TOM: I've always been like the Mick Jagger of the reptile Industry. I've sold all kinds of illegal stuff Crocodiles, snakes, tarantulas My holy grail, was the king cobra. I elected to take the snake on the plane. Were there some apprehensions, yes! Deadly venomous, one bite means almost sure death. There's no question I made a lot of bad decisions. CUSTOMS: Did you pack a king cobra in your luggage? TOM: But the worst was yet to come I honestly thought I was going to die ERNEST: For years and years Tom Crutchfield was the big dog in the reptile trade in the united states Suspect has been spotted. Has a cage in his hand It was critical that we get Tom out of circulation and into our custody. TOM: My customers loved the rare stuff that was illegal. They knew it was illegal and they stood in line to buy it. ERNEST: Stand by in second positions TOM: But that fateful day I knew I was taking a great risk ERNEST: This is exactly what we'd been looking for Now, move in, now TOM: And I thought oh shxx I was living in Fort Myers, Florida. Life was pretty good for me at that point. I was newly married. Only one thing was wrong with the whole picture and that was I really hated my job. I was working for a large department store that was all over the U.S. It was a really good paying job but this is not what I wanna do with my life. the first thing I did when I got home of course was always work with my reptiles which was really my passion I would always clean the cages and look at the animals. And it gave me a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction to do so And somehow I had to figure a way to be able to live my life the way that I wanted to live it At an animal dealer's in Miami, two friends of mine had a lot of Bimini boas. It was a wonderful snake. They told me they could simply go to the Bahamas and catch anything and then they could just bring it back into the US. Basically you put them in your suitcase and take them back. I asked them, I said, Are you sure? And they said they'd never ever had anything confiscated and if someone found them, all you had to do was tell them they were personal pets. He said even though the animals required permits, no-one really cared. I decided I wanted to see if we could catch some of those beautiful boas for myself. I had a little bit of trepidation that it might be more of a problem than they said. I'm thinking of this giant law that made all this publicity in every newspaper in the world that was going to regulate all wildlife. It was hard to believe that no-one was enforcing it All that was in my mind was what one of these would look like actually in nature, you know, in the sunlight. I wanted to do it. I say let's do it. Penny: Ok TOM: That was it. We were going to south Bimini For me it was a huge huge event. It was exciting. This was my very first international trip. A friend of mine who also collected reptiles heard that we were planning to go. We said okay and he went with us. About 50 yards in the woods is this old deserted building, and inside that building was a place I was told that boas could be found. I proceed to the building like a Tasmanian devil because I want to catch a snake immediately. So I'm tearing it apart trying to look for snakes, in all the rafters and down in the holes. All of a sudden Penny said; Penny: Tom I gotta go to the bathroom TOM: So I tell Penny she needs to go to the restroom wherever she can find a place. I kept looking for the boas, shining lights in holes and I hear Penny calling. PENNY: Tom, Tom, come here. TOM: When she first started calling me it was irritating me. I go, 'I don't have time for that, just go ahead any place it's alright to go to the bathroom.' She goes, 'No, no, I already went, but" she said, 'Where I went,' she said, 'It's a snake.' So I took off as fast as I could running to try to get to the spot where she was. And when I got there she has this beautiful four, four and a half foot male Bimini boa. PENNY: Isn't it beautiful? TOM: Unbelievable, look at that. I took the snake and my hands literally shook holding it, even though I had seen the snakes before, Oh my gosh. It was my very first wild one. And it was a remarkable sight. It made me very, very happy. Go get a pillowcase! We caught a snake the first 20 minutes we were there, Alright, here we go, here we go. And I thought, well wow if we caught one this quick, we're probably going to find a lot of them. Lets go get some more! If I turned over one rock, I probably turned over metric tons of rocks looking for snakes. But unfortunately we didn't find anymore, that was the only snake But we started hearing this, 'Click, click, click, ' you know all over the building. Woah It sounded like little toes, 'Click, click, click, click, click. And it was tarantulas, lots of them. And they were on the floor, on the walls, everywhere looking for food My friend wasn't fortunate enough to find any snakes So he thought he'd catch the tarantulas. Dude you're a pro! FRIEND: I know! TOM: So he caught six or seven of the biggest females. As we were preparing to go back to Miami We packed the snake in our bag, you know, with clothes around it and on top of it. And my friend put the tarantulas in his bag the same way we did ours, with clothes to keep them cushioned. No-one would see anything, we wouldn't open our bags and they would just wave us through. That was my hope. When we got to the customs shack, there were these two sorta really bored customs officers like laying around if you will Now I was terrified. GUARD: Driving license? TOM: Oh, license. I didn't know what to expect You know I mean there I was smuggling illegally. And that was it. So we get on the plane. Air Hostess: Can I help you with your bags sir? Tom: What? Both of us were nervous. I can never forget the snake is in the bag. Air Hostess: Your bag Tom: Oh. Oh. No I can handle it. Thank you. And as we're coming in I still had some trepidation about what would happen at U.S. customs. I had never done it before so I didn't know what to expect. We disembarked the plane along with the other passengers, and you have united states customs agents It's not like in Bimini, these guys are really serious There looking at things a little more serious I'm thinking than the people in the Bahamas were. Still you have to think in the back of your mind is someone going to say something? Is there going to be a problem? My friend said 'I'll go first Everything seems pretty smooth until the guy says CUSTOMS: Excuse me sir, can I look at your bag please? Can I look in your bag please? TOM: And I thought this is not good. When he opened the suitcase he sees a bag. But when he picked the bag up I thought, 'Holy xxxx, CUSTOMS: What is this? FRIEND: Nothing much. TOM: Because I knew that there were spiders in the bag and I knew that they're not going to like the tarantulas. So the customs guy decided to open the bag. And that's when I did like that looked at Penny and she looked at me 'Oh.' He sticks his hand in and he's feeling around and then... CUSTOMS: Agh! TOM: And I thought, oh god. That's absolutely the worst thing that can happen. The customs guy's looking at the blood and he's looking at my friend. He didn't say anything for probably about five or ten seconds. It's like he can't believe that his hand is bleeding from sticking it in the bag. He just doesn't believe it. And we're going what the hell is going to happen and for whatever reason he says CUSTOMS: Do you have something sharp in your bag? FRIEND: No. TOM: And a spider is crawling right up with the legs almost to the top, all I could see was the whites of his eyes then he passes out, bam. So at that point every single customs guy in that place came running over. And they're looking at my friend, I mean they were not nice looks, and I thought, 'Oh God.' And some of them still didn't really understand what had bitten him. And my friend's trying to tell them that this spider's not deadly. FRIEND: It's ok it's alright. It's just a spider it's not going to kill you. TOM: And immediately one of the guys stomps the spider. And I was looking at Penny and we still had the snake in the bag, and I sort of elbowed her and I go.... Lets go outside, nobody is watching. We took our bag and the snake just nonchalantly walked out, never looking back, never looking at anybody because you don't want to attract attention. And we walked out of the building without clearing customs. It was a huge relief. But I was a little bit worried about my friend still. Really if you think about it, with him it was kinda serious. You've got a guy in customs that works for the United States Government; he got bit with a spider that was brought back illegally. He's passed out. I have no idea of the man's condition, and we're all just thinking about that and then we saw my friend come walking out and he had the empty bag in his hand so he walks up to us and I look at the bag and I go, Where are the spiders? He goes, 'They flushed them down the toilet. What are they going to do to you? He goes, 'Nothing, but they told me never, never, never do this again. I said, 'Alrighty now. That was the point where I figured I'm going to do this a lot. TOM: I'm thinking you know that was easy, Those beautiful snakes are worth about about 50 dollars, here in the U.S. I could do it as a living. My first trips were to the Caribbean, to Bimini and to Eleuthera Island and the Bahamas. At that point the money was in the hundreds or thousands of dollars. And a lot of my trips financed other trips and all this time we weren't getting permits for anything we were just going through Customs. And they said "what are these for?" I said "they're for pets" and he said "Go on through" So it was like, carte blank permission for me to do whatever you wanted! So we decided to open up a reptile business I sold them all kinds of illegal stuff I sold them crocodiles, snakes, and tarantulas. And the rarer animals I got the more business I seemed to have. I think the first year we did $200,000 maybe. It just got bigger and bigger and bigger and as I had more money I went to more exotic places and I caught more and more exotic reptiles. But my holy grail was the King Cobra. TOM: The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world. When they stand up to spread a hood, their head can be five feet off the ground. And they can be looking at you eye to eye which is truly an extraordinary thing to see and a frightening thing to see if you're not expecting it or used to it. It's one of the most impressive reptiles certainly in the world and a deep and abiding passion to be able to catch one in the wild. So, we made Chiang Mai our base in an area called the Golden Triangle. The Golden Triangle was a dangerous place most of the world's opium used to make heroin and other illegal drugs was grown up there There are huge narcotic warlords, as powerful as the Thai army; they would have real military battles. We drove for probably half a day first on a paved road. Then on some really bad dirt roads and then the road stopped. I was super excited. The only thing that we could see was like a little trail. Actually it looked like an elephant trail. And we went down that trail miles and miles and miles into the jungle. TOM: So we kept walking and walking and walking. And all of a sudden the guide made a sound, something like this. Wee, wee, wee, wee, wee. And he started running. My first thought was, what the hell did he see? Because if he saw a tiger I... you know, I might want to do the same thing and run but I saw the movement in the underbrush. And I could see the last half of a snake and I knew immediately it was a king cobra. Rapidly crawling away. So I ran up and grabbed the King Cobra by the tail. Now this was a tough situation. I had a huge adrenalin rush because you realize you don't know what's going to happen. It's deadly venomous. Any bite means almost sure death. by understanding the snakes' abilities, you can actually control what the snake does If I were to do my hand like this, the king Cobra will do like this and follow it. He'll simply turn and face me the whole time because he is facing what he considers something that's potentially dangerous to him. You cannot take your eyes off the snake because to take your eyes off it even for a second can mean that you're bitten. He would strike at me again, again and again and he's getting more tired. Until I could pin its head down and grab it behind the neck. TOM: Penny! Bag! There it is. Woooo! Wooo! Wooo! I was ecstatic about catching a king Cobra it was lifelong dream come true. The king cobra could've easily been shipped from Thailand. But it was so valuable to me I wanted to make sure nothing happened to the snake. So, I elected to put the snake in the suitcase and then take it back on the plane. Penny: Tom, no way! TOM: And that was Penny's biggest concern. Someone might open your suitcase, grab the bag and then be killed by a king Cobra. But I elected to risk it anyway. At that point I had decided to put the King Cobra in the suitcase but we would put it in another bag to make it even more secure. And then put those bags inside of a cardboard box that would fit inside the suitcase so if someone touched it, it can't bite through the box, so there's no problem. Penny also found some more animals She had found some boas and a rare monitor. She put those in little camera cases and we packed them in our hand luggage and we drove to the airport At the airport in Bangkok. Were there some apprehensions? Yes. But you can't think about things like that if you're a good smuggler. You're having to go through customs with the king cobra. You simply walk up there as a regular customer and you don't act odd. CHECK IN: Did you pack your bags yourself Sir? TOM: Yes I did. You don't sweat; you don't jump around because you'll get caught. That's the bottom line. If you don't have the balls to do it don't do it. That was it. CHECK IN: Have a nice flight sir. TOM: Next stop the United States of America, Miami, Florida. I knew I was taking a great risk So, once we'd landed in Miami International Airport, we're all unbuckling and everybody on the plane is getting ready to disembark and there was an announcement TANNOY: Would Tom and Penny Crutchfield report to the front of the plane please? TOM: I looked at Penny. She looked at me. And she goes, PENNY: They found the cobra TOM: I said, it has to be that. At that point I began to worry about someone being accidentally bit by the snake. TANNOY: Everyone please remain seated. Tom and Penny Crutchfield could you identify yourselves and make your way to the front of the plane please? TOM: I thought Oh God. And at this point I could see a contingency of US Fish and Wildlife agents. But you can imagine all the stuff going through your head So, we walked to the front of the plane with everybody staring at us of course, it was kind of embarrassing. There's no great plans hatching in your mind. So I'm now I'm starting to think I'm screwed now. You're caught that's it, you have to go see what the deal is. I was terrified. We're trying not to act afraid or show any feelings But I knew that they had probably found the king cobra probably, that's the only thing I could think of. At that point we were scared. I knew it was a really big deal. AGENT: Bags on the table please. TOM: Customs guy is looking at me and finally he speaks ups AGENT: Mr Crutchfield. Did you pack a King Cobra in your luggage? TOM: And my heart sank, when he said that, my heart absolutely sank. Where's my suitcase? Agent: In Amsterdam TOM: We had a stopover in Amsterdam where we changed planes. And that's where the luggage would have to change planes too to go to the United States. At that point I began to worry about someone being accidentally bit by the snake. A friend of mine was bitten by a King Cobra and he died in 11 minutes with paramedics there, there was nothing they could do. How did they even know there was a snake in there? AGENT: The drug dogs. They smelled the snake in the box. TOM: It was a huge relief that no one was bitten or hurt in some way but then they go.... AGENT: We're gonna need to see what else you're carrying with you. TOM: I go, oh good I'm standing there looking at Penny and both of us were nervous. Because we had smuggled a few other things too, rare boas and a rare monitor that Penny had put in little camera cases. They started to go through everything And they finally got around to Penny's purse And I thought Holy xxxx. And at this point one of the agents looks down at the bag and then 'Oh God' and I'm thinking about what's going to happen. AGENT: Nothing here. TOM: And that was it, they didn't find anything. AGENT: Customs in Holland are gonna keep the snake. You're lucky we didn't catch you here in America. TOM: Of course I'm smiling like hell because the idiots, I had outsmarted them completely.... Morons I thought they were just so stupid in those days. Ernest: Tom had developed a persona of being someone who for the most part thought he was better than you were, knew more things than you knew, untouchable, couldn't be caught. I was part of a special task force whose job it was to identify and pursue the biggest players in these smuggling operations. It was critical to tie Tom to these smuggled reptiles. We knew there were a group of German smugglers bringing Tree Boas and Ground Boas in to the United States. We needed to find a way to link those Germans with Tom Crutchfield. TOM: At this point we were doing well over $1million a year. I was certainly one of the biggest reptile dealers in the country if not the biggest. Hi Tom Crutchfield. I was the guy that everybody talked about. You want some Madagascan Tree Boas? You do know they're a restricted species? After the Cobra incident I decided more and more it wasn't really worth trying to bring stuff myself back. I had decided it would be much safer if I were going to smuggle something to do it in a completely different way where I personally wasn't involved at all. Hello Wolfgang! Tom Crutchfield here. It would be much safer buying in stuff that other people brought into the US. Listen I have a proposition for you. I went to meet the German that I knew called Wolfgang Kloe. He was another reptile smuggler. Ernest: Suspect has been spotted. Has a cage in his hand.. I went and set up surveillance because it was critical that we establish a positive link between the smuggled reptiles, Wolfgang Kloe and Tom Crutchfield's business. Ok move into positions now TOM: I've got a buyer looking for Madagascan Tree boas. Wolfgang: Okay TOM: Wolfgang had animals I wanted so we did a trade. ERNEST: Stand by second positions TOM: A few womas for probably 8 or 10 of his Madagascan tree boas, which he brought into the US without permits. WOLFGANG: Yes you have a deal man. TOM: Excellent. Let's have a look. Ernest: This was tremendous, it was exactly what we'd been looking for, it directly tied Tom Crutchfield into the smuggling operation, linked him to the German team I was ecstatic. Ok we're set. Ready to move in on my command TOM: I was extremely pleased, I had Madagascar tree boas but then all of a sudden he says WOLFGANG: I think there's someone looking at you with binoculars TOM: And I go WHAT? WOLFGANG: Don't look don't look. TOM: We should get out of here. ERNEST: Move in now now! AGENTS: Show me your hands. TOM: They all rushed in like they were expecting gunfire exchange and I thought oh xxxx ERNEST: Our team moved in and arrested Wolfgang Kloe. We probably already had enough information to convict Tom for the smuggling of the reptiles but what we really needed was to build a bigger case against him Tom Crutchfield I have a warrant to search your business. Let's go. TOM: At this point we're not liking each other a whole lot. Ernest: So we were looking for key bits of information. And it actually amazes me how some of these crooks keep documents that actually show their illegal activities. When you looked at the volume of the smuggled animals, they were easily worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, His goose was cooked. He certainly was going to jail for a long time. At the end I said to him I know for a fact we'll be seeing each other in court before too long. TOM: I knew that there was going to be more trouble. I thought if we stayed I would be indicted So I decided to pack up everything and leave the U.S and headed to Belize We already had a fair amount of money in cash so we decided on opening up a car rental business and started a new life in Belize. Life was pretty good for me at that point and I thought my problems were finished and we were safe. ERNEST: Hello Ernest Mayer Fish & Wildlife At first I was kind of shocked Really? But then I realized, this was probably the stupidest thing that he could have done. Forget the wildlife smuggling now, this guy has really taken it to the next level. We knew we would not get him extradited for smuggling reptiles. However, How about the fact he's a fugitive? The types of crimes the Belize government did not tolerate was fleeing from justice to avoid prosecution. The plan was arrest Tom, put him in jail and hold him until we could get the authority through the Belize Justice Department to have him expelled from the country. Thank you very much. TOM: What the hell is this about? I was almost in shock when it happened, I was like what the hell. What are you holding me for? I'm not breaking any laws! He says 'the US is after the Belizean government to deport you' and then I knew what the plan was immediately. I didn't have time to talk to Penny. I simply said Get an attorney and find out where I am and come see me. And then they say you're going to Hattieville prison. I knew exactly where that was. The last place that I probably wanted to go in Belize was Hattieville prison, the last place. It's something right out of that movie Midnight Express. I mean the place looks bad but the worst was yet to come They take me and they put me in the cell with four other people They're sleeping on the floor on pieces of cardboard and covering themselves with their clothes. And I'm in shock almost cause it's so horrible. There is no electricity, there is no plumbing, there are no toilets there is no running water in any of the cells. And I'm go in there and I'm thinking 'five people in this cell' And the one guy starts to reach for my bag. TOM: Hey hey hey! I go. Don't touch my bag bro. Don't do that. He starts to reach for my bag again. Hey! Again I told him not to. And the guy did it again. And I just grabbed his wrist And that time I just dropped down with my knees and just popped the capsule in his elbow, he was so weak. The guards came running over so they walked me over, like fifty yards away probably and they put me in this cell. TOM: They open it up and there's just one guy in that cell. Just one guy. He had the most serious look on his face. And he's got one of those metal beds and he's got like foam rubber up on top of it There's another metal bed there but there's no foam rubber or mattress or anything I knew he was dangerous or he wouldn't be in a cell by himself. Finally he speaks up KAMPER: My name is Kamper. TOM: And I said- How come you're the only person in here that I see that lives by themselves? And he said KAMPER: The last cellie. We get into a little argument and I had to jig him And he die. TOM: I'm like, they put me in with a killer now because I hurt the other guy. And he's looking at me and they're not nice looks. Then I saw he has half a machete that's broken off and I certainly didn't sleep at all that night I honestly thought I was going to die, period. For the first two weeks in Hattieville Prison I honestly thought I was going to die. It's a violent place. Weapons were freely held by almost anybody there. The most brutal I saw is that I was in the yard and I heard behind me this sound it was a thunk. Like that. A thunk. And I spun around not knowing what it was, just in time to see what happened. And this guy's guts just fell out on the ground. All I wanted to do was get the hell out of there. That's it. TOM: It was about two weeks before my family found out that I was in Hattieville. I was very happy to see Penny. Extremely happy. She looks at me and she goes She said they just want you back in the US. All you have to do is tell them you'll go, and fly back. I said yeah but you know what. There's a good chance we can win this! Just because I've committed a crime in the United States, does not allow the Belizean authorities to put me in jail. It was decided we would stay and fight it. That's what both of us wanted to do, and that's what we did. Ernest: We had to wait quite a period of time while the Belize court system processed the request to have him extradited. What I thought was going to be a fairly quick process ended up dragging out for several months. The longer the delay went the more I began to have questions whether this was going to be a successful effort. TOM: One day early on a Sunday I was in the cell with Kamper and Kamper looks at me and goes KAMPER: Woah woah woah man. Babylon's is coming man. TOM: Babylon, he come. Babylon meant cops. And he goes: I think they come after you now. At that point I knew that battle was lost and that was the end. Simple as that. Actually it was a huge relief. I had no intention of fighting it, I just wanted it over at that point. ERNEST: As soon as he stepped foot on American soil, he was arrested by federal marshals. I felt vindicated that one of the biggest people in the business could actually be successfully prosecuted for their crimes. By getting Tom, back into the United States. We had achieved one large goal in the overall investigation and that was: getting Tom out of circulation, and into our custody. I was elated. We got him, we finally got him. TOM: There was no question I made a lot of bad decisions. I should've just stayed in the US. I should have never even went to Belize. It wouldn't have put my wife through all that stress. And not a day goes that I don't regret Penny having to go through all that stuff. For that I'm deeply deeply sorry. The toll that something like that takes on you is a lot. I think that's probably why Penny and I aren't married. It destroyed our marriage, basically, yes and that's terrible.