WEBVTT 00:00:00.400 --> 00:00:02.580 There is a box, in the corner of my sewing room. 00:00:03.440 --> 00:00:06.820 It is a box whose content have not seen the light of day for many a month. 00:00:07.220 --> 00:00:09.360 Many crafters will be familiar with this box. 00:00:09.360 --> 00:00:10.840 In all of its forms. 00:00:10.840 --> 00:00:14.020 There's the ever growing amorphous lump that lies underneath your desk 00:00:14.520 --> 00:00:16.020 the monster underneath your bed 00:00:16.620 --> 00:00:19.840 The stuff you vacuumed packed in a fit of organization and stuffed into your garage 00:00:19.840 --> 00:00:21.620 in the hopes that'd you never have to deal with it again 00:00:21.920 --> 00:00:23.440 This my friends 00:00:23.440 --> 00:00:25.440 is the unfinished sewing pile 00:00:34.980 --> 00:00:38.860 The item that I'm grabbing out of the box today is actually a dress of my mums 00:00:38.860 --> 00:00:40.860 that I recently took from my parents house 00:00:40.860 --> 00:00:42.860 without my mum realizing 00:00:43.080 --> 00:00:45.280 Now I know that this dress is too short for my mum 00:00:45.280 --> 00:00:47.280 and because of that she is unable to wear it 00:00:47.500 --> 00:00:49.680 so the plan is to fix it for her 00:00:49.680 --> 00:00:52.460 and to make it longer as a Mother's Day present 00:00:52.460 --> 00:00:54.460 So the first thing that I did was to grab the fabric 00:00:54.460 --> 00:00:56.400 that I wanted to use to extend the dress. 00:00:56.400 --> 00:00:59.260 I wanted to something to match the colour and the arm hole cuffs 00:00:59.460 --> 00:01:01.620 So I found this really similar fabric 00:01:01.620 --> 00:01:03.960 A black non stretchy linen of medium weight 00:01:03.960 --> 00:01:05.960 To get the right amount of fabric for the bottom of the dress 00:01:06.040 --> 00:01:08.440 I placed this linen below the dress like this 00:01:08.440 --> 00:01:11.740 and then aligned up the top edge of the linen with the bottom of the dress 00:01:11.980 --> 00:01:13.860 I folded over the linen like this 00:01:13.860 --> 00:01:16.780 Now, I wanted to extend the dress by this amount 00:01:17.140 --> 00:01:21.140 So, I drew a rectangle onto the folded linen like this 00:01:21.480 --> 00:01:23.140 Now the length of the rectangle 00:01:23.140 --> 00:01:26.340 is doubled the desired amount that I wanted to extend it by 00:01:26.340 --> 00:01:28.540 plus one inch for the seam allowance 00:01:28.540 --> 00:01:32.240 and the width is just the same as the dress plus an inch 00:01:32.240 --> 00:01:36.080 for both seam allowance and a little extra just for insurance 00:01:36.080 --> 00:01:38.180 So I cut out this rectange 00:01:38.180 --> 00:01:40.180 cutting through both layers of fabric 00:01:40.180 --> 00:01:42.680 and now I have a rectangle of linen that's this big 00:01:42.680 --> 00:01:43.560 What I did next 00:01:43.560 --> 00:01:46.780 was to fold this linen piece in half length wise like this 00:01:47.000 --> 00:01:48.600 Then I gave it an iron 00:01:48.600 --> 00:01:51.920 and then I sewed down both ends of the strip of fabric, like this 00:01:51.920 --> 00:01:55.600 The stitching down this folded edge will make a kind of fake hem. 00:01:55.600 --> 00:01:59.780 Now, if you're thinking "Annika, why did you bother with that extra long rectangle 00:01:59.780 --> 00:02:01.780 if you were just going to fold it and make a fake hem?" 00:02:02.200 --> 00:02:03.640 Well, there's two reason's for this 00:02:04.060 --> 00:02:07.280 1 is that I wanted to make it just as thick, as the cuffs and the collar 00:02:07.280 --> 00:02:08.540 which are also two layers 00:02:08.540 --> 00:02:11.180 and 2 is that, I just hate hemming things 00:02:11.180 --> 00:02:13.000 and if i can avoid it, I will 00:02:13.000 --> 00:02:15.360 and I also think that this method looks a little bit more neat. 00:02:15.480 --> 00:02:18.620 To sew I used a straight stitch and a thread in a matching colour 00:02:18.620 --> 00:02:20.320 Then, once I'd done that 00:02:20.460 --> 00:02:22.620 I folded the piece of material in half, this way 00:02:22.620 --> 00:02:25.660 I matched up the folded edge with the side of the dress on the left side 00:02:25.660 --> 00:02:29.920 and then I made an imaginary line extending down from the right side of the dress 00:02:29.920 --> 00:02:32.700 and then I drew this line onto the black linen material 00:02:32.700 --> 00:02:34.700 and then, I sewed down this line 00:02:34.700 --> 00:02:37.840 through all four layers of material, again using a straight stitch 00:02:37.840 --> 00:02:41.940 Now, I don't want the raw edges of this piece to fray once it's attached to the dress 00:02:41.940 --> 00:02:43.980 so what I do next is going to stop them fraying 00:02:43.980 --> 00:02:47.100 Now one method to stop fraying is to use a pair of scissors like this 00:02:47.100 --> 00:02:48.240 called pinking shears 00:02:48.240 --> 00:02:50.580 and cut off the excess fabric from the raw edges 00:02:50.580 --> 00:02:53.720 You can also use a product like Fray Check on the edges 00:02:53.720 --> 00:02:58.200 or if you have an overlocker like I do, you can go over the raw edges 00:02:58.200 --> 00:03:02.420 whatever method you've used to prevent fraying, this bit can now be attached to the dress 00:03:02.420 --> 00:03:06.520 so to attach it to the dress, I lay it down underneath the dress, inside out 00:03:06.520 --> 00:03:10.460 so with that ugly seam visible, with the fake hem part at the top 00:03:10.460 --> 00:03:12.520 and the fixed up raw edges at the bottom 00:03:12.520 --> 00:03:15.620 and then I slip this on over the top of the dress, like this 00:03:17.420 --> 00:03:20.980 and I match up the bottom of the dress with the bottom of the linen material 00:03:23.860 --> 00:03:25.660 Next, I pin everything in place 00:03:25.660 --> 00:03:28.000 and then I simply sew the linen material onto the dress 00:03:28.500 --> 00:03:30.860 all the way around the hem, like this 00:03:31.200 --> 00:03:33.420 I've also set my needle, slightly to the left of centre 00:03:33.600 --> 00:03:37.260 so that I will sew past the old hem that was on the dress 00:03:37.260 --> 00:03:39.260 Then, and this is always my favourite part 00:03:39.260 --> 00:03:40.960 I unfold it and 00:03:40.960 --> 00:03:41.680 TA-DA! 00:03:41.680 --> 00:03:42.820 This is what it looks like 00:03:42.820 --> 00:03:45.380 Now, at first I thought that my sewing was really wonky 00:03:45.380 --> 00:03:48.940 because the houndstooth pattern didn't exactly align up nicely with the edge 00:03:49.140 --> 00:03:49.680 but then 00:03:49.680 --> 00:03:53.320 I realized that the houndstooth was already really wonky along hem 00:03:53.320 --> 00:03:55.600 oh well, there's nothing I can really do about that 00:03:55.600 --> 00:03:59.380 Anyway, this isn't a huge issue and you can't really tell that it's a bit wonky 00:03:59.380 --> 00:04:02.440 unless your face is like right next to the hem of the dress 00:04:02.440 --> 00:04:03.780 It looks like fine from back here 00:04:03.780 --> 00:04:05.300 so I'm going to go wrap this up 00:04:05.300 --> 00:04:07.300 and I'm going to give it to my mum for Mother's Day 00:04:08.240 --> 00:04:10.120 So I've wrapped up the present... 00:04:10.700 --> 00:04:11.980 in Christmas paper 00:04:11.980 --> 00:04:14.140 and now I'm giving it to my mum 00:04:14.140 --> 00:04:15.520 Wooh!! *giggles* 00:04:15.740 --> 00:04:17.800 Happy Mother's Day mum! 00:04:18.780 --> 00:04:21.860 Mum: Oh why thank you my darling daughter 00:04:22.180 --> 00:04:25.720 Oh Ella, why are you so excited all of a sudden? 00:04:25.720 --> 00:04:26.600 whoa 00:04:27.260 --> 00:04:29.180 Ella! Why are you going crazy? 00:04:31.340 --> 00:04:32.260 A: so excited mum 00:04:32.260 --> 00:04:33.140 Mum: Oh! 00:04:33.580 --> 00:04:35.640 Did you take this out of my wardrobe? 00:04:35.640 --> 00:04:37.140 A: *giggles* yes 00:04:38.780 --> 00:04:40.680 Mum: Ohh wow! 00:04:40.680 --> 00:04:41.460 That's excellent 00:04:41.460 --> 00:04:42.860 'cus it was a little bit short 00:04:42.980 --> 00:04:44.860 so can I try it on? 00:04:44.860 --> 00:04:45.440 A: yeah 00:04:45.440 --> 00:04:45.940 Mum: Okay 00:04:45.940 --> 00:04:46.900 A: Yes Mum: I'll try it on 00:04:46.900 --> 00:04:48.000 In fact, you have to 00:04:48.000 --> 00:04:49.640 Mum: Okay A: You have to try it on for the video 00:04:50.260 --> 00:04:52.600 Anyway, mum really liked the dress 00:04:52.920 --> 00:04:55.120 she just wasn't able to wear it as a dress before 00:04:55.120 --> 00:04:58.980 and as you can see, that extra length has really made a difference 00:04:59.240 --> 00:05:00.420 Happy Mother's Day mum! 00:05:00.420 --> 00:05:02.660 I also hope that this video has been helpful 00:05:02.660 --> 00:05:06.020 now you know what you need to do if you need to lengthen something that's too short 00:05:06.020 --> 00:05:06.720 and.. 00:05:09.740 --> 00:05:10.960 Alright, okay 00:05:10.960 --> 00:05:12.800 okay this video is done 00:05:13.920 --> 00:05:15.980 Thank you to all of my supporters on Patreon 00:05:15.980 --> 00:05:17.980 who helped to make this video possible 00:05:17.980 --> 00:05:19.580 To become my Patreon supporter 00:05:19.580 --> 00:05:22.740 go to patreon.com/annikavictoria