Today we're going to talk about a basic mechanism our brain has and that affects our lives. Our brain tends to be negative. Thanks to that, humanity has survived for thousands of years. What does our brain do? It emphasizes on the negative. It looks for any threats that it can find and it anticipates the dangers that may happen. Our brain is constanly "worrying" for the bad things that can happen to us. It is a true survival machine. The american therapist, Rick Hanson, says: "The brain is like velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones". This explains why it's easier for us to find negative aspects before the positive and why we give so much importance to fear and concern. Some studies say that if you tell your partner a negative thing, you will need to say five positive things to make up for the negative effect. Our brain works for our survival, to keep us alive through the day It's not ready and doesn't care for our happiness. That's up to us. If the brain and us work together, today we will get through the day, not only alive, but also happy.