0:00:03.959,0:00:07.501 When you look at these images,[br]what do you see? 0:00:08.727,0:00:10.165 What do you think of? 0:00:11.536,0:00:18.527 Maybe you see things[br]like beautiful, skinny, flawless. 0:00:19.882,0:00:20.963 By the way, 0:00:20.964,0:00:24.422 after looking at a fashion magazine[br]for about three seconds 0:00:24.423,0:00:27.173 your self-esteem goes down by 50%, 0:00:27.174,0:00:29.873 according to the publication[br]Psychology Today. 0:00:32.515,0:00:34.133 Now what do you see? 0:00:34.794,0:00:36.591 Do your thoughts change? 0:00:38.373,0:00:40.322 Maybe, when you look at these images, 0:00:40.323,0:00:45.264 you see something[br]like fat, ugly, or even weird. 0:00:46.133,0:00:48.893 Do you realize[br]that could be considered bullying? 0:00:49.590,0:00:52.094 Don't worry, it's not your fault. 0:00:52.744,0:00:56.804 Society and media have trained you[br]to look at these images in that way. 0:00:58.367,0:01:02.584 Hello, I am 15, almost 16 years old. 0:01:02.585,0:01:06.174 I'm a cheerleader, skier,[br]runner, slash honor student, 0:01:06.175,0:01:08.229 here at Park City High School. 0:01:08.230,0:01:10.200 When I was a little girl, 0:01:11.665,0:01:17.296 me and my mom's favorite TV show[br]was America's Next Top Model. 0:01:17.926,0:01:23.223 During the commercials, I used to do[br]my best runway walk and strut my stuff. 0:01:23.224,0:01:24.805 And then I'd ask my mom, 0:01:24.806,0:01:29.752 I'd say, "Mommy, am I skinny enough?[br]Am I pretty enough to win?" 0:01:29.753,0:01:33.235 Keep in mind I was about eight years old. 0:01:34.320,0:01:36.625 From a young age, we are trained by media 0:01:36.626,0:01:42.814 with images on Facebook,[br]Instagram, TV, magazines. 0:01:42.815,0:01:45.761 It's literally everywhere. 0:01:45.762,0:01:48.584 From beauty campaigns[br]to definition of perfect, 0:01:49.350,0:01:51.756 girls are told[br]we have to have collarbones 0:01:51.757,0:01:54.235 you can see from a mile away. 0:01:54.236,0:01:57.497 For boys, it's all about[br]your hair and jawline. 0:01:57.498,0:02:00.147 If you can't meet up to those standards, 0:02:00.695,0:02:02.585 you aren't worth the time. 0:02:04.015,0:02:06.625 Media tells us we aren't good enough 0:02:06.626,0:02:11.709 and gives us unrealistic,[br]photoshoped, perfect images. 0:02:11.714,0:02:15.635 This is why I believe[br]we are prone to bullying. 0:02:16.334,0:02:18.001 No offense to anyone here; 0:02:18.002,0:02:21.272 I don't believe[br]you can exactly stop bullying. 0:02:21.273,0:02:26.513 There's no law, cure, or punishment[br]you can give a human being 0:02:26.514,0:02:29.224 to make them stop[br]being rude to each other. 0:02:30.079,0:02:32.698 No, the change starts with you. 0:02:33.148,0:02:36.117 As a great man, an idol of mine once said, 0:02:36.718,0:02:40.647 "You must be the change[br]you wish to see in the world. 0:02:40.648,0:02:45.197 Bullying starts and stops[br]with you, an individual. 0:02:45.198,0:02:48.618 I want to knock down some stereotypes[br]and give you some statistics. 0:02:49.316,0:02:53.896 For starters, it's not just[br]the nerds, geeks, and weirdos 0:02:53.897,0:02:56.877 that are bullied and shoved[br]into the nearest locker. 0:02:56.878,0:02:59.196 No, far from it. 0:02:59.894,0:03:02.948 Anyone and everyone is bullied. 0:03:03.647,0:03:07.807 I bet I could ask every single one of you[br]if you've ever been bullied, 0:03:07.808,0:03:09.777 and you'd say yes. 0:03:09.778,0:03:14.607 Three point two million students[br]a year are bullied. 0:03:14.608,0:03:17.824 One in four teachers do not believe[br]bullying is a problem, 0:03:17.825,0:03:21.724 and only 4% of teachers[br]would actually intervene 0:03:21.725,0:03:23.995 in a bullying situation. 0:03:24.493,0:03:29.601 A new study done by Fox News[br]shows that being bullied as a child 0:03:29.602,0:03:34.483 is more harmful, emotionally,[br]than being abused by an adult. 0:03:35.999,0:03:38.973 So, who do you trust 0:03:38.974,0:03:44.606 if a friend, a teacher, or peers[br]can't always be there for you? 0:03:45.684,0:03:47.634 I know how this feels: 0:03:48.868,0:03:52.287 totally alone, no friends to be with, 0:03:52.288,0:03:54.908 like no one could ever understand. 0:03:55.546,0:03:57.756 I've been bullied a lot in my life. 0:03:58.334,0:04:03.085 I've been called things[br]like, "Fattolin," and "Slut," 0:04:03.086,0:04:05.555 and many other names by many people. 0:04:06.135,0:04:10.948 I know all the emotions[br]one in six kids feels every single day. 0:04:11.616,0:04:14.466 I can tell you, bullying is real. 0:04:14.467,0:04:16.986 and it hurts you[br]more than just emotionally. 0:04:16.987,0:04:20.007 So, what is my solution? 0:04:20.586,0:04:24.217 You always have yourself. 0:04:24.938,0:04:26.447 Look in that mirror. 0:04:26.448,0:04:28.897 A little closer, a little harder. 0:04:28.898,0:04:34.054 Find that one thing, that ability,[br]that trait that you love about yourself. 0:04:34.436,0:04:37.367 I know this is not an easy task. 0:04:37.368,0:04:39.917 We are our own hardest critic, 0:04:39.918,0:04:43.210 and the media has taught us[br]to be unaccepting of ourselves, 0:04:43.211,0:04:45.906 always trying to fix the little things, 0:04:45.907,0:04:48.958 but never quite making it to perfect. 0:04:49.448,0:04:52.007 But I promise you, it's there; 0:04:52.008,0:04:55.447 whether it's skin deep[br]or something on the inside. 0:04:55.448,0:04:58.196 When you find that, you hold on to it, 0:04:58.197,0:05:02.797 and the next time you're bullied,[br]you cling on to it, and you say, 0:05:02.798,0:05:04.678 "I know myself, 0:05:04.679,0:05:06.938 and they are wrong. 0:05:06.939,0:05:09.251 They're wrong." 0:05:09.832,0:05:14.352 You know yourself[br]way better than any bully does. 0:05:14.353,0:05:16.964 So why listen to a by-standard 0:05:16.965,0:05:19.724 when you can listen to an expert? 0:05:21.143,0:05:24.222 Don't let someone tear you down. 0:05:24.223,0:05:26.971 I know the next time[br]someone calls me Fattolin, 0:05:26.972,0:05:29.293 I'm not going to be aggressive about it, 0:05:29.334,0:05:32.700 and no, I'm not going to run away either. 0:05:32.701,0:05:35.150 I'm going to stand up,[br]and I'm going to say, 0:05:35.151,0:05:40.651 "I'm sorry, but you are[br]completely wrong about me." 0:05:40.652,0:05:42.279 And walk away. 0:05:43.226,0:05:46.420 Because that makes[br]a better impression, anyways. 0:05:47.420,0:05:51.068 I like to think of myself[br]as an example against the stereotypes 0:05:51.069,0:05:52.809 because I am a cheerleader 0:05:52.810,0:05:56.640 which is considered to be[br]a popular position, 0:05:56.641,0:05:59.713 but I still deal with bullying[br]all the time. 0:06:01.170,0:06:03.339 Showing people who you are, 0:06:03.340,0:06:05.710 and not letting media[br]or a bully define you, 0:06:05.711,0:06:06.957 is what I call, 0:06:07.733,0:06:09.978 "Mirror BeYOUty." 0:06:11.538,0:06:15.457 Being who you are[br]is way more attractive or beautiful to me 0:06:15.458,0:06:17.749 than a good jawline and some great hair. 0:06:19.916,0:06:23.922 Your character is[br]what makes you well, you! 0:06:24.738,0:06:27.256 You don't have to teach the whole world 0:06:27.257,0:06:31.379 on how to report a bully[br]or tell a principal you read a mean text. 0:06:31.749,0:06:36.646 No, you need to teach the whole world[br]on how to be themselves 0:06:36.647,0:06:40.202 and not let anyone whether be a bully, 0:06:40.203,0:06:44.232 a boss, a teacher, or even a parent 0:06:44.233,0:06:45.773 tell them different. 0:06:46.360,0:06:51.516 You are all beautiful,[br]so show your beYOUty. 0:06:51.517,0:06:52.946 Thank you. 0:06:52.947,0:06:54.297 (Applause)