1 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 When I was six years old, 2 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I received my gifts. 3 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 My first grade teacher had this brilliant idea. 4 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 She wanted us to experience receiving gifts, 5 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but also learning the virtue of complimenting each other. 6 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So she had all of us come to the front of the classroom, 7 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and she bought all of us gifts, 8 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and stacked them in the corner. 9 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And she said, 10 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Why don't we just stand here and compliment each other? 11 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If you hear your name called, 12 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 go and pick up your gift and sit down." 13 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What a wonderful idea, right? 14 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What could go wrong? 15 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 16 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, there were 40 of us to start with, 17 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and every time when I heard someone's name called, 18 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I would give out the heartiest cheer. 19 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And then there were 20 people left, 20 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and 10 people left, 21 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and five left ... 22 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and three left. 23 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was one of them. 24 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And the compliments stopped. 25 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, at that moment, I was crying. 26 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And the teacher was freaking out. 27 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 She was like, "Hey, would anyone say anything nice about these people?" 28 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 29 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "No one? 30 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK, why don't you go get your gift and sit down. 31 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So behave next year -- 32 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 someone might say something nice about you." 33 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 34 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, as I'm describing this you, 35 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you probably know I remember this really well. 36 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 37 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But I don't know who felt worse that day. 38 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Was it me, or the teacher? 39 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 She must have realized that she turned a team-leading event 40 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 into a public [jest] for three six-year-olds. 41 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And without the humor. 42 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know, when you see people get [roasted] on TV, 43 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it was funny. 44 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 There was nothing funny about that day. 45 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So that was one version of me, 46 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I would die to avoid being in that situation again -- 47 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to get rejected in public again. 48 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 That's one version. 49 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then fast-forward eight years -- 50 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Bill Gates came to my hometown -- 51 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Beijing, China -- 52 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 to speak, 53 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I saw his message. 54 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I fell in love with that guy. 55 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I thought, wow, I know what I want to do now. 56 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 That night I wrote a letter to my family 57 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 telling them by age 25, 58 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I will build the biggest company in the world, 59 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and that company will buy Microsoft. 60 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laugther) 61 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I totally embraced this idea of conquering the world -- 62 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 domination, right? 63 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I didn't make this up, 64 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I did write that letter. 65 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And hear it is -- 66 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 67 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You don't have to read this through -- 68 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 69 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This is also bad handwriting. 70 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But I did highlight some key words. 71 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You get the idea. 72 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So, that was another version of me. 73 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 One who will conquer the world. 74 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, then two years later, 75 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was presented with the opportunity to come to the United States. 76 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I jumped on it, 77 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because that was where Bill Gates lived, right? 78 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 79 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I thought that was the start of my entrepreneur journey. 80 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then, fast-forward another 14 years. 81 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was 30. 82 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Nope, I didn't build that company. 83 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I didn't even start. 84 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was actually a marketing manager for a Fortune 500 company. 85 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I felt I was stuck; 86 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was stagnant. 87 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Why is that? 88 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Where is that 14-year-old who wrote that letter? 89 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's not because he didn't try. 90 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's because every time I had a new idea, 91 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 every time I wanted to try something new, 92 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 even at work -- 93 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I wanted to make a proposal, 94 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I wanted to speak up in front of people in a group -- 95 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I felt there was this constant battle 96 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 between the 14-year-old and the six-year-old. 97 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 One wanted to conquer the world, 98 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 make a difference. 99 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Another was afraid of rejection. 100 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And every time, 101 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that six-year-old won. 102 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And this fear even persisted after I started my own company. 103 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I mean, I started my own company when I was 30 -- 104 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if you want to be Bill Gates, 105 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you've got to start sooner or later, right? 106 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 107 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 When I was an entrepreneur, 108 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was presented with an investment opportunity, 109 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and then I was turned down. 110 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And that rejection hurt me. 111 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It hurt me so bad that I wanted to quit right there. 112 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But then I thought, "Hey, would Bill Gates quit after a simple investment rejection? 113 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Would any successful entrepreneur quit like that?" 114 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 No way. 115 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And this is where it clicked for me. 116 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 OK, I can build a better company. 117 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I can build a better team or better product, 118 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but one thing for sure: 119 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I could be a better leader. 120 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I could be a better person. 121 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I cannot let that six-year-old keep dictating my life anymore. 122 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I have to put him back to his place. 123 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So this is where I went online and looked for help. 124 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Google was my friend. 125 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 126 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I searched, "How do I overcome the fear of rejection?" 127 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I came up with a bunch of psychology articles 128 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 about where the fear and pain are coming from. 129 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then I came up with a bunch of "Ra-ra" inspirational articles 130 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 about "Don't take it personally, just overcome it." 131 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Who doesn't know that? 132 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 133 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But why was I still so scared? 134 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then I found this website by luck. 135 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's called rejectiontherapy.com. 136 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 137 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Rejection Therapy was this game invented by this Canadian entrepreneur. 138 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 His name is Jason Comely. 139 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And basically the idea is for 30 days you go out and look for rejection. 140 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And every day get rejected at something, 141 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and by the end, 142 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you desensitize yourself from the pain. 143 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I loved that idea. 144 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I said, "You know what? 145 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm going to do this. 146 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I'll feel myself getting rejected 100 days. 147 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I came up with my own rejection ideas, 148 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I will make a video blog out of it." 149 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And so here's what I did. 150 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This is what the blog looked like. 151 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Day 1 --" 152 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 153 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Borrow $100 from a Stanger." 154 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So this is where I went to where I was working. 155 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I came downstairs and I saw this big guy sitting behind a desk, 156 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 he looked like a security guard. 157 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So I just approach him. 158 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I was just walking in -- 159 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that was the longest walk of my life -- 160 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 just hair on the back of my neck standing up, 161 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was sweating and my heart was pounding, 162 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I got there and said, 163 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Hey, sir, can I borrow $100 from you?" 164 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 165 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he looked up, 166 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 he's like, "No." 167 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 168 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Why?" 169 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I just said, "No? 170 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm sorry." 171 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then I turned around and I just ran. 172 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 173 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I felt so embarrassed. 174 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But because I filmed myself -- 175 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so that night I was watching myself getting rejected, 176 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I just saw how scared I was. 177 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I looked like this kid in "The Sixth Sense." 178 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I saw dead people. 179 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 180 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But then I saw this guy. 181 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know, he wasn't that menacing. 182 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He was a chubby, loveable guy, 183 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and he even asked me, "Why?" 184 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 In fact he invited me to explain myself. 185 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I could've said many things. 186 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I could've explained, 187 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I could've negotiated. 188 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I didn't do any of that. 189 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 All I did was run. 190 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I felt, "Wow, this is like the microcosm of my life." 191 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Every time I feel the slightest rejection, 192 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I would run as fast as I could. 193 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And you know what? 194 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The next day, 195 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 no matter what happens, 196 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm not going to run. 197 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'll stay engaged. 198 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Day 2: 199 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Request a "Burger Refill." 200 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 201 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's when I went to burger joint, 202 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I finished lunch, 203 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I went to the cashier and said, 204 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Hey, can I get a burger refill?" 205 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 206 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he was all confused, 207 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 he was like, "What's a burger refill?" 208 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 209 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I said, "Well, it's just like a drink refill but with a burger." 210 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 211 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he said, "Sorry, we don't do burger refill, man." 212 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 213 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So this is where rejection happened and I could have run, 214 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but I stayed. 215 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I said, "Well, I love your burgers, 216 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I love your joint, 217 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and if you guys do a burger refill, 218 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I will love you guys more." 219 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 220 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he said, "Well, ok, I'll tell my manager about it, 221 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and maybe we'll do it, 222 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but sorry we can' do this today." 223 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then I left. 224 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And by the way, 225 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I don't think they've ever done burger refill. 226 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 227 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I think they're still there. 228 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But, the life and death feeling 229 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was feeling the first time was no longer there, 230 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 just because I stayed engaged -- 231 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because I didn't run. 232 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I said, "Wow, great, 233 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm already learning things. 234 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Great." 235 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And then Day three: 236 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Getting Olympic Doughnuts. 237 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This is where my life was turned upside down. 238 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I went to a Krispy Kreme. 239 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's a doughnut shop in mainly the Southeastern part of the United States. 240 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I went in, 241 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I said, "Can you make me doughnuts that look like olympic symbols? 242 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Basically you thread five doughnuts together ... " 243 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 244 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I mean there's no way they could say yes, right? 245 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 246 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The doughnut maker took me so seriously. 247 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 248 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So she put out paper, 249 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 started jotting down the colors and the rings, 250 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and is like, "How can I make this?" 251 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And then 15 minutes later, 252 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 she came out with a box that looked like Olympic rings. 253 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 254 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I was so touched. 255 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I just couldn't believe it. 256 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And that video got over five million views on Youtube. 257 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 The world couldn't believe that either. 258 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 259 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And because of that, 260 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I was in newspapers, 261 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in talkshows, 262 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 in everything. 263 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I became famous. 264 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 A lot of people started writing emails to me, 265 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and sending, "What you're doing is awesome." 266 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But you know, fame and notoriety did not do anything to me. 267 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 What I really wanted to do was learn, 268 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and to change myself, 269 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so I turned the rest of my 100 days of rejection 270 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 into this playground -- 271 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 into this research project. 272 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I wanted to see what I could learn. 273 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And then I learned a lot of things. 274 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I discovered so many secrets. 275 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 For example, 276 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I found if I just don't run, 277 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 if I got rejected, 278 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I could actually turn a no into a yes, 279 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and the magic word is, "why." 280 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So one day I went to a stranger's house, 281 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I had this flower in my hand, 282 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I said -- 283 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 knock on the door and said, "Hey, can I plant this flower in your backyard?" 284 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laugther) 285 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he said, "No." 286 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But before he could leave I said, 287 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Hey can I know why?" 288 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he said, "Well I have this dog 289 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that would dig up anything I put in the backyard. 290 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I don't want to waste your flower. 291 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If you want to do this, 292 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 go across the street and talk to Connie. 293 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 She loves flowers." 294 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 295 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So that's what I did. 296 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I went across and knocked on Connie's door. 297 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And she was so happy to see me. 298 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 299 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And then half and hour later, 300 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 there was this flower in Connie's backyard. 301 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'm sure it looks better now. 302 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 303 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But had I left after the initial rejection, 304 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I would've thought, 305 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 well it's because the guy didn't trust me, 306 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 it's because I was crazy, 307 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because I didn't dress up well -- 308 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I didn't look good. 309 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It was none of those. 310 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It was because what I offered did not fit what he wanted. 311 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he trusted me enough to offer me a referral -- 312 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 using a sales term -- 313 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 314 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I converted a referal. 315 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then one day -- 316 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I also learned that I can actually say certain things 317 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and maximize my chance to get a yes. 318 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So for example, 319 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 one day I went to a Starbucks, 320 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and asked the manager, 321 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Hey, can I be a Starbucks greeter?" 322 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He was like, "What's a Starbucks greeter?" 323 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 324 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I said, "Do you know those Wal-Mart greeters? 325 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know those people who will say hi to you before you walk in the store, 326 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and make sure you don't steal stuff, basically?" 327 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 328 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "I want to give a Wal-Mart experience to Starbucks customers." 329 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 330 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, I'm not sure that's a good thing, actually -- 331 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 actually, I'm pretty sure it's a bad thing. 332 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 333 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he was like, "Oh" -- 334 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 yeah, this is how he looked, 335 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 his name is Eric -- 336 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and he was like, "I'm not sure." 337 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This is how he was hearing me. 338 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Not sure." 339 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then I ask him, "Is that weird?" 340 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He's like, "Yeah, it's really weird, man." 341 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 342 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But as soon as he said that his whole demeanor changed. 343 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It's as if he's putting all the doubt on the floor. 344 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And he said, "Yeah, you can do this, 345 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 just don't get too weird." 346 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 347 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So for the next hour I was the Starbucks greeter. 348 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I said hi to every customer that walked in, 349 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and gave them holiday cheers. 350 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 By the way, 351 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I don't know what your career trajectory is, 352 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 don't be a greeter. 353 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 354 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It was really boring. 355 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But then I found I could do this because I mentioned, 356 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Is that weird?" 357 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I mentioned the doubt that he was having. 358 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And because I mentioned, "Is that weird?" that means I wasn't weird. 359 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 That means I was actually thinking just like him, 360 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 seeing this as a weird thing. 361 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And again, again, I learned 362 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 that if I mention some doubt people might have 363 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 before I ask the question, 364 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I gain their trust. 365 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 People are more likely to say yes to me. 366 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And then I learned I could fulfill my life dream ... 367 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 by asking. 368 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I came from four generations of teachers, 369 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and my grandma has always told me, 370 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 "Hey Jia, you can do anything you want, 371 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but it'd be great if you become a teacher." 372 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 373 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But I want to be an entrepreneur, 374 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so I didn't. 375 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But it has always been my dream to actually teach something. 376 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So I said, "What if I just ask, 377 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and teach a college class?" 378 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 So I lived in Austin at the time, 379 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 so I went to University of Texas, Austin, 380 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and knocked on professor's doors 381 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and said, "Can I teach your class?" 382 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Well, I didn't get anywhere the first couple times. 383 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But because I didn't run -- 384 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I kept doing it -- 385 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and on the third try, 386 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 the professor was very impressed. 387 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He was like, "No one has done this before." 388 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And I came in prepared with powerpoints and my lesson. 389 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 He said, "Wow, I can use this. 390 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Why do you come back in two months, 391 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I'll fit you into my curriculum." 392 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And two months later I was teaching a class. 393 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 This is me -- 394 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 you probably can't see, 395 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 this is a bad picture. 396 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 You know sometimes you get rejected by lighting, you know? 397 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Laughter) 398 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 But wow -- 399 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when I finished teaching that class, 400 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I walked out crying 401 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 because -- 402 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I thought -- 403 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I could just fulfill my life dream just by simply asking. 404 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I thought -- 405 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I used to think I have to accomplish all these things -- 406 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 how to be a great entrepreneur, 407 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or get a PhD to teach -- 408 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but no, I can just ask, 409 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and I could teach. 410 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And that picture -- 411 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 which you can't see -- 412 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I quoted Martin Luther King, Jr. 413 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Why? 414 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Because in my research I found that people who really change the world, 415 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 who change the way we live and the way we think, 416 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 are the people who were met with initial and often violent rejections. 417 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 People like Martin Luther King, Jr., 418 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 like Mahatma Ghandi, 419 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Nelson Mandela, 420 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or even Jesus Christ. 421 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 These people did not let rejection define them. 422 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 They let their own reaction after rejection define themselves. 423 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And they embraced rejection. 424 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 And we don't have to be those people to learn about rejection, 425 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 but in my case, 426 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 rejection was my curse -- 427 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 was my boogey man. 428 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It has bothered me my whole life because I was running away from it. 429 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Then I started embracing it. 430 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 It turned out into the biggest gift in my life. 431 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I started teaching people how to turn rejections into opportunities. 432 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I use my blog, 433 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I use talk, 434 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 I use the book I just published, 435 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 and even technology to help people overcome their fear of rejection. 436 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 When you get rejected in life, 437 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 when you are facing the next obstacle, 438 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 or next failure, 439 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 consider the possiblities. 440 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Don't run. 441 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 If you just embrace them, 442 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 they might become your gifts as well. 443 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 Thank you. 444 99:59:59,999 --> 99:59:59,999 (Applause)