This is the internet, and it's filled with unencrypted data. Data that can be targeted by all kinds of eavesdroppers. All i need is Wi-Fi and some software and I can see everything you're up to. The EFF has been protecting your privacy online for over 25 years. And now, their goal is to encrypt the web - the whole thing - switch every site from insecure HTTP to secure HTTPS. That S makes all the difference. (whispering) It's for secure. The lock lets you know your session is safe. Here's the problem: not every site supports encryption yet. But the EFF has you covered with two powerful tools. The first is HTTPS Everywhere. It's a plugin for browsers like Chrome and Firefox. It encrypts your communication with most major websites so they can't spy on you. The second tool is Certbot. If you run your own site you can easily secure it with an SSL certificate. That used to be a huge expensive hassle, but Certbot simplifies and automates the whole thing. And it costs zero dollars. And that's just the beginning. Find out all the ways the EFF is protecting your rights online at Stay safe out there. [Music]