0:00:00.000,0:00:17.310 Intro 0:00:17.310,0:00:24.330 Herald: So welcome to this evening's next[br]talk with the wonderfully broken title, I 0:00:24.330,0:00:29.580 love it, "Emoji domains and how[br]wonderfully broken they are" by a very, 0:00:29.580,0:00:38.550 very wonderful person, Jennifer, who is a[br]web developer, and you wouldn't believe 0:00:38.550,0:00:46.730 it, her nick is "unicorn", here is a[br]unicorn! ... Hi! Jennifer this is, tell us 0:00:46.730,0:00:54.070 everything about emoji domains, and why[br]they are so rotten broken. You go! 0:00:54.070,0:01:02.019 dysphoricUnicorn: Yeah, thank you a lot.[br]Exactly - are we speaking about these 0:01:02.019,0:01:09.360 wonderfully broken things and the talk[br]will be kind of like... I start with a bit 0:01:09.360,0:01:13.400 of an intro dump about the history of[br]emoji domains and what they actually are 0:01:13.400,0:01:19.800 and then I will talk about my personal[br]experience breaking things with them. So 0:01:19.800,0:01:26.369 yeah, let's start right of with the[br]history. So, DNS were standardized in 0:01:26.369,0:01:37.069 1987, with a very limited character set.[br]So, you can see, like, only roman naturals 0:01:37.069,0:01:46.700 and some numbers, and, like, four non-[br]letters. So these are definitely not 0:01:46.700,0:01:51.880 sufficient for many languages and it's a[br]very euro-centric view, or not even just 0:01:51.880,0:01:58.899 euro-centric, but it's actually very[br]centered on the english language and it 0:01:58.899,0:02:07.249 was clear that this won't suffice so in[br]1996, internationalized domain names were 0:02:07.249,0:02:14.560 posed, which allow encoding characters[br]that are not supported or that are not 0:02:14.560,0:02:20.960 officially supported into this very small[br]character set so that browsers could 0:02:20.960,0:02:31.370 simply convert them on the fly. This...[br]sources kind of disagree when this exactly 0:02:31.370,0:02:36.140 went live or when you could start it, when[br]you were able to use it for the first 0:02:36.140,0:02:42.940 time. The IDNA2003 standard allowed the[br]support, but the first emoji domains were 0:02:42.940,0:02:50.290 actually registered in 2001. Interesting[br]about these is that, in 2001, emojis 0:02:50.290,0:02:57.370 weren't part of Unicode yet. So you can[br]see these examples, like the "hot springs" 0:02:57.370,0:03:03.300 those do show as emoji. which is because[br]they are both emoji and Unicode pictographs. 0:03:03.300,0:03:10.150 So, not actually emoji domains at the[br]time, but right now, they were kind of 0:03:10.150,0:03:16.760 converted into emojis. Back then, they[br]were just pictographs. I couldn't really 0:03:16.760,0:03:20.490 find out if those domains actually[br]resolved if you entered the pictographs 0:03:20.490,0:03:25.100 back then or if it was just someone who[br]just was hoping they would rise in price 0:03:25.100,0:03:33.480 once IDNA2003 or whatever standard would[br]implement it, went live. So there was also 0:03:33.480,0:03:39.410 an IDNA2003 normalization, but that is not[br]too interesting for us because we just 0:03:39.410,0:03:45.840 want to look at the emoji side of things.[br]IDNA2008 actually banned emoji for most 0:03:45.840,0:03:50.100 major TLDs, because of concerns that it[br]would be used for phishing domains that 0:03:50.100,0:03:57.450 looked very similiar to actual, other[br]domains. Like every character exists as an 0:03:57.450,0:04:05.870 emoji, to be able to make to make country[br]flags, so that could be used for phishing 0:04:05.870,0:04:14.440 and they decided to ban it for most major[br]TLDs that comply with IDNA2003. Important 0:04:14.440,0:04:24.090 to my little story, in 2020, the emoji 13[br]standard added transgender pride flag 0:04:24.090,0:04:33.160 emoji. You'll see why that's important[br]later. So what actually is this punycode 0:04:33.160,0:04:39.590 encoding? It's non-human readable representation[br]of Unicode characters. So you can see this 0:04:39.590,0:04:45.970 symbol here would be translated x-n-dash-[br]dash C-8-H, which obviously doesn't make 0:04:45.970,0:04:51.340 much sense to type in but your browser[br]would take care of this. So, DNS didn't have to 0:04:51.340,0:04:57.330 be changed, it's only inside your browser[br]that these conversions happen. Compatible 0:04:57.330,0:05:01.540 browsers, depending on which browser you[br]use, will either intransparently or 0:05:01.540,0:05:08.000 semitransparently translate, Firefox for[br]example, as a mitigation to these phishing 0:05:08.000,0:05:16.430 attempts, does allow you to enter emoji or[br]other Unicode characters, but as soon as 0:05:16.430,0:05:22.600 you hit enter it will, the URL bar will[br]show this xn-dash-dash domain. Safari, as 0:05:22.600,0:05:29.710 far as I know, does not do it[br]transparently, so you will not know what 0:05:29.710,0:05:35.620 exactly the punycode representation is of[br]what you were just enterin'. And different 0:05:35.620,0:05:44.500 TLDs only support a specific subset as I[br]said, IDNA2008 actually banned it. Fun 0:05:44.500,0:05:50.440 fact, I forgot on the last slide: IDNA2008[br]went live in 2010 which is kind of 0:05:50.440,0:05:57.900 confusing, but whatever. Different TLDs[br]only support specific charsets, most don't 0:05:57.900,0:06:02.070 support emoji, but there are TLDs that[br]have "supporting emoji" as their main 0:06:02.070,0:06:10.050 selling point. TLDs that most people[br]wouldn't want to use unless they just 0:06:10.050,0:06:20.830 simply are interested in emoji. Why did I[br]end up breaking things with it? In early 0:06:20.830,0:06:26.850 2011... not 2011, 2021... this year - I[br]was unemployed and looking for interesting 0:06:26.850,0:06:33.130 ways to build my portfolio. I knew that[br]emoji were somewhat supported but I didn't 0:06:33.130,0:06:38.160 know what, how exactly it worked, I just[br]knew that there were some people that had 0:06:38.160,0:06:42.780 emoji domains and I was kind of happy that[br]there was a transgender pride emoji 0:06:42.780,0:06:47.580 added, so I decided, well, maybe it's a[br]good idea to add some domain that contains 0:06:47.580,0:06:55.250 this transgender pride emoji to also kind[br]of become less interesting for bigoted 0:06:55.250,0:07:05.100 potential employers. So, yeah, let's[br]register domain with that emoji. Well... 0:07:05.100,0:07:09.160 that seems to be a bit more difficult[br]because these domains, even though you 0:07:09.160,0:07:16.030 never really counter them, seemed to be[br]sold out. Nothing that I looked up worked, 0:07:16.030,0:07:23.579 and actually the web interface broke a[br]bit, but more to that later. Well... none 0:07:23.579,0:07:28.270 of these domains actually resolve to[br]anything: .dev does not support emoji at 0:07:28.270,0:07:33.300 all and namecheap doesn't support emoji[br]even with top-level domains that do 0:07:33.300,0:07:40.860 support them. So, I had to go to another[br]registrar, which was a bit annoying 0:07:40.860,0:07:45.770 because I thought, well, I like everything[br]in one place, not specifically I love 0:07:45.770,0:07:52.240 namecheap or anything. But, whatever. Few[br]months later, I am now the proud owner of 0:07:52.240,0:07:59.889 "transgender pride flag purple heart .[br]ws". At least, that what I think. So, I 0:07:59.889,0:08:04.890 just set up to build a small demo page for[br]it, and deploy it on my server and test it 0:08:04.890,0:08:14.260 and - wow. My server usually isn't that[br]slow. Timeouts... the route looks okay 0:08:14.260,0:08:22.970 inside my reverse proxy, trying again, and[br]after long time, I end up with this 0:08:22.970,0:08:30.760 wonderful error message. So we're sorry,[br]that domain is invalid. It also does not 0:08:30.760,0:08:35.630 show the transgender pride flag anymore,[br]but that could be down to the simply their 0:08:35.630,0:08:40.800 webfont not supporting it yet because it[br]was just added to emoji 13, at least 0:08:40.800,0:08:45.350 that's what I thought at that point.[br]Obviously, I was a bit scared because, 0:08:45.350,0:08:52.249 well I just spent 10 euros at something[br]and... I didn't really know when I would 0:08:52.249,0:08:57.709 have a stable income again so I did this[br]to find a new job and german unemployment 0:08:57.709,0:09:05.930 benefits are really difficult to get, so I[br]was a bit scared, but godaddy didn't sell 0:09:05.930,0:09:14.439 me some invalid domain or they also[br]definitely did not scam me, because if you 0:09:14.439,0:09:19.589 enter these exact characters that[br]apparently are invalid, it does resolve to 0:09:19.589,0:09:24.800 my server. So when I looked at the[br]godaddy web interface, it also showed 0:09:24.800,0:09:30.449 these three characters, the purple heart,[br]the white flag and the transgender symbol. 0:09:30.449,0:09:34.540 It's simply not the domain that I had[br]entered into the emoji domain search 0:09:34.540,0:09:41.449 engine. Wasn't just their webfont that[br]doesn't support it. And that is caused by 0:09:41.449,0:09:47.579 the wonderful zero-width joiners. To avoid[br]having tons of similar emoji, each with 0:09:47.579,0:09:53.269 their own code, many emoji are created by[br]combining others. So you have the skintone 0:09:53.269,0:09:57.569 modifiers for example or the country[br]flags, that are a combination of different 0:09:57.569,0:10:02.550 emoji with a zero-width joiner. The[br]transgender pride flag is a combination of 0:10:02.550,0:10:08.780 a white flag and a transgender symbol with[br]a zero-width joiner inbetween. And the 0:10:08.780,0:10:14.480 thing is, punycode does not really support[br]them so it was simply just dropped during 0:10:14.480,0:10:26.179 conversion while I bought my domain. But[br]that's not everything. Because I still had 0:10:26.179,0:10:34.429 this project, I still wanted emoji domains[br]and my interest was peaked so I wanted to 0:10:34.429,0:10:40.880 try out what else I could break. To avoid[br]spending even more money on this 0:10:40.880,0:10:46.860 project, I just moved my testing to sub[br]domains which was a good idea because I 0:10:46.860,0:10:50.979 have way more control over sub domains[br]than I have over regular ones. I can 0:10:50.979,0:10:57.460 register them with any registrar, so I[br]could use my go-to registrar. I can 0:10:57.460,0:11:03.490 register whatever strings I want, so even[br]invalid punycode. I can register them 0:11:03.490,0:11:08.160 under a TLD that does not allow it because[br]it's not a second-level domain but a 0:11:08.160,0:11:15.899 third-level domain. And, yeah, let's see[br]what browsers do about that. So I created 0:11:15.899,0:11:22.350 the sub domain "transgender pride flag .[br]dysphoric . dev". Firefox converts it to 0:11:22.350,0:11:29.449 xn-- and I'm not gonna say all that.[br]Chromium converts it to a different 0:11:29.449,0:11:36.069 string. Which, if you plug any of those[br]into a converter, it will tell you 0:11:36.069,0:11:41.410 that both are invalid punycode. However,[br]both are understood and routed, so I just 0:11:41.410,0:11:46.110 simply added an [unintelligible] all-route[br]to my reverse proxy, so that both would 0:11:46.110,0:11:52.899 work. If you use dig, which is a command-[br]line tool that lets you look up domain 0:11:52.899,0:11:59.230 records - first of all, it doesn't do the[br]punycode conversion at all, so I had to 0:11:59.230,0:12:05.000 use one of the strings that one of my[br]browsers gave me, but when I use that 0:12:05.000,0:12:13.009 string it also gave me this "It's not a[br]valid IDNA2008 name. Disable validation 0:12:13.009,0:12:18.469 using these tool parameters." also didn't[br]tell me that I needed both. So I added the 0:12:18.469,0:12:23.979 first and then, oh, you still need the[br]second. But, whatever. Once both were 0:12:23.979,0:12:34.750 added, I was able to get correct results[br]and my site was reachable. The next thing 0:12:34.750,0:12:40.380 I thought of was, what if I will move my[br]domain to a non-supported registrar, 0:12:40.380,0:12:47.800 because as I just talked about, namecheap[br]does not actually allow emoji domains and I 0:12:47.800,0:12:52.550 was interested to see how their web interface[br]would handle it. Sadly, it simply did not 0:12:52.550,0:12:59.860 handle at all, because they don't support[br].ws domains. I wasn't really going to 0:12:59.860,0:13:07.549 contact their support team to try and[br]still get it because this was only a 0:13:07.549,0:13:11.309 simple thing that I will probably just[br]simply not interested in hosting that 0:13:11.309,0:13:18.119 domain because it breaks their web[br]interface if you try to. Or other things 0:13:18.119,0:13:21.769 about emoji domains break their web[br]interface, so I don't really see why their 0:13:21.769,0:13:30.279 support team would actually be on my side[br]here. So, what about email? Because, 0:13:30.279,0:13:38.319 apparently, email clients really enjoy[br]breaking. From my experience at least. Do 0:13:38.319,0:13:46.649 they break with emoji? When trying to add[br]an emoji domain as a sender, my mail 0:13:46.649,0:13:51.059 server actually broke because validation[br]was run after punycode to unicode 0:13:51.059,0:13:57.050 conversion, which caused an uncaught[br]exception, which was suprising, it's 0:13:57.050,0:14:01.559 already fixed but the patch is not[br]released yet so I couldn't yet test it. 0:14:01.559,0:14:06.009 But there's still the local part which I[br]could already control as much as I wanted 0:14:06.009,0:14:13.980 to and the [unintelligible] so Thunderbird[br]simply ignored it and showed the punycode 0:14:13.980,0:14:21.869 and Apple Mail dropped the zero-width[br]joiner and also showed the punycode under 0:14:21.869,0:14:30.369 the thing where it shows the exact domain.[br]So, mixed results, nothing too spectacular, 0:14:30.369,0:14:40.129 no exceptions or crashing clients or[br]anything interesting like that, sadly. 0:14:40.129,0:14:47.350 What did I learn doing this? Well,[br]obviously emoji domains are very buggy. 0:14:47.350,0:14:50.389 Implementations vary from browser to[br]browser so you can have the same input 0:14:50.389,0:14:57.149 string and get different punycodes out of[br]it, so testing in just one browser 0:14:57.149,0:15:02.839 definitely is not enough, well, it never[br]is, but here especially it isn't. And, you 0:15:02.839,0:15:07.009 may be able to buy a domain that won't[br]work as you would think which can cause 0:15:07.009,0:15:11.790 quite the annoyance. But it's still a lot[br]of fun to mess around with this stuff, 0:15:11.790,0:15:16.339 just not for productive use. I like to end[br]my talks but telling people to join a 0:15:16.339,0:15:21.110 labor union that doesn't have anything to[br]do with this but that's what I do for some 0:15:21.110,0:15:26.610 reason. And I've got also a blog post[br]about this where I've written it up and I 0:15:26.610,0:15:36.220 would publish the slides under the[br]wonderful domain "poop emoji nycode . ws". 0:15:36.220,0:15:42.129 It's just a link to my regular blog for[br]now. I'm sorry. I think I went a bit fast 0:15:42.129,0:15:51.679 but I still thank you for your time and[br]I'm open to questions. 0:15:51.679,0:16:21.589 Herald: [talks, but no sound is audible][br]Herald: I'm online... oops, I'm sorry. I'm 0:16:21.589,0:16:29.089 awfully sorry, my machine is slow. I muted[br]myself about half a minute ago. Thank you 0:16:29.089,0:16:34.949 for that beautiful talk, Jennifer. I had[br]to grin a couple of times, because it was 0:16:34.949,0:16:44.509 great and it made my day. And actually we[br]have a question. The question is in 0:16:44.509,0:16:55.479 German, I'll say it in English: why is DNSSec[br]so complicated for emoji domains? 0:16:55.479,0:17:04.579 dysphoricUnicorn: Well, because no one[br]actually really likes emoji domains except 0:17:04.579,0:17:08.990 the people who sell them. At least that[br]was my experience looking up things for 0:17:08.990,0:17:17.750 that. So, they are kind of disallowed in the [br]standard, but just some of top level domains just 0:17:17.750,0:17:23.850 ignore the standard and still let you register[br]them and it's just something that people 0:17:23.850,0:17:30.370 will implement things don't want to think[br]about at all. I haven't actually tried 0:17:30.370,0:17:35.910 DNSSec, but it's just something that is[br]easilly forgotten because it shouldn't 0:17:35.910,0:17:43.329 actually exist, which may[br]be a bit harsh, but... 0:17:43.329,0:17:50.850 Herald: Is - you remember the ringtone[br]fads when smartphones didn't exist yet - 0:17:50.850,0:17:55.460 is this just a fad like this ringtone[br]thing and it will just disappear within 0:17:55.460,0:17:59.770 the next couple of years or would you[br]think emojis are here to stay? Is this 0:17:59.770,0:18:03.789 serious?[br]dysphoricUnicorn: I think emojis are here 0:18:03.789,0:18:11.070 to stay but not within domains or... like,[br]it was possible since 2001, kind of, but 0:18:11.070,0:18:17.870 at least since 2011 where the first actual[br]emoji domain was registered. But most 0:18:17.870,0:18:22.700 domains that are, like, popular examples[br]already don't resolve anymore or resolve 0:18:22.700,0:18:31.010 to sites that say "emoji domains". So,[br]emoji domains definitely are not much more 0:18:31.010,0:18:39.779 than a fad or a nice, funny thing to just[br]look at for a bit. However, emojis as a 0:18:39.779,0:18:42.909 whole are such a large part of our[br]culture, I don't think they're going to go 0:18:42.909,0:18:48.190 away any time soon because it's been more[br]than ten years and the annoying 0:18:48.190,0:18:57.030 downloadable ringtones were popular[br]for a bit less time, I think. 0:18:57.030,0:19:01.960 Herald: This is a question that I actually[br]wanted to ask myself as well, because I 0:19:01.960,0:19:06.380 run my own email server as well and...[br]which email server software do you talk 0:19:06.380,0:19:12.260 about? Do you know about[br]supporting the others? 0:19:12.260,0:19:14.120 dysphoricUnicorn: Errm...[br]Herald: What do you use as a software on 0:19:14.120,0:19:18.500 your email server?[br]dysphoricUnicorn: My email server is 0:19:18.500,0:19:24.150 running on mailhue, which is a set of[br]Docker containers that are specially made 0:19:24.150,0:19:29.370 to work together to make setting up an[br]email server as painless as possible for 0:19:29.370,0:19:37.389 free. So I haven't actually tested any[br]other servers, however in theory they 0:19:37.389,0:19:44.460 shouldn't actually have any issues. So, the part[br]of mailhue that failed wasn't actually the 0:19:44.460,0:19:52.240 mail server part. It was simply a parser.[br]So, in theory, with another mail server, 0:19:52.240,0:19:59.290 it should work, if they didn't also mess[br]up parsing at some point. 0:19:59.290,0:20:03.120 Herald: Somebody asked here, is there a[br]list of top-level domains that support 0:20:03.120,0:20:07.619 emojis and somebody posted and answering[br]Wikipedia, is that correct? Wikipedia has 0:20:07.619,0:20:11.139 such a list?[br]dysphoricUnicorn: It has, but it isn't 0:20:11.139,0:20:16.199 actually correct, the list, that it has it[br]is the english Wikipedia. It lists at 0:20:16.199,0:20:21.640 least one domain that no longer supports[br]emojis which is actually kind of a big 0:20:21.640,0:20:31.190 political thing where they removed[br]support. So, the Wikipedia list is not 0:20:31.190,0:20:38.740 complete or contains too much. There are,[br]however, registrars, that are specialized 0:20:38.740,0:20:45.169 in emoji domains and those will have[br]current lists. So, I had .ws as one of 0:20:45.169,0:20:51.230 them. It's not the red heart emoji, though[br]because that's invalid punycode and so I 0:20:51.230,0:20:55.880 don't really know what to enter in my URL[br]bar to get to them other than searching 0:20:55.880,0:21:02.169 it on Google, so...[br]Herald: laughs Next question, is there a 0:21:02.169,0:21:06.880 difference between single punycode and[br]multiple emoji chained together as a 0:21:06.880,0:21:16.710 second or third level domain?[br]dysphoricUnicorn: It's just different 0:21:16.710,0:21:24.440 punycode, depending on how many emoji you[br]have but theoretically, the implementation 0:21:24.440,0:21:32.740 for this would just, I think the technical[br]term was ASCII-to-Unicode something, which 0:21:32.740,0:21:42.739 is like, an algorithm to convert it, does[br]handle multiple emoji similarly. Or - it 0:21:42.739,0:21:49.610 should work without any[br]issues if one of the two works. 0:21:49.610,0:21:54.620 Herald: Are there any emoji[br]first-level domains? 0:21:54.620,0:21:59.730 dysphoricUnicorn: No. There are not. There[br]are punycode first-level domains, because 0:21:59.730,0:22:07.899 there are languages that simply do not use[br]the same letters as english does, so 0:22:07.899,0:22:12.409 punycode first-level domains are existent[br]but no emoji first-level domains at this 0:22:12.409,0:22:17.770 point. Maybe there will be, but I kind of[br]doubt it because the people in charge of 0:22:17.770,0:22:26.520 this emoji domains are kind of an eye sore[br]to them from what I could read, so... 0:22:26.520,0:22:30.269 Herald: Talking about eye sores: I always[br]have the impression, that at least to the 0:22:30.269,0:22:36.480 old coders, diacritical signs in[br]themselves were considered an eye sore. 0:22:36.480,0:22:40.600 You know, that funny little dots those[br]German speaking people have up there. 0:22:40.600,0:22:46.220 Don't talk about the Czech and the Poles.[br]Now, my name contains such a diacritical 0:22:46.220,0:22:51.169 sign, my first name is André and I've been[br]fighting with all kinds of inputs that say 0:22:51.169,0:23:03.389 7 Bit ASCII and nothing else. Do[br]diacritical signs still break domains? 0:23:03.389,0:23:09.900 dysphoricUnicorn: They should not, because[br]are actually reason why IDN's exist. So it 0:23:09.900,0:23:14.009 was actually proposed by someone who has[br]one of those sign in his name and probably 0:23:14.009,0:23:22.240 just wanted the domain with his name. This[br]was the actual reason why we have punycode 0:23:22.240,0:23:28.200 in the first place and supporting emoji[br]was kind of an unwanted side effect. So in 0:23:28.200,0:23:35.670 theory, it should work without issues but[br]still many people don't think about it 0:23:35.670,0:23:40.549 enough when implementing their own thing,[br]so you can never be too certain that it 0:23:40.549,0:23:47.909 will. But it should.[br]Herald: seventy posted here, seventy 0:23:47.909,0:23:53.120 obviously runs a Windows, and in Windows[br]10, the emoji menu with the combination of 0:23:53.120,0:24:00.360 the Windows and the full stop. Is that[br]common already or is that new? I think 0:24:00.360,0:24:06.059 it's common by now, it's been implemented[br]and ever since then everybody's been using 0:24:06.059,0:24:13.949 emojis. And there is also a remark that[br]says "MS Outlook has actually pretty good 0:24:13.949,0:24:27.129 unicode-punycode support but still don't[br]try emojis". I remember a story about when 0:24:27.129,0:24:32.460 the Bosnian wars broke, when the Yugoslav[br]war broke, especially the ones in Bosnia 0:24:32.460,0:24:36.549 broke out, there were about a hundred[br]thousand Bosnians that fled to 0:24:36.549,0:24:41.850 Switzerland, and about fifteen thousand[br]were granted citizenship, but they 0:24:41.850,0:24:46.149 couldn't be registered in the citizenship[br]register, because that only supported 0:24:46.149,0:24:52.668 7-bit or 8-bit ASCII but no diacritical[br]sign of [unintelligible]. I think they 0:24:52.668,0:25:00.439 fixed it by now but that was quite a thing[br]some years back. I see no further 0:25:00.439,0:25:06.549 question, - oh, there is one ... coughs[br]... one... coughs excuse me that came in 0:25:06.549,0:25:13.799 right now... coughs... is there a[br]uniform way to generate punycode over 0:25:13.799,0:25:19.380 multiple platforms? Mobiles do not work[br]well with entering unicode numbers as we 0:25:19.380,0:25:27.069 all know.[br]dysphoricUnicorn: I'm not sure I 0:25:27.069,0:25:32.909 understood this correctly. The easiest[br]way that I used during my testing was a 0:25:32.909,0:25:39.710 simple online converters that would work[br]on every page. And actually my system 0:25:39.710,0:25:44.519 doesn't have a shortcut for emoji so I[br]would always copy and paste from 0:25:44.519,0:25:52.859 emojipedia into an online punycode converter[br]and just use it from there. Because I 0:25:52.859,0:26:00.600 don't actually use emoji that much.[br]Herald: Okay, we've come to the end of our 0:26:00.600,0:26:06.959 time. We still would have another minute[br]or two, but we have no more questions. 0:26:06.959,0:26:11.019 Thank you in the meantime for coming and[br]holding this talk. You have another talk. 0:26:11.019,0:26:13.069 I think it's tomorrow? 0:26:13.069,0:26:17.129 Outro 0:26:17.129,0:26:25.000 Subtitles created by c3subtitles.de[br]in the year 2021. Join, and help us!