(sad music) (happy music) (Woman) Let's bond. Let's create something together. Let's declare the kitchen table a safe zone for silliness. Let's officially rename the refrigerator "The museum of us!" Let's remember that when we pull all the artwork out of a folder years from now, it won't matter what you created together, just that you did. Always safe, always washable, Elmer's School Glue: Let's Bond! (KAV Gaming) Hey guys, umm... Kav Gaming here, and today, we have some not so good news. I... uh... I have to quit YouTube and I'm really sorry about this, but... sorry. It's just... it's costing too much... to keep up. I mean, I'm paying like $400 a week just to keep.... just to keep this channel up, and... I... So, so starting next week, I'm selling this channel to... to the Elmer's Glue company. And I don't know what they plan to do with it. But, anyway, thank you for being such loyal fans and until next time. Oh wait. There is no next time. (sobbing) The best glue is Elmer's Glue! Si...Si...Si... When you make Elmer's Glue, you make it out of a very strong factory, I can't believe how soft is my paper. that makes the glue really strong. When you put it on there, iIt like, stays where you put it. The other glue, when I when I glue like beads and stuff, it's all messy. In the hands of a child, the glue matters. You guys might think it's not stickier than the other kind, but I just think that it is. That's just my d-pinion. Make sure it's Elmer's No-Run School Glue. I guess, before I go, I just have one more thing to say... (scream) I got you so good, you know, it was funny. But.... (mumbles) Like, subscribe, comment, share And until next time, have a good day!