[Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] [Translated and timed by xinxyz and dawn] [Reviewed by hearthrose] - Welcome back to Shanghai Share Life! - This show is brought to you by Keep. Keep makes burning fat more enjoyable. Let’s review the last episode. After Carmon and Didi's date, Carmon became hysterical. We don't understand why she's like this. How was I not serious? How was my attitude bad? I've been listening for ten minutes now. You come out! So scary... Pupu, with his masterplan, confessed to Gaogao. You like me and I like you. When did I like you... Finally, we got a peak of the newcomer. His face seems a little familiar. We don't know what kind of stories he will bring. Let's watch! Bring it on. I feel like if you have anything to say to me, we can talk to each other directly. You don't need to be secretly angry and tell other people. I've been listening for 10 minutes. It makes me feel pretty bad. I'm not unsatisfied. I just... Can't bear it much more. Don't know how to fix this. I think we have a future together. So I'm taking this relationship seriously. So I also hope that you can treat it with the same attitude. But when you came back today You seemed to be very indifferent. It just made me feel a little angry First of all I... I... You need to believe that I take this seriously. I know I still can't solve this problem myself. But I will work hard on this problem. And I will make my own plan. I also sincerely hope you can give me some more time. And I will do my best to live up to my promises. But when I think about it... I listened at the door for ten minutes. I feel like... It's true that some of my requests... may have come too early. But I want to say... after putting this incident behind us, -We can try to solve this together. -Yeah I have this attitude when I think about this. I'm like this. I know. I do understand you. In the future, I will definitely think hard. I will try harder; then strive to make plans together earlier. I think Didi's initial openness and confidence is gone. -Yeah -He feels like he can't do anything. -And he doesn't understand anything. -Yeah Can we reconcile? Reconciled! Are you hungry since you haven't eaten anything? I'm okay. I'm full from anger. I was angry. [T/N: angry used as a pun for ate] I wasn't lying. I listened for ten minutes. I was a little angry. You were very angry. But I was also very angry. You shouldn't be as angry as me. Well I am also very angry! Well, why were you listening for so long? I wanted to see what bad things you guys were saying about me. You were eavesdropping! I wasn't eavesdropping! You were talking so loudly and the door was open. Was I that loud? Yeah. You were very loud. I'm so ashamed... We shouldn't have gone to dinner. We should've cooked at home. There won't be an issue. We can't cook. And because we couldn't cook... -Your fault for not knowing how to cook. -Why my fault?! -Why blame you? -I'm only twenty! Then you...why can't you cook? I... How come you can't cook? Well, let's learn together. -That works. -That works? Can you learn? I can't learn. Forget it. Let's just go out to eat. To avoid burning down the kitchen. That will be worse. [Keni] Just like air. [T\N: Talking about Gaogao] What are you doing? -I didn't even realize she came down. -Too focused on us. Then let's be like this. I don't want to. Why does it matter? - It does matter. - I'm giving you a sense of security. Have you gotten heavier lately? Actually I was eighty-six before. I recently gained 2kg. That much? Am I fat? -No. -Is it obvious? You're cute even when you're fat. Is 2kg so obvious? 2kg. No. You're cute when chubby. It's okay to be a little heavier. -It's ok. -How does it not matter? It's normal. We're in a relationship. Wu Jiawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Sun Shirui (Didi) Student, 20 years old Pu Xiaobo (Pupu) PhD Candidate, 26 years old Gao Qilian (Gaogao) Cosplayer, 25 years old Zhang Ting (ARe) Musician, 27 years old Episode 14 (First Half), Week 14 "Your Premiere" How about let's get a hot pot soon? Budae Jjigae? Sure. Regular hot pot or Budae Jjigae. Or... I want to make dumplings with everyone. Ok, I'll go buy some meat. Didi. Morning. Didi, do you want to have hot pot Or Budae Jjigae or dumplings? All of those work for me. I'm not picky with food. The concert we mentioned before. How are you preparing? Concert? The concert we're preparing for Pupu. We're preparing his personal concert. His solo recital. Then I was thinking how we could help him. We can divide up the work. I think the main thing is to help him think of a... I'm not very good at... Coming up with advertising slogans. Maybe we can do that. Just feels embarrassing. Yeah. Copy one from Baidu. Something related to his personal brand. Should we make it rhyme? It definitely has to rhyme. Isn't it awkward if it doesn't? I'm really bad at thinking of these things. -I usually don't think about this. -I'll leave it to you. -I also can't! Carmon. Hello. Carmon is coming. How about... Let's brainstorm with Carmon. Okay. Carmon, are you good at thinking of slogans? Advertising slogans. Yes. -What are you talking about? -Pupu’s concert So how much have you discussed? Right now we're talking about the slogan. Yes, the slogan. Because I'm not good at this. So everyone will brainstorm together, and then split the work among us, and see what each person can do. Slogan. How about I just... prepare an outfit for him or something? Arrange some clothes for him. Ok: you can prepare his clothes. That's fine. This is hot water. You have to wait for it to cool. It's hot. [Daxun] They're in a meeting. What's he doing? Eat some. What? We can also... Let's continue. We were talking about...? The slogan. We have to think of a good one. Have your fans ever discussed them? Ones that are memorable? Ones that touch the heart. Very sweet. How was it? This has nothing to do with Pupu right? It's hard to think of a slogan. Never done this before. I think we can take some time to think No need to come up with it right now. But I think Didi should do it. Me too. Why me? No... don't leave it to me because you don't know how! I also don't know. You do know. You're very good. Also the thing at the door. What's that called? -Entrance banner. -Yeah, entrance banner. -You do it. I have to do everything. I'm a one-stop service. I can help take a look at the venue. What else? Audience? I think the audience can only be Pupu's own fans. Do we need an MC? Yeah a host? Let's give that to Didi as well. One-stop service to the end. Alright. [Li Dan] He's here. [Teacher Chen] Another new person. What's that? Did someone knock on the door? -There really is someone. -Go take a look. -Oh my gah. Oh my gah! Hello. Who are... I am... Delivery from Hema. Thanks. I'm joking. I'm the new roommate. New roommate. Hi. Hello. Come in. Here are the slippers. Ok. Pupu. There is a new person! Hi. I'm delivering food. Are all the delivery boys so handsome now? No. Where is the kitchen? -I'll drop off the food first. -Give it to me. -Okay. -Hello. -Please sit. -Is it cold outside? -Quite cold. And it's also very cold tonight. -Ok during the day. A bit cold at night. -Cold at night? Yeah. It's still warm in this room. So you are... -New roommate? -Yes I'm the new roommate. My name is Qiu Bohan. -Qiu Bohan. -Yes. Do you have a nickname? You can call me Xiaoqiu. Or Qiu Qiu. Yes Xiaoqiu. How come you're not Xiao bo? Doesn't matter! If you like to call me... You can call me Xiaohan too. Just call me Pupu. -Pupu. -So I'll call you Qiuqiu. Then she is Gaogao. Gaogao She's quite tall. [T\N: "Gao" is a pun for tall] How old are you? I'm 26. I'm a little younger than you. -I was born in 1996. -Oh! 1996. How about you? I'm 1986. Yes she just looks very young. -Really? -Really. -Yes, she was born in 1986. -Really in 1986? -You must be messing with me. -No. We never lie. -She was really born in 1986. -Really? -Really in 1986. -Really. -Big sister. -You didn't expect that right? She was even divorced once. Right. -Already have ten kids. -Go to hell! Ten kids! I was tricked. It's okay. I'm curious why you want to move here. Actually when I was abroad I also lived in groups. I lived with many people. And then, not long after coming to Shanghai, just one year ago, I started living by myself I felt lonely living alone for the first time in a while. And also I usually only cook for myself. Too few people? I can’t eat much by myself. It's okay. We have five "pigs" here. Because every time I want to eat this dish and that dish. It's wasted if I can't finish. I get it. I want to have roommates to share food together. You are so right. -Welcome! -You're happy, right? You met me. And also met Gaogao. -He knows nothing. -I can't do much. I'm just a bad... It's no problem. You can say what you want to eat. Then i can just make it for you. -I want twice-cooked pork. -Twice-cooked pork. Okay. How about I go cook now and prepare dinner. We can have a meal with everyone tonight. -Okay. -Is that okay? -Ok. - I can help - I'll go do... -Okay. He can't even find the chopsticks. -Really? -Yes. Only I can help you. Then let's go do it. -Okay? -Let's go -You even fold clothes! -Yeah Although it seems you folded it backwards. No, I wanted it to fold it backwards. Otherwise it'll be dirty. Sorry, I'm a little obsessed with cleanliness. I feel that now. You'll be so angry at us. You are our health ambassador. -Okay. I'll help everyone clean up. -Let's go! Hurry. -Kitchen is over there? -Right here. Your food. Ok. Were you always planning to cook for us? Yes, I thought... after I got here, I would cook a meal for everyone and try to get to know everyone. Let everyone eat. What are you going to cook? Dongbei cuisine. And shredded cabbage. I love this. You like cabbage? Okay. Do you usually cook? I've cooked here but I haven't at home What have you cooked? I made claypot rice here once. -Claypot rice. -And instant noodles. -Claypot rice is great. -Though my cooking is rubbish. Every time I cook serious meals, I burn everything. -When you cook, it's all burnt. -Except instant noodles. And when I use the rice cooker. But I know this kitchen very well. Then I need to ask: does this kitchen have starch? Yes. -Help me find it. -The previous one. -Because I usually use starch with water. -Let me find it. Ah: ta-da! ta-da! ta-da! -This is it. -Cool. Aren't I in the know? Great. Then you can be my little assistant. Okay. All I can do is watch. Just watch. Just you. I'll just watch. Isn't Pupu heartbroken? He's afraid that they'll get together. He quickly went over and became a "light bulb." Oooh my gah. -This... -I bought pork belly because... Isn't this too large? Did you slaughter a pig? Because I thought people would like it. I can also learn to cook. Then you should study hard. I can do it. What do I need to do? You need to help me. -Can you wash the vegetables? -Of course. -You can wash the shallots for me? -Ok. Do you want everything? Just wash a little. I only need a bit of chopped green onion. I won't put in a lot. Amazing. Do you want to wear an apron? I've never worn it. Do I need to? I'm afraid it'll spray on you. You can wear an apron. [Daxun] They'll become a couple. [Yang Li] Might not. [Yang Li] Why is he still there? Being a third wheel? [GEM] Oh no. Pupu left. Wow! Wow! Do you smell the pork belly? Wow! I need to fry out the oils. There are many dishes that are delicious when cooked with pig oil. [Keni] They have good chemistry together. Do you usually like to go have fun? I usually like to have fun. But I don't have fun a lot. Because I might be tired from work so I will stay at home. I also like to be at home and I also don't go out. -Does this smell good? -Smells really good. I already smell it. Great chef. So much food and it smells so good. Smells good. So what is that thing? That one. That is chili noodles. Hello! Chili noodles. Didi. Hello. My name is Qiu Bohan. -He's called Xiaobo. Call him Xiaobo. -Xiaobo. Have you eaten yet? Not yet. Ok, then let's all eat together. You go change first. Okay. Did you notice the important thing? The detail? I saw they came in holding hands. Yes. Then they are together? Isn't that amazing? -There is something. -There's something, right? You understand? Do you always talk like this? What's wrong with how I talk? I'm not normal? You like to say "know what I mean?" I'll give you a nickname. Called "know what I mean." Ok let's cook eggs. Scrambled eggs. I have seen the master's... that thing: because you started pulling on them. The legendary secret: soup. Wow! Amazing. Wow! Wow! Woah! [GEM] Kids. Want a bite? -Yes. -Then I'll give you a bite. I'll wait for everyone. You can try it first. I won't sneak some. -You can taste a little first. -I don't secretly eat. I'm a good person. -Do I eat it directly? -Just try it. Hot! Thanks. -Is it okay? -It's good. How is it? It's also not very spicy. It's okay? -Very tasty. -Understand me? Is it okay? I'll transfer three hundred yuan to your WeChat. Ok, I'm going to get everyone. Dinner! Time for dinner! Coming! They're coming! Woooooooow! Master chef's cooking. We're here for dinner. Let's welcome the new roommate! Hello. Hello everyone, I'm Qiu Bohan. Everyone can call me Xiaoqiu. Xiaoqiu. Welcome! Wish everyone happiness! Everyone take care of me. Let's eat. I'm so hungry. Let's talk while eating. Eat up. We can't cook. You know, we always talked about whether the next roommate could cook. Delicious. -I like to eat this. -Pork noodles, right? I like to eat this. Where are you from Didi? -I'm from Nanjing. -Nanjing. Nanjing duck blood noodles. -Have you been? -I've been there. -Really? I've been there to perform. If you went there to perform, is your career related to that? I am currently a street dance teacher. Yeah. And then... What kind of dance? I'm an Urban choreographer. He can do everything. I started with street dance. With breaking. I feel like breaking is the toughest kind of dance. -Want something? -I want that. Let me help you. [GEM] Pupu's eyes. This is running out. Thank you. Would you like...that? Gaogao? Guobao pork. Ok I'll have some. I'll get it for her. [GEM] I'll get it for her. I love to watch this. What are you doing? Thank you. Good job Pupu teacher. Very good. What the hell. That's right. We have our avatars here. You can draw your avatar. Next to that card. You all drew them very well. You can write your name on it. My name is Q. You're QQ. You're also blushing. I try my best. It feels like I don't have hair. Me too. I only have three hairs. Not so many! Then when we wake up tomorrow, Everyone's hair will increase. Sorry I can only cook. I really don’t know anything about drawing. You're already great at cooking. It's good. QQ QQ is good. QQ Call me QQ later. QQ. That name is all I can think about. QQ was once in another Comedy show that I have seen. Not only does he look good He is also very good at dancing. He also seems like a good person, Cooking and cleaning. He does seem quite genuine. Yes, very earnest. Perfect. Now I'm worried about him and Gaogao-- Worried about them? Or worried about changing your avatar? Don't worry, you will have to change it. If they end up together, I'll change my Weibo avatar to your selfie. Ok. If they don't end up together-- You change to my selfie. I'll do a photoshoot, take your pick. I noticed when he showed up, -You stopped talking. -Yes, I was a bit dismayed. After he showed up, we all stopped. Because we were all dismayed. Look at me, look at me! I told you there was nothing between them. Gaogao was constantly chatting with QQ. Their chatting broke my heart. But I have hope Because Pupu did not give up. He still put food in her bowl. Pupu is a person who can make a move, But he has to be pressured. Right, so I feel hopeful. -It's possible! -It's possible. We still have hope. Go Pupu! Come on! What are you talking about? I don't think Gaogao and QQ have a chance. They do! They definitely do. I think they will get together. They will become really close friends, -But I think Gaogao is still-- -Pupu's! No way. I think Gaogao gives off the vibe That she doesn't need anyone. She's happy on her own. I think you might be right. Gaogao might just be a friendly person. Gaogao is pretty happy with anyone. In other words, She can be happy with anyone But if there is one person She isn't happy with, That must be the one she needs. So Li Dan, Will you change your bet on Gaogao? Too late, he has to change his avatar. It doesn't matter if he switches. -They will definitely be together. -You know... If you change your avatars today, You have to keep it until we air. We'll change it after the episode airs. After it airs. But Didi and Carmon really make me angry. What's wrong? Well, I also have roommates And my roommate also has a girlfriend. We all rent together. But they don't act like Didi and Carmon. You mean, being glued to each other -And leaving the other person out? -Right. I think it would be uncomfortable. I have met more mature couples Where the boyfriend didn't serve his girlfriend first. He served everyone else before serving his girlfriend last. If Didi did that, Carmon would definitely flip the table. You're right! Has Carmon become that bad? Flipping tables? "What are you doing?" But to be honest, I think if Didi wanted to escape from Carmon, it would be difficult. The point is Didi doesn't want to escape. He's so happy. Didn't they make up? Weren't they holding hands? "We're made up." Alright. Let's keep watching. There is more to see. Let's keep going. I think I ate too much today. I feel like my belt is about to burst. It was so delicious. I ate like crazy. Yeah. It was so easy to keep eating. So tasty. The last time I was so indulgent must have been a long, long time ago. I can't even remember. Yeah. So... what did you think of him? I think... He's fine. He is a man. Then that's pretty good, "he is a man." After he came, the atmosphere improved. I feel like he is the second Hao, which is pretty great. He seems like a parent type, a patriarch, And he takes care of everyone's feelings. Is there a bit of "daddy" boyfriend vibe? Is that a thing? "Daddy" boyfriend. I saw it on social media. A new term. Got it. I think he's pretty good. Let's get to know him, and sign up for his dance class. You're still up? Everything I eat makes me bloated, So now I can't sleep. -I'll be right back. -Ok. Here. Take better care of yourself, Build your strength. Thanks. -Go to bed then. -Ok. You know, when you said you're a dancer, I was so excited. Have you tried dancing before? Not much: I'm always training for basketball. But I'm really interested, Really really interested. I am a dancer but I can't play basketball. Do you want to play basketball? -Mhm. -Really? -You really want to play basketball? -I do. We can teach each other then. Sure. It'll be fun. You take me to dance, And I'll take you to play basketball. Hello. How do you feel? Alright. We're talking about our hobbies. He and I are reversed. What hobbies? We are complete opposites. I want to dance, but I play basketball. He wants to play basketball, but he dances. So how do you feel about coming here? It's pretty fun. This is my first time sharing a house With people I just met. Before I rented with my squad members. All boys. How does it feel sharing with girls? With these girls? It's pretty interesting. But we want to ask you more deeply. Not casually. We want your honest opinion. Which girl do you like the most? First impressions are important. [panelist] He's very actively asking. Except for Carmon. I wanted to say that. Except for Carmon... It's my first time with female roommates. So... Honestly, I don't really know the girls yet because we didn't talk much. I think he likes Zhang Ting the most. Definitely Zhang Ting. I'm not picking favourites. But today, out of all 3 girls, The one I talked to most was probably... Gaogao. I spoke the most with Gaogao because she opened the door for me-- But I think Zhang Ting likes you more. She likes popping guys. Breaking guys. -She seems pretty interested in you. -Right. [panelist] He's going crazy. I think Gaogao doesn't really suit you. I think Gaogao is very cute. She gives off a ditzy vibe, Like she's in her own world. She seems like she's about to float away. She often runs. I'm worried she'll fall. I think Gaogao is too bouncy. It's fun. I don't know many girls like that. She's like my little sister. It gets boring when you get to know her. Why do you keep putting her down? Not important. It's not important. That's not important. [panelist] Every boy with a crush becomes very childish. What are you doing? I'm making breakfast. Making sweet and sour poached egg. Have you had it before? I generally don't eat breakfast. I don't have an appetite in the morning. I think you'll be hungry when I'm done. Really? There's no hope. Pupu doesn't have a chance. No... This egg smells really nice. Do you have to fry them one by one? No. Two eggs face off, The brave one wins. This looks very appetizing. Drooling? Wow. I have never eaten this dish. It's delicious. Do you have any plans today? I have work today. I'm teaching a class. You? I'm going to a convention later. I have a job today. Do you usually cosplay any particular character? If it's for work, I cosplay whatever they arrange. I'll write it on the board, So those who get up late know where I am. Ok. I've never been to a convention. -I'm very curious. -Really? Next time can I go with you? I think a comic convention would be fun. It's super fun. I also like watching anime, you know? I follow Chinese cartoons, and I also watch Japanese anime. Who is your favorite character in Naruto? Naruto? In Naruto, I like Itachi. -He's just very passionate. -I understand. Boys our age prefer Sasuke or Naruto, That kind of character. Then apart from Japanese anime do you watch Chinese cartoons? Not much. But once I saw one on an app about love, the kind elementary students watch. It looked cool. Let me recommend some Chinese cartoons-- -Good morning. -You're early. You guys are eating? Yep. Let's eat together. Sure. I haven't eaten yet. I'll serve you some porridge. Thank you. [Li Dan] He's really something. He just pours himself coffee and waits to be served. -You'll be at the convention all day? -Yep. Oh, Gaogao. I recommend you watch "Douluo Continent." It's pretty good. I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it. Isn't it based on a novel? It's very good. I read that book series Throughout my childhood. "The Three Young Masters" "Of the Tang Family" His earliest work was "Children of Light." How do you know? I like to watch this stuff. You like to watch too? I like...what is it? "Star Change." You've watched "Star Change?" I've watched "I Eat Tomatoes" and "Panlong Continent." Then more recently, isn't "Lord of Mysteries" very popular? You guys have a lot in common. Good. Good. Thanks. It looks good. -Try it. -I'll have a taste. This is sweet and sour poached egg. How is it? Isn't it good? How long will you be shooting today? Me? Until the afternoon. I usually go until 5 or 6PM. I'll pick you up then. You're that nice? I want to talk to you... About the concert. We need to discuss it. Thank you! Love triangle. They're competing. So you're shooting photos At the comic convention? Yep. Mostly other people take photos. Photographers, tourists. Take photos... -Photographers take photos for tourists? -Yeah. [panelist] Pupu can't keep up. He's out. I'm running late, I gotta go. I'm going to get my things ready. You guys chat. Then I'll find you this afternoon. I think you'll have trouble finding me. You'll be at TapTap at W4 Hall. You even know where she'll be. Of course. [panelist] And now QQ also knows, [panelist] And he'll show up for lunch! It's doomed. Gaogao! Gaogao. Hello. Why are you here? I'm here to pick you up. Gaogao is shocked. He's scaring her to death. If I was her, I'd also be scared to death. Are you still busy? Nope. It's over already. I got you some coffee. Coffee? Latte. Did you know I don't drink coffee? It's a latte. Ok. Later. Put on my coat. You look cold. It's ok. -Put it on -It's ok. -Come on, put it on. -I'll do it myself. Thanks. I'm freezing to death. -Drink some latte. Warm your hands. -Thank you. I think you look quite pretty. You look pretty too. Thank you. You seem kind of weird today. You gave me coffee, you came here, and you gave me clothes. Are you setting me up? What's up? You're not normally such a good person. I normally treat you well. -Pretty well, at least. -Are you sure? You call me the wrong name, You ask me to do chores for you... It's like this. In the past, we had a... small misunderstanding because of Didi's big mouth. I think he was just messing with us. - He was messing with us. - Yeah. And I was too narcissistic. [panelist] He's not wrong. You admit it? So... I was too nervous to talk to you. I felt it was a little bit... Awkward. But today I feel like I still want to get to know you better. So today's taxi fare is on me. -Ok. -I'll also pay for dinner. Our past misunderstanding, the embarrassment... let's let it go. Let it disappear. -Ok? -Ok. So what does this mean? They went on a date, right? So his confession made it awkward, and today he made it go away. The embarrassment caused by His confession is forgotten. Clean slate. -Restarting their relationship. -Correct. I don't care: the two of them absolutely will not get together. I'm so happy! I'm so happy! How am I so happy? Absolutely impossible. Even if Pupu tries to pursue her-- Not listening! Not listening! Not listening! Not listening! Do you gamble? I thought you would kick him in the head. No. My legs aren't that long. I think now that QQ is here Pupu feels a lot of pressure. -Right. -Right. He realizes he can't just sit and wait. "I have to buy coffee." "I have to do something." "Sit and wait" is too accurate. "I have to take action!" Deep down he is a very weak person. He said something very well about having the chance to start over. But I think his final point about resolving their past awkwardness, I still don't understand. Have you noticed? Street performing and chasing girls: It's the same problem. It's his ego. He can't put aside his ego. But he also said he was too nervous to talk to her before. He has a sense of urgency now, If he doesn't put aside his ego, it's over. This is just like after the confession when he said he was kidding. "I'm not afraid to say it." "I confessed to you." Then he saw it was going south. "I'm messing with you." "You didn't take it seriously, did you?" But Gaogao still might reject Pupu. At least she didn't oppose him. But with Gaogao, It's not easy to see who she really likes. She seems to be the same with everyone. I am very confused now. I am also confused. What's confusing? She obviously doesn't like Pupu. Do you think she likes QQ? I think she is friendly with him, like a new roommate. It hasn't developed into feelings yet. Not yet. The girls rated the new roommate highly. But they called him a "daddy" boyfriend. Next it's going to be "mommy" girlfriend. "Mommy." What does "Daddy" boyfriend mean? Like Teacher Chen. Watch your mouth. But based on that, wouldn't Hao be one? Yes. If that's true, Then QQ won't have any success here. He'll get along with everyone, Solve problems for everyone, and so on. A very good person, But he won't have any success. I agree with Teacher Chen. I think QQ will struggle to find love. -It's 12. -Let's start. I'm going to be publicly executed. Sit over here. I'm excited. [panelist] Are they watching previous episodes? Didi will see Binshen and Carmon. Nice. So much anticipation: We'll get to see what happened when you first arrived. I'm so excited to watch. We get to see your bangs. Smells good. Fried chicken and sweet potato fries. Let's start. It's too pathetic. -Let's start. -Start. Wait a minute, everyone. Hold on. Fast forward. Fast forward to Carmon, Skip everyone else. I want to see Carmon. Nana. She's cute when she smiles. She is very cute. She's a great cook too. Her cooking is really good. Tianqi. The first time we met him he had this greasy hairstyle. He seems pretty cool. He's really cool. I think the next one is me. Awesome. Let's stop watching. Go do something else. Endure it. Don't watch. Hello hello! - Are you living here too? - Yes, I am. I feel like this area's pretty good. -Isn't this great? -It's fine! Oh my god! So cute. It feels like you're in college. I'm going to fall over. [panelist] Laugh now, young man. Watch two more episodes. This is the last time you'll smile. Why were your eyes bigger back then? Look me in the eyes and say that. They were bigger. -I want to beat him to death. -Me too. -Who? Why? -Didi. Listen to him. Bro code. Can't you tell there's a divider here? They're immersed in their own two person world. No. Then give me a little space I'm being squeezed to death. I'm here alone in my "empty nest." Zhang Ting is so cruel. He plays games. He plays GKART. -I play GKART. -Me too! -I don't know any other games. -I'm diamond rank. He broke all my records. It feels like this was all yesterday. -Do you want to try this? -What is it? -Potato sticks. -Potato sticks? Why do you... You can be this nice? You don't talk to me like this. He opened it for her. Boyfriend material. [panelist] QQ is stirring drama. [panelist] Boyfriend material. "How old are you?" It's a bit too much. I'll sit back here. It's too much down there. What am I doing here? [TV] How about you? They're getting to know each other. Ok. Getting to know each other. What about your first day? Didn't you immediately fall for Nana? I didn't fall for her. That's nonsense. -You did. -I didn't. What about you? "How old are you? Let's play together!" -No no no. -You can play together now too. I don't play anymore. He broke my record. Play when you're free. Just playing right? He broke my record. I haven't played recently. He didn't want to play. He just wanted to know your age and get to know you. I really haven't played recently. Haven't even opened the game. Ok. The E-sports guy is pretty handsome. -Alright. Handsome. -No... Really, I think he's pretty handsome. He even has mono-lids. Why didn't you go to his game? I was busy. You missed your chance. Don't worry. You're so generous, Didi. Indeed. I am a very generous person. [panelist] Look at him fidgeting. I actually quite like Binshen. Based on this show, I quite like him. I was the popular kid since childhood. Then I'm so honored. Nice. You're so honored. [panelist] This is so uncomfortable. [panelist] It's very awkward. [panelist] His smile fades away. I think this is very amusing. Didi is over there copying the TV. -Didi is a professional sidekick. -Yeah. I'll just go to bed first. You guys... No way. -Don't watch. -No, it's ok. I'm very generous. It's all in the past. It's ok. No big deal. But it will live forever on Youku. [panelist] Some people live bitter lives! This hoodie is the right color. He's so cute! Didi is too funny. Look at this hoodie! No. Forget about it. It's in the past. The color of that hoodie is correct. Didi-- This color... Oh yeah. Didi's personality is really good. He is actually quite unhappy, but he handled it well. Correct. He resolved all of his embarrassment. He made fun of himself and moved on. Naturally cheerful. Do you think Carmon told Didi About her and Binshen? She must have, right? -Definitely. -Right? If she didn't and let Didi see for himself He'd feel foolish. -That would be cruel. -Very cruel. But hearing and seeing it are different. Saying it would gloss over many details. Paint it in broad strokes. "There was a boy before." "We had a misunderstanding." And then later he sees them Going to an exhibition, Getting coffee and brunch... Truly cruel. Do you think Didi and Carmon Will feel awkward? I think it will be a little awkward. Didi handled it well, but deep down... He will think about it. I think he will use Binshen to tease her. When they're arguing... It will only make her angry, and then he'll learn to hold back. No. I think they won't mention it again. For this episode... Hao, don't watch this episode. Watch the last episode. Forget this one. They made up in this one. They're doing too well. Too well, yes. Don't watch, Hao. I really care about Hao. Me too. I'm worried he can't handle it. Ok then. Shanghai Share Life will soon be ending. Look forward to the finale. The more we watch, the better it gets. Ok. See you next time. [Translated and timed by xinxyz and dawn] [Reviewed by hearthrose]