(light music) - Alright, here is our Lady Talk number two. And I'm here with my friend Hilah. Hey Hilah. - Hi. - And thank you for joining me on your couch for our lady chat. These are casual, real talks, woman to woman. And for this particular conversation, we're gonna focus on labor and delivery. More importantly, and quite specifically, Hilah and I were talking about, you know, like, what we really just wish someone would get right to the point about. And that is dealing with the pain. And I feel like a lot of times in prenatal yoga we don't say dealing with the pain because we're like, oh that has a negative connotation. - Let's not say the word pain. - Yeah, or let's not say dealing because we're embracing and we're coping and yes, and yes, and yes, and yes it's okay to talk about, like, this is why I love these chats, it's like real talk. You know you and I have communicated and recently you had emailed me like a short list of things that have been on your mind and that we can talk about. And, you know, tools for dealing with the pain is on that list. And it's on every woman's list. So, I thought we might just, kind of, go through some of the yoga tools, prenatal yoga tools. And then I'm curious to see what other things you've learned in your birthing class thus far. Or maybe from other women or your mother. And then, you know, we might even come up with our own. Or we might inspire women watching to formulate their own plans of attack. To deal with the pain, or cope with the pain, or embrace. - Whatever. - So I was just gonna start off with, kind of, the big picture, which I think is really actually a powerful tool on that is, of course, the mind. And I don't wanna get all crazy, you know, crunchy yoga on you, but man, I mean, we know this and we've talked about this before. - Yeah, it's a real thing. - The mind is such an amazing and scary, powerful tool. Pregnant or not pregnant, you know. - Oh yeah, you can convince yourself of all kinds of things. - Yeah. Totally, trust us. - Good or bad. - It's totally okay to do. (laughing) Oh, so yeah, any thoughts on that? Just about your experience thus far and, kind of like, noticing when your mind, like mind over matter. I don't think we necessarily even have to talk about all the positive things. I mean share whatever you're willing to share, but, you know, it's real talk, like noticing, you know, when the mind gets the best of you. And noticing when you can also, perhaps use the breath and just slowing things down to relieve that crazy, monkey mind anxiety. (Hilah laughs) I'm sure is coming out more and more as you approach your due date. - Yeah. - I mean I don't know, but I can assume. - No, yeah, it definitely is, yeah I definitely get a lot of, well and I think it's probably because physically the lungs are collapsed and squished outward, so like, deep breathing is actually really, really relaxing. And it might be partly because you are concentrating on something besides whatever your brain is telling you to concentrate on. It's just something else to focus on. But also, you're physically, it's getting like this influx of oxygen and it's like, so your muscles are able to kind of relax a little bit maybe. - Mhmmm. - So I definitely, definitely notice benefits from just doing some heavy breathing. - Yeah, so the breath is like the number one tool that in my training, you know, like, and we've talked about this through our practice and I've just, kind of, coined it as breath over asana. And so that the breath is, kind of like, the number one coin in your pocket when you enter the delivery room. - Yeah. - And a friend of me taught me this cool thing where, 'cause I was trying to, like, find things that the everyday woman, or just like, that we could attach to. Or that we can like giggle at. And one thing that I remembered her telling me, that I love was very simple, you think, so kind of going along those mantra lines too. You think re as you breathe in, and lax as you breathe out. Just relax, you know. So it's kind of hard to say out loud, it sounds kind of cheesy. But in your mind, you know, if you close your eyes you can try it, and just think re as you breathe in, and lax as you breathe out. And it did have this really calming effect over the mind. I mean it seems so obvious, but I mean, it was like, it worked! You know? - Yeah, yeah. - And I think that anything rhythmic, I mean we talked about this in the birthing classes and it's kind of like the doula's job is to keep-- - Reminding you to stay on this rhythm. - On this rhythm as opposed to letting that mind, you know because ultimately the mind is so frickin' powerful. So using the rhythm of the breath and the rhythm of mantra too. Yeah, just keep that. - Something else that helps me sometimes, not specifically with being pregnant, but the relax just reminded me of it, is, like, picturing the breath in my nose, down through the lungs and then back out. - Awesome. Which totally brings us to the next topic of visualization. Which can be a big turn off, like, if you're reading in a book, I mean, I'm just being real. For a lot of women it's enticing and for a lot of women it's like, you kind of skip past that. - Yeah, I'm generally a skipper of that. - So, but I'm here to say, hold on, let's see if we if we can use it. Because that is, you know, you might not be visualizing your cervix opening like a blossoming flower but you're gonna allow release of the cervix to open, open, open if you're focusing on a visualization that works for you. So-- - No, but that's actually a great point, visualizing the cervix-- - Yeah that's how you tell you're getting warm. - At the birthing class, yeah. Well in the birthing class she kind of suggested visualize an easy birth, like visualize the baby coming out. And it reminded me, too, of like whenever we used to choreograph dances and I would visualize, I would just spend a lot of time visualizing myself doing it, awesomely. - Yeah. - Like, totally kicking ass at that dance. - Yeah. - And then when I'd go do it the next day, I would actually be better. - Yeah. And this is like, so awesome and beautiful to me because, like, this is how I was raised and this is also how I like still run my life now. It's kind of like if you visualize it. If you dream it, it will come. And even as a young person, like applying to colleges, or, you know, I'm an actor, like getting roles back in the day. Like, you know, my Mom always said, and I still give my actor friends this advice, like imagine, when you go in there, like imagine you've already got the role, like imagine it. And in my classes now, when I teach public yoga classes, often when we set our intentions. I kind of ask people to repeat their intention. And then I'm like, consider it already done. In fact imagine what it feels like to have it already done, already so. And this goes back to, like, the power of the mind. You know and when I worked at a high school, I would share it with the kids too. I'm like well you keep telling me, you know, if you keep saying I'm fat, I'm ugly, like, now we're all startin' to see you as fat and ugly and you're beautiful, you know, so-- - Yeah. - So anyway, getting back to-- - My cervix. - You. (both laughing) And your cervix, yeah, I think the power of visualization should not be written off. This is ultimately the power of the mind, the power of word, the power of thought. And we don't have to wait 'til, in fact we should not wait until D-day to start tryin' to dream up, what's my affirmation, what's my mantra, what's my visual? Like, start to get those thoughts percolating now because then it'll be easier. And maybe talk to your partner about what that could be. Even if you guys do it over a laugh, over dinner. - Yeah we actually did the other day, like, practice sort of like labor drill. Like, okay what's gonna happen if, you know. - Only you guys would call it labor drill, I love it. - What happens if my water breaks while we're watching a movie? Do we finish the movie, do we call the doctor right away? - Yeah. (Hilah laughs) A we finish the movie, B we call the doctor. Roll the dice, no. (Hilah laughs) - But stuff like that actually does help you be prepared when the time comes and you might be like panicking or like forgetting what you meant to be doing. Like if you've practiced the doing those breathing exercises then when the time comes and you're like really hurting, it's almost like muscle memory that you can depend on. - Yeah, and you're not searching for-- - What do I do? How do I fix this? - Lost items in the moment. - [Both] Yeah. - You have this nice little, comfy, you know, tool belt. And your partner can help you with that too. I'm gonna talk about that more later. But I mean, when your mind goes, when your mind starts to take off, then hopefully they can be there to remind you, like, of all these beautiful tools that we've been puttin' in the box. - Right. - Going back to the blossoming flower image of the cervix though, I think that a lot of women, and I'm curious your thoughts on this, have said that they will, like, they will of like not paid attention to affirmations, like open, open, open, and then end up in the delivery room totally doing what they thought they wouldn't, you know. - Mhmmm. - So, might as well embrace it early on. 'Cause it's gonna happen, you're gonna want those things and so that was just one that I kept hearing about was simply the word open, you know, like the repetition-- - Yeah, open and relax. - of open, open, open. - Yeah. - In a previous chat we talked about, you know, building those muscles so that we can stay vertical. I mean that's kind of another chat, but if you are able to get vertical for some of the time. - Contractions and stuff. - Then obviously that's going to relieve a little bit of pain and probably reduce the time of your labor. - Focusing on an item, some people recommend, like, you bring something to the hospital with you, like a painting or a plant or something. So you have something to focus your eyes on. - Oh I love that! - My mom said, for her, both times, she found it much easier to close her eyes and breathe. And like having her eyes open was more of a distraction. - Too much. - Yeah. - That sounds like me. - Which, I know me too. I'm like, I feel like when I close my eyes and just picture whatever I want. Even if it's just my stupid breath going in and out. - Yeah. - But like-- - Well and also it's easier to go inward, especially in this day in age when we kind of close the eyes. But have it all, let's be ready girl. Let's, yeah. - Yeah. - Let's have something you can put on the wall, just in case. (laughing) - But yeah, especially 'cause we're doin' a hospital birth, I can you know, and they've said, there's gonna be several people in the room, you probably don't know any of 'em. So, like, there's a lot of, maybe there's a lot of commotion compared to like a home birth or a birthing center. So, yeah I could see it. I think I probably will just wanna close my eyes and go in. - I'm curious, if you don't mind me asking, what was the conversation like with you and Chris when you were considering what kind of birth we're gonna have. - Oh, that was not, I always wanted to do it in a hospital. Just 'cause all the women I know that did either birthing center or home birth, like half of them ended up emergency trip-- - At the hospital? - To the hospital. (laughing) I'm like, let's just start at the hospital. I think if I had like one good natural birth under my belt, I would definitely consider doing a home birth or a birthing center for a future child. - Mhmmm. - Like once I'm like alright, I got this. I know what to expect and my body's done it once and it's been fine. - Yeah, that's cool. I'm always fascinated by that conversation. Because I haven't done that yet, and you kind of always, well every woman's different, but me personally, I have no idea. Like, I like to imagine this one thing. But I just know when that time comes, if that time comes that I'll know then, you know, like, there's no way of knowing now. So, and maybe this project too, will inspire cool conversations among women. - It's definitely worth a conversation. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Well that's awesome. So going back, really quickly, to the topic of dealing with the pain. Another thing that we probably all know, but it's worth mentioning just in case is applying warmth. And we can talk about that more when we talk about Chris. - And what his job's gonna be. - What he needs to do. - Get to work. - I mean I think that's a really big one for pain and it's such a simple thing. A friend of mine was telling me about a wheat, was it wheat germ, or a wheat bag? - Oh rice, you can do it with rice, dry rice. - Yeah, you like heat it up and it's nice and firm and hey-oh. - Yeah, and even heat and it holds heat for a long time. - Yeah and so that's also for, of course, lower back, for anything back. - Mhmmm. - A hot, the shower, warm shower. Have they talked about that in your birthing class? I'm just curious. - They've mentioned like the-- - Water. - water bath, like the water birth, where they do it. - Yeah, and the warm pool, yeah. There are a lot of awesome statistics about women and just body and pain. - Very relaxing, like it's gonna relax your muscles. - Yeah, I mean, I can imagine. - And like if you can relax all these muscles to just let that baby out then it'd be better. - In a warm bath. - [Both] Yeah. - That's fascinating to me too. But if you're not doing the birthing pool then yeah, warm wheat bag. - Compresses, yeah. - Hot water bottle, or bag. - Warm wash cloth. - Mhmmm. And then massage. - Yes. - So massaging the back, we don't have to get into this, but there's all kinds of awesome massages, even massages more like in the perineum and like pre, you know before you're in the delivery room, kind of massaging and stretching those muscles. Now we're gettin' real deep. - This, when I, I realized this by accident maybe a month ago, but like these underneath, ah, that feels so good, to just like gently-- - That's funny that looks good. - Just kind of like rub those little muscles under there. 'Cause I guess the ones on the bottom are probably the ones that are getting the most workout, like having to hold. - Mhmmm. - This fat, chubby, baby. - Yeah. - But man, yeah it's really, it feels good. - And so that's something that, you know, your partner can do but that's really something that I think you can do as a way of connecting to yourself and if you're, you know, lying on the couch, or you're feeling anxiety, or you can start givin' yourself a nice little rub. - Mhmmm. - I actually, this is not prenatal yoga topic. But I cracked my tail bone a couple years back, I don't know if you remember that, it was awful. - Yeah. - And it was odd, and it was weird, it was vulnerable obviously, like my coccyx and my butt hole essentially. (Hilah laughs) You know, but it got, all that muscle tissue got so tight around the perineum and all like, even around like even the vaginal area. That I mean I was just like, I had, I don't even need to explain, I'm not even embarrassed about it anymore, but I just had such trouble there for like a whole year, year and a half. And ultimately what ended up working the best was getting body work there. Which was like, oh god, you know, like hey come rub my-- - Can you rub my butt? - You know, you're not my partner and I am not pregnant, but do you mind? (Hilah laughs) - But it really, like, tipped me off to something. Like, oh yeah, like, just because those are, especially in our culture muscles that are-- - Your dirty muscles. - Yeah, your dirty, like man we need to apply some love there. So, you know some women might, excuse me, feel like that's distasteful, but I think that, we don't have to talk about it now, but it's worth researching, kind of perineum massage and vagina massage. (both laughing) Hey-oh. - And then just going back to the breath, since we're talking about dealing with the pain. Like, breath, rhythmic breathing, that relax breath, visualizing the breath. And knowing that breath and massage is gonna release the natural pain killers too. - Right, right. - And that's not to be forgotten, I think. Alright, well that's all for the dealing with the pain chat today, unless you have anything else on your mind, my friend. - I'll probably have some great ideas after I've done it. - Yeah. (both laughing) Stay tuned, right now we're promoting our "post" videos, already. Anyway, I love you so much. - I love you. - Thank you. Namaste. (light music)