0:00:06.420,0:00:12.990 This activity is called coding with cards[br]and it's great for any age. Like you learned 0:00:12.990,0:00:19.010 with the if statements in earlier lessons,[br]during Blockly, if statements have a piece 0:00:19.010,0:00:24.360 about them you have to evaluate to find out[br]if it's true or false. That's the conditional 0:00:24.360,0:00:29.890 and it can be used in lots of different ways.[br]We take advantage of that by creating programs 0:00:29.890,0:00:37.040 on paper that you run using a random draw[br]of playing cards. You might have an if statement 0:00:37.040,0:00:44.650 that says something like if the card you draw[br]is greater than 8, you get a point. Otherwise, 0:00:44.650,0:00:56.679 your opponent gets a point. You can make it[br]as simple or as complicated as you feel comfortable.