00:00:01.882 --> 00:00:05.203
So when a region of the world
becomes known for a specific type of food,
00:00:05.203 --> 00:00:07.365
they'll go to great lengths to protect it.
00:00:07.365 --> 00:00:08.832
I mean, let's look at Kobe beef.
00:00:08.832 --> 00:00:10.112
It can only be called that
00:00:10.112 --> 00:00:12.267
if it meets a very particular
set of requirements,
00:00:12.267 --> 00:00:15.380
including that the cow was born, fed,
and slaughtered in a region of Japan
00:00:15.380 --> 00:00:17.730
that includes the city of Kobe.
00:00:17.730 --> 00:00:19.849
Quebec regulates who can sell maple syrup
00:00:19.849 --> 00:00:23.016
and the government even keeps
a strategic reserve.
00:00:23.016 --> 00:00:26.602
French champagne is from, you guessed it,
the Champagne region of France
00:00:26.602 --> 00:00:28.576
and it's heavily regulated.
00:00:28.576 --> 00:00:31.185
But the pandemic is exposing
the behind-the-scenes drama
00:00:31.185 --> 00:00:32.519
about how it's produced.
00:00:33.419 --> 00:00:35.678
00:00:38.348 --> 00:00:42.396 line:1
You must hold it like this
and tap, all the way up.
00:00:42.396 --> 00:00:42.944
00:00:42.944 --> 00:00:44.210
And I use the back of the knife.
00:00:44.210 --> 00:00:46.426 line:1
- Here, this part. OK.
- Yes, that part.
00:00:46.426 --> 00:00:47.699
Okay, merci.
00:00:48.519 --> 00:00:50.013
Oh, it's quite heavy.
00:00:51.116 --> 00:00:51.899
00:00:51.899 --> 00:00:54.704
This is very difficult.
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(Charlet) There were many reasons
to break out the champagne sabre in 2020.
00:01:01.847 --> 00:01:05.228
00:01:05.228 --> 00:01:08.469
And that's bad news
for Charles Duval-Leroy and his family.
00:01:09.366 --> 00:01:09.695
00:01:09.695 --> 00:01:13.611 line:1
This is what we have today for
Femme de Champagne: non-vintage.
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It is more of apéritif-style vintage.
00:01:18.095 --> 00:01:21.299 line:1
We stay in the frame
of elegance and finesse.
00:01:21.609 --> 00:01:25.268
Duval-Leroy has been in
this business for 150 years.
00:01:25.268 --> 00:01:28.169
They produce more than
2 million bottles annually
00:01:28.169 --> 00:01:30.615
for big clients like Delta Airlines
00:01:30.615 --> 00:01:33.096
and the Moulin Rouge.
00:01:33.096 --> 00:01:37.893
With Covid-19 keeping planes on the ground
and event spaces closed,
00:01:37.893 --> 00:01:41.001
sales have plummeted by almost 40%,
00:01:41.001 --> 00:01:44.435
and the champagne industry
has had to take drastic action.
00:01:45.751 --> 00:01:48.046 line:1
This is an unusual year.
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We had a good harvest,
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but due to this COVID-19 crisis,
00:01:52.034 --> 00:01:54.633 line:1
we couldn't harvest all the grapes.
00:01:54.633 --> 00:01:58.681 line:1
As you can see,
there are a lot of grapes left.
00:01:58.681 --> 00:02:01.833 line:1
It's a frustrating year for us.
00:02:01.833 --> 00:02:05.532
If I didn't the context,
it looks like sabotage.
00:02:05.532 --> 00:02:08.662 line:1
It's really something unprecedented.
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There are so many times
that we ask ourselves
00:02:11.244 --> 00:02:14.253 line:1
if there's a new wine-making method.
00:02:14.253 --> 00:02:16.975 line:1
No, it's just throwing the grapes
on the ground.
00:02:16.975 --> 00:02:18.986 line:1
It makes no sense.
00:02:18.986 --> 00:02:21.604
With the sales dropping
throughout the year,
00:02:21.604 --> 00:02:23.168
how did the industry respond?
00:02:23.168 --> 00:02:25.500 line:1
The first step was to say,
00:02:25.500 --> 00:02:27.278 line:1
"Let's reduce quotas.
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If we reduce quotas, we reduce production.
00:02:29.468 --> 00:02:32.235 line:1
We won't inflate the stock
that hasn't been sold."
00:02:32.235 --> 00:02:35.119 line:1
It's a truly collective response
to lower production,
00:02:35.119 --> 00:02:38.100 line:1
which is why we have left grapes
on the vine today.
00:02:38.100 --> 00:02:42.913 line:1
It's a heartbreaking response,
but we know it's necessary
00:02:42.913 --> 00:02:45.200 line:1
for the long term in Champagne.
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(Charlet) Champagne has spent decades
meticulously curating a global image
00:02:50.566 --> 00:02:53.582
as the way to mark special occasions.
00:02:53.582 --> 00:02:55.719
It's this type of deliberate management
00:02:55.719 --> 00:02:59.312
that led to cutting production
by 100 million bottles this year
00:02:59.312 --> 00:03:01.218
to prop up prices,
00:03:01.218 --> 00:03:06.031
but the decision left
over 10,000 tons of grapes to waste away,
00:03:06.031 --> 00:03:08.396
and it didn't necessarily account for issues
00:03:08.396 --> 00:03:10.611
that were already threatening
champagne's reign
00:03:10.611 --> 00:03:12.517
as a celebratory drink of choice.
00:03:13.568 --> 00:03:16.148
Can you talk a little bit about
the state of of the champagne industry
00:03:16.148 --> 00:03:17.920
before the pandemic hit?
00:03:17.920 --> 00:03:20.062
Because I remember there was already
talk of champagne
00:03:20.062 --> 00:03:21.569
having a little bit of an image crisis
00:03:21.569 --> 00:03:22.583
before COVID.
00:03:23.534 --> 00:03:26.914 line:1
Since 2008, champagne
hasn't regained its sales
00:03:26.914 --> 00:03:30.500 line:1
simply because the final consumer,
00:03:30.500 --> 00:03:32.566 line:1
due to to economic issues,
00:03:32.566 --> 00:03:35.235 line:1
has shifted from champagne
to other alcohols
00:03:35.235 --> 00:03:37.487 line:1
or other apéritif, of course.
00:03:37.487 --> 00:03:39.552 line:1
Champagne hasn't benefited yet
from Instagram.
00:03:39.552 --> 00:03:41.445 line:1
We see more and more that
00:03:41.445 --> 00:03:43.811 line:1
there is an audience that
needs to show itself
00:03:43.811 --> 00:03:46.650 line:1
with a big glass with lots of ice
and colors in it.
00:03:46.650 --> 00:03:49.134 line:1
A gin and tonic that's well prepared
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and looks beautiful.
00:03:50.797 --> 00:03:53.182 line:1
And champagne is very elegant,
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but it's served in a small glass
with not a lot in it.
00:03:56.945 --> 00:03:59.883 line:1
It's too discreet to take a selfie
or a photo with.
00:03:59.883 --> 00:04:01.581 line:1
"Look, I'm in a dreamy landscape."
00:04:01.849 --> 00:04:04.814
(Charlet) But some smaller producers
have a different take
00:04:04.814 --> 00:04:06.797
on the right response to the crisis.
00:04:07.865 --> 00:04:09.030 line:1
The color is incredible,
00:04:09.030 --> 00:04:11.147 line:1
it looks like Roussanne [grapes].
00:04:12.671 --> 00:04:14.371
(Charlet) While the big names
in the industry
00:04:14.371 --> 00:04:16.755
sell millions of bottles each year,
00:04:16.755 --> 00:04:22.601
Alselme Selosse makes only about 50,000
and each one can go for hundreds of euros.
00:04:24.736 --> 00:04:28.018 line:1
We're looking for the grapes' stems.
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(Charlet) Like this?
00:04:29.209 --> 00:04:31.231 line:1
(Anselme) Yes. And then, on the soil.
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(Charlet) No? That's sad.
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(Anselme) Yes, it's sad because there's
a full team that worked on it
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for a whole year.
00:04:39.285 --> 00:04:41.438 line:1
This is a gift from nature.
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We're insulting nature.
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We're not able to keep what it gives us.
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(Charlet) The quotas mean all producers
are leaving grapes on the ground
00:04:52.052 --> 00:04:52.746
to compost.
00:04:52.746 --> 00:04:56.369
Something that Selosse sees
as particularly hard for smaller companies
00:04:56.369 --> 00:04:58.317
that can't lose out on revenue.
00:04:58.317 --> 00:05:02.803
So the industry implemented a
quota to try and ease the crisis.
00:05:02.803 --> 00:05:04.295
Do you think that was the right solution?
00:05:05.053 --> 00:05:06.377 line:1
It's not a solution.
00:05:06.377 --> 00:05:11.585 line:1
It's a way to carry on
while keeping everyone at ease.
00:05:11.585 --> 00:05:14.370 line:1
I see it as a race to the bottom.
00:05:14.370 --> 00:05:17.653 line:1
Those who make no effort, who don't adapt,
00:05:17.653 --> 00:05:21.744 line:1
who see vines as grape-producing machines,
00:05:21.744 --> 00:05:25.119 line:1
they are the ones being rewarded.
00:05:25.119 --> 00:05:30.776 line:1
So they want the good producers
to waste their high-quality fruits
00:05:30.776 --> 00:05:34.702 line:1
so that they can sell
their poor quality fruits.
00:05:34.702 --> 00:05:37.735 line:1
That's not how you give
young people a future.
00:05:37.735 --> 00:05:41.616 line:1
These three young men
are the future of the region.
00:05:41.616 --> 00:05:46.295
(Charlet) For Selosse, champagne success
depends on innovation
00:05:46.295 --> 00:05:48.048
from the next generation of winemakers.
00:05:49.044 --> 00:05:51.829 line:1
Charlet, would you like
a glass of champagne?
00:05:52.286 --> 00:05:55.879 line:1
Okay. (laughter)
00:05:55.879 --> 00:05:59.010
(Charlet) But younger producers
like Alexander Chartogne
00:05:59.010 --> 00:06:02.043
are also the ones
with the most recent investments,
00:06:02.043 --> 00:06:04.619
leaving them the most at risk financially.
00:06:06.300 --> 00:06:07.902
I love it.
00:06:08.531 --> 00:06:11.469
Would you drink this for
an aperitif or with food?
00:06:11.887 --> 00:06:13.193 line:1
It depends on your mood.
00:06:13.193 --> 00:06:14.452 line:1
It depends on the moment.
00:06:14.452 --> 00:06:16.453 line:1
You can drink it
really early in the morning
00:06:16.453 --> 00:06:18.785 line:1
or really late in the evening.
00:06:19.717 --> 00:06:20.927
This is really good, though.
00:06:22.644 --> 00:06:25.254
(Charlet) Most champagne makers
are doing fine
00:06:25.254 --> 00:06:26.571
for now.
00:06:26.838 --> 00:06:30.483
But their future depends
on when the pandemic ends.
00:06:30.483 --> 00:06:34.711
And more importantly,
if sales pick up when it does.
00:06:35.352 --> 00:06:38.734
Of all the industries
that have been hurt by the pandemic,
00:06:39.650 --> 00:06:41.980
champagne is not necessarily
the most sympathetic one.
00:06:42.461 --> 00:06:45.282
Why should people care
that champagne's been hurt?
00:06:45.717 --> 00:06:47.557 line:1
In many countries--
whether it's the English,
00:06:47.557 --> 00:06:49.183 line:1
the Americans, the Germans--
00:06:49.183 --> 00:06:52.168 line:1
nobody likes French people
but everyone loves France,
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and champagne is the tip of that image.