1 00:00:24,910 --> 00:00:27,180 PRAKASH MURTHY: Good evening, everyone! 2 00:00:27,180 --> 00:00:30,040 AUDIENCE: [mumbling, speaking] Good evening! 3 00:00:30,040 --> 00:00:32,840 P.M.: I see the energy has sapped totally. We 4 00:00:32,840 --> 00:00:36,320 are at the end of the conference and there's... 5 00:00:36,320 --> 00:00:41,030 At least that's how I am feeling. Am... 6 00:00:41,030 --> 00:00:42,210 AUDIENCE: [indecipherable] 7 00:00:42,210 --> 00:00:45,150 P.M.: OK. Good evening everyone! 8 00:00:45,150 --> 00:00:46,920 AUDIENCE: Good evening! 9 00:00:46,920 --> 00:00:52,210 P.M.: Yay! All right, do you- so, are you 10 00:00:52,210 --> 00:00:55,010 ready for the last session of the Garden City 11 00:00:55,010 --> 00:00:57,460 Ruby Conference 2014? 12 00:00:57,460 --> 00:01:00,340 AUDIENCE: Yeah! 13 00:01:00,340 --> 00:01:07,340 P.M.: Yes! So let me start by this thing. 14 00:01:08,780 --> 00:01:13,060 This happened the day before the conference, 15 00:01:13,060 --> 00:01:15,750 and I haven't processed all the 16 00:01:15,750 --> 00:01:17,280 things that have happened in the last two days, 17 00:01:17,280 --> 00:01:18,720 but I feel like this is the best thing 18 00:01:18,720 --> 00:01:22,500 for, from my perspective in the last, in this 19 00:01:22,500 --> 00:01:27,800 conference. First off, we have already fixed this problem. 20 00:01:27,800 --> 00:01:31,440 There are, there are no longer one Ruby conferences 21 00:01:31,440 --> 00:01:34,330 in India. There are - how many? 22 00:01:34,330 --> 00:01:35,420 AUDIENCE: Two! 23 00:01:35,420 --> 00:01:42,420 P.M.: Two Ruby conferences in India now. But I, 24 00:01:45,349 --> 00:01:49,310 I was really kind of shocked when Chad said 25 00:01:49,310 --> 00:01:51,270 that. Yeah, in the US it was like that, 26 00:01:51,270 --> 00:01:52,940 in fact in the whole world it was like 27 00:01:52,940 --> 00:01:57,390 that. In fact, there was no Ruby conferences ever, 28 00:01:57,390 --> 00:02:00,119 and then somebody said let's make one happen. So 29 00:02:00,119 --> 00:02:02,630 Chad and a few others joined together and did 30 00:02:02,630 --> 00:02:05,369 the first RubyConf in the US. And I was 31 00:02:05,369 --> 00:02:10,030 surprised learn that it was, it had only thirty-one 32 00:02:10,030 --> 00:02:17,030 participants. 2001. In Tampa. And now, this year's RubyConf 33 00:02:18,989 --> 00:02:22,670 in Miami had around 500 participants. So it's grown 34 00:02:22,670 --> 00:02:28,379 all like that over the last twelve years. I 35 00:02:28,379 --> 00:02:31,170 find it heartening because we are at that stage, 36 00:02:31,170 --> 00:02:35,500 where they were back in 2001 and 2002. We 37 00:02:35,500 --> 00:02:39,390 can learn from them and get, butt ahead in 38 00:02:39,390 --> 00:02:46,390 the next couple of years. So, so this is 39 00:02:48,820 --> 00:02:55,820 what I have planned for this talk. I was 40 00:02:58,230 --> 00:03:02,280 not supposed to be here. My plan for this 41 00:03:02,280 --> 00:03:05,920 conference was to be spending all the time with 42 00:03:05,920 --> 00:03:12,920 my beautiful daughter and leave the team, team to 43 00:03:14,220 --> 00:03:20,030 take care of everything. And everything was going fine. 44 00:03:20,030 --> 00:03:23,900 In fact, two m- last two months I haven't 45 00:03:23,900 --> 00:03:26,900 been on the mailing list as well. I let 46 00:03:26,900 --> 00:03:30,730 the team take care of everything and I was 47 00:03:30,730 --> 00:03:35,400 just, once in awhile, say what's up, what's happening. 48 00:03:35,400 --> 00:03:40,730 But today, we lost one of our keynote speakers, 49 00:03:40,730 --> 00:03:43,220 and so that was a major crisis. I didn't 50 00:03:43,220 --> 00:03:45,010 want to leave it on the team. So I 51 00:03:45,010 --> 00:03:47,890 came here, and I'm here, and I'm on stage 52 00:03:47,890 --> 00:03:52,580 giving this talk. With not much preparation, I thought 53 00:03:52,580 --> 00:03:55,330 it's maybe a good idea to just share about 54 00:03:55,330 --> 00:03:57,290 how we came to be here. How this whole 55 00:03:57,290 --> 00:04:00,730 Garden City Ruby thing happened. You guys interested in 56 00:04:00,730 --> 00:04:02,590 learning more about Garden City Ruby? 57 00:04:02,590 --> 00:04:04,050 AUDIENCE: Yes. Yeah. 58 00:04:04,050 --> 00:04:08,270 P.M.: OK. Let's begin at, from the very beginning. 59 00:04:08,270 --> 00:04:14,020 In the beginning there was nothing. Let's see, let's 60 00:04:14,020 --> 00:04:19,039 see... yes. In the beginning there was nothing, then 61 00:04:19,039 --> 00:04:23,930 on June 29th, 2013, I sent email to the 62 00:04:23,930 --> 00:04:27,400 Bangalore Ruby user group, saying hey, let's do a 63 00:04:27,400 --> 00:04:32,800 conference. This was a week after last, this year's 64 00:04:32,800 --> 00:04:36,770 RubyConf India in Pune, where I gave a talk 65 00:04:36,770 --> 00:04:40,310 about taking Indian Ruby community to the next level. 66 00:04:40,310 --> 00:04:43,520 There I talked about essentially what Satir?? [00:04:43] talked 67 00:04:43,520 --> 00:04:47,970 about in his community lightning talk. We need more 68 00:04:47,970 --> 00:04:52,430 meet ups, we need more conferences. Afterwards, I got 69 00:04:52,430 --> 00:04:54,100 a lot of good feedback. A lot of people 70 00:04:54,100 --> 00:04:55,440 came up to me and said, hey, you inspired 71 00:04:55,440 --> 00:04:56,720 us, we are going to do a meetup in 72 00:04:56,720 --> 00:04:59,630 Mumbai. We are going to do a meetup in 73 00:04:59,630 --> 00:05:02,770 Kochi or whatever. Nobody really talked about doing a 74 00:05:02,770 --> 00:05:06,970 conference. So I said, OK, you know what, let 75 00:05:06,970 --> 00:05:11,880 me show it by example how it is done, 76 00:05:11,880 --> 00:05:18,310 and I started this project. This mail got an 77 00:05:18,310 --> 00:05:21,270 amazing response. Around fifteen, twenty people responded on the 78 00:05:21,270 --> 00:05:22,520 Bangalore Ruby usergroup saying hey, we are interested. We 79 00:05:22,520 --> 00:05:29,520 want to help you. So, thanks to the Bangalore 80 00:05:29,540 --> 00:05:36,290 Ruby user group for that kind of amazing response. 81 00:05:36,290 --> 00:05:43,290 Next. So that's when it started. And the very 82 00:05:49,020 --> 00:05:50,990 first thing I focused on was to get the 83 00:05:50,990 --> 00:05:55,040 keynote speakers. As somebody was pointing out to me 84 00:05:55,040 --> 00:05:58,730 earlier, if we have the key, one or two 85 00:05:58,730 --> 00:06:02,690 keynote speakers, well-known keynote speakers in the line-up, it 86 00:06:02,690 --> 00:06:08,110 becomes very easy to sell the conference to others. 87 00:06:08,110 --> 00:06:12,400 And the first person I approached to was Chad, 88 00:06:12,400 --> 00:06:15,560 and Chad enthusiastically said, yes, I'm coming to Bangalore. 89 00:06:15,560 --> 00:06:20,460 I want to be in Bangalore. And, yeah, I 90 00:06:20,460 --> 00:06:24,120 was telling Chad yesterday, I attribute 80% of the 91 00:06:24,120 --> 00:06:27,030 success of this conference to him. Because of him 92 00:06:27,030 --> 00:06:30,550 being here, a lot of people decided to come 93 00:06:30,550 --> 00:06:32,780 here. We got a lot of sponsors to pay 94 00:06:32,780 --> 00:06:39,780 up. He says I'm, you know, I'm wrong, but 95 00:06:40,150 --> 00:06:47,150 I believe, at least, if not 80, 79%. Yeah. 96 00:06:48,650 --> 00:06:52,000 We got the keynote speakers lined up. Now that 97 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:54,150 one, one other point I want to make here. 98 00:06:54,150 --> 00:06:57,229 We can't keep having Chad come here every time 99 00:06:57,229 --> 00:06:59,830 we want to have a conference. So we need 100 00:06:59,830 --> 00:07:04,340 more Indian Chad Fowlers. So we need more of 101 00:07:04,340 --> 00:07:06,680 the people sitting here to be up here a 102 00:07:06,680 --> 00:07:09,260 lot of times, and make a name for themselves, 103 00:07:09,260 --> 00:07:11,940 so that when you go to another place, or 104 00:07:11,940 --> 00:07:15,220 some city to give a talk, people pay to 105 00:07:15,220 --> 00:07:19,199 come and see you. So we'll get there in 106 00:07:19,199 --> 00:07:21,800 a couple of years. Who wants to take up 107 00:07:21,800 --> 00:07:27,270 that challenge? Nice. Nice to see a few hands 108 00:07:27,270 --> 00:07:34,270 go up. The next thing I want to talk 109 00:07:36,190 --> 00:07:40,889 about is the first, the organization behind this conference. 110 00:07:40,889 --> 00:07:43,949 So when I first started talking about this conference, 111 00:07:43,949 --> 00:07:49,120 my original idea was that we'll go with ITT. 112 00:07:49,120 --> 00:07:54,870 ITT is the entity which puts up RubyConf India. 113 00:07:54,870 --> 00:07:59,180 They have done a phenomenally good job of organizing 114 00:07:59,180 --> 00:08:03,560 four annual Ruby conferences in India. And you already 115 00:08:03,560 --> 00:08:06,370 heard from Ajay in the morning about the background 116 00:08:06,370 --> 00:08:11,600 of those conferences. Very soon in the process I 117 00:08:11,600 --> 00:08:14,789 realized that may not work out for me, or 118 00:08:14,789 --> 00:08:21,570 at least, what I was trying to accomplish. If 119 00:08:21,570 --> 00:08:25,400 we had gone with ITT, it would mostly have 120 00:08:25,400 --> 00:08:27,780 been, again, Ajey, Gautam and a few others doing 121 00:08:27,780 --> 00:08:30,229 most of the work, or taking most of the 122 00:08:30,229 --> 00:08:37,110 key decisions. And there's no - it would just 123 00:08:37,110 --> 00:08:41,059 be another RubyConf India. I wanted a totally new 124 00:08:41,059 --> 00:08:44,380 team to come up, learn from scratch how to 125 00:08:44,380 --> 00:08:48,759 do all this. How to do, get sponsors, how 126 00:08:48,759 --> 00:08:51,560 to put up a program, how to organi- do 127 00:08:51,560 --> 00:08:55,100 all the logistics stuff required for setting up a 128 00:08:55,100 --> 00:08:57,920 good conference. So I decided in the very beginning, 129 00:08:57,920 --> 00:08:59,369 OK, not, we are not going to go with 130 00:08:59,369 --> 00:09:01,429 ITT. We are going to start a- we'll have 131 00:09:01,429 --> 00:09:07,990 a new, non-profit entity created. And so maybe, it 132 00:09:07,990 --> 00:09:10,509 took us awhile to get there, but two months 133 00:09:10,509 --> 00:09:14,779 later I think we had our trust. So these 134 00:09:14,779 --> 00:09:21,779 are the six trust members. So among the organizing 135 00:09:22,249 --> 00:09:24,809 team, it's me and Tejas who are not on 136 00:09:24,809 --> 00:09:28,259 the trust, for different reasons. Everyone else is on 137 00:09:28,259 --> 00:09:35,259 the trust, and yeah. The one hour of time, 138 00:09:41,769 --> 00:09:44,149 Satish at this point, because he did all the 139 00:09:44,149 --> 00:09:47,509 ground work for finding out what's required to do, 140 00:09:47,509 --> 00:09:50,829 set up a trust. And he is also followed 141 00:09:50,829 --> 00:09:54,809 up on the financial part of it. So big 142 00:09:54,809 --> 00:10:01,809 hand to Satish. Satish over here. So, yeah, that's 143 00:10:03,439 --> 00:10:06,329 probably about the organization part. Then about the talk 144 00:10:06,329 --> 00:10:13,160 selection and, talk proposals and selections. I want to 145 00:10:13,160 --> 00:10:17,309 share this interesting breakdown of all the talk proposals 146 00:10:17,309 --> 00:10:22,220 we got. Total we got seventy-two talk proposals. That's 147 00:10:22,220 --> 00:10:24,399 a good number, given that we had only around 148 00:10:24,399 --> 00:10:28,439 a month's time for call, when the call for 149 00:10:28,439 --> 00:10:35,439 proposal was open. What do you make of this? 150 00:10:36,589 --> 00:10:40,749 Everybody wants to submit a talk at the last 151 00:10:40,749 --> 00:10:47,749 minute. This, actually we- Where's Leena? Come on up 152 00:10:50,449 --> 00:10:57,449 here. Carry the mic for her. Oh, you, yeah. 153 00:10:58,149 --> 00:11:01,220 So Leena had the idea that we should actually 154 00:11:01,220 --> 00:11:04,230 train some of these people who give us a 155 00:11:04,230 --> 00:11:08,449 proposal and then maybe, yeah, we could interact with 156 00:11:08,449 --> 00:11:12,769 them, and then we'll lead much better proposals and 157 00:11:12,769 --> 00:11:16,589 much better talks in this conference. If this happens, 158 00:11:16,589 --> 00:11:19,809 if everybody submits at the last minute, we can't 159 00:11:19,809 --> 00:11:23,689 do much about that. So next time a conference 160 00:11:23,689 --> 00:11:28,399 is announced, please make sure you submit a talk 161 00:11:28,399 --> 00:11:31,139 right at the beginning. We, we, well, I want 162 00:11:31,139 --> 00:11:34,489 this to be reversed. I want more talk proposals 163 00:11:34,489 --> 00:11:37,989 coming at the beginning than at the end. Just, 164 00:11:37,989 --> 00:11:41,829 I have a few questions for you. So I'll 165 00:11:41,829 --> 00:11:46,970 just show a couple of other things. We got 166 00:11:46,970 --> 00:11:51,360 sixty-seven proposals from men and five proposals from women, 167 00:11:51,360 --> 00:11:53,569 and of the five proposals from women, three were 168 00:11:53,569 --> 00:11:58,040 from the same person, and one was a, was 169 00:11:58,040 --> 00:12:00,809 paired with a perso- guy. 170 00:12:00,809 --> 00:12:02,730 LEENA S N: And the- 171 00:12:02,730 --> 00:12:05,519 P.M.: And the last one was, we made, we invited 172 00:12:05,519 --> 00:12:08,079 those two to submit a talk. That was Sakshi 173 00:12:08,079 --> 00:12:10,600 and Pallavi. We told them we need you here 174 00:12:10,600 --> 00:12:13,550 talking, so you need to propose. So really this 175 00:12:13,550 --> 00:12:16,569 was almost non-existant for the number of proposals by 176 00:12:16,569 --> 00:12:16,980 women. 177 00:12:16,980 --> 00:12:20,339 L.S.N.: And that too the three proposals was 178 00:12:20,339 --> 00:12:21,709 not from India- I mean- 179 00:12:21,709 --> 00:12:23,319 P.M.: Again, yeah, that three proposals- 180 00:12:23,319 --> 00:12:25,739 L.S.N.: It was from Emily, Emily from Mongol?? [00:12:26] 181 00:12:25,739 --> 00:12:30,529 P.M.: So the womenfolk in the room here. 182 00:12:30,529 --> 00:12:33,670 Any thoughts of submitting proposals for the next 183 00:12:33,670 --> 00:12:40,670 conference? OK. Let's, let's change this. We got a 184 00:12:43,639 --> 00:12:47,850 lot of proposals from different countries as well. But 185 00:12:47,850 --> 00:12:51,389 ultimately it ended up that none of them could 186 00:12:51,389 --> 00:12:55,079 come. We selected two of the speakers from this, 187 00:12:55,079 --> 00:12:59,959 for, from non, who are not from India, and 188 00:12:59,959 --> 00:13:01,819 both could not come for different reasons, so we 189 00:13:01,819 --> 00:13:05,160 ended up with only Indian speaker line-up, other than 190 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:12,129 the invited keynote speakers. I was very happy with, 191 00:13:12,129 --> 00:13:17,619 to see this. The breakup from different cities. This 192 00:13:17,619 --> 00:13:20,589 shows that there is room for having meetups and 193 00:13:20,589 --> 00:13:23,670 conferences at each of these cities as well. You 194 00:13:23,670 --> 00:13:29,290 just need to start something there. OK, this is 195 00:13:29,290 --> 00:13:31,879 fine. So Leena. How did we go about talk 196 00:13:31,879 --> 00:13:33,829 selection. What, what happened? 197 00:13:33,829 --> 00:13:37,339 L.S.N.: So, like I'm, like 198 00:13:37,339 --> 00:13:41,139 Prakash mentioned, we wanted to have a lot of 199 00:13:41,139 --> 00:13:45,779 conversation with the submitters, but that didn't happen because 200 00:13:45,779 --> 00:13:48,989 of lots, so many proposals came in. So we 201 00:13:48,989 --> 00:13:53,410 relied on the busyconf rating system, so all, all, 202 00:13:53,410 --> 00:13:55,589 everyone in the, in the organizing committee, they rated 203 00:13:55,589 --> 00:13:58,790 the talks, and we went with the - most 204 00:13:58,790 --> 00:14:02,839 of the time we went with the rating, given 205 00:14:02,839 --> 00:14:06,220 by the, the auto rating given by busyconf as 206 00:14:06,220 --> 00:14:09,319 rated by all the organizers. And we had given 207 00:14:09,319 --> 00:14:14,379 some exceptions. Like the Rails Girls, we thought, OK, 208 00:14:14,379 --> 00:14:16,959 we want them to be talking about how we 209 00:14:16,959 --> 00:14:20,600 ran. Because it's experience important that, that should encourage 210 00:14:20,600 --> 00:14:23,189 others to join these kind of things. So, so 211 00:14:23,189 --> 00:14:26,100 we made some exceptions like that, but mainly it 212 00:14:26,100 --> 00:14:28,609 was the rating given by, given by the organization. 213 00:14:28,609 --> 00:14:31,529 P.M.: So it's these ratings here. Each of the 214 00:14:31,529 --> 00:14:35,329 team members gave a rating and we rated all 215 00:14:35,329 --> 00:14:38,009 the talks. So started ?? from the ?? [00:14:38]. 216 00:14:38,009 --> 00:14:41,259 There were a few exceptions, right. 217 00:14:41,259 --> 00:14:45,329 L.N.S.: Yeah, we had, only Rails Girls was the exception. 218 00:14:45,329 --> 00:14:47,249 P.M.: Rails Girls was exception, and I think 219 00:14:47,249 --> 00:14:49,799 Emily also we had to remove one of her talks. 220 00:14:49,799 --> 00:14:53,439 L.N.S.: Yeah, and we also, so Emily's - we, I think 221 00:14:53,439 --> 00:14:55,079 we have, we can pull out the blog post 222 00:14:55,079 --> 00:14:56,299 that we have written. So we also, apart from 223 00:14:56,299 --> 00:14:59,199 the rating, we also decided that we would not 224 00:14:59,199 --> 00:15:02,929 have more than two speakers outside of India, and 225 00:15:02,929 --> 00:15:06,029 we'll have only one speaker from the organizing company- 226 00:15:06,029 --> 00:15:06,739 P.M.: Organizing team, yes. 227 00:15:06,739 --> 00:15:07,579 L.N.S.: Even if it gets 228 00:15:07,579 --> 00:15:11,429 higher rating. And we also decided that we'll not 229 00:15:11,429 --> 00:15:15,139 have two talks from the same person, so that 230 00:15:15,139 --> 00:15:18,259 negated many of them in the top, because Emily's 231 00:15:18,259 --> 00:15:20,809 almost, all talks from Emily got a higher rating. 232 00:15:20,809 --> 00:15:26,269 But we negated those because same speaker, and outside 233 00:15:26,269 --> 00:15:27,269 India. And then we relied on the rating- 234 00:15:27,269 --> 00:15:27,829 P.M.: Yeah. 235 00:15:27,829 --> 00:15:30,059 L.N.S.: And exception was, and apart from those 236 00:15:30,059 --> 00:15:31,779 exceptions, we gave the exceptions to Rails Girls- 237 00:15:31,779 --> 00:15:32,619 P.M.: Rails Girls, yeah. 238 00:15:32,619 --> 00:15:33,569 L.N.S.: Because we, because of the 239 00:15:33,569 --> 00:15:36,829 Rails reason, and I think that was a very 240 00:15:36,829 --> 00:15:38,889 good talk and I think we learned quite a 241 00:15:38,889 --> 00:15:40,279 few things from them, so. 242 00:15:40,279 --> 00:15:41,429 P.M.: And Hermant had 243 00:15:41,429 --> 00:15:43,600 a very good talk proposal and which rated very 244 00:15:43,600 --> 00:15:43,889 high. 245 00:15:43,889 --> 00:15:45,499 L.N.S.: So there was a lot of- 246 00:15:45,499 --> 00:15:46,569 P.M.: And we had to remove him. 247 00:15:46,569 --> 00:15:47,029 L.N.S.: Yeah, there 248 00:15:47,029 --> 00:15:50,269 was a lot of debate on, we had to, 249 00:15:50,269 --> 00:15:53,049 we, among us organizers, we had to, we had 250 00:15:53,049 --> 00:15:56,859 a lot of debates. And that, that talk went 251 00:15:56,859 --> 00:15:59,790 for a couple of calls, and then finally we 252 00:15:59,790 --> 00:16:02,319 decided we'll have only one talk, and Hermant had 253 00:16:02,319 --> 00:16:05,470 two. But Hermant had a very good Panel Discussion- 254 00:16:05,470 --> 00:16:06,290 P.M.: Panel Discussion, yeah. 255 00:16:06,290 --> 00:16:07,350 L.N.S.: And, that I think 256 00:16:07,350 --> 00:16:08,959 was a huge success, so. 257 00:16:08,959 --> 00:16:11,119 P.M.: OK. So. I 258 00:16:11,119 --> 00:16:14,199 want to thank Leena for doing a phenomenal job 259 00:16:14,199 --> 00:16:21,199 with the talk selection and leading everything. Thank you. 260 00:16:26,239 --> 00:16:26,799 You can give it to her. I want to 261 00:16:26,799 --> 00:16:29,299 thank Emil over here for managing the website and 262 00:16:29,299 --> 00:16:33,959 everything related to that. He, he didn't do all 263 00:16:33,959 --> 00:16:36,449 the work, but he got the right people involved 264 00:16:36,449 --> 00:16:38,019 at the right time, and he gave us what 265 00:16:38,019 --> 00:16:42,059 we wanted. The blog featured in the website, it 266 00:16:42,059 --> 00:16:49,059 was amazing. He made it superb. How many of 267 00:16:53,419 --> 00:16:55,689 you know about the opportunities scholarship that we gave 268 00:16:55,689 --> 00:17:02,689 in this conference? Nice. So, Swanand, what's this opportunities 269 00:17:06,709 --> 00:17:10,439 scholarship that we are talking about? 270 00:17:10,439 --> 00:17:17,260 SWANAND PAGNIS: So the opportunities scholarship 271 00:17:17,260 --> 00:17:19,339 is an opportunity for those students 272 00:17:19,339 --> 00:17:23,839 and other underrepresented groups to attend a conference. For 273 00:17:23,839 --> 00:17:26,939 example students, who are studying ?? [00:17:26], who really 274 00:17:26,939 --> 00:17:28,860 want to be a part of the community, talk 275 00:17:28,860 --> 00:17:32,650 to other people, but cannot really afford to travel 276 00:17:32,650 --> 00:17:35,800 all the way to Bangalore, or even for the 277 00:17:35,800 --> 00:17:39,160 conference tickets. Usually conference tickets in India are like 278 00:17:39,160 --> 00:17:42,400 two, three thousand, in that range. For a student 279 00:17:42,400 --> 00:17:46,230 it's a decently steep price. So the idea was 280 00:17:46,230 --> 00:17:49,820 also implemented in RubyConf India. I was one of 281 00:17:49,820 --> 00:17:51,900 the mentors of one of the students, and I 282 00:17:51,900 --> 00:17:55,030 really had fun interacting with them all along, like, 283 00:17:55,030 --> 00:17:57,740 about the month leading to the conference, and on 284 00:17:57,740 --> 00:18:02,240 the conference days itself. So Prakash and I decided 285 00:18:02,240 --> 00:18:04,810 that if the budget allows it we are going 286 00:18:04,810 --> 00:18:07,010 to do the opportunities scholarship here at GCRC, too. 287 00:18:07,010 --> 00:18:08,140 And, well I'll a- 288 00:18:08,140 --> 00:18:09,950 P.M.: This is the list. 289 00:18:09,950 --> 00:18:12,950 S.P.: So this is the list of all the 290 00:18:12,950 --> 00:18:15,540 selected students, and- 291 00:18:15,540 --> 00:18:17,990 P.M.: So where are the scholarship winners? 292 00:18:17,990 --> 00:18:19,940 S.P.: Can all of them please stand up. 293 00:18:19,940 --> 00:18:21,170 P.M.: Can you stand up. 294 00:18:21,170 --> 00:18:23,400 S.P.: All the students. 295 00:18:23,400 --> 00:18:27,890 P.M.: Students! And most of them don't even know 296 00:18:27,890 --> 00:18:30,280 Ruby, they are seeing the Ruby for the first 297 00:18:30,280 --> 00:18:31,690 time, a couple of them are seeing Ruby for 298 00:18:31,690 --> 00:18:32,580 the first time. 299 00:18:32,580 --> 00:18:35,050 S.P.: Tushar here is coming from, 300 00:18:35,050 --> 00:18:36,410 all the way from Jaiper. 301 00:18:36,410 --> 00:18:39,680 P.M.: OK. Thank you. 302 00:18:39,680 --> 00:18:46,680 And, OK. Oh yeah. I missed out some- an 303 00:18:47,800 --> 00:18:51,700 important point here, which we did a lot of 304 00:18:51,700 --> 00:18:54,350 work in figuring out the way to hold this 305 00:18:54,350 --> 00:19:00,900 conference, and making all arrangements: food, logistics, the internet, 306 00:19:00,900 --> 00:19:07,900 everything - all this. Lanyards, t-shirts, all that. Tejas 307 00:19:10,880 --> 00:19:16,070 and Dheeraj- Dheeraj is here? OK, so big hand 308 00:19:16,070 --> 00:19:23,070 to Tejas and Dheeraj, please. So this is what 309 00:19:29,770 --> 00:19:35,040 happened with our registrations. We made that much money 310 00:19:35,040 --> 00:19:38,570 from it, and we had a total of 187 311 00:19:38,570 --> 00:19:43,680 participants register. That included both people who paid for 312 00:19:43,680 --> 00:19:50,680 their tickets and who got complimentary admission. Our aim 313 00:19:51,990 --> 00:19:54,930 was to make it a two hundred people partici- 314 00:19:54,930 --> 00:19:59,380 conference. Keep it very limited - not, RubyConf India, 315 00:19:59,380 --> 00:20:02,450 yeah, has four hundred people. Yeah. I was there 316 00:20:02,450 --> 00:20:05,540 for two days, and I didn't meet a couple 317 00:20:05,540 --> 00:20:07,310 of people I wanted to meet, even though I 318 00:20:07,310 --> 00:20:09,070 was there for two days. It was such big 319 00:20:09,070 --> 00:20:11,390 crowd there. Here I wanted it, to keep it 320 00:20:11,390 --> 00:20:15,010 smaller, two hundred, so that everybody can meet everybody 321 00:20:15,010 --> 00:20:22,010 else. Has that mostly been accomplished? Yeah, 174. OK. 322 00:20:22,310 --> 00:20:26,330 And again, of that, I think that around twelve 323 00:20:26,330 --> 00:20:29,440 or fifteen people didn't show up. So it's about 324 00:20:29,440 --> 00:20:31,980 160 people who have been here for the last 325 00:20:31,980 --> 00:20:33,140 two days. 326 00:20:33,140 --> 00:20:34,300 V.O.: 174 327 00:20:34,300 --> 00:20:37,200 P.M.: 174? Oh great. Oh 328 00:20:37,200 --> 00:20:42,420 that's, you already submitted, removed the number. Great. And, 329 00:20:42,420 --> 00:20:45,160 one other thing I want to show is the, 330 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:52,160 before I come here. It's in some- one of 331 00:20:53,490 --> 00:21:00,490 these tabs. Yes. This was maybe a day, couple 332 00:21:01,370 --> 00:21:06,470 of days ago that we went through our finances. 333 00:21:06,470 --> 00:21:09,610 We got a total income of around one grand 334 00:21:09,610 --> 00:21:12,760 for forty- oh, forty grand, forty to a thousand. 335 00:21:12,760 --> 00:21:16,220 We started with the idea that we'll have this 336 00:21:16,220 --> 00:21:21,470 fifteen grand event, but, and even with a fifteen 337 00:21:21,470 --> 00:21:25,320 grand budget. We met that target, almost came very, 338 00:21:25,320 --> 00:21:27,170 we came very close to meeting that target, with 339 00:21:27,170 --> 00:21:32,720 the sponsors and ticket sales. And expenses, we, yeah, 340 00:21:32,720 --> 00:21:36,610 it looks like we are just a little bit 341 00:21:36,610 --> 00:21:41,120 below our income, or maybe a little bit over. 342 00:21:41,120 --> 00:21:43,670 We'll know in a couple of days. We had 343 00:21:43,670 --> 00:21:46,850 a couple of last minute expenses come through, so, 344 00:21:46,850 --> 00:21:49,240 but yeah. In this context, I want to thank 345 00:21:49,240 --> 00:21:56,240 all the sponsors. These folks made it really easy 346 00:22:05,990 --> 00:22:09,740 for us to put up an awesome event, and 347 00:22:09,740 --> 00:22:11,610 it was also amazing how easy it was for 348 00:22:11,610 --> 00:22:18,610 us to get the sponsorship. At one point, there 349 00:22:19,320 --> 00:22:21,350 was some doubt that maybe we won't be able 350 00:22:21,350 --> 00:22:24,980 to do it. We won't have enough money, we 351 00:22:24,980 --> 00:22:26,470 won't be able to do - we may have 352 00:22:26,470 --> 00:22:30,200 to cut off a few things. We probably won't 353 00:22:30,200 --> 00:22:35,440 have the opportunities scholarship or maybe not, if not 354 00:22:35,440 --> 00:22:37,840 lunch, at least cut something in the lunch or 355 00:22:37,840 --> 00:22:40,670 whatever. So. All that didn't happen. We could get 356 00:22:40,670 --> 00:22:47,240 all the, the budgeted, the intended amount of money. 357 00:22:47,240 --> 00:22:49,590 So thank you Flipkart, thank you Josh, thank you 358 00:22:49,590 --> 00:22:53,700 Nilenso, thank you GitHub, thank you Qwinix, thank you 359 00:22:53,700 --> 00:22:57,910 ParamiSoft, thank you Bang the Table, thank you MavenHive, 360 00:22:57,910 --> 00:23:02,570 thank you GoodWorkLabs, thank you CodeBrahma, thank you CodeMancers, 361 00:23:02,570 --> 00:23:06,700 thank you Multunus, thank you Mahaswami, thank you SupportBee, 362 00:23:06,700 --> 00:23:09,610 thank you Icicle, thank you Cognitive Clouds, thank you 363 00:23:09,610 --> 00:23:16,610 Big Binary and thank you MaSymbol. Maybe I should 364 00:23:17,290 --> 00:23:24,290 have said yes there, right, to update. MartMe and 365 00:23:32,560 --> 00:23:34,110 StartUp Village in Kochi?? [00:23:33] - they were the 366 00:23:34,110 --> 00:23:41,110 t-shirt sponsors, so thank you MartMe and StartUp Village. 367 00:23:42,100 --> 00:23:45,120 So wow. I covered all ten of the items 368 00:23:45,120 --> 00:23:50,440 I had there. So now. My hope from this 369 00:23:50,440 --> 00:23:53,340 conference is that it will inspire some of you 370 00:23:53,340 --> 00:23:56,240 to go back to your towns and start something 371 00:23:56,240 --> 00:24:00,110 similar there. In that context, what questions do you 372 00:24:00,110 --> 00:24:04,090 have for me and the team here? So I 373 00:24:04,090 --> 00:24:05,910 want all the team members to come up here. 374 00:24:05,910 --> 00:24:09,560 So, questions, questions. OK. Yeah? 375 00:24:09,560 --> 00:24:14,110 QUESTION: So what difference 376 00:24:14,110 --> 00:24:21,110 does having a conference like this have over all 377 00:24:30,240 --> 00:24:37,240 the regular meetups and workshops, and- P.M.: Yeah, who 378 00:24:39,020 --> 00:24:44,130 in the audience can answer him? Yeah. Let's - 379 00:24:44,130 --> 00:24:46,500 let Gautam handle it. 380 00:24:46,500 --> 00:24:48,850 GAUTAM REGE: So the short 381 00:24:48,850 --> 00:24:52,110 answer - the more, the merrier. Right. And the 382 00:24:52,110 --> 00:24:54,980 longer answer to that is that in a larger 383 00:24:54,980 --> 00:24:57,060 conference, you get to meet a lot of other 384 00:24:57,060 --> 00:24:59,840 people, see how they work. See how- which all 385 00:24:59,840 --> 00:25:03,050 companies are interested. See what the other people, what 386 00:25:03,050 --> 00:25:07,430 experience they have. And that's why conferences, people take 387 00:25:07,430 --> 00:25:10,470 time out to come for conferences. Sometimes it happens 388 00:25:10,470 --> 00:25:13,090 in meet ups that, you know, it's an beyond 389 00:25:13,090 --> 00:25:14,190 my job thing. 390 00:25:14,190 --> 00:25:14,600 P.M.: Yeah. 391 00:25:14,600 --> 00:25:15,270 G.R.: So if I 392 00:25:15,270 --> 00:25:17,370 go there, it's OK, if I don't go, then 393 00:25:17,370 --> 00:25:19,010 it's fine. But a conference, you attend. Meet ups 394 00:25:19,010 --> 00:25:21,060 - I'm not sure I'm paid meetups. 395 00:25:21,060 --> 00:25:21,750 P.M.: So- 396 00:25:21,750 --> 00:25:23,800 G.R.: Do we have paid meetups? 397 00:25:23,800 --> 00:25:24,720 P.M.: ?? [00:25:23] 398 00:25:24,720 --> 00:25:25,980 Has Chad Fowler ever covered your meet up? Conference, 399 00:25:25,980 --> 00:25:31,360 we need conference for that. K, next? 400 00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:37,490 QUESTION: I would like to answer his - I would like 401 00:25:37,490 --> 00:25:41,130 to answer his question in one line. It, the 402 00:25:41,130 --> 00:25:44,740 difference between ?? [00:25:43]. People go to ?? [00:25:44], 403 00:25:44,740 --> 00:25:45,760 people don't go to ?? [00:25:47]. So there's the 404 00:25:45,760 --> 00:25:49,690 answer I would give. 405 00:25:49,690 --> 00:25:53,690 P.M.: OK. 406 00:25:53,690 --> 00:25:59,970 QUESTION: Hello. What should be the mindset of a person who is 407 00:25:59,970 --> 00:26:03,000 attending a conference, or what should one expect from 408 00:26:03,000 --> 00:26:03,720 a conference- 409 00:26:03,720 --> 00:26:04,080 P.M.: From a conference. 410 00:26:04,080 --> 00:26:05,390 QUESTION: Or what should one do for a 411 00:26:05,390 --> 00:26:07,180 conference, or, for that matter, a meet up? 412 00:26:07,180 --> 00:26:08,680 P.M.: As a participant or 413 00:26:08,680 --> 00:26:09,490 as an organizer? 414 00:26:09,490 --> 00:26:10,150 QUESTION: As a participant. 415 00:26:10,150 --> 00:26:15,730 P.M.: OK, as a participant, I would say, to make more, 416 00:26:15,730 --> 00:26:21,170 new friends. And to learn new things. 417 00:26:21,170 --> 00:26:25,990 TEJAS DINKAR: All right, does anyone else on the team want 418 00:26:25,990 --> 00:26:28,860 to answer that question as well? Swanand, or ?? 419 00:26:28,860 --> 00:26:29,220 [00:26:29] 420 00:26:29,220 --> 00:26:31,850 S.P.: One important thing you need to consider 421 00:26:31,850 --> 00:26:35,580 when you're attending any conference is basically meeting new 422 00:26:35,580 --> 00:26:39,010 people. So the talks and everything is one part 423 00:26:39,010 --> 00:26:42,340 of, obviously they're important. And probably talks, you're gonna 424 00:26:42,340 --> 00:26:44,760 go back home and watch it again on ConFreaks. 425 00:26:44,760 --> 00:26:47,300 It's all being recorded. So the most important thing 426 00:26:47,300 --> 00:26:49,330 is you know meet new people and make new 427 00:26:49,330 --> 00:26:51,230 friends. That is the reason, one of the reasons 428 00:26:51,230 --> 00:26:54,370 why we have reduced the talk period from forty 429 00:26:54,370 --> 00:26:56,620 minutes to thirty minutes, and have increased the lunch 430 00:26:56,620 --> 00:26:58,850 time and the, you know, coffee breaks. So that 431 00:26:58,850 --> 00:27:00,850 people get to talk to each other more. So 432 00:27:00,850 --> 00:27:02,929 that's the reason behind that. 433 00:27:02,929 --> 00:27:03,710 ??: Meet new people 434 00:27:03,710 --> 00:27:07,540 or keep meeting your friends at conferences. There are 435 00:27:07,540 --> 00:27:09,880 many people who I only meet at meet ups 436 00:27:09,880 --> 00:27:12,020 or only at RubyConf India or RubyConf. 437 00:27:12,020 --> 00:27:15,810 P.M.: And I meet Coby at every conference I go to. 438 00:27:15,810 --> 00:27:19,650 OK, next question here. 439 00:27:19,650 --> 00:27:23,500 QUESTION: First of all, you 440 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:26,440 guys did an excellent job of getting this conference 441 00:27:26,440 --> 00:27:30,140 together. I basically have two questions. First is, how 442 00:27:30,140 --> 00:27:33,840 do you raise money from sponsors for a conference 443 00:27:33,840 --> 00:27:36,590 like this? I'm sure it's very difficult. And second 444 00:27:36,590 --> 00:27:40,310 is, how do you get international speakers, like, you 445 00:27:40,310 --> 00:27:41,480 know, Chad, Coby? 446 00:27:41,480 --> 00:27:43,820 V.O.: So I think Swanand wants 447 00:27:43,820 --> 00:27:45,740 to answer this one. 448 00:27:45,740 --> 00:27:47,650 S.P.: You don't raise money 449 00:27:47,650 --> 00:27:49,840 for sponsors. You just ask them, hey we are 450 00:27:49,840 --> 00:27:51,940 putting on a conference, and they just say OK, 451 00:27:51,940 --> 00:27:53,630 we are gonna sponsor, here's the money. 452 00:27:53,630 --> 00:27:54,830 T.D.: Like, 453 00:27:54,830 --> 00:27:59,300 a bit more practically, like this is something I 454 00:27:59,300 --> 00:28:01,910 had a big conversation even with Ajey Gore about 455 00:28:01,910 --> 00:28:04,350 that developed this?? [00:28:03]. You have to understand that 456 00:28:04,350 --> 00:28:09,620 no matter who is there on this board, every 457 00:28:09,620 --> 00:28:12,420 company that sponsors is interested in something else. It 458 00:28:12,420 --> 00:28:13,970 kind of ties into what ?? [00:28:13] was speaking 459 00:28:13,970 --> 00:28:16,290 about in the morning. So I'm just gonna take 460 00:28:16,290 --> 00:28:18,620 my own example, is that we had at Nilenso 461 00:28:18,620 --> 00:28:22,590 are hoping to meet interesting people and eventually bring 462 00:28:22,590 --> 00:28:25,150 on like, hire someone new, and that's why, say, 463 00:28:25,150 --> 00:28:28,010 Nilenso is, that's definitely one of the reasons we 464 00:28:28,010 --> 00:28:32,160 are sponsoring a conference like this. So it's just 465 00:28:32,160 --> 00:28:35,430 to try to get into the mindset of the 466 00:28:35,430 --> 00:28:38,210 person you're speaking to and see what benefits can 467 00:28:38,210 --> 00:28:41,540 you provide them, because like, these, the different levels 468 00:28:41,540 --> 00:28:44,150 of sponsorships - you also have to, we also 469 00:28:44,150 --> 00:28:46,750 have different things that they are allowed to do. 470 00:28:46,750 --> 00:28:49,780 For example, a gold sponsor like Flipkart is allowed 471 00:28:49,780 --> 00:28:51,580 to bring in that large banner back there and 472 00:28:51,580 --> 00:28:53,000 have a booth, and allowed to speak- 473 00:28:53,000 --> 00:28:53,730 P.M.: And they get two minutes. 474 00:28:53,730 --> 00:28:54,230 T.D.: Yeah - and are 475 00:28:54,230 --> 00:28:57,420 allowed to speak to people. A silver sponsor has 476 00:28:57,420 --> 00:29:00,110 their own set of benefits, like giving out something 477 00:29:00,110 --> 00:29:03,410 in the pamphlets, so. It's about going and speaking 478 00:29:03,410 --> 00:29:06,110 to these different organizations, trying to understand what they 479 00:29:06,110 --> 00:29:08,720 are looking for, and seeing how your conference can 480 00:29:08,720 --> 00:29:11,180 help them and vice versa. 481 00:29:11,180 --> 00:29:13,160 ??: What Dejas said 482 00:29:13,160 --> 00:29:15,010 just now was exactly what Ajey was saying in 483 00:29:15,010 --> 00:29:18,500 the morning about keeping the stakeholders in the loop. 484 00:29:18,500 --> 00:29:21,790 P.M.: So the other part of your question was 485 00:29:21,790 --> 00:29:25,460 about keynote speakers. I would say it's all about 486 00:29:25,460 --> 00:29:29,850 personal relationships. I knew Chad from before, so I 487 00:29:29,850 --> 00:29:31,030 reached out to him and he said, yes, I 488 00:29:31,030 --> 00:29:33,250 am ready to come. And it helped that he 489 00:29:33,250 --> 00:29:35,070 was in Bangalore before and he wanted to come 490 00:29:35,070 --> 00:29:35,759 back. 491 00:29:35,759 --> 00:29:37,120 ??: Actually Coby has a very nice answer 492 00:29:37,120 --> 00:29:40,540 to this question. I was talking to him in 493 00:29:40,540 --> 00:29:41,660 the afternoon. He said, why do we need it? 494 00:29:41,660 --> 00:29:42,830 P.M.: Why do you need it? 495 00:29:42,830 --> 00:29:47,800 ??: Why do you always need foreign spekers to come here? 496 00:29:47,800 --> 00:29:51,080 P.M.: Yeah, so. Till we have Indian Chad Fowlers, we 497 00:29:51,080 --> 00:29:52,470 need the real Chad Fowler. 498 00:29:52,470 --> 00:29:53,750 ??: So, there you go. 499 00:29:53,750 --> 00:29:56,150 Your goal is set for the next two 500 00:29:56,150 --> 00:29:56,790 years. 501 00:29:56,790 --> 00:30:01,950 QUESTION: I just wanted to ask you [indecipherable 502 00:30:01,950 --> 00:30:06,520 - 00:30:04] at what state do you think the 503 00:30:06,520 --> 00:30:09,500 local meet ups can actually arrange a conference, because 504 00:30:09,500 --> 00:30:11,690 there needs to be a certain mileage or momentum 505 00:30:11,690 --> 00:30:13,640 that needs to be accumulated by the local meet 506 00:30:13,640 --> 00:30:16,090 ups to then, you know, result in a conference. 507 00:30:16,090 --> 00:30:18,260 You just cannot have a big conference right away, 508 00:30:18,260 --> 00:30:20,460 right. So where do you think is the equation 509 00:30:20,460 --> 00:30:21,760 of breakdown should happen? 510 00:30:21,760 --> 00:30:23,380 P.M.: Yeah, so. You want 511 00:30:23,380 --> 00:30:25,220 to answer that? How, how- 512 00:30:25,220 --> 00:30:32,220 ??: So what do you mean by big conference, I mean? 513 00:30:36,950 --> 00:30:37,170 QUESTION: [indecipherable - 00:30:35] 514 00:30:37,170 --> 00:30:37,830 T.D.: So how big do you think 515 00:30:37,830 --> 00:30:40,730 that the first RubyConf India was? I don't know. 516 00:30:40,730 --> 00:30:42,890 Actually I don't remember myself, but it was somewhere 517 00:30:42,890 --> 00:30:44,480 around 300 or 350 people. 518 00:30:44,480 --> 00:30:45,430 V.O.: 250 people. 519 00:30:45,430 --> 00:30:48,720 T.D.: 250, is it? We were really, really scared if 520 00:30:48,720 --> 00:30:51,150 we were gonna get about 40 people in that, 521 00:30:51,150 --> 00:30:52,830 in that hall. Because we had, it was completely 522 00:30:52,830 --> 00:30:56,960 untested waters. Like I personally, I think I'm a 523 00:30:56,960 --> 00:30:59,820 bit romantic about this, but I strongly believe in 524 00:30:59,820 --> 00:31:03,630 what, in Ajey said in the morning. It was 525 00:31:03,630 --> 00:31:05,620 really one person's vision. One person wanted to run 526 00:31:05,620 --> 00:31:07,400 a Ruby conference, and everyone else was just kind 527 00:31:07,400 --> 00:31:09,800 of following along with that vision and doing it. 528 00:31:09,800 --> 00:31:14,340 So in reality, the answer to your question was, 529 00:31:14,340 --> 00:31:18,270 well, money aside, it was about 4 to 6 530 00:31:18,270 --> 00:31:21,140 people, that was all that was needed to organize 531 00:31:21,140 --> 00:31:23,460 the first one. And people came. I think, I 532 00:31:23,460 --> 00:31:27,850 think Bangalore definitely India is such a place that, 533 00:31:27,850 --> 00:31:29,809 you put out something, you know, some new technology 534 00:31:29,809 --> 00:31:32,740 like, like we have some obscure, like Go language 535 00:31:32,740 --> 00:31:36,610 conf, next month, just because it's interesting, people will 536 00:31:36,610 --> 00:31:40,900 show up. ??: This may not be the only 537 00:31:40,900 --> 00:31:43,400 way to organize a conference, you know. Everybody's welcome 538 00:31:43,400 --> 00:31:45,429 to figure out their own way. People from ?? 539 00:31:45,429 --> 00:31:47,510 [00:31:46] can travel together, and they talk about Ruby 540 00:31:47,510 --> 00:31:49,700 and come back the next day. You know, you 541 00:31:49,700 --> 00:31:54,080 can do your own plans, really. 542 00:31:54,080 --> 00:31:59,320 COBY RANDQUIST: So as far as, do you have to have meet 543 00:31:59,320 --> 00:32:01,440 ups to build up a momentum to hold a 544 00:32:01,440 --> 00:32:06,670 conference. I actually disagree. Because in Bend, it's a 545 00:32:06,670 --> 00:32:11,390 town of about 85,000 people. We had literally twelve 546 00:32:11,390 --> 00:32:15,440 Ruby developers in town, and we started Ruby on 547 00:32:15,440 --> 00:32:20,110 Ales to get, to put Bend on the map 548 00:32:20,110 --> 00:32:23,150 in the Ruby community. So we knew we didn't 549 00:32:23,150 --> 00:32:26,270 have a mass of people there. Now what that 550 00:32:26,270 --> 00:32:28,570 did mean, is we had to go about it 551 00:32:28,570 --> 00:32:31,820 a little bit differently, because we had to do, 552 00:32:31,820 --> 00:32:34,620 you know, more external marketing, and to Prakash's point, 553 00:32:34,620 --> 00:32:37,660 one of the, one of the big advantages of 554 00:32:37,660 --> 00:32:40,679 large conferences, or actually I wouldn't even call this 555 00:32:40,679 --> 00:32:43,870 a large conference, but of conferences in this size, 556 00:32:43,870 --> 00:32:46,770 is that you do get to meet more people. 557 00:32:46,770 --> 00:32:49,540 And you get to create relationships with people, you 558 00:32:49,540 --> 00:32:52,690 know, honestly the reason I'm here is because Prakash 559 00:32:52,690 --> 00:32:57,350 and I talked several years ago at RubyConf in 560 00:32:57,350 --> 00:33:02,160 Loiussiana, and that's really how it came about. You 561 00:33:02,160 --> 00:33:04,850 know, Chad and I's relationship over the years, I 562 00:33:04,850 --> 00:33:08,750 think we've never met anywhere but conferences. I've got 563 00:33:08,750 --> 00:33:12,740 a whole group of, you know, literally hundreds of 564 00:33:12,740 --> 00:33:14,740 friends at this point, that the only time I 565 00:33:14,740 --> 00:33:17,660 ever see each other face to face is at 566 00:33:17,660 --> 00:33:23,559 conferences. Yes. And now I've added another country. So 567 00:33:23,559 --> 00:33:26,160 when you're trying to put together an event, part 568 00:33:26,160 --> 00:33:27,920 of it is make sure you know what you're 569 00:33:27,920 --> 00:33:31,679 trying to accomplish. That's the key part, because if 570 00:33:31,679 --> 00:33:33,220 you know what you're trying to do, then you 571 00:33:33,220 --> 00:33:36,559 can set your limits. And the other key piece 572 00:33:36,559 --> 00:33:40,400 to the budgeting aspect is, always remember you don't 573 00:33:40,400 --> 00:33:43,840 want to dig yourself a hole. You know. So 574 00:33:43,840 --> 00:33:47,429 limit things. With our OpenStack on Ales that I 575 00:33:47,429 --> 00:33:50,230 mentioned yesterday, we basically said, we know what it 576 00:33:50,230 --> 00:33:53,160 costs to rent the place, and if we only 577 00:33:53,160 --> 00:33:56,830 have ten people show up plus our speakers, we're 578 00:33:56,830 --> 00:33:59,350 OK. We know what, we know what our out 579 00:33:59,350 --> 00:34:00,980 of pocket expense is gonna be. But we're not 580 00:34:00,980 --> 00:34:03,530 gonna provide coffee - you know, there's water because 581 00:34:03,530 --> 00:34:06,510 there's water fountains. But we were able to control 582 00:34:06,510 --> 00:34:10,579 those factors. So yeah, you don't, you don't need 583 00:34:10,579 --> 00:34:14,719 a lot of momentum locally. You do need an 584 00:34:14,719 --> 00:34:17,319 interest, or you need to scale your cost model 585 00:34:17,319 --> 00:34:19,399 so that if you only have three people show 586 00:34:19,399 --> 00:34:23,668 up you're OK with it. But, yeah. 587 00:34:23,668 --> 00:34:25,849 T.D.: Also, one more thing I want to say. I would 588 00:34:25,849 --> 00:34:27,440 like everyone to look at the back of the 589 00:34:27,440 --> 00:34:31,460 hall near the Flipkart stall, that's Karen over there. 590 00:34:31,460 --> 00:34:33,219 Everyone wave hi. 591 00:34:33,219 --> 00:34:34,980 P.M.: Hey Karen! 592 00:34:34,980 --> 00:34:36,748 T.D.: So, Karen, 593 00:34:36,748 --> 00:34:40,379 or Jase, as he's known, and is partners of 594 00:34:40,379 --> 00:34:43,989 about I think it's a team of five, have 595 00:34:43,989 --> 00:34:46,389 been running, I think, like a dozen successful tech 596 00:34:46,389 --> 00:34:50,489 events every single year under the banner of HasGeek. 597 00:34:50,489 --> 00:34:51,879 And so if anyone wants to know how to 598 00:34:51,879 --> 00:34:54,918 run a conference successfully and on a different range 599 00:34:54,918 --> 00:34:59,970 of budgets, from like, really big to really small, 600 00:34:59,970 --> 00:35:02,269 please talk to Jase. 601 00:35:02,269 --> 00:35:06,910 P.M.: OK, so. We are almost out of time. 602 00:35:06,910 --> 00:35:08,539 I want to thank all 603 00:35:08,539 --> 00:35:12,470 the, my co-organizers here, and the one last thing 604 00:35:12,470 --> 00:35:15,430 I want to say before closing is, it's not 605 00:35:15,430 --> 00:35:18,049 just the few of us up here who did 606 00:35:18,049 --> 00:35:20,950 this conference. There are a lot of people out, 607 00:35:20,950 --> 00:35:24,480 who helped us from outside. We may not have 608 00:35:24,480 --> 00:35:27,109 time now for everyone, but I want to thank 609 00:35:27,109 --> 00:35:31,009 everyone who helped us put this conference up, and 610 00:35:31,009 --> 00:35:33,400 made it an amazing journey so far. Thank you 611 00:35:33,400 --> 00:35:33,880 everyone. 612 00:35:33,880 --> 00:35:40,880 V.O.: We will see you at RubyConf India in March.