Hi everyone, my name is Ashley Wylde and welcome to my channel, Ashley's Wild Life! (music) This week I want to talk about something that's really fundamental to the way that I think about the world and the way that I approach my life. There's a lot of talk about what is desirable in the realm of comfort vs discomfort and a lot of people say that they don't want to be uncomfortable and, hey, you know, I think that's fair. Being uncomfortable's not fun, that's part of why it's uncomfortable, but there is a detail missing somewhere in that equation that I want to try to address. The only place that growth can come from is discomfort. Think about going to the gym: You break down your muscles and then they grow back stronger. You intentionally subject yourself to physical discomfort in order to become stronger physically. It's pretty much the same with emotional or mental discomfort. There are things and situations that are uncomfortable, but sometimes avoiding them means avoiding growth. In my life I work really hard to combat my tendency to avoid discomfort. Discomfort avoidance is something I work really hard to dismantle and undermine. I don't like being uncomfortable, I don't like being emotionally uncomfortable, I don't like being challenged in my beliefs or ideas I don't like it, because it doesn't feel good, but it helps me grow and I as a person am individually committed to my personal growth. So, even though i don't enjoy it, I welcome discomfort, because if you're uncomfortable, you're learning something. Those are some of my thoughts about comfort and discomfort. I don't know, maybe that made sense to you, maybe I'm a ramblin fool, who knows. Six of one, half a dozen of the other I guess. Thank you all for watching and I'll see you next Monday. Bye-bye!