(OMG! Ubuntu! omgubntu.co.uk) (Ubuntu 12.10 Introduces Many New Features) [Off voice] The release of Ubuntu 10.12 brings a range of new features to the Ubuntu desktop. But what are some of the best you'll be looking out for? We're here with a quick Top 10 rundown. (#10 - Web Apps - Blurring Web and Desktop) Who said that the Web and the desktop have to be separate? Ubuntu’s new Web App feature integrates over 30 popular websites with the various features of the unity desktop, from social networks in the messaging menu, mailing user lots on the launcher to control music websites directly from the sound menu. (#9 - Unity Previews - Slick ANimated App & File Previews) Applications, files and more can now be created directly in the Dash with a right click. Depending on the type of app and file you're previewing, you'll see different options or preview styles. For example, previewing music gives you a nifty in-Dash previewing music player. (#8 Preview App Installs: Bypass the Ubuntu Sodtware Center) As a gift to the lazy amongst us, previews also allow us to install free applications without using the Ubuntu software center. (#7 Online Accounts - Centralises Your Social Connections) Ubunto 12.10 Online Accounts feature takes the hassle out of setting out IM clients, e-mail clients and so on. You just add your account once, and then you're done. (#7 Online Accounts - Works with Many Desktop Apps) Up ..... to your online accounts. Data include the new photo lens that lets you preview and filter photos from your social networks, chat app Empathy, social client Tweeter and the photo manager shows out which lets you publish photos on Facebook, Picasa and more. (#6 Encryption - Secure Your Ubuntu Install) We all appreciate security and those who are particularly security-conscious will appreciate the new encryption features built into Ubuntu's installer. (#Remote Login - Connect to Remote Desktop Sessions) Another power-user feature making an appearance is the ability to login to remote desktops directly from the login screen. This is why, by adding the remote desktop data to your open one Singe Sign On account, which you then login with, using the login screen, to gain access to your remote desktop connections. (#4 Window Management - Exit Apps Using the Spread) As a boon for those who use lots of apps, windows can now be closed directly from the Applications Spread. (#3 Ubuntu One Updates - New Sync Menu) Ubuntu One users will appreciate the new dedicated sync menu, along with the file searching and sharing features present in the desktop app. (#Shopping Lens: Amazon Product Suggestion) To help fund Ubuntu, Amazon shopping suggestions appear as users open the dash. For each item you buy from this, a small percentage will go to Ubuntu. (#2 Shopping Lens - Can Be switched Off) Don't like it? Don't worry. Just flip the off switch in the Privacy settings. for a product free dash searching. (#2 - Shopping Lens - Privacy Policy Link) For more information on the feature, just click the Legal link on the dash to read Canonical's privacy policy. Finally, let's not overlook (#1 The Tweeks - Making Ubuntu Prettier) the small changes made to Ubuntu's default theme. These include new switches, hover/behavior states (?), buttons, widgets styles/switch installs (?) and animations for minimizing applications, and a dozen or so new wall papers to choose from. (Music - 'Cipher' Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0")