WEBVTT 00:00:00.240 --> 00:00:03.360 I want to tell you a story most unlikely— 00:00:04.016 --> 00:00:08.906 a story of how a fatal crash saved eight lives. 00:00:09.519 --> 00:00:15.937 You see, an accident, however brutal and horrifying, is a miracle of sorts— 00:00:16.570 --> 00:00:21.684 if you're on the way to your execution. 00:00:23.573 --> 00:00:26.125 Meet the Liber8ed. 00:00:27.244 --> 00:00:31.650 Part One of this documentary chronicled the accident that granted these eight cows 00:00:31.731 --> 00:00:32.857 bound for slaughter 00:00:32.857 --> 00:00:34.442 a chance at life, 00:00:34.442 --> 00:00:35.974 and their subsequent rescue. 00:00:36.438 --> 00:00:43.334 Now, in Part Two, you'll get to meet these survivors— each an individual in their own right. 00:00:44.880 --> 00:00:48.728 Iowa Farm Sanctuary co-founder Shawn has been  with the boys 00:00:48.728 --> 00:00:51.883 ever since that day we finally found them, 00:00:51.883 --> 00:00:53.601 shaken and terrified 00:00:53.601 --> 00:00:56.268 and brought them to their forever home. 00:00:56.423 --> 00:00:58.080 So I thought it was only fitting 00:00:58.080 --> 00:01:01.270 to have her narrate their stories. 00:01:02.600 --> 00:01:04.760 Emily: Meet Max 00:01:04.760 --> 00:01:10.320 Shawn: Of all the survivors, Max had the most  blatantly obvious injuries—bleeding from his nose, 00:01:10.320 --> 00:01:14.400 mouth, and right eye. Because of this,  he was the first to go to the hospital, 00:01:14.400 --> 00:01:17.048 making the two hour journey the day after the accident. 00:01:17.048 --> 00:01:19.040 Given his painfully visible wounds, 00:01:19.040 --> 00:01:21.975 and certain there was additional internal  trauma, 00:01:21.975 --> 00:01:23.744 we were not optimistic about Max's future. 00:01:23.744 --> 00:01:28.880 The swelling around his eye was so  intense that the doctors were unable to perform 00:01:28.880 --> 00:01:31.743 scans until a few days after his arrival at  the clinic, 00:01:31.743 --> 00:01:33.440 when it had gone down enough. 00:01:33.440 --> 00:01:38.240 The scans revealed that Max sustained multiple  fractures to his jaw and orbital bones 00:01:38.240 --> 00:01:42.131 but due to his critical condition, he was not a candidate for surgery. 00:01:42.131 --> 00:01:46.806 Dehydrated and unable to eat, given the immense pain of his broken jaw, 00:01:46.806 --> 00:01:49.873 Max still remained trusting and gentle, 00:01:49.873 --> 00:01:52.453 quickly endearing himself with the veterinary staff, 00:01:52.453 --> 00:01:54.453 who said he was like a really, really big dog. 00:01:54.960 --> 00:01:58.080 After a few weeks, Max was cleared to come home 00:01:58.080 --> 00:02:00.640 as long as we as we were able to administer his eye and pain medications. 00:02:01.520 --> 00:02:03.632 Due to the trauma he endured, 00:02:03.632 --> 00:02:05.144 Max's face is paralyzed 00:02:05.144 --> 00:02:07.819 evidenced by his drooping ear and heavy tongue when he eats. 00:02:07.819 --> 00:02:12.080 We do not know what  sort of, if any, vision he has in his right eye. 00:02:12.640 --> 00:02:15.747 I gave Max his name after the movie character "Mad  Max" 00:02:15.747 --> 00:02:18.926 who was always a survivor of very traumatic experiences. 00:02:18.926 --> 00:02:22.453 The pain and suffering our Max  endured is undeniable, 00:02:22.453 --> 00:02:26.382 yet he is the most loving, sweet, trusting, beautiful creature. 00:02:26.504 --> 00:02:29.255 His strength and forgiveness is admirable. 00:02:29.709 --> 00:02:31.368 Emily: Meet Tucker. 00:02:31.368 --> 00:02:33.101 Shawn: You can immediately tell Tucker 00:02:33.101 --> 00:02:35.256 apart from his brothers because of his long, curly hair. 00:02:35.674 --> 00:02:39.269 After the accident, we  noticed Tucker seemed to have some 00:02:39.269 --> 00:02:42.320 difficulty eating and some of  his teeth were visibly crooked. 00:02:42.320 --> 00:02:44.080 At ISU (Iowa State University's Large  Animal Hospital) , the doctors found some 00:02:44.080 --> 00:02:48.000 pretty substantial damage inside Tucker's  mouth that would have to heal on its own. 00:02:48.640 --> 00:02:53.360 They informed us that over time, Tucker would  likely loose the teeth knocked loose by the crash, 00:02:53.360 --> 00:02:56.880 but that miraculously he'd not  sustained any major injuries. 00:02:57.440 --> 00:03:01.803 Tucker was named by Chelsea Wilde, in honor  of her family. 00:03:01.803 --> 00:03:04.721 Now home at the Sanctuary, Tucker tends to hang back, 00:03:04.721 --> 00:03:07.636 letting his brothers make sure things are safe before he follows. 00:03:07.760 --> 00:03:11.840 Still, as cautious as he is, Tucker will  occasionally take treats from our hands. 00:03:11.840 --> 00:03:17.614 He's an incredibly gentle being—a temperament  perfectly complimented by his soft, fluffy coat. 00:03:19.098 --> 00:03:20.737 Emily: Meet Charlie. 00:03:20.737 --> 00:03:24.445 In Part One, Charlie’s brothers protectively shielded him 00:03:24.445 --> 00:03:26.300 upon their arrival at the Sanctuary. 00:03:26.300 --> 00:03:30.211 They knew what wasn’t immediately apparent to us at the time, 00:03:30.333 --> 00:03:34.748 Charlie had sustained the most  severe injuries of the group. 00:03:35.000 --> 00:03:39.680 Shawn: Charlie was the only brown cow of the  brothers—aptly named by a long time supporter 00:03:39.680 --> 00:03:43.763 and friend of Iowa Farm Sanctuary, who was  at the scene of the accident. 00:03:43.763 --> 00:03:47.544 While it was obvious as he exited the trailer the day of the accident 00:03:47.544 --> 00:03:49.600 that Charlie's back leg was injured, 00:03:49.600 --> 00:03:53.399 we would have never guessed that he'd sustained a  shattered pelvis; 00:03:53.399 --> 00:03:55.360 a devastating injury for a cow. 00:03:55.360 --> 00:03:58.653 We made the two hour trip to bring Charlie and his  brother Bhramena 00:03:58.653 --> 00:04:02.150 to Iowa State University's Large Animal Hospital. 00:04:02.150 --> 00:04:06.320 After X-raying Charlie, the veterinary team informed us that due 00:04:06.320 --> 00:04:12.212 to the nature and extent of his injuries,  there was no way to repair his fractures. 00:04:12.960 --> 00:04:16.846 Charlie was the first of the Liber8ed  to whom we were forced to say goodbye. 00:04:17.360 --> 00:04:21.440 We were able to find some some solace only  in the fact that he was able to experience 00:04:21.440 --> 00:04:25.282 being treated with love and kindness by human beings 00:04:25.282 --> 00:04:26.653 however briefly so, 00:04:26.653 --> 00:04:28.279 before he passed. 00:04:28.645 --> 00:04:30.400 Emily: Meet Bhramena, 00:04:30.400 --> 00:04:32.774 whom I had the honor of naming 00:04:32.774 --> 00:04:37.267 Bhramena is  Sanskrit for "by mistake" or "accidentally." 00:04:37.267 --> 00:04:40.800 Shawn: It was perfect because he quite  literally came into our lives 00:04:40.800 --> 00:04:42.153 by and due to an accident. 00:04:42.153 --> 00:04:45.282 Like Charlie, Bhramena  had obvious injuries to his back legs. 00:04:45.587 --> 00:04:47.363 Both were lacerated down to the bone. 00:04:47.973 --> 00:04:51.103 At ISU hospital, the doctors suspected 00:04:51.103 --> 00:04:53.440 that Bhramena may have had a patch of dead bone 00:04:53.521 --> 00:04:57.920 in one of his legs, caused by  an interruption of blood supply from a fracture 00:04:57.920 --> 00:05:02.240 Before they were able to surgically remove the  bone, an infection had spread to both legs. 00:05:02.800 --> 00:05:05.528 The ISU team explored every possible option 00:05:05.528 --> 00:05:08.370 to give Bhramena a chance at having any quality of life. 00:05:08.614 --> 00:05:12.630 If only one leg had been injured,  there may have had more options, 00:05:12.630 --> 00:05:15.157 but with two legs completely compromised, 00:05:15.157 --> 00:05:19.386 the veterinarians cautioned us to start preparing for the worst. 00:05:19.386 --> 00:05:21.280 Ten days after saying goodbye to Charlie, 00:05:21.280 --> 00:05:25.186 we had to say another tearful  farewell to our dear Bhramena. 00:05:25.520 --> 00:05:28.400 We certainly wish we could have  known these sweet boys better. 00:05:28.400 --> 00:05:33.772 At the very least, they were able to pass with  as much comfort, care and love as possible. 00:05:33.901 --> 00:05:35.834 Emily: Meet Frank 00:05:35.834 --> 00:05:39.361 Shawn: Unlike some of his brothers, Frank's  injuries were painfully obvious: 00:05:39.361 --> 00:05:45.440 his tail was completely severed during the accident and his lip was lacerated down to the bone. 00:05:45.440 --> 00:05:48.008 While the wound on what remained of his tail had begun to heal on its own, 00:05:48.008 --> 00:05:51.142 his lip required medical attention at the ISU clinic. 00:05:51.244 --> 00:05:56.285 The doctors drained an abscess on  his jaw and assured us that he was healing well. 00:05:56.720 --> 00:06:01.930 Frank was named by my husband Jered—short for the moniker "Frank the Tank" 00:06:01.930 --> 00:06:04.215 Of all his brothers, Frank is certainly the most cautious. 00:06:04.215 --> 00:06:06.720 Even a month and a half after the accident, 00:06:06.720 --> 00:06:11.120 he still wouldn't let us anywhere near him—and  who could blame him, given all he'd been through! 00:06:11.920 --> 00:06:15.040 We've respected Frank's boundaries,  letting him set his own terms. 00:06:15.600 --> 00:06:18.739 Over time, he began allowing us to come within arm's length 00:06:18.739 --> 00:06:20.739 as long as we had his favorite treats on hand 00:06:20.893 --> 00:06:25.267 and has now graduated to accepting and relishing back rubs. 00:06:25.267 --> 00:06:27.127 Emily: Meet Cooper 00:06:27.127 --> 00:06:32.086 Shawn: Two days after the accident, after putting  the other sanctuary residents to bed, 00:06:32.086 --> 00:06:34.839 I went to check on the Liber8ed and thought that I'd found  Cooper dead. 00:06:34.839 --> 00:06:37.169 As I got closer, I noticed he was 00:06:37.360 --> 00:06:42.640 still breathing—but it was incredibly labored. His  eyes were rolled back and his stomach was bloated. 00:06:42.640 --> 00:06:47.040 I struggled with whether I should let him go  peacefully or jostle him enough to make him fight 00:06:47.040 --> 00:06:50.353 I decided to pick his head  up and rest it in my lap, 00:06:50.353 --> 00:06:54.475 stroking his neck and comforting him in  whatever decision he made. 00:06:54.475 --> 00:06:55.935 He chose to fight. 00:06:55.935 --> 00:07:00.114 He fought for the two hour drive to ISU and for an agonizing month thereafter. 00:07:00.237 --> 00:07:05.600 Initially, Cooper had to have the inside  toe of his back left leg amputated, 00:07:05.600 --> 00:07:08.729 and miraculously made it through the procedure. 00:07:09.082 --> 00:07:12.320 But while Cooper's surgical wound was  healing well, a large laceration on the 00:07:12.320 --> 00:07:17.985 other toe wasn't responding to antibiotics, and  X-rays revealed breakdown in the remaining bone. 00:07:18.240 --> 00:07:23.120 The veterinarians continued to monitor his status,  but with Cooper's compromised mobility, the 00:07:23.120 --> 00:07:27.566 bone continued to deteriorate and the infection spread to his joint. 00:07:27.737 --> 00:07:29.046 We were given two options: 00:07:29.200 --> 00:07:33.445 amputate the other toe of his hoof, which would require a prosthetic, 00:07:33.624 --> 00:07:36.141 or perform an operation that had never been done before 00:07:36.141 --> 00:07:40.240 surgically inserting metal rods in Cooper's leg right 00:07:40.240 --> 00:07:45.520 above his ankle and building a cast extending past  the bottom of his foot with a prosthetic hoof, 00:07:45.520 --> 00:07:48.880 so that when he walked, he'd be  putting weight on rods, not his foot. 00:07:49.440 --> 00:07:52.720 With the doctors' guidance,  we chose the second option, 00:07:52.720 --> 00:07:55.655 with amputation remaining a last resort. 00:07:55.655 --> 00:07:58.567 The vets also performed a bone graph to the compromised bone. 00:07:58.567 --> 00:08:03.539 Cooper made it through surgery, and we were hopeful for his recovery. 00:08:03.539 --> 00:08:07.788 Two weeks later, when removing his  cast, pus poured out from Coopers leg. 00:08:07.920 --> 00:08:11.040 The vets found an infection where  the bone graph was harvested 00:08:11.040 --> 00:08:14.903 and scans showed the deterioration had  progressed to other bones in his leg. 00:08:15.000 --> 00:08:18.640 We were told that at this point,  his injuries were catastrophic. 00:08:18.904 --> 00:08:21.376 He was in immense pain, despite medication, 00:08:21.376 --> 00:08:25.082 and there was no chance of recouping the damage that had been caused by the infection. 00:08:25.082 --> 00:08:28.847 He was not responding to antibiotics due to an immunity 00:08:28.847 --> 00:08:34.320 built up from all the antibiotics so-called "food animals" are fed throughout their abbreviated lives. 00:08:34.320 --> 00:08:37.355 Cooper suffered through, fought, and endured so much 00:08:37.640 --> 00:08:40.287 even a surgery that no other bovine ever had. 00:08:40.560 --> 00:08:43.920 Yet after all of that, we  lost him to an infection. 00:08:43.920 --> 00:08:46.512 An infection that should have been treatable. 00:08:46.705 --> 00:08:50.100 While Cooper escaped his fated slaughter that day on the highway, 00:08:50.567 --> 00:08:54.234 his life was still  ultimately taken by our food industry. 00:08:54.714 --> 00:08:56.286 Emily: Meet Django 00:08:56.348 --> 00:08:59.126 Shawn: Decidedly the leader of the group. 00:08:59.126 --> 00:09:01.291 Django is usually found keeping watch over his brothers 00:09:01.291 --> 00:09:05.848 and is always the first to come running for food, water and head rubs when he sees us. 00:09:06.194 --> 00:09:07.596 I call him black beauty. 00:09:07.596 --> 00:09:08.868 He's absolutely gorgeous 00:09:08.868 --> 00:09:12.661 with the deepest eyes, the cutest mop  on his head and always a swagger to his step. 00:09:13.656 --> 00:09:18.328 A couple who supports and visits IFS every  chance they get, named Django 00:09:18.430 --> 00:09:23.056 after a Quentin Tarantino's movie centering around a freed slave in the American South, 00:09:23.056 --> 00:09:25.218 because Django too is now free 00:09:25.218 --> 00:09:30.090 of the industry that bred, confined, and  shipped him and his brother off to their deaths. 00:09:30.314 --> 00:09:31.664 Emily: Meet Rocco 00:09:32.518 --> 00:09:34.234 Shawn: Unlike the rest of his brothers, 00:09:34.234 --> 00:09:39.280 Rocco somehow managed to survive the accident  without sustaining any major injuries, and thus 00:09:39.280 --> 00:09:42.679 was the only one of the Liber8ed who never visited  the hospital. 00:09:43.269 --> 00:09:47.543 Over a period of a month and a half, Rocco watched his brothers be loaded into our trailer 00:09:47.543 --> 00:09:50.490 and taken away, some never to return. 00:09:50.800 --> 00:09:53.200 Rocco formed a tight bond with his brother Django, 00:09:53.200 --> 00:09:57.600 and while he didn't like it when we took  anyone to ISU, the day we loaded his best 00:09:57.600 --> 00:10:02.720 friend into the trailer to join the remaining  survivors at the hospital, Rocco began crying 00:10:02.720 --> 00:10:06.960 out so fiercely that we feared he'd take  down our fencing trying to get to Django. 00:10:08.000 --> 00:10:13.262 We moved Rocco to a large stall, but  upon arriving back home after a few hours 00:10:13.262 --> 00:10:15.334 found that he'd busted his way out. 00:10:16.140 --> 00:10:18.806 When we finally brought Django home five days later, 00:10:18.960 --> 00:10:23.200 Rocco, who'd not been shy in displaying  his displeasure with his brothers' absence, 00:10:23.760 --> 00:10:28.720 began skipping and bucking around the pasture  in the most beautiful happy-cow dance. 00:10:28.720 --> 00:10:33.243 Rocco—derived from Italian and Germanic elements meaning "rest" 00:10:33.385 --> 00:10:36.270 was named by IFS supporter Kris G, ( aka the Sentient Beast.) 00:10:36.352 --> 00:10:40.080 With his brother's home  and Django stepping back into his leadership role, 00:10:40.080 --> 00:10:42.017 Rocco relaxed dramatically. 00:10:42.384 --> 00:10:45.099 He's still learning that some humans can be trusted 00:10:45.200 --> 00:10:48.560 a lesson that would be understandably  difficult to accept when all you've 00:10:48.560 --> 00:10:53.035 ever known from our species  is fear, pain, and heartbreak. 00:10:53.901 --> 00:10:59.520 Emily: If it wasn't for that accident  that day, these boys would have reached 00:10:59.520 --> 00:11:05.548 their intended destination as planned and  been killed, bled out and hacked apart. 00:11:06.400 --> 00:11:12.160 This fate is harder for us to stomach once we've  learned their names and heard their stories. 00:11:13.360 --> 00:11:22.240 However, it's vital to realize that these eight  are no more important than those not so fortunate. 00:11:22.800 --> 00:11:27.840 It is not our acknowledgement of their  individuality that gives them value. 00:11:28.480 --> 00:11:33.760 They had value before the crash  hurled their bodies into our path. 00:11:34.720 --> 00:11:38.731 They had value before they were given names; 00:11:38.853 --> 00:11:45.109 and the more than 822,000 cows whose trucks made it to a slaughterhouse that day 00:11:45.880 --> 00:11:48.535 They too had value; 00:11:48.867 --> 00:11:51.587 They too had stories. 00:11:52.217 --> 00:11:55.552 They too were individuals. 00:11:58.240 --> 00:12:04.000 To support the life-saving efforts  of IFS, visit IowaFarmSanctuary.org 00:12:04.640 --> 00:12:07.920 and to help Bite Size Vegan  create more content like this, 00:12:08.480 --> 00:12:15.266 visit BiteSizeVegan.org/Support.