0:00:21.011,0:00:25.611 How fitting it is that this event,[br]which is titled "Roots to Wings," 0:00:25.611,0:00:27.970 is taking place here in North Dakota, 0:00:28.200,0:00:33.099 for the motto of the state of North Dakota[br]is "Strength through the Soil." 0:00:33.380,0:00:36.322 And that's what I'm going[br]to visit with you about today, 0:00:36.322,0:00:39.220 it's about our soil resource. 0:00:39.530,0:00:41.859 Agriculture has been challenged. 0:00:41.859,0:00:47.370 How do we feed nine billion[br]people by the year 2050? 0:00:47.680,0:00:52.000 With today's current production[br]model, we can do that. 0:00:52.000,0:00:56.267 It is a model with which[br]one tills the soil. 0:00:56.517,0:00:59.981 It's a model of monoculture[br]production practices. 0:00:59.981,0:01:02.292 No matter where you go[br]around this great state, 0:01:02.292,0:01:05.992 there's fields of wheat, fields of corn, 0:01:05.992,0:01:09.523 fields of soybeans, and many other crops. 0:01:10.103,0:01:13.532 It's one of livestock[br]which are now in confinement; 0:01:13.532,0:01:18.254 whether it be poultry housed[br]in poultry houses, 0:01:18.254,0:01:21.718 or beef cattle in a feedlot, for example. 0:01:21.888,0:01:25.883 However, these practices[br]have come at a cost. 0:01:26.343,0:01:29.471 They have caused a loss of biodiversity. 0:01:30.401,0:01:36.096 Healthy native range land[br]has hundreds of different species 0:01:36.216,0:01:40.524 of plants, and animals, and insects. 0:01:41.644,0:01:44.503 Monocultures have but very few. 0:01:45.345,0:01:47.624 This lack of biodiversity 0:01:47.624,0:01:52.694 has led to the destruction[br]of our soil resource. 0:01:52.894,0:01:55.784 And that's what I'm going[br]to visit with you about today. 0:01:56.154,0:01:57.717 I'll share some proof with you, 0:01:57.717,0:02:02.277 and this is statistics provided[br]by North Dakota State University. 0:02:02.277,0:02:08.206 In Walsh County, North Dakota in 1960,[br]the topsoil was 34 inches deep. 0:02:08.496,0:02:13.487 In 2014, that topsoil[br]was only 15 inches deep - 0:02:13.997,0:02:17.365 a stunning 56 percent loss. 0:02:17.708,0:02:22.475 The organic matter level on that same soil[br]had gone from over 8 percent 0:02:23.085,0:02:25.527 to less than 3 percent today. 0:02:26.604,0:02:29.082 Look at the ramifications of that. 0:02:29.402,0:02:34.818 The soil on your left[br]was the soil that had not been tilled, 0:02:34.818,0:02:38.448 and had not seen monoculture[br]production practices. 0:02:38.448,0:02:42.363 That's the same soil[br]17 years later on the right, 0:02:42.753,0:02:47.148 after 17 years of the production model 0:02:47.148,0:02:50.208 of tillage and monocultures. 0:02:50.808,0:02:54.248 It also destroys[br]the pore spaces in the soil. 0:02:54.248,0:02:58.490 Those pore spaces are critical[br]for the life in the soil, 0:02:58.490,0:03:01.969 are critical for water infiltration, 0:03:01.969,0:03:06.849 because if we don't have soil aggregates,[br]we cannot infiltrate water. 0:03:06.849,0:03:12.239 I took this photo in a field less than[br]ten miles from where you're seated today. 0:03:12.959,0:03:16.482 That shows a half of an inch of rainfall 0:03:16.482,0:03:20.581 can no longer be infiltrated[br]into the soil profile. 0:03:20.581,0:03:24.114 If we can't infiltrate water,[br]then what happens? 0:03:24.114,0:03:27.347 We resort to things such as tile drainage. 0:03:27.347,0:03:31.956 And you're seeing this all over[br]the central United States today. 0:03:32.274,0:03:35.195 What happens when we put tile drainage in 0:03:35.195,0:03:39.155 and we do not have the soil aggregates[br]to hold our soils in place? 0:03:39.155,0:03:41.704 That soil ends up in the watershed, 0:03:41.704,0:03:45.384 and unfortunately, along with it,[br]goes all the nutrients 0:03:45.384,0:03:49.026 that may have been applied[br]to those fields. 0:03:49.550,0:03:54.621 That lack of biodiversity[br]also leads to lower nutrient cycling. 0:03:55.018,0:03:58.228 If we don't have[br]adequate nutrient cycling, 0:03:58.228,0:04:01.940 we're going to have to add[br]more and more synthetic fertilizers. 0:04:01.940,0:04:04.829 Those synthetic fertilizers[br]come at a cost - 0:04:04.989,0:04:07.250 the cost of fossil fuel usage, 0:04:07.250,0:04:13.135 and, they also spur the decline[br]of the soil biology. 0:04:14.073,0:04:16.412 We need to understand how soil functions. 0:04:16.412,0:04:20.683 How soil functions is due to that biology, 0:04:20.683,0:04:25.024 because the plants get[br]their nutrients via the biology. 0:04:25.673,0:04:31.634 High synthetic fertilizer use[br]also aids in the propagation of weeds. 0:04:31.634,0:04:34.453 Most weeds love nitrogen. 0:04:34.453,0:04:38.693 The more synthetic fertilizer we apply,[br]the more weeds we get. 0:04:38.983,0:04:42.474 If we have increased weed pressure,[br]what do we have to do? 0:04:42.784,0:04:44.625 Spray herbicides. 0:04:45.235,0:04:49.236 Now, unfortunately, many[br]of those herbicides are chelates. 0:04:49.536,0:04:50.725 What is a chelate? 0:04:50.725,0:04:52.895 A chelate binds metals. 0:04:52.895,0:04:58.445 So any of the metals such as magnesium,[br]manganese, iron, zinc, copper, 0:04:58.565,0:05:01.086 then become unavailable to the plants. 0:05:01.626,0:05:05.306 If the plant cannot uptake[br]these micronutrients, 0:05:05.446,0:05:07.705 it's more prone to disease. 0:05:07.705,0:05:11.345 Because plants cannot[br]ward off diseases on their own, 0:05:12.055,0:05:14.367 we need to spray fungicides. 0:05:15.507,0:05:18.607 Fungicides, then, are detrimental to what? 0:05:19.469,0:05:21.003 Soil biology. 0:05:22.100,0:05:26.157 Because plants are not healthy[br]enough to ward off pests, 0:05:26.317,0:05:28.333 we then need to do what? 0:05:28.831,0:05:30.817 We spray pesticides, 0:05:31.377,0:05:34.659 on the crops which are meant[br]for human consumption. 0:05:35.018,0:05:38.799 Because we spray pesticides,[br]we have a decline in what? 0:05:39.998,0:05:44.678 The very predator insects[br]which would take care of the pests 0:05:44.678,0:05:46.420 which we are spraying. 0:05:47.458,0:05:49.985 We also have a decline in pollinators. 0:05:50.349,0:05:52.935 You can hardly pick up[br]a paper or a magazine today 0:05:52.935,0:05:56.019 without reading about[br]the plight of our pollinators. 0:05:56.019,0:06:00.489 These pollinators are critical[br]in our crop production. 0:06:01.599,0:06:04.750 The current production model[br]is all about killing. 0:06:04.750,0:06:08.511 Whether it be weeds, a fungus, a pest, 0:06:08.961,0:06:12.971 our diversity, or our profit. 0:06:13.270,0:06:14.801 Take a look at these projections 0:06:14.801,0:06:17.570 just put out by North Dakota[br]State University. 0:06:17.570,0:06:22.170 They're 2016 projections for some[br]of the major crops in our state. 0:06:22.170,0:06:25.491 Every one of them[br]projects a negative return. 0:06:26.141,0:06:28.082 What impact does that have 0:06:28.082,0:06:32.163 on the quality of life[br]of those producing that crop? 0:06:32.663,0:06:34.343 But take it a step further: 0:06:34.343,0:06:36.822 What impact does it have on our schools? 0:06:37.152,0:06:40.534 Drive around this state of ours[br]and you'll see a lot of small towns 0:06:40.534,0:06:44.452 that have fewer and fewer children[br]attending the schools. 0:06:44.592,0:06:47.182 What effect does that have[br]on our businesses? 0:06:47.542,0:06:49.703 And then on our communities? 0:06:50.433,0:06:55.372 What effect does the current[br]production model have on our health? 0:06:56.593,0:06:57.923 Take a look at this. 0:06:57.923,0:07:01.713 The nutrient densities[br]of the foods that we produce 0:07:01.713,0:07:06.026 have declined anywhere[br]from 15 to 65 percent 0:07:06.426,0:07:08.596 in the last 50 years. 0:07:09.126,0:07:12.307 This has had many negative consequences. 0:07:12.307,0:07:14.315 The United States[br]spends more on healthcare 0:07:14.315,0:07:16.628 than any other developed[br]country in the world. 0:07:16.978,0:07:22.299 Yet look at this - we lead the world[br]in the incidences of ADD, 0:07:22.299,0:07:28.668 ADHD, cancer, osteoporosis,[br]Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, 0:07:28.898,0:07:31.010 and the list goes on and on. 0:07:31.426,0:07:33.199 This is not acceptable. 0:07:34.160,0:07:35.811 It cannot continue. 0:07:36.181,0:07:38.542 But the good news is there's another way, 0:07:38.542,0:07:40.471 and I'm going to share that with you. 0:07:40.471,0:07:42.302 It's nature's way. 0:07:42.552,0:07:45.015 Look at how nature functions. 0:07:45.485,0:07:48.833 In nature, there's no mechanical tillage. 0:07:49.243,0:07:52.932 Yet in our production model,[br]we're tilling the soil. 0:07:53.230,0:07:56.916 In nature, there's always armor[br]on the soil surface, 0:07:57.179,0:08:02.163 protecting that soil from wind erosion,[br]water erosion, evaporation. 0:08:02.712,0:08:05.876 Yet in our production model,[br]the fields lie bare. 0:08:06.392,0:08:09.612 Nature cycles water very efficiently. 0:08:10.182,0:08:12.693 It's able to infiltrate[br]into the soil profile, 0:08:12.693,0:08:15.334 then, due to the large amount[br]of organic matter, 0:08:15.334,0:08:18.854 it's held there, for such a time[br]it's needed by plants. 0:08:19.181,0:08:24.314 By destroying our soil resource,[br]we can no longer infiltrate the water 0:08:24.314,0:08:26.789 and store it for when it's needed. 0:08:27.263,0:08:30.153 Nature has living plant-root networks; 0:08:30.153,0:08:34.533 there's things growing at all times[br]throughout the growing season. 0:08:34.824,0:08:37.524 Not that way with production agriculture. 0:08:38.464,0:08:42.684 So often we hear about[br]the production model that we have today 0:08:42.684,0:08:45.024 as the "conventional model." 0:08:45.024,0:08:48.731 I would argue that nature's way[br]is the conventional model, 0:08:48.731,0:08:51.594 because it's been around for eons of time. 0:08:52.084,0:08:56.267 Think of it this way: what did[br]this land look like 400 years ago? 0:08:56.839,0:08:59.073 You had a lot of diversity. 0:09:00.043,0:09:05.853 There was diversity of plant species:[br]forbs, grasses, legumes, trees. 0:09:06.013,0:09:10.105 And then also you had a diversity[br]of animals and insects, 0:09:10.105,0:09:15.056 and all these worked together[br]to build a healthy ecosystem. 0:09:16.515,0:09:20.985 So there's five principles[br]that we must follow 0:09:20.985,0:09:23.382 in order to follow nature's model. 0:09:23.382,0:09:27.777 They are, number one: least amount[br]of mechanical disturbance possible. 0:09:28.187,0:09:33.784 On my own ranch, we have been[br]100 percent zero till since 1994; 0:09:33.784,0:09:36.517 we have not tilled the soil at all. 0:09:37.266,0:09:41.987 The second tenet of soil health[br]is armor on the soil surface; 0:09:42.307,0:09:44.941 we always have the soil covered. 0:09:44.941,0:09:48.528 That's a picture of one[br]of our fields following seeding. 0:09:49.178,0:09:53.774 That field is no longer prone[br]to wind erosion or water erosion 0:09:53.944,0:09:56.914 because we're keeping armor[br]on the surface. 0:09:57.290,0:10:00.081 Third tenet of soil health is diversity. 0:10:00.381,0:10:04.312 My son teaches range land management[br]at the local community college. 0:10:04.312,0:10:07.300 He brought his students[br]out to one of our paddocks. 0:10:07.300,0:10:13.441 They counted over 140 different species[br]of grasses, forbs, and legumes. 0:10:14.231,0:10:17.871 Why don't we have that[br]in production agriculture today? 0:10:18.191,0:10:20.818 On our operation,[br]we're trying to mimic it. 0:10:20.818,0:10:25.063 These are just some of the cash crops[br]that we grow on our operation. 0:10:25.063,0:10:29.112 We don't just grow one[br]cash crop, we grow many. 0:10:29.112,0:10:33.273 Along with that, we do not grow[br]cash crops as monocultures. 0:10:33.383,0:10:37.093 In the upper left there, that's oats[br]with three types of clover growing in it. 0:10:37.093,0:10:41.431 In the upper right is a very diverse[br]cool-season broadleaf mix. 0:10:41.431,0:10:44.855 The lower left, that's corn[br]with hairy vetch growing in it. 0:10:44.855,0:10:46.543 The lower right, that's sunflowers 0:10:46.543,0:10:49.843 with over 19 species[br]of covers growing with it. 0:10:49.843,0:10:54.204 A tremendous amount of diversity[br]feeding soil biology. 0:10:54.204,0:10:56.904 We also have orchards on our operation. 0:10:56.904,0:11:01.344 These orchards, besides[br]providing us with the fruit, 0:11:01.664,0:11:05.164 we're able to have livestock[br]grazing underneath them, 0:11:05.164,0:11:07.245 thus stacking enterprises. 0:11:07.575,0:11:10.165 We have five acres[br]of vegetable production, 0:11:10.165,0:11:12.905 but it's not as monocultures. 0:11:12.905,0:11:17.185 In between each of those corn rows[br]is rows of peas, beans, squash, 0:11:17.185,0:11:21.345 zucchini, carrots, pumpkins,[br]and a variety of other species 0:11:21.345,0:11:24.816 so that we get the benefit of diversity. 0:11:25.205,0:11:26.578 Fourth tenet of soil health 0:11:26.578,0:11:29.846 is leaving roots in the ground[br]as long as possible. 0:11:29.846,0:11:32.605 You don't have to drive very far[br]around this state 0:11:32.605,0:11:37.205 to see that there are monocultures growing[br]for only a short period of time, 0:11:37.205,0:11:39.135 and then the land lays idle. 0:11:39.767,0:11:42.831 These are just some of the cover crop[br]species which we planted 0:11:42.831,0:11:45.166 on our operation this past year. 0:11:45.166,0:11:48.276 We actually planted[br]over 70 different species. 0:11:48.856,0:11:51.775 From the time the snow[br]melts in the spring, 0:11:51.775,0:11:57.725 until the snow stays in early winter,[br]we have a variety of species growing 0:11:57.725,0:12:00.505 on our land to feed soil health. 0:12:00.505,0:12:03.636 We're optimizing solar energy collection. 0:12:03.636,0:12:09.645 Because how the system works is,[br]we take sunlight through photosynthesis; 0:12:09.645,0:12:13.966 it makes carbon; that carbon[br]is transferred down to the roots, 0:12:13.966,0:12:19.376 where it's leaked out as root exudates,[br]that's what all the biology feeds on. 0:12:19.376,0:12:23.580 We need that biology in order[br]to get the nutrients to the plant 0:12:23.580,0:12:26.858 to nourish animals and people. 0:12:26.858,0:12:30.648 For you see, if we have healthy soil,[br]we're going to have clean air, 0:12:30.648,0:12:35.650 clean water, healthy plants,[br]healthy animals, and healthy people. 0:12:36.069,0:12:39.100 We have to focus on feeding biology. 0:12:39.100,0:12:41.872 Along with this, then, we're able to feed 0:12:41.872,0:12:45.219 all of the wildlife[br]that's on our operation. 0:12:45.219,0:12:47.970 We also feed a myriad[br]of different insects. 0:12:47.970,0:12:50.761 Insects tend to get a bad rap. 0:12:50.761,0:12:53.501 We like a wide variety of insects 0:12:53.501,0:12:57.432 including all the predator insects[br]which take care of the pests. 0:12:57.432,0:13:01.031 We want to address our problems[br]through biological means 0:13:01.031,0:13:03.081 not through chemical means. 0:13:04.001,0:13:07.351 Dr Jonathan Lundgren,[br]one of the world's foremost entomologists, 0:13:07.351,0:13:08.881 told me this: 0:13:08.881,0:13:14.741 For every insect species that's a pest,[br]there's 1,700 that are beneficial. 0:13:15.012,0:13:19.491 Why in production agriculture do we aim[br]at just killing that pest, 0:13:19.491,0:13:24.432 when we should aim at providing habitat[br]for all those beneficials? 0:13:24.432,0:13:29.984 The reason producers have a pest problem[br]is because of a lack of diversity. 0:13:29.984,0:13:32.669 We need to think biologically. 0:13:32.669,0:13:36.871 Fifth tenet of a healthy ecosystem[br]is animal impact. 0:13:37.001,0:13:41.871 On our operation we run[br]a herd of 350 beef cows. 0:13:41.871,0:13:45.612 We also grass finish that beef[br]because we know it's healthier, 0:13:45.612,0:13:48.542 both for us and for the animals. 0:13:48.542,0:13:52.062 We have a flock of sheep[br]and raise grass-finished lamb. 0:13:52.372,0:13:54.354 We have pastured pork. 0:13:54.904,0:13:57.923 We have broilers which are out on pasture. 0:13:58.263,0:14:04.704 And we have a flock of 750 laying hens[br]which are also out on pasture. 0:14:05.835,0:14:07.715 We also have bees. 0:14:07.715,0:14:10.434 Those bees, besides pollinating our crop, 0:14:10.434,0:14:12.644 provide us with honey. 0:14:12.644,0:14:15.335 Here's what we've done on our operation. 0:14:15.335,0:14:20.054 When we started in 1993 on the left,[br]we had very shallow topsoil - 0:14:20.054,0:14:22.625 1.7 percent organic matter. 0:14:22.625,0:14:27.008 We could only infiltrate[br]a half of an inch of rainfall per hour. 0:14:27.618,0:14:29.303 We then went no-till. 0:14:29.303,0:14:31.985 We started to diversify[br]the cash crop rotation; 0:14:31.985,0:14:34.777 we noticed an improvement in soil health. 0:14:34.777,0:14:37.754 From there, we started[br]to add cover crops - 0:14:37.754,0:14:41.483 another improvement in soil health,[br]our organic matter levels rose, 0:14:41.483,0:14:43.266 our infiltration improved. 0:14:43.266,0:14:46.576 We then started integrating[br]all of these livestock species 0:14:46.576,0:14:47.750 on top of it - 0:14:47.750,0:14:52.256 another marked increase[br]in the health of our soil ecosystem. 0:14:52.256,0:14:55.740 Now in 2013, we actually[br]have a plot of land 0:14:55.740,0:15:00.389 which is now over[br]11 percent organic matter. 0:15:00.625,0:15:03.379 The same soils that in 1993 0:15:03.379,0:15:06.898 could only infiltrate[br]a half of an inch of rainfall per hour, 0:15:06.898,0:15:10.698 can now infiltrate[br]over 15 inches of rainfall per hour. 0:15:10.978,0:15:15.741 We've done this without the use[br]of any synthetic fertilizers, 0:15:15.741,0:15:18.483 pesticides, or fungicides. 0:15:18.763,0:15:21.875 We've done it by following[br]the principles of nature. 0:15:21.875,0:15:27.061 This has led to a ranch that is profitable[br]every year, regardless of price. 0:15:27.061,0:15:31.693 And we do this without taking part[br]in any government subsidies of any kind, 0:15:31.693,0:15:36.492 whether it be a crop insurance, EQIP, CSP, 0:15:36.492,0:15:39.032 or any other form of government payment. 0:15:39.032,0:15:41.752 Thus, we are not a burden to society. 0:15:42.163,0:15:44.326 The stacking of enterprises has allowed us 0:15:44.326,0:15:48.022 to produce many more[br]nutrient dense calories of food 0:15:48.472,0:15:53.273 at a lower cost as compared[br]to the current production model. 0:15:53.273,0:15:55.997 Yes, we can feed the world, 0:15:55.997,0:15:59.982 and we can do it in a way[br]that regenerates our resources, 0:16:00.492,0:16:05.091 thus, healing farms,[br]families, and communities. 0:16:05.601,0:16:06.706 Thank you.