How's it going bros? My name is Pewdiepie and welcome to Friday's with Pewdiepie. So, it's Sunday and I realized I haven't made a Friday video. So I wanted to make a quick...(dramatic violin music) wait...what's that noise? Do you bros hear that? Where's it coming from? Wha-wha-wha? Sup' bitches?! So...I didn't have anything to make today so I wanted to make a new video and show our new, adorable little pug. His name is Edgar. Edgar Allen after the poet. So his name is Edgar Allen Pug. Ha. Ha. Ha. His favorite hobby is poetry and twerking. Isn't that right, Edgar? He's about one year old (laughs). Edgar demands a lot of attention. He was very nervous in our new home and he wouldn't let us sleep and it was just insane and I cannot believe I've been able to make videos this week because Edgar is so crazy. But...I'm glad we kept him because he's growing on me. He's such a sweet pug. We have another pug, as you know, in the video. She's actually in Italy right now. She's coming in a week. (Edgar speaks) "God, it's so boring. Shut up already." (Edgar speaks) "Don't you dare kiss me!" So, Maya, this is your new brother, Edgar. (Edgar speaks) "Sup, Maya? I can't wait to meet you or whatever." Umm, I really, really love Edgar. He's so chill right now. He's usually crazy! (Edgar speaks) "Cuz' you're fucking talking all the time." Alright, Edgar. Can I have a kiss? (Edgar speaks) "Geeze, Pewds. Not on camera! What are you doing?" Come on, just one kiss! (Edgar speaks) Nooo. Nooooo. "Nooooooo. Noooo. No, Pewds Whatever you're boring me." You have a little something in your mouth. (Edgar speaks) "What the fuck are you doing, bitch? You don't bite me!" I'm trying to teach him how to destroy barrels, but we're starting with footballs. Go, Edgar! Yes, that's right, Edgar. Kill. Killllll. Edgar, what are you doing?! Edgar! No! Not me! Help. Help! (laughs) Oh, shit! My nipple, Edgar! Ahh, my nipple. Ah. No! Ah. Edgar, no! Edgar, no! Ugh. That's disgusting! I'm sorry, I didn't have anything else planned today. I just wanted to make a video showing Edgar off. You're going to see a lot more Edgar in the videos in the future. So,yeah, I promise next week I'll do a more interesting Friday or whatever. (Edgar speaks) "Let me do the bro-fist, Pewds." Are you sure? (Edgar speaks) "Yeah, I'm ready. Alright, whatever. Umm, Brofist or whatever, yeah." "Here you go. Did I do it good, Pewds?" Yeah, you did. (Edgar speaks) "Whatever, I don't care."