:48,875 quickly and unexpectedly. 124 00:05:48,875 --> 00:05:51,762 Someone else talked about their friends from school 125 00:05:51,762 --> 00:05:53,126 who had moved away as well. 126 00:05:53,126 --> 00:05:55,888 But then something really nice started happening. 127 00:05:55,888 --> 00:05:57,374 Instead of just replying to me, 128 00:05:57,374 --> 00:05:59,869 people started replying to each other, 129 00:05:59,869 --> 00:06:02,974 and they started to talk to each other and share their own experiences 130 00:06:02,974 --> 00:06:06,424 and comfort each other 131 00:06:06,424 --> 00:06:08,103 and encourage each other to reach out to that friend 132 00:06:08,103 --> 00:06:09,067 that they hadn't spoken to in a while 133 00:06:09,067 --> 00:06:11,953 or that family member that they had a falling out with. 134 00:06:11,953 --> 00:06:14,097 And eventually, we got this little tiny micro-community. 135 00:06:14,097 --> 00:06:19,152 It felt like this support group formed 136 00:06:19,152 --> 00:06:21,853 of all sorts of people coming together. 137 00:06:22,074 --> 00:06:25,400 And I think every time we post online, 138 00:06:25,400 --> 00:06:26,852 every time we do this, there's a chance 139 00:06:26,852 --> 00:06:29,130 that these little micro-communities can form. 140 00:06:29,130 --> 00:06:33,133 There's a chance that all sorts of different creatures 141 00:06:33,133 --> 00:06:35,402 can come together and be drawn together. 142 00:06:35,402 --> 00:06:38,089 And sometimes, through the muck of the internet, 143 00:06:38,089 --> 00:06:41,081 you have to find a kindred spirit. 144 00:06:41,498 --> 00:06:44,595 Sometimes that's in the reading the replies 145 00:06:44,595 --> 00:06:48,132 and the comments sections and finding a reply that is particularly kind 146 00:06:48,132 --> 00:06:49,984 or insightful or funny. 147 00:06:49,984 --> 00:06:52,817 Sometimes that's in going to follow someone 148 00:06:52,817 --> 00:06:55,565 and seeing that they already follow you back. 149 00:06:55,565 --> 00:06:58,536 And sometimes that's in looking at someone that you know in real life 150 00:06:58,536 --> 00:07:00,533 and seeing the things that you write and the things that they write 151 00:07:00,533 --> 00:07:04,595 and realizing that you share so many of the same interests 152 00:07:04,595 --> 00:07:07,587 as they do, and that brings them closer together to you. 153 00:07:07,587 --> 00:07:09,742 Sometimes, if you're lucky, 154 00:07:09,742 --> 00:07:12,812 you get to meet another alien. 155 00:07:15,212 --> 00:07:17,367 But I am worried, too, 156 00:07:17,367 --> 00:07:19,996 because as we all know, 157 00:07:19,996 --> 00:07:22,779 the internet for the most part doesn't feel like this. 158 00:07:22,779 --> 00:07:25,572 We all know that for the most part, the internet feels like a place 159 00:07:25,572 --> 00:07:28,069 where we misunderstand each other, 160 00:07:28,069 --> 00:07:31,287 where we come into conflict with each other, 161 00:07:32,775 --> 00:07:38,020 where there's all sorts of confusion and screaming and yelling and shouting, 162 00:07:38,020 --> 00:07:39,920 and it feels like there's too much of everything. 163 00:07:39,920 --> 00:07:41,837 It feels like chaos, 164 00:07:41,837 --> 00:07:46,283 and I don't know how to square away the bad parts with the good, 165 00:07:46,283 --> 00:07:47,979 because as we know and as we've seen, 166 00:07:47,979 --> 00:07:52,815 the bad parts can really, really hurt us. 167 00:07:52,815 --> 00:07:57,687 It feels to me that the platforms that we use to inhabit these online spaces 168 00:07:57,687 --> 00:08:00,400 have been designed either ignorantly or willfully 169 00:08:00,400 --> 00:08:04,152 to allow for harassment and abuse, to propagate misinformation, 170 00:08:04,152 --> 00:08:07,908 to enable hatred and hate speech and the violence that comes from it, 171 00:08:07,908 --> 00:08:10,277 and it feels like none of our current platforms 172 00:08:10,277 --> 00:08:13,193 are doing enough to address and to fix that. 173 00:08:13,193 --> 00:08:16,813 But still, and maybe probably unfortunately, 174 00:08:16,813 --> 00:08:20,442 I'm still drawn to these online spaces, as many others are, 175 00:08:20,442 --> 00:08:24,170 because sometimes it just feels like that's where all the people are. 176 00:08:24,638 --> 00:08:26,515 And I feel silly 177 00:08:26,515 --> 00:08:28,656 and stupid sometimes 178 00:08:28,656 --> 00:08:33,550 for valuing these small moments of human connection in times like these. 179 00:08:33,550 --> 00:08:35,809 But I've always operated under this idea 180 00:08:35,809 --> 00:08:40,710 that these little moments of humanness are not superfluous. 181 00:08:40,710 --> 00:08:42,691 They're not retreats from the world at all, 182 00:08:42,691 --> 00:08:44,508 but instead they're the reasons why we come to these spaces. 183 00:08:44,508 --> 00:08:46,312 They are important and vital 184 00:08:46,312 --> 00:08:50,588 and they affirm and they give us life. 185 00:08:50,588 --> 00:08:54,062 And they are these tiny, temporary sanctuaries 186 00:08:54,062 --> 00:08:57,365 that show us that we are not as alone as we think we are. 187 00:08:57,991 --> 00:09:00,832 And so yes, even though life is bad and everyone's sad 188 00:09:00,832 --> 00:09:03,784 and one day we're all going to die, 189 00:09:03,784 --> 00:09:06,928 (Laughter), 190 00:09:10,574 --> 00:09:14,897 I think the inflatable metaphorical bouncy castle in this case 191 00:09:14,897 --> 00:09:20,613 is really our relationships and our connections to other people. 192 00:09:22,782 --> 00:09:24,224 And so one night, 193 00:09:24,224 --> 00:09:27,190 when I was feeling particularly sad and hopeless about the world, 194 00:09:27,190 --> 00:09:29,451 I shouted out to the vote, 195 00:09:29,451 --> 00:09:31,584 to the lonely darkness. 196 00:09:31,584 --> 00:09:33,970 I said, "At this point, logging on to social media 197 00:09:33,970 --> 00:09:37,000 feels like holding someone's hand at the end of the world." 198 00:09:37,000 --> 00:09:37,250 And this time, instead of the void responding, 199 00:09:37,250 --> 00:09:41,617 it was people who showed up, 200 00:09:41,617 --> 00:09:44,721 who started replying to me and then who started talking to each other, 201 00:09:44,721 --> 00:09:49,159 and slowly this little tiny community formed. 202 00:09:49,159 --> 00:09:51,669 Everybody came together to hold hands. 203 00:09:51,669 --> 00:09:56,330 And in these dangerous and unsure times, 204 00:09:56,330 --> 00:09:58,475 in the midst of it all, 205 00:09:58,475 --> 00:10:02,373 I think the thing that we have to hold on to is other people. 206 00:10:02,882 --> 00:10:07,080 And I know that is a small thing made up of small moments, 207 00:10:07,080 --> 00:10:10,349 but I think it is one tiny, tiny sliver of light 208 00:10:10,349 --> 00:10:12,521 in all the darkness. 209 00:10:12,521 --> 00:10:14,590 Thank you. 210 00:10:14,590 --> 00:10:18,584 (Applause) 211 00:10:18,584 --> 00:10:20,609 Thank you. 212 00:10:20,609 --> 00:10:23,502 (Applause)