0:00:02.147,0:00:05.677 the 3 most common species in[br]Swedish lakes are 0:00:05.677,0:00:06.587 Pike 0:00:06.628,0:00:07.538 Perch 0:00:07.624,0:00:08.714 Zander 0:00:08.714,0:00:13.604 You've always heard that zander is[br]the best fish to eat amongst these 3 0:00:13.904,0:00:16.534 Perch is so tasty on sandwich 0:00:16.895,0:00:23.111 and pike is so much bone in it [br]but you can eat it with horseradish 0:00:23.578,0:00:27.578 Sara and I will fish in a regular[br]Swedish lake 0:00:27.578,0:00:31.578 and catch those 3 species and then we'll[br]do a tasting test 0:00:31.828,0:00:35.935 Is it possible, by cook them the same way,[br]feel a difference in taste 0:00:36.413,0:00:40.413 Not only a challenge to see if they [br]taste different 0:00:40.698,0:00:44.288 The big challenge will be to catch[br]these 3 speicies 0:00:44.425,0:00:47.315 It's early spring, cold in the water 0:00:47.315,0:00:50.745 You can't count on the fish to be active 0:00:51.130,0:00:55.340 But the things we do to see if it's [br]actually any difference in taste 0:00:56.360,0:01:00.246 In lakes this early in the spring, [br]the perch can often be found in deep holes 0:01:00.246,0:01:03.376 or on the edges, [br]pressed against the bottom 0:01:03.596,0:01:06.166 The pike is where the bait fish is 0:01:06.393,0:01:11.265 The zander can be tricky but you often[br]find them on a shallow 0:01:12.975,0:01:16.706 There is one lure that can catch [br]all 3 species 0:01:16.706,0:01:18.726 And that is flatnose mini 0:01:19.651,0:01:24.711 Flatnose mini is a well known lure[br]which we fished with a lot 0:01:24.846,0:01:27.746 And most often it has been the[br]key to success 0:01:27.754,0:01:30.464 Let's hope it's the same this time 0:01:30.464,0:01:34.244 But first we'll read some of your comments 0:01:34.486,0:01:37.496 First comment is from Grisfeber [br]and he wonder why 0:01:37.496,0:01:41.796 I turn to a Skåning when I say toad[br]as I did in the latest video 0:01:42.660,0:01:43.456 A toooaad 0:01:43.471,0:01:45.231 A real toooaaad 0:01:45.433,0:01:46.943 A toooaaad perch 0:01:47.183,0:01:51.183 And the reason is that I fished bream with[br]Alexander Björk a few years back 0:01:51.183,0:01:55.183 He's from Skåne and say tooaaad[br]to al the big breams 0:01:55.562,0:01:58.820 This was a toooaaad, it was 0:01:58.129,0:02:02.129 It sounded so funny so I started[br]to say that aswell 0:02:02.129,0:02:06.129 toooaaad to all big perch or fish[br]or whatever 0:02:06.571,0:02:11.531 We've got a comment from Frejsan14[br]who wants us to say hello to her mother 0:02:11.642,0:02:16.212 So hello mother and Frejsan 14[br]So fun you watch our videos together 0:02:16.608,0:02:22.348 HolyN-Evil wonders if we will fish[br]at the west coast this summer 0:02:22.705,0:02:27.175 We've actually planned that out, Me and[br]Edvin will go there and try som sea fishing 0:02:27.175,0:02:31.650 after a vary of species, and you don't[br]want to miss out on that 0:02:31.295,0:02:36.628 Dick Löfrgren says that we gilding his [br]sundays, so thank you 0:02:37.216,0:02:41.216 I hope you keep on watching now[br]cause me and Tobbe is about to catch some 0:02:49.316,0:02:54.600 A good start to the day[br]It's stormy weather 0:02:54.440,0:02:59.104 Not that easy to ramp the boat[br]when the water is pushed straight in 0:02:59.104,0:03:05.564 task number 1 today is to get the boat[br]in the water, there are a lot of stones 0:03:05.995,0:03:09.995 I don't want to scrape it all up 0:03:10.470,0:03:16.507 The idea is for us to start fishing for perch[br]but it's hard to even feel the strikes 0:03:16.722,0:03:22.352 it wont be easy, but on the bright side[br]we have no rain 0:03:22.877,0:03:27.977 If i push the boat that way, it will just[br]blow straight back 0:03:28.195,0:03:30.785 we need to push it alongside the shore 0:03:30.887,0:03:34.158 and then jump in the boat out there 0:03:35.387,0:03:37.867 come on Sara, let's start pushing 0:03:38.380,0:03:41.418 - No stones please[br]- easy to say Tobbe 0:03:42.712,0:03:44.342 push Sara! 0:03:47.236,0:03:50.456 No need to worry, this was easy 0:03:54.565,0:03:59.615 You don't want to rig the rods in the[br]storm on this lake 0:03:59.615,0:04:02.615 with really clear water 0:04:02.711,0:04:06.211 Therefore we'll go in there where we[br]can have som shelter from the wind 0:04:06.364,0:04:08.944 behind this point it looks perfect 0:04:10.948,0:04:14.838 we will catch perch, pike and zander 0:04:15.221,0:04:19.861 In this small forest lake only holds[br]perch and pike 0:04:19.861,0:04:23.271 so the zander we'll have to catch later[br]on another lake 0:04:23.271,0:04:28.810 I want the perch and pike to get the best[br]chance to taste as good as possible 0:04:28.451,0:04:34.381 If we where to fish perch and pike in a[br]small muddy lake 0:04:34.381,0:04:37.641 The risk is for them to taste a bit muddy 0:04:37.656,0:04:41.656 This lake has very clear water[br]and the quality of the water i good 0:04:41.656,0:04:45.316 It's much of sand an stones on the bottom 0:04:45.316,0:04:51.560 And then you know the perch and pike[br]get the best chance to taste good 0:04:51.918,0:04:56.220 flatnose mini is the lure I fished [br]with the most 0:04:56.220,0:05:00.910 Edvin designed it for 10-15 years ago 0:05:01.291,0:05:05.291 what's great about this softlure 0:05:05.291,0:05:06.751 you can catch big perch.... 0:05:07.550,0:05:08.890 big pike... 0:05:09.321,0:05:11.431 and even big zander 0:05:11.934,0:05:16.964 flatnose mini isn't only good for big fish[br]it works great if you want a lot of fish 0:05:17.350,0:05:22.820 today we're after fish to cook and don't[br]want to spend to much time catching them 0:05:23.121,0:05:26.100 so flatnose mini is a safe bet 0:05:26.622,0:05:31.432 you can find flatnose mini in photofish[br]where you can design your own colours 0:05:31.453,0:05:36.523 and we also got some brand new [br]standard colours 0:05:36.973,0:05:42.233 I'm so stoked to try out this new colour[br]fantasy which is blue/red 0:05:42.233,0:05:44.953 I think it will be hot in this clear water 0:05:45.259,0:05:49.259 I want the best chance to catch a big per. 0:05:49.259,0:05:53.259 Not a big perch but catch one fast[br]I usually want big fish 0:05:53.710,0:05:58.430 So therefore I'll try this new colour[br]Sara brought today, Ultimate Silver! 0:05:58.610,0:06:01.760 It looks like a cool silver fish 0:06:02.572,0:06:06.868 The perch can't resist it, even the pikes 0:06:06.868,0:06:10.638 The plan is to catch both perch and pike[br]in this water 0:06:10.638,0:06:14.638 and the pike will be like a bonus fish[br]when we try for perch 0:06:15.730,0:06:19.730 It's time to start, I'm feeling hungry[br]already 0:06:19.406,0:06:23.406 Let's see if the perch or pike will[br]be the first fish 0:06:25.664,0:06:30.924 When you try to catch fish to cook[br]it's so much more on stake 0:06:30.985,0:06:35.685 We want to avoid being hungry[br]so we must deliver 0:06:35.742,0:06:38.372 Sooner or later we'll find them 0:06:38.877,0:06:40.537 I got one! got one! 0:06:40.705,0:06:43.695 I told you we'll find them sooner or later 0:06:43.950,0:06:47.950 - It was sooner rather than later[br]- yeah like 2 seconds after 0:06:48.534,0:06:52.134 I don't know if it's a pike or a perch[br]but I think it's a pike 0:06:52.201,0:06:55.221 It may be a good fish to cook,[br]It's a pike 0:06:56.884,0:07:00.204 Is it big enough to eat? 0:07:00.377,0:07:03.707 there's a lot of bones in the pike 0:07:03.707,0:07:06.517 so it's a lot easier with a bigger pike 0:07:06.792,0:07:10.792 But I don't want to take home those[br]big pikes 0:07:10.794,0:07:13.624 It's okey to take this small pike 0:07:14.448,0:07:17.858 It's a test and not supposedt o get full 0:07:18.191,0:07:22.191 so this small pike will be enough 0:07:23.171,0:07:28.161 This pike really wanted that flatnose mini 0:07:28.806,0:07:32.806 It'll work great for our taste test 0:07:33.813,0:07:36.773 We'll prep it for the soup 0:07:36.911,0:07:40.911 There's 2 ways to put the pike to death 0:07:41.190,0:07:43.859 One thing is to strike something hard [br]in it's head 0:07:43.859,0:07:47.859 The other thing is to use a knife[br]through it's brain 0:07:47.859,0:07:51.439 I don't have anything that hard [br]in the boat so I'll use the knife 0:07:52.653,0:07:55.173 It's important to let it bleed out[br] 0:07:55.173,0:07:58.363 otherwise it may taste a bit blood[br]and iron 0:07:59.807,0:08:02.817 I'll make a cut through the neck of it 0:08:04.394,0:08:06.474 - here you go Tobbe[br]- thanks 0:08:08.658,0:08:09.848 yummy! 0:08:09.946,0:08:14.116 Check on the pike, let's catch a perch[br]in this lake 0:08:14.668,0:08:20.438 I've googled a good recipe on a fish soup[br]I can't wait to try it out 0:08:20.491,0:08:22.871 I believe it'll taste good 0:08:23.360,0:08:26.760 So it's time to catch that perch to cook 0:08:26.460,0:08:33.340 This wind is brutal, It's like a wind from [br]the North pole has reach Sweden 0:08:33.422,0:08:38.807 and made chaos on this lake, It's not that[br]easy to fish if I'm being honest 0:08:39.385,0:08:44.435 It's hard to feel the lure, you'll really[br]have to concentrate 0:08:46.506,0:08:50.506 It's positive that you can cast really far 0:08:57.258,0:09:02.968 It's a deep edge where we fish right now[br]I've seen some perch earlier on the sonar 0:09:03.589,0:09:08.829 It's important in this wind that you either[br]fish against the wind 0:09:09.280,0:09:12.968 Or with the wind, otherwise you'll[br]not feel the strike 0:09:13.460,0:09:17.460 if you fish from the side wind the line [br]is like a bow 0:09:17.271,0:09:22.791 and you can't even feel if there's a perch 0:09:23.229,0:09:27.964 a good tip, just hope we'll catch one soon 0:09:38.714,0:09:42.504 I've got a bad feeling with this lake 0:09:42.615,0:09:45.695 I don't think the perch will strike 0:09:45.695,0:09:50.637 often in clear water lake there are[br]not so much perch 0:09:50.637,0:09:54.637 But they are often bigger and should[br]taste better 0:09:54.657,0:09:58.657 If we don't catch one it'll be hard to [br]do a tasting test 0:09:58.657,0:10:03.927 We'll have to go to a more muddy lake[br]a little bit darker water but more perch 0:10:11.439,0:10:15.990 This is our last try, we don't have [br]much time at this lake 0:10:15.149,0:10:19.289 It's bigger, muddier but not [br]super muddy 0:10:19.289,0:10:22.900 It's kind of ok clear water 0:10:22.900,0:10:25.189 I'll cross my fingers that we can catch [br]a perch to cook 0:10:25.262,0:10:27.932 It wont be to much to ask for 0:10:27.932,0:10:31.520 nothing else to do than to get going 0:10:31.237,0:10:37.407 I've not given up on this fantasy, let's[br]see if it can give us a half muddy perch 0:10:38.967,0:10:45.417 Then I know when I taste, if it tastes[br]a bit muddy it's probably perh 0:10:45.609,0:10:49.179 we'll see, now let's catch a perch 0:10:49.315,0:10:52.485 It would be nice if you get [br]a strike at least 0:10:52.485,0:10:55.495 well at least something, a nibble or so 0:10:55.660,0:11:00.800 - It's totally dead now[br]- feels like you fish for nothing 0:11:00.922,0:11:03.742 hello!, where are you perch? 0:11:03.898,0:11:07.898 - really[br]- that's perch, if they're not up for it 0:11:08.380,0:11:12.100 Pikes you can always trigger to strike 0:11:12.147,0:11:16.147 but perch like "I wont eat today" 0:11:18.450,0:11:22.450 The perch refuse to strike today 0:11:22.613,0:11:27.723 Me and Sara are on land and there's [br]only one thing to do until tomorrow 0:11:27.723,0:11:31.723 and we can hope for both perch[br]and zander to be willing to strike 0:11:31.723,0:11:34.423 and that is to clean out this pike 0:11:34.423,0:11:38.873 Pike is a really hard fish to clean out[br]It got a lot of bones 0:11:38.873,0:11:42.873 and the bones are in strange places[br]compared to other species 0:11:42.873,0:11:48.483 I'll do my best to show you how to[br]clean out a pike, bone free 0:11:48.968,0:11:52.718 You don't want bone from a pike[br]in your soup 0:11:52.805,0:11:56.805 You'll start with a angled cut 0:11:59.758,0:12:01.784 and turn the fish around 0:12:03.286,0:12:06.886 and then a angled cut from tail fin 0:12:06.886,0:12:14.370 When I feel the bone I get the knife[br]straight and cut alongside the spine 0:12:15.869,0:12:19.490 all the way until it stops 0:12:21.923,0:12:23.254 there we go 0:12:23.765,0:12:25.305 we have the filet 0:12:26.957,0:12:31.679 this is how it looks, pretty big when you[br]think how small that pike was 0:12:31.983,0:12:35.983 next step is to remove the skin 0:12:35.983,0:12:39.153 and also a similar piece on the other side 0:12:40.320,0:12:41.892 Look at that 0:12:42.752,0:12:46.752 You can see that the pike recently ate [br]a roach 0:12:47.756,0:12:51.756 I've never seen that before 0:12:52.246,0:12:56.110 I can feel that there's another fish in[br]there aswell 0:12:56.220,0:13:00.884 always fun when you clean out a fish to[br]see what's in it's stomach 0:13:01.334,0:13:06.114 You can learn a lot from that, we'll[br]have a closer look at the roach 0:13:06.955,0:13:10.955 cut it off an press out the fish 0:13:12.930,0:13:15.810 one roach, and another one 0:13:16.544,0:13:20.740 2 roach was the diet for this pike 0:13:20.279,0:13:25.589 What you reckon Sara? shall we try roach[br]instead of perch in the soup? 0:13:25.912,0:13:28.102 We can't catch a perch 0:13:28.490,0:13:35.260 I've tried roach one time before and that[br]was not good, so a big NO for me 0:13:35.464,0:13:38.764 I'll rather jump in the water and [br]swim for 3 days 0:13:39.110,0:13:43.840 both sides are gone, and right here there[br]are a lot of foxes and pigs 0:13:43.921,0:13:48.691 I'll do what the old men used to do with[br]the pike, throw it to the fox 0:13:49.485,0:13:53.935 It doesn't look that tasty right now[br]but we'll fix that 0:13:54.369,0:14:00.490 I'll start to cut off the meat from the skin 0:14:00.901,0:14:06.871 same here, just angle the knife[br]and follow the skin 0:14:07.292,0:14:12.352 it's easier when you're indoors in a[br]kitchen with a bigger cutting board 0:14:12.717,0:14:16.717 But when you're outdoors this will do 0:14:16.901,0:14:21.921 Not full chaos but nos as good as[br]if you are indoors 0:14:22.379,0:14:27.279 press the knife against the cutting board[br]and just pull 0:14:28.964,0:14:32.314 a nice piece of skin, throw that to the fox 0:14:32.314,0:14:35.604 and to exactly the same on the other[br]filet bit 0:14:35.604,0:14:39.604 This pike may have been a tad to small[br]to take home and eat 0:14:39.604,0:14:46.174 I think you should release all big pikes[br]I wouldn't take home a pike over 75 cm 0:14:46.174,0:14:50.174 and absolutely not over 90 cm 0:14:50.174,0:14:54.174 They don't taste good and they are super[br]important for the eco system 0:14:54.856,0:14:59.686 A good pike to eat is around 60-75 cm 0:14:59.839,0:15:05.399 A fish filet has 2 bits, the spine [br]and the rear part 0:15:05.399,0:15:10.289 which is always bone free, you can[br]feel alongside the spine 0:15:11.617,0:15:18.417 There the bones end, so just cut if off[br]and you have a bone free bit 0:15:20.455,0:15:24.455 Not the biggest bit, I've seen bigger 0:15:24.455,0:15:28.955 but it's bone free so it'll do[br]for our small test 0:15:29.300,0:15:32.783 we don't need soup for a whole [br]school class 0:15:32.783,0:15:37.428 here you have the ribs, [br]so I'll cut that off 0:15:37.627,0:15:42.267 they are very shallow so just cut[br]carefully 0:15:45.653,0:15:50.683 Now we are at the hardest part[br]to cut out the bones in the middle 0:15:50.921,0:15:54.810 The pike has got Y-shaped bones 0:15:54.505,0:15:58.505 You need to cut at a very special way 0:15:59.400,0:16:01.970 You feel all the bones with your fingers 0:16:02.979,0:16:11.179 Here's the back filet, I'll cut straight [br]with the bones 0:16:11.326,0:16:13.366 until you feel the bones 0:16:13.587,0:16:18.723 after that you angle the knife outwards[br]and cut around the bones 0:16:18.723,0:16:22.723 This is hard to make sure you get as[br]much meat as possible 0:16:23.475,0:16:27.705 down with the knife and then angle it[br]and cut outwards 0:16:28.763,0:16:31.333 I actually think this will be ok 0:16:31.470,0:16:35.470 I'm impressed by myself, It would've been[br]easier with a big pike 0:16:35.699,0:16:39.929 But I managed to cut out some meat[br]for us to use for the soup 0:16:40.219,0:16:45.929 I'll cut off the last part which is[br]totally bone free 0:16:45.936,0:16:49.936 I'll cut off much meat because it's hard[br]to be picky with the bones 0:16:50.598,0:16:56.800 pay attention, here's the row of bones[br]and I'll make a cut right here 0:16:57.470,0:17:02.870 A lot of meat goes to waste but it'll[br]be worth it on this pike 0:17:05.410,0:17:08.611 this is all bone free[br]and this one's full of bones 0:17:09.240,0:17:11.774 This one we'll throw to the fox 0:17:12.547,0:17:16.377 And this bone free we save 0:17:16.855,0:17:18.425 and the pike is done 0:17:18.425,0:17:25.945 There is some light left of the day and [br]sometimes the perch is willing to strike 0:17:25.945,0:17:30.375 when the sun is about to set, so it'll[br]be worth trying to catch one 0:17:30.421,0:17:33.421 even the sun has appeared 0:17:33.421,0:17:37.810 or at least you see it far away 0:17:37.881,0:17:41.881 It may be a hot period for perch now 0:17:41.881,0:17:45.881 We'll cross our fingers that it can deliver 0:17:47.630,0:17:49.610 - are you ready?[br]- I am ready 0:17:55.954,0:17:59.954 When i fish with this flatnose mini, the [br]first thing I do is just cast it out 0:17:59.954,0:18:07.274 and let it sink to the bottom, you want[br]the lure to bounce on the bottom 0:18:07.274,0:18:12.374 I can see it reached the bottom when the[br]line stops going out from the reel 0:18:15.163,0:18:20.323 and then I pull up the rod and keep[br]doing small twitches 0:18:20.323,0:18:27.300 at the same time I'm retrieving the line[br]and keep it tense all the time 0:18:27.300,0:18:32.623 no matter the season the perch are[br]often very picky 0:18:32.623,0:18:37.443 and you don't want to miss out when[br]the perch of your dream strikes 0:18:37.713,0:18:44.333 In every video, someone always comments[br]and wonder what gear we're using 0:18:44.873,0:18:49.553 I have a Abu Garcia Zenon reel 2500 size 0:18:49.748,0:18:56.768 2500 is the most common size for perch,[br]and works best according to me 0:18:56.768,0:19:02.138 This Zenon reel that I have is one of[br]Abus most expensive reels 0:19:02.138,0:19:06.138 and a really good reel if you want to [br]indulge yourself great fishing gear 0:19:06.138,0:19:10.428 But there isn't always a need for the most[br]expensive gear for good fishing 0:19:10.428,0:19:18.698 a reel between 1000-2000:- is absolutely[br]enough for fun perch fishing 0:19:18.760,0:19:24.880 The braid I'm using is rated at 5kg[br]and comes from Stroft 0:19:24.880,0:19:28.880 between 5-8kg will be great for perch 0:19:29.620,0:19:33.520 the rod I'm using a Sweet stick from [br]Bite of Bleak 0:19:33.639,0:19:38.582 there are a lot of good rods out there[br]this one is 5-20g 0:19:38.582,0:19:42.932 and around 7 foot is good, this one is 7,6 0:19:42.932,0:19:46.512 to be able to cast a good distance 0:19:48.318,0:19:49.798 I had one! 0:19:51.490,0:19:55.490 I couldn't believe my ears, my sight[br]my feel or anything 0:19:55.490,0:19:58.229 from nowhere a strike 0:19:58.254,0:20:01.114 And offcourse I missed it 0:20:02.640,0:20:06.500 That might have been the one chance today 0:20:06.500,0:20:10.420 Tobbe just stands there with his expensive[br]reel, I thought he was a pro 0:20:10.420,0:20:14.420 apparently not, he need to hook that fish 0:20:14.420,0:20:16.210 What are you doing Tobbe? 0:20:17.166,0:20:19.916 I cant take it, I've given up 0:20:20.680,0:20:22.720 It kills me 0:20:31.644,0:20:35.644 Now I've done the last cast for today 0:20:35.644,0:20:39.644 I'm tired and we need to reload [br]for tomorrow 0:20:39.644,0:20:42.894 Because it's so much at stake tomorrow 0:20:43.404,0:20:46.894 It's enough, only one thing to do 0:20:46.894,0:20:50.894 Go home and drown our sorrows[br]with some pizza 0:20:59.924,0:21:02.104 Tobbe!, I got some pizza for us 0:21:02.104,0:21:06.104 We're here in a nice little cabin we rented 0:21:06.104,0:21:08.384 there's Sara with the pizza 0:21:09.515,0:21:13.515 We have a good plan for tomorrow[br]I both like it and not 0:21:13.515,0:21:17.550 The thing I like is that we probably will[br]have great fishing 0:21:17.119,0:21:21.119 what I don't like is that we need to get[br]out of bed super early 0:21:21.323,0:21:27.623 04:30 because it will be super windy [br]around noon 0:21:27.653,0:21:30.633 I've had enough of that wind 0:21:30.919,0:21:35.763 I'm gonna hear the wind in my head[br]and dream about me blowing away 0:21:36.596,0:21:42.600 we'll have another go, I'm ready to smash[br]this pizza and then go to bed 0:21:42.600,0:21:44.546 and wake up in a few hours again 0:21:50.990,0:21:55.299 Can you hear that Sara? Instead of hearing[br]the wind and storm 0:21:55.299,0:21:58.819 You can hear the birds chirping[br]and seagulls 0:21:58.819,0:22:01.879 - It's winderful isn't it?[br]- it is, can't ask for more 0:22:02.552,0:22:06.520 now it's "only" zander and perch[br]that we are missing 0:22:12.629,0:22:16.979 this was a beautiful lake, like a [br]mirror in the morning 0:22:16.979,0:22:20.589 Who would've thought that? 0:22:24.120,0:22:28.492 The boat is in the water and it's time[br]for the zander to jump in the boat 0:22:28.994,0:22:32.594 I saw a small problem [br]at the sign over there 0:22:32.594,0:22:35.384 It's not that you cannot dive from the[br]bridge over there 0:22:35.556,0:22:38.496 It is that the zander must be at least[br]50cm 0:22:38.496,0:22:41.716 And thinking about the bad luck we had [br]yesterday 0:22:41.716,0:22:45.716 I would be glad if we just caugh a zander[br]but 50cm is resonable 0:22:45.716,0:22:48.660 you should not take home to[br]small zanders anyhow 0:22:48.660,0:22:52.660 Let's hope we have more luck[br]than yesterday 0:22:52.660,0:22:54.736 Let's go to the first spot 0:23:01.313,0:23:05.483 One thing I've learnt is that zander[br]like bright colours 0:23:05.483,0:23:09.803 I found this flatnose mini that [br]Tobbe has designed in photofish 0:23:09.803,0:23:14.830 I really think it will deliver [br]a zander today, It'll have to 0:23:14.830,0:23:18.377 I'll try a bright coloured flatnose mini[br]designed in photofish 0:23:18.377,0:23:21.647 but now let's do the first cast 0:23:24.449,0:23:28.449 Let's see if the morning zander [br]is awake 0:23:29.189,0:23:31.739 - You know what they say?[br]- what do they say? 0:23:31.739,0:23:33.929 The early bird catches the zander 0:23:34.760,0:23:38.760 I've never heard that one before[br]sounds resonable 0:23:38.760,0:23:40.456 it was a long time ago you felt somet... 0:23:41.367,0:23:42.667 I think I had one 0:23:43.580,0:23:44.880 I think I had one 0:23:44.405,0:23:46.725 Let's see if there's any bite marks? 0:23:49.663,0:23:51.843 It's sliced 0:23:52.430,0:23:53.793 We've hade contact 0:23:54.114,0:23:59.594 I think I have to change lure, It's sliced[br]all over 0:23:59.938,0:24:03.578 now we know there's a zander down there 0:24:03.578,0:24:06.638 But most often they strike really hard 0:24:06.638,0:24:10.818 I almost didn't felt that strike, and that's[br]not a good sign 0:24:10.818,0:24:13.348 But still there's hope 0:24:13.432,0:24:18.912 here's my flatnose mini box, and this one[br]I've made in photofish and it delivered 0:24:18.912,0:24:22.912 It's usually a killer when it comes to[br]zander in this lake 0:24:23.558,0:24:28.680 Both pike and perch we fished at a [br]deep edge 0:24:28.186,0:24:31.206 It's a bit different[br]when you fish for zander 0:24:31.206,0:24:35.206 the water is not so clear because the[br]zander doesn't like it 0:24:35.206,0:24:38.496 but also we are at a shallow part 0:24:38.496,0:24:42.496 It's pretty deep around here, like 20m 0:24:44.191,0:24:48.191 But right here it's 6-9m deep 0:24:49.950,0:24:55.110 I've never caught a big zander here but[br]a lot of small zander 0:24:55.110,0:24:58.725 all we have to do is manage to hook them 0:24:59.460,0:25:03.710 And I know that when we fished for zander[br]at this place we got a lot of bonus perch 0:25:03.710,0:25:06.810 with a little bit of luck we can get[br]a perch aswell here 0:25:06.589,0:25:09.449 I got one! NO NO, I had one 0:25:10.109,0:25:13.209 I had another one, first cast after the last 0:25:13.383,0:25:14.753 and missed it again 0:25:15.938,0:25:20.398 Look what it dit to my flatnose[br]pulled it out from the jig head 0:25:20.418,0:25:24.418 I can't get my head around what the[br]zanders are up to 0:25:24.825,0:25:27.355 I don't know what to do 0:25:27.483,0:25:31.483 sometime someone has to strike 0:25:31.483,0:25:34.603 we know we're at the right place[br]they are here 0:25:44.230,0:25:45.610 There! NO! 0:25:46.860,0:25:48.200 Missed it again 0:25:51.356,0:25:53.946 look, look at the flatnose 0:25:54.322,0:25:56.572 How's it even possible? 0:25:56.995,0:26:01.985 I've done some tricks which I never [br]had to do before 0:26:02.434,0:26:07.524 I've tied a stinger to a flatnose mini[br]I can't miss more fish 0:26:07.857,0:26:14.457 I've put on a UV-hook, a really small[br]one, if they only bite the tail 0:26:14.555,0:26:18.555 I'll probably be able to hook them 0:26:26.951,0:26:29.291 I got one! got one! 0:26:29.313,0:26:30.713 YES, Tobbe! 0:26:30.792,0:26:34.582 I got one when I, It might be a perch 0:26:34.667,0:26:36.977 here it comes, let's see what it is 0:26:37.077,0:26:38.367 It is a ..... 0:26:39.075,0:26:41.265 - what is it?[br]- what is it? 0:26:44.859,0:26:48.859 - what did the sign said?[br]- 50 cm I believe 0:26:48.991,0:26:50.441 This one's like 20 cm 0:26:52.217,0:26:54.797 But you caught one at least Tobbe 0:26:54.798,0:26:57.928 First cast with the stinger and a fish 0:26:59.936,0:27:03.526 I can even bass land this zander 0:27:03.944,0:27:08.378 This one is not approved according[br]to the minimum lenght 0:27:10.734,0:27:14.154 This small zander will go back 0:27:14.154,0:27:19.654 See how it took? It's the stinger[br]without it I might have lost it 0:27:19.684,0:27:25.464 Not only did it take on the stinger[br]It's also furthest out in the mouth 0:27:25.464,0:27:28.514 It didn't swallow it at all 0:27:28.514,0:27:31.734 a bad zander to eat so it'll go back 0:27:32.464,0:27:35.734 At least some light in the darkness 0:27:36.607,0:27:39.987 We might found the solution with[br]a stinger 0:27:46.184,0:27:50.184 Yes! Nooo it's so sick 0:27:50.184,0:27:52.624 That was a strike but 0:27:53.554,0:27:54.804 so annoyed 0:27:54.977,0:27:56.607 YES! now I got it 0:27:57.037,0:27:58.837 - It's bigger[br]- yeah it's better 0:28:00.929,0:28:04.929 I wonder what it is? it feels like a.. 0:28:05.238,0:28:07.018 It's a nice zander! 0:28:07.018,0:28:08.518 - the net Sara[br]- the net 0:28:11.811,0:28:13.651 take it 0:28:14.613,0:28:16.163 YES! 0:28:18.059,0:28:20.429 This was well earnt 0:28:20.429,0:28:23.129 We've fought so hard for this zander 0:28:23.927,0:28:26.657 Finally, oh my god 0:28:26.685,0:28:29.925 That zander is definitly over 50 cm 0:28:30.041,0:28:33.491 a great zander to eat, not to big 0:28:33.491,0:28:38.481 same as pikes, you don't want to take[br]home to big zanders 0:28:39.134,0:28:43.794 We'll have a look at it and then [br]it's all about the perch 0:28:45.549,0:28:47.819 Look at this zander 0:28:48.587,0:28:50.077 so perfect 0:28:50.737,0:28:56.487 It really put on a fight, I felt it wanna[br]run away 0:28:57.069,0:29:01.069 really really nice, I'm so happy 0:29:01.069,0:29:05.069 we've fought so hard, got out of bed in[br]the middle of the night 0:29:08.059,0:29:11.549 unhook it, and NOT release it 0:29:11.549,0:29:14.879 It was close, [br]by default I just release them 0:29:14.879,0:29:18.339 Then Tobbe would've thrown me in aswell 0:29:20.112,0:29:23.592 Here's the knife Sara 0:29:23.592,0:29:25.652 I love knifes 0:29:25.652,0:29:27.082 I shall stab the zander 0:29:27.244,0:29:30.304 I sound like a sadist 0:29:31.700,0:29:35.700 This poor zander will pay cause[br]his friends didn't strike earlier 0:29:36.024,0:29:39.334 - here's the bag Sara[br]- you're the best Tobbe 0:29:42.536,0:29:45.496 Will be yummy, I'm stoked 0:29:45.496,0:29:47.856 Then there's only perch left 0:29:47.856,0:29:54.616 There are plenty of perch in this lake[br]but this spot isn't the best for perch 0:29:55.116,0:30:01.576 So we'll start the boat and go to[br]an island over there 0:30:01.576,0:30:04.096 sound like a plan 0:30:07.635,0:30:13.935 we've reach a few islands here and one[br]advantage is that it's not so windy 0:30:14.522,0:30:19.532 It's a lot of stones, shallows and other [br]that perch really like 0:30:19.687,0:30:23.687 Hopefully they are in the the mood today 0:30:24.289,0:30:28.669 This water is very cloudy, so I'll continue[br]with this bright flatnose mini 0:30:28.669,0:30:31.916 And hope that the perch want it 0:30:31.971,0:30:36.471 The species there are most of in the lake[br]of the predators is perch 0:30:36.657,0:30:39.497 It shouldn't be that hard to catch one 0:30:40.085,0:30:42.205 let's go 0:30:45.298,0:30:46.708 I got one, got one! 0:30:46.966,0:30:48.386 I got it, NO! 0:30:48.681,0:30:49.671 No it let go 0:30:51.047,0:30:52.567 what the? 0:30:53.716,0:30:55.906 It let go, but what a hard strike 0:30:56.354,0:30:59.974 I don't think it was a perch 0:31:00.381,0:31:02.001 that was a zander 0:31:02.927,0:31:04.407 that was a zander 0:31:13.599,0:31:14.779 There I got it! 0:31:15.337,0:31:16.357 I got it 0:31:16.400,0:31:18.550 It might be a perch[br]It might be a perch actually 0:31:18.622,0:31:20.162 It feels like a perch 0:31:20.194,0:31:20.934 It is... 0:31:21.004,0:31:21.934 It is a... 0:31:22.056,0:31:23.176 It's a zander 0:31:23.437,0:31:24.807 It was a zander 0:31:24.968,0:31:28.968 I thought we finally have cleared the[br]challenge to catch all 3 species 0:31:28.968,0:31:31.768 But it was a zander and I think this one[br]is approved 0:31:31.768,0:31:34.698 and we could've taken this one aswell 0:31:34.857,0:31:37.257 one zander is enough for the soup 0:31:37.777,0:31:40.644 It's fun that it started to strike anyhow 0:31:40.644,0:31:42.504 much better than yesterday 0:31:42.951,0:31:48.621 Here we have the zander, a pretty[br]decent zander to catch 0:31:49.181,0:31:52.211 It seems like there's a lot of zander here 0:31:52.211,0:31:56.401 The first strike I got was a zander[br]it was so hard 0:31:56.761,0:32:01.321 this one is maybe 50-52 cm 0:32:01.441,0:32:05.151 I didn't need that extra treble hook on[br]this one 0:32:05.151,0:32:07.821 It really bit on the jighead 0:32:08.981,0:32:13.481 we keep going, I do believe there's[br]a few perch here aswell 0:32:13.966,0:32:18.273 This flatnose mini in this bright colour[br]is really a zander magnet 0:32:18.765,0:32:23.575 I've got so many small zanders[br]before on this lure 0:32:37.199,0:32:38.999 There I got it![br]I got one 0:32:39.286,0:32:41.246 It feels like a perch 0:32:41.318,0:32:42.808 It might be a perch 0:32:43.620,0:32:44.740 It feels like it 0:32:45.454,0:32:48.184 NO[br]It's another zander 0:32:48.749,0:32:52.349 Why didn't we go here for zander fishing? 0:32:52.527,0:32:54.547 We would've catch so many 0:32:54.827,0:32:57.347 No complaint from me, atleast we got fish 0:32:57.500,0:33:00.495 This zander should get som stripes 0:33:00.905,0:33:04.495 and change name to perch 0:33:04.909,0:33:09.419 This one is not aproved[br]for the taste test 0:33:09.608,0:33:13.308 off it goes and we hope for a perch 0:33:16.936,0:33:21.716 It's a stone shallow up there, and I think[br]the zanders are there 0:33:22.212,0:33:25.542 I don't think, they are there 100% 0:33:26.193,0:33:29.943 It should be some perch there aswell[br]among these zanders 0:33:31.800,0:33:33.400 There I got one 0:33:33.703,0:33:34.823 zander 0:33:36.001,0:33:38.221 what? no? no it's a perch 0:33:38.791,0:33:41.801 I can't believe my eyes, it's a perch 0:33:42.928,0:33:45.088 I was like "it's a zander" 0:33:45.088,0:33:46.348 and it was a perch 0:33:46.717,0:33:50.327 When you least expect it to happen[br]it happens 0:33:50.327,0:33:54.767 Look at this, not the biggest perch[br]and not the best to cook 0:33:54.767,0:33:58.767 But I take what i can get, it's just[br]some small bits of soup 0:33:58.767,0:34:00.807 This one will be food 0:34:00.807,0:34:04.077 we passed the challenge! 0:34:05.673,0:34:07.724 - well done Tobbe![br]- thank you 0:34:07.934,0:34:10.144 flatnose mini does it again 0:34:10.144,0:34:13.474 delivers all 3 species on the same lure 0:34:13.474,0:34:15.524 different colours but hey 0:34:15.833,0:34:20.573 Now we finally have all 3 species so[br]we can do our tasting test 0:34:20.573,0:34:23.763 It wasn't easy and we've fought hard for it 0:34:23.763,0:34:29.283 but it was fun, now I'm so stoked to see[br]if there are any difference in taste or not 0:34:29.883,0:34:32.783 welcome to Tobbes school of cleaning fish 0:34:32.783,0:34:36.193 we are here at Solgen at Åsas Fiskegård 0:34:36.193,0:34:40.003 and they have a big cuttning board here 0:34:40.003,0:34:43.753 It will make life so much easier for [br]my school of cleaning out fish 0:34:44.082,0:34:48.322 We'll start with the perch[br]we'll pant it up 0:34:49.000,0:34:53.370 at first you do exactly the same on both[br]the perch and zander 0:34:53.570,0:34:57.460 as I did on the pike, with both sides 0:34:58.106,0:35:02.346 you do an angled cut towards the head 0:35:03.666,0:35:08.366 and then you do the same as with the pike[br]cut from the tail towards the middle 0:35:09.336,0:35:13.966 an angled cut and then follow the spine 0:35:14.121,0:35:18.121 try not to saw and do an even cut 0:35:19.294,0:35:21.304 there goes the perch 0:35:21.484,0:35:23.724 just grab it and continue 0:35:24.018,0:35:27.228 all the way and cut like this 0:35:27.647,0:35:30.027 to get the whole filet 0:35:31.638,0:35:34.208 cut off the side part 0:35:35.617,0:35:39.617 the bigger the fish are, the easier it is[br]to get a nice filet 0:35:39.617,0:35:42.007 these small ones are pretty hard 0:35:42.007,0:35:44.937 here we have one filet 0:35:45.099,0:35:49.099 next step is to cut off the skin 0:35:49.586,0:35:56.586 An angled cut and follow the skin[br]all the way 0:35:59.066,0:36:02.766 there is some bones here I have to cut off 0:36:04.135,0:36:08.905 If I had a bigger perch I would be able [br]to pant the perch 0:36:08.905,0:36:11.385 and you get more meat 0:36:11.537,0:36:15.537 this one is to small to do it 0:36:15.537,0:36:17.807 I'll just cut off a row of bone 0:36:17.807,0:36:23.425 Here's bone free, and here[br]and here's a row of bones 0:36:25.955,0:36:31.712 I'll cut off this small bit of bones 0:36:31.712,0:36:35.712 This is a bone free bit of perch 0:36:36.429,0:36:40.059 here's all the meat I got from that perch 0:36:40.098,0:36:44.098 Not much to cheer for but would've been[br]great on a sandwich 0:36:44.098,0:36:48.098 It will be enough for this tasting test 0:36:48.198,0:36:53.538 while Tobias prepare the last with the fish[br]I'll prepare our soup 0:36:54.028,0:36:57.768 I'll start with chopping up fennel,[br]onion and carrot 0:36:58.016,0:37:06.536 Next step is to fry all the vegetables[br]in some oil for a minute 0:37:07.613,0:37:09.303 This is so scary 0:37:11.201,0:37:14.095 It get hot so fast 0:37:14.369,0:37:16.889 pour some olive oil 0:37:19.506,0:37:22.466 and all the vegetables 0:37:22.612,0:37:25.792 this will fry for about a minute 0:37:25.982,0:37:31.622 we've done so much cooking in our[br]videos so I've become a pro chef 0:37:31.622,0:37:35.962 you may not think that, but I do[br]i have become much better 0:37:38.512,0:37:41.912 This is almost done, looking good 0:37:42.442,0:37:46.142 We'll pour over some water and freshly[br]squeezed lemon 0:37:49.084,0:37:51.364 It's important not to get any seeds[br]in the soup 0:37:52.631,0:37:55.301 You don't want to chew on them 0:37:56.051,0:38:00.051 I was about to forget something, [br]fish stock 0:38:00.051,0:38:03.401 I'll crumble it and cook it 0:38:03.401,0:38:05.661 Now it will cook for about 5 minutes 0:38:05.661,0:38:09.341 It's time for this nice big fish[br]to be cleaned out 0:38:09.341,0:38:13.441 This zander is worth a lot of money[br]zander filet is expensive 0:38:13.441,0:38:17.441 I will take care of all meat I can 0:38:17.441,0:38:21.441 Same here, an angled cut 0:38:21.441,0:38:23.721 there broke the swim bladder 0:38:23.739,0:38:24.859 fasten with a knife 0:38:26.674,0:38:28.314 cut inwards 0:38:28.511,0:38:30.951 and follow the spine 0:38:31.306,0:38:34.106 This looks great, I can tell 0:38:34.296,0:38:36.926 here's a stop 0:38:37.183,0:38:41.013 I'll start to cut from the back, to get[br]as much meat as possible 0:38:41.258,0:38:47.254 just small cuts along the spine 0:38:47.759,0:38:50.259 just drag the knife along 0:38:51.412,0:38:55.922 you see that?, it just opens up 0:38:57.808,0:39:01.808 keep working my way down 0:39:04.372,0:39:05.272 all the way 0:39:06.524,0:39:10.524 and here you can cut 0:39:12.530,0:39:13.660 there you go 0:39:13.810,0:39:17.650 a lot more meat on this one, [br]and much nicer filet 0:39:18.009,0:39:22.009 so much easier with a bigger fish 0:39:22.053,0:39:25.843 such nice filets,[br]look at them 0:39:26.476,0:39:30.476 Now we'll cut away the skin 0:39:30.936,0:39:35.506 just as the other fishes, start here[br]and cut all the way 0:39:35.831,0:39:38.891 It takes som time to learn how to[br]clean out fish 0:39:38.891,0:39:41.521 It's very hard the first times 0:39:41.521,0:39:44.911 You'll do mistakes but just continue[br]to learn and you'll get better 0:39:44.911,0:39:49.961 I learned a lot when I was in Norway fishing[br]on 40-50 k gco 0:39:49.961,0:39:53.961 we just had a few hours to clean them out 0:39:53.961,0:39:57.481 We did wrong at first but I got better[br]and better 0:39:57.668,0:40:02.768 The perch should have a few bones here[br]if I did it correct 0:40:02.875,0:40:08.815 but the zander does not, so I'll just cut [br]away these "ribs" 0:40:08.815,0:40:12.425 and then we'll have a 100% bone free filet 0:40:13.236,0:40:15.066 like this 0:40:15.777,0:40:18.387 here's the zander filet 0:40:18.623,0:40:21.443 look how much meat we got [br]out of that zander 0:40:21.587,0:40:25.257 And how nice, It could'nt be better 0:40:25.299,0:40:29.701 Not much more time left now[br]we'll add some cream 0:40:30.396,0:40:32.636 we take the whole pack 0:40:34.242,0:40:36.412 some fine chopped dill 0:40:37.535,0:40:40.675 of course we need some salt and pepper 0:40:41.006,0:40:45.006 the last step is the fish and let it[br]cook for a minute or 2 0:40:45.199,0:40:49.719 because I'm about to blind test this[br]Tobbe will do that part 0:40:50.753,0:40:53.343 Now the soups are ready 0:40:53.396,0:40:56.996 I'll end with some garnish[br]for the looks 0:40:57.033,0:40:59.953 with som shrimp and a bransch of dill 0:41:00.383,0:41:03.613 wow wow wow, doesn't it look amazing? 0:41:03.952,0:41:07.952 I cant' wait to try this out,[br]but first it's Sara 0:41:07.957,0:41:13.239 Now we've reach the moment of truth,[br]it will be interesting to see 0:41:13.304,0:41:18.184 - what do you think Sara?[br]- I don't know, I think it will be hard 0:41:18.184,0:41:21.004 to actually taste the difference, I'm[br]excited and nerbous 0:41:21.004,0:41:24.414 It's time for you to start, I'm the only [br]one who know which is what 0:41:24.414,0:41:27.734 Do you think Sara will make the[br]correct guesses?, leave a comment 0:41:27.734,0:41:29.184 let's start the test 0:41:29.184,0:41:33.304 This soup looks so good, as usual[br]when we cook nowadays 0:41:33.304,0:41:37.304 You can't actually see any difference on[br]the meat itself 0:41:37.494,0:41:41.494 I can't wait, I need to start 0:41:42.025,0:41:44.875 I'll start with this one 0:41:44.933,0:41:48.123 we'll focus mostly on the meat 0:41:54.930,0:42:00.040 - mmh, I'll try all of them first[br]- you can make a guess now Sara 0:42:01.732,0:42:03.882 ok wait, I'll have some more 0:42:07.241,0:42:10.681 - what's you first thought?[br]- I think this one is perch 0:42:11.048,0:42:16.108 don't ask me why, just a thought[br]I may change later on 0:42:16.394,0:42:17.984 next one 0:42:24.701,0:42:28.281 the taste is almost the same, but 0:42:29.056,0:42:32.216 the meat was like more rubbery 0:42:32.496,0:42:34.306 the other was more tender 0:42:34.341,0:42:37.391 I think this one is the pike 0:42:37.922,0:42:40.682 and now the last one 0:42:48.216,0:42:52.216 oh my god this is so hard, I don't[br]think you understand 0:42:54.158,0:42:57.088 I think my guesses are correct 0:42:57.088,0:42:59.168 perch, pike and zander 0:42:59.168,0:43:03.168 - what do I get if I'm correct?[br]- You can have 100 000:- 0:43:03.168,0:43:04.908 You didn't have them all correct 0:43:06.610,0:43:08.860 you had, drumroll......... 0:43:09.138,0:43:10.578 1 out of 3 0:43:10.669,0:43:14.439 1 out of 3, above my expectations 0:43:14.439,0:43:16.609 - which one was the correct one?[br]- the pike? 0:43:16.746,0:43:20.556 Yeah the pike was correct, but you[br]mixed up perch and zander 0:43:20.556,0:43:22.396 pretty resonable 0:43:22.500,0:43:24.660 the first one was zander 0:43:24.660,0:43:28.660 the one in the middle was pike and[br]the last was perch 0:43:28.688,0:43:34.688 I was surprised though, they tasted more[br]similar than I thought 0:43:35.049,0:43:38.939 the pike was really good 0:43:38.939,0:43:42.739 - but the texture was different?[br]- yeah the other ones was more tender 0:43:43.236,0:43:45.116 It was kinda like I thought 0:43:47.662,0:43:51.312 Great news, Team Galant will feature[br]on Dalaranas hunting and fishing fair 0:43:51.312,0:43:54.052 in Smedjebacken Sunday 19:th of May 0:43:54.052,0:43:58.052 bring a friend, come hang with us[br]and I hope I'll see you there 0:43:58.052,0:44:00.482 more info on the link in description 0:44:00.695,0:44:02.795 Now we've tested this 0:44:02.875,0:44:07.055 we fought hard, It was tough at the start[br]and in the middle 0:44:07.055,0:44:09.175 But in the end we came through 0:44:09.175,0:44:12.205 Conclusion is that fish is both good[br]and healthy 0:44:12.386,0:44:15.166 don't bring home too small or too big 0:44:15.286,0:44:18.076 don't forget to like and subscribe and[br]we'll see you in the next video 0:44:18.076,0:44:19.346 - Bye[br]- Bye 0:44:20.438,0:44:23.688 Subtitles by A. Eriksson