Hello friend's Ready to learn more color? Today I will be introducing color Brown! That's right, this is me color brown I am here to tell you all about me At the end of the video We will be singing a song Don't go very far Let's start saying my name Brown Brown Louder Brown Way to go Time to do some coloring Let's see ¿How many things we can color brown in this forest? The tree trunks, the tree trunks are brown ¿What else ? The squirrel Awesome The ground, the ground would look amazing If we colored it brown How about coloring this mountain brown? Way to go We did a great job Now we are going to spot things that are brown Pay attention Here's so many fruit here Find the brown one It is right here this kiwi kiwis are brown Look at all these pairs of shoes There's a brown pair This is a brown pair of shoes So many bears ¿Can you see the brown bear? This bear is brown ¿Will you sing along with us later? Look at all these yummy treats Here's a brown one It's the chocolate Chocolate is a brown Way to go friends Sing with me bear friend