WEBVTT 00:00:01.290 --> 00:00:05.658 The general strategy for solving a cubic equation is to reduce it 00:00:05.658 --> 00:00:10.026 to a quadratic and then solve the quadratic by the usual means 00:00:10.026 --> 00:00:11.846 either by Factorizing or using 00:00:11.846 --> 00:00:18.995 the formula. A cubic equation has the form a X cubed 00:00:18.995 --> 00:00:24.710 plus BX squared plus CX plus D equals not. 00:00:25.280 --> 00:00:28.673 It must have a Turman X cubed, or it wouldn't be a cubic. 00:00:29.350 --> 00:00:33.292 But any or all of BC&D can be 0. 00:00:34.890 --> 00:00:37.630 So for instance X cubed. 00:00:39.010 --> 00:00:45.360 Minus six X squared plus 11X minus six equals note 00:00:45.360 --> 00:00:47.265 is a cubic. 00:00:48.530 --> 00:00:53.578 So is 4X cubed plus 57 equals not. 00:00:55.620 --> 00:00:58.970 So is. X cubed 00:00:59.560 --> 00:01:03.040 +9 X equals not. 00:01:04.950 --> 00:01:08.770 Just as a quadratic equation may have two real roots. 00:01:09.580 --> 00:01:12.275 So a cubic equation possibly has three. 00:01:13.290 --> 00:01:17.510 But unlike a quadratic equation which main have no real 00:01:17.510 --> 00:01:21.730 solution, a cubic equation always has at least one real 00:01:21.730 --> 00:01:23.840 root. I'll explain why later. 00:01:24.740 --> 00:01:28.592 If a cubic does have 3 Routes, 2 or even all three 00:01:28.592 --> 00:01:30.197 of them may be repeated. 00:01:31.430 --> 00:01:37.790 This gives us four 00:01:37.790 --> 00:01:39.380 possibilities. 00:01:41.410 --> 00:01:48.960 The equation X cubed minus six X squared plus 11X. 00:01:49.850 --> 00:01:56.700 Minus 6 equals 0 Factorizes 2X minus one times X 00:01:56.700 --> 00:02:02.180 minus two times X minus three equals 0. 00:02:02.990 --> 00:02:06.110 This equation has three real roots, all different. 00:02:06.840 --> 00:02:11.350 Solutions X equals 1 X equals 2 or X equals 3. 00:02:11.890 --> 00:02:16.832 I'd like to show you the graph of the curve Y equals X cubed 00:02:16.832 --> 00:02:21.421 minus six X squared plus 11X minus six. I'm not very good at 00:02:21.421 --> 00:02:22.480 drawing freehand graphs. 00:02:23.010 --> 00:02:25.140 So here's one I prepared earlier. 00:02:27.980 --> 00:02:33.146 Notice that it starts slow down to the left. 00:02:33.860 --> 00:02:37.976 Because as X gets larger, negative, so does X cubed and it 00:02:37.976 --> 00:02:41.749 finishes high to the right because there's X gets large and 00:02:41.749 --> 00:02:43.464 positive. So does X cubed. 00:02:44.420 --> 00:02:48.944 And the curve crosses the X axis three times, once where X equals 00:02:48.944 --> 00:02:53.468 1 once, where X equals 2 and once where X equals 3. This 00:02:53.468 --> 00:02:55.208 gives us our three separate 00:02:55.208 --> 00:03:01.856 solutions. The equation X 00:03:01.856 --> 00:03:05.790 cubed. Minus five 00:03:05.790 --> 00:03:11.396 X squared. Plus 8X minus 4 equals 0 00:03:11.396 --> 00:03:16.805 Factorizes 2X minus one times X minus two all 00:03:16.805 --> 00:03:21.012 squared, and that is equal to 0. 00:03:22.630 --> 00:03:26.770 In this case we have. We do have 3 routes, but two of them are 00:03:26.770 --> 00:03:30.082 the same. We have X minus 2 squared, so we only actually 00:03:30.082 --> 00:03:35.550 have two solutions. Again, I'll show you the graph of Y equals X 00:03:35.550 --> 00:03:39.818 cubed minus five X squared plus 8X minus 40 equals 0. 00:03:45.470 --> 00:03:49.502 Again, the curve starts load to the left and goes high to 00:03:49.502 --> 00:03:53.198 the right. It crosses the X axis once and then just 00:03:53.198 --> 00:03:57.902 touches it. So we have our two roots, X equals 1 and X equals 00:03:57.902 --> 00:04:01.598 2 and it touches at the repeated root X equals 2. 00:04:03.220 --> 00:04:10.692 The equation X cubed minus three X squared 00:04:10.692 --> 00:04:14.428 plus 3X minus one 00:04:14.428 --> 00:04:20.900 equals note. The left hand side factorizes to X minus 00:04:20.900 --> 00:04:23.300 one or cubed equals not. 00:04:23.830 --> 00:04:27.220 So there there are three factors. They're all the same 00:04:27.220 --> 00:04:30.610 and we only have a single solution. X equals 1. 00:04:31.840 --> 00:04:36.064 The corresponding curve is Y equals X cubed, minus three X 00:04:36.064 --> 00:04:37.984 squared plus 3X minus one. 00:04:38.700 --> 00:04:41.350 And it looks like this. 00:04:44.870 --> 00:04:47.738 As with all the Cubix I've shown you so far, it starts 00:04:47.738 --> 00:04:50.606 slow down on the left and goes high up to the right. 00:04:51.960 --> 00:04:55.964 Notice that the curve does cross the X axis at the point X 00:04:55.964 --> 00:05:00.276 equals 1, but it is also a tangent. X axis is a tangent to 00:05:00.276 --> 00:05:03.048 the curve at this point, indicating the three repeated 00:05:03.048 --> 00:05:03.356 roots. 00:05:06.800 --> 00:05:14.780 Now look at the equation X cubed plus X squared 00:05:14.780 --> 00:05:19.950 plus X. Minus 3 equals 0. 00:05:21.000 --> 00:05:23.792 This expression Factorizes 2X 00:05:23.792 --> 00:05:31.418 minus one. X squared plus 2X plus three, so we can put this 00:05:31.418 --> 00:05:32.972 equal to 0. 00:05:35.080 --> 00:05:40.792 The quadratic X squared +2 X +3 equals not has no real 00:05:40.792 --> 00:05:44.426 solutions. So the only solution to the cubic 00:05:44.426 --> 00:05:48.962 equation is to put X minus one equal to 0, giving this 00:05:48.962 --> 00:05:51.230 single real solution X equals 1. 00:05:53.400 --> 00:05:59.715 The graph Y equals X cubed plus X squared plus 6 - 3 looks like 00:05:59.715 --> 00:06:07.292 this. And you can see that it only 00:06:07.292 --> 00:06:13.774 crosses the X axis in one place. 00:06:14.380 --> 00:06:16.006 From the graphs that I've shown 00:06:16.006 --> 00:06:19.942 you. You can see why a cubic equation always has at least 00:06:19.942 --> 00:06:20.788 one real root. 00:06:22.110 --> 00:06:25.656 The graph either starts large, negative, and finishes large 00:06:25.656 --> 00:06:30.384 positive. If the coefficient of X cubed is positive or it will 00:06:30.384 --> 00:06:33.536 start large positive and finished down here. Large 00:06:33.536 --> 00:06:38.264 negative if the coefficient of X cubed is negative, the graph of 00:06:38.264 --> 00:06:43.780 a cubic must cross the X axis, giving you one real root. So any 00:06:43.780 --> 00:06:47.720 problem you get that involves solving a cubic equation will 00:06:47.720 --> 00:06:49.296 have a real solution. 00:06:52.720 --> 00:06:59.056 Now let's move on to how we solve cubics. 00:06:59.090 --> 00:07:05.310 Like a quadratic, cubic should always be rearranged into the 00:07:05.310 --> 00:07:12.774 form X cubed plus BX squared plus CX plus D equals 0. 00:07:13.750 --> 00:07:20.442 The equation X squared plus 4X minus one equals 6 over X is a 00:07:20.442 --> 00:07:26.178 cubic, but I wouldn't like to try and solve it in this 00:07:26.178 --> 00:07:31.436 particular form. We need to multiply through by X, giving us 00:07:31.436 --> 00:07:36.216 X cubed plus four X squared minus X equals 6. 00:07:36.740 --> 00:07:40.940 And then we subtract 6 from both sides, giving us X cubed. 00:07:41.540 --> 00:07:48.250 Plus four X squared minus X minus 6 equals 0. 00:07:49.880 --> 00:07:54.740 When solving cubics, it helps if you know or 00:07:54.740 --> 00:07:59.600 think you know one route to start with. For 00:07:59.600 --> 00:08:02.840 instance, take the equation X cubed. 00:08:04.760 --> 00:08:11.304 Minus five X squared minus 2X plus 24 00:08:11.304 --> 00:08:18.188 equals not. Given that X equals minus two is a 00:08:18.188 --> 00:08:22.376 solution. There is a theorem called the factor theorem which 00:08:22.376 --> 00:08:26.328 I'm not going to attempt to prove here that says that if X 00:08:26.328 --> 00:08:28.152 equals minus two is a solution 00:08:28.152 --> 00:08:35.410 of this equation. Then X +2 is a 00:08:35.410 --> 00:08:39.350 factor. Of this whole expression. 00:08:40.590 --> 00:08:47.077 This means that X cubed minus five X squared minus 2X plus 24 00:08:47.077 --> 00:08:49.572 is equal to X +2. 00:08:50.240 --> 00:08:56.135 Times some quadratic which will call X squared plus 00:08:56.135 --> 00:08:58.100 8X Plus B. 00:08:59.220 --> 00:09:01.196 And then all that is equal to, not. 00:09:03.060 --> 00:09:08.505 So our task now is to find A&B and we do this by a process 00:09:08.505 --> 00:09:09.594 called synthetic division. 00:09:12.440 --> 00:09:15.646 This involves looking at the coefficients of. 00:09:16.680 --> 00:09:18.168 The original expression. 00:09:19.550 --> 00:09:22.610 So for instance, the coefficient of X cubed is one. 00:09:23.190 --> 00:09:28.570 The coefficient of X squared is minus 5. The coefficient 00:09:28.570 --> 00:09:31.260 of X is minus 2. 00:09:32.370 --> 00:09:34.870 And the constant is 24. 00:09:35.650 --> 00:09:38.128 And we just right in that we're 00:09:38.128 --> 00:09:39.898 synthetically dividing by minus 2. 00:09:41.620 --> 00:09:43.060 I leave a line. 00:09:44.740 --> 00:09:51.019 And then bring the one down one times minus two is minus 2. 00:09:52.210 --> 00:09:55.170 Minus 5 plus minus 2. 00:09:55.830 --> 00:09:57.039 Is minus 7. 00:09:58.190 --> 00:10:01.178 Minus Seven times minus two is 00:10:01.178 --> 00:10:04.834 14. 14 plus minus two 00:10:04.834 --> 00:10:08.435 is 12. 12 times minus 00:10:08.435 --> 00:10:11.709 2. Is minus 24? 00:10:12.220 --> 00:10:15.916 And 24 plus minus 24 is 0. 00:10:16.710 --> 00:10:22.422 The zero tells us that X +2 is indeed a factor, and the numbers 00:10:22.422 --> 00:10:26.910 we have here give us the coefficients of the quadratic. A 00:10:26.910 --> 00:10:32.622 is equal to minus Seven and B is equal to 12. So the quadratic 00:10:32.622 --> 00:10:36.294 that we're looking for is X squared minus 7X. 00:10:37.080 --> 00:10:42.300 Plus 12. And synthetic division is explained fully in the 00:10:42.300 --> 00:10:48.413 accompanying notes. So we've reduced our cubic 2X plus 00:10:48.413 --> 00:10:55.103 two times X squared minus 7X plus 12 equals zero 00:10:55.103 --> 00:11:01.793 X squared minus 7X plus 12 can be factorized into 00:11:01.793 --> 00:11:08.483 X minus three times X minus four. So we have 00:11:08.483 --> 00:11:15.173 X +2 times X minus three times X minus 4. 00:11:15.810 --> 00:11:18.390 Equals 0. Giving us. 00:11:19.300 --> 00:11:21.540 X equals minus 2. 00:11:22.690 --> 00:11:25.900 3 or 4. 00:11:28.330 --> 00:11:35.000 If you don't know a route, it's always worth trying 00:11:35.000 --> 00:11:40.336 a few simple values. Let's solve X cubed. 00:11:40.930 --> 00:11:41.710 Minus. 00:11:43.010 --> 00:11:44.220 7X. 00:11:45.620 --> 00:11:48.460 Minus 6. Equals 0. 00:11:49.040 --> 00:11:51.128 The simplest value should try is 00:11:51.128 --> 00:11:53.919 one. 1 - 7. 00:11:54.820 --> 00:12:00.462 Minus 6 - 12 so that doesn't work. Let's try minus 1 - 1 00:12:00.462 --> 00:12:06.910 cubed is minus 1 + 7 - 6 is 0, so minus one is a route. 00:12:07.870 --> 00:12:10.444 Which means that X plus one is a factor. 00:12:12.000 --> 00:12:18.105 If minus one is a route, we can synthetically divide through 00:12:18.105 --> 00:12:20.880 this expression by minus one. 00:12:21.680 --> 00:12:26.289 Coefficient of X squared, sorry coefficient of X cubed is one. 00:12:27.240 --> 00:12:31.644 The coefficient of X squared is 0, there's no Turman X squared. 00:12:32.600 --> 00:12:38.480 The coefficient of X is minus Seven and the constant is minus 00:12:38.480 --> 00:12:42.400 6 and were synthetically dividing by minus one. 00:12:43.260 --> 00:12:48.132 I bring the one down one times minus one is minus one. 00:12:48.650 --> 00:12:50.946 Minus one and zero is minus one. 00:12:51.650 --> 00:12:54.032 Minus one times minus one is 00:12:54.032 --> 00:12:58.459 one. Minus 7 Plus One is minus 6. 00:12:59.510 --> 00:13:06.478 Minus six times minus one is 6 - 6 at 6 is 0. 00:13:10.340 --> 00:13:13.994 These numbers give us the coefficients of the quadratic 00:13:13.994 --> 00:13:16.430 equation, and we have X squared. 00:13:17.420 --> 00:13:23.129 Minus X minus 6 equals 0 and we now need to 00:13:23.129 --> 00:13:24.686 solve this equation. 00:13:26.400 --> 00:13:29.732 So we have X 00:13:29.732 --> 00:13:33.929 plus one. Times X squared. 00:13:35.990 --> 00:13:43.036 Minus X minus 6 equal to zero X squared minus X minus 6, 00:13:43.036 --> 00:13:50.082 factorizes to X minus three X +2, so we have X Plus one 00:13:50.082 --> 00:13:56.586 times X, minus three times X +2 equals 0, and the three 00:13:56.586 --> 00:14:02.548 solutions to the cubic equation RX equals minus 2 - 1. 00:14:03.090 --> 00:14:04.680 Or three. 00:14:06.930 --> 00:14:12.186 Sometimes you may be able to spot a factor. 00:14:12.750 --> 00:14:15.480 In the equation X cubed. 00:14:16.440 --> 00:14:23.096 Minus four X squared minus 9X plus 36 00:14:23.096 --> 00:14:24.760 equals 0. 00:14:25.840 --> 00:14:30.262 The coefficient of X squared is minus four times the coefficient 00:14:30.262 --> 00:14:31.468 of X cubed. 00:14:32.200 --> 00:14:34.792 And the constant is minus four 00:14:34.792 --> 00:14:37.478 times. The coefficient of X. 00:14:38.850 --> 00:14:43.575 This means that we're going to be able to take out X minus 4 as 00:14:43.575 --> 00:14:47.040 a factor from that those two terms and those two terms. 00:14:47.830 --> 00:14:52.858 Those two terms are X squared times X minus four X squared 00:14:52.858 --> 00:14:57.886 times, X is X cubed X squared times minus four is minus 00:14:57.886 --> 00:14:59.143 four X squared. 00:15:00.360 --> 00:15:03.090 Those two terms are minus. 00:15:04.510 --> 00:15:08.400 9 times X minus 4. 00:15:10.400 --> 00:15:14.564 Minus nine times X is minus 9X and minus nine times minus 00:15:14.564 --> 00:15:18.381 four is plus 36 and all that is equal to 0. 00:15:20.130 --> 00:15:25.374 And we can now factorize again because we have a common factor 00:15:25.374 --> 00:15:31.055 X minus four, so we have X squared minus nine times X minus 00:15:31.055 --> 00:15:32.366 4 equals 0. 00:15:34.140 --> 00:15:39.756 X squared minus nine is the difference of two squares, so we 00:15:39.756 --> 00:15:45.840 can write that in as X plus three times X minus three times 00:15:45.840 --> 00:15:48.180 X minus 4 equals 0. 00:15:48.820 --> 00:15:56.090 Giving a solutions X equals minus 3, three or four. 00:15:58.420 --> 00:16:01.060 You may have noticed that in each example that we've done. 00:16:02.050 --> 00:16:07.780 Every root. There's a factor of the constant term in the 00:16:07.780 --> 00:16:11.740 original equation. For instance, three and four, both divided 00:16:11.740 --> 00:16:16.440 into 36. As long as the coefficient of X cubed is one, 00:16:16.440 --> 00:16:18.030 this must be the case. 00:16:18.780 --> 00:16:25.286 Because. The constant is simply the product of the roots 3 * 3 * 00:16:25.286 --> 00:16:27.196 4 is equal to 36. 00:16:27.710 --> 00:16:30.310 This gives us another possible 00:16:30.310 --> 00:16:36.985 approach. Consider the equation X cubed 00:16:36.985 --> 00:16:40.198 minus six X 00:16:40.198 --> 00:16:46.888 squared. Minus six X minus 7 equals 0. 00:16:47.840 --> 00:16:50.980 Now it's possible for every solution to be irrational, but 00:16:50.980 --> 00:16:54.434 if there is a rational solution, then because the coefficient of 00:16:54.434 --> 00:16:59.144 X cubed is one, it's going to be an integer, and it's going to be 00:16:59.144 --> 00:17:00.400 a factor of 7. 00:17:01.010 --> 00:17:05.462 This only leaves us with four possibilities, 1 - 1 Seven and 00:17:05.462 --> 00:17:09.543 minus Seven, so we can try each of them in turn. 00:17:10.250 --> 00:17:14.839 You can see fairly quickly that one and minus one don't work, so 00:17:14.839 --> 00:17:15.898 let's try 7. 00:17:17.000 --> 00:17:20.130 Rather than substituting 7 into this expression and having to 00:17:20.130 --> 00:17:24.199 workout 7 cubed and so on, what I'm going to do is synthetically 00:17:24.199 --> 00:17:29.207 divide by 7, because if Seven is a route I'll end up with a 0 and 00:17:29.207 --> 00:17:32.650 What's more, the division will give me the quadratic that I'm 00:17:32.650 --> 00:17:35.900 looking for. So let's synthetically divide this 00:17:35.900 --> 00:17:37.136 expression by 7. 00:17:38.790 --> 00:17:40.410 The coefficient of X cubed is 00:17:40.410 --> 00:17:43.335 one. Coefficient of X squared is 00:17:43.335 --> 00:17:48.614 minus 6. The coefficient of X is minus 6 and the constant is 00:17:48.614 --> 00:17:51.526 minus Seven and were synthetically dividing by 7. 00:17:54.600 --> 00:18:00.102 Bring the one down 1 * 7 is Seven 7 - 6 is one. 00:18:00.950 --> 00:18:04.424 1 * 7 is 7 Seven and minus six 00:18:04.424 --> 00:18:07.330 is one. 1 * 7 is 7. 00:18:08.130 --> 00:18:10.470 7 and minus 70. 00:18:10.970 --> 00:18:16.767 So 7 is indeed a route, and the resulting quadratic is 00:18:16.767 --> 00:18:20.983 X squared plus X plus one equals not. 00:18:22.600 --> 00:18:25.912 Now you'll find if you try to solve it that the quadratic 00:18:25.912 --> 00:18:27.568 equation X squared plus X plus 00:18:27.568 --> 00:18:31.950 one equals not. Has no real solutions, so the 00:18:31.950 --> 00:18:36.800 only possible solution to this cubic is X equals 7. 00:18:39.520 --> 00:18:44.510 Certain basic identity's which you may wish to learn can 00:18:44.510 --> 00:18:49.001 help. In fact, rising both cubics and quadratics. I'll 00:18:49.001 --> 00:18:51.496 just give you 1 example. 00:18:52.730 --> 00:18:56.700 We have the equation X cubed plus three X squared. 00:18:57.530 --> 00:19:02.270 Plus 3X plus one equals 0. 00:19:04.330 --> 00:19:11.370 1331 is the standard expansion of X plus one cubed. 00:19:12.900 --> 00:19:18.269 So the solution to this equation is X plus one cubed equals 0. 00:19:18.800 --> 00:19:23.656 We have The root minus One X equals minus one 00:19:23.656 --> 00:19:25.072 repeated three times. 00:19:27.690 --> 00:19:34.962 If you can't find a factor by these methods, then draw an 00:19:34.962 --> 00:19:37.992 accurate graph of the cubic 00:19:37.992 --> 00:19:41.960 expression. The points where it crosses the X axis. 00:19:42.670 --> 00:19:44.266 Will give you the solutions to 00:19:44.266 --> 00:19:48.504 the equation. But their accuracy will be limited to the accuracy 00:19:48.504 --> 00:19:49.572 of your graph. 00:19:50.600 --> 00:19:54.656 You might indeed find the graph crosses the X axis at a point 00:19:54.656 --> 00:19:58.400 that would suggest a factor. For instance, if you draw craft a 00:19:58.400 --> 00:20:01.520 graph that appears to cross the X axis would say. 00:20:02.080 --> 00:20:06.461 X equals 1/2. Then it's worth trying to find out if X minus 00:20:06.461 --> 00:20:08.146 1/2 is indeed a factor. 00:20:10.130 --> 00:20:12.080 Let's look at the equation. 00:20:12.590 --> 00:20:14.290 X cubed 00:20:15.580 --> 00:20:18.188 Plus four X squared. 00:20:19.030 --> 00:20:23.638 Plus X minus 5 equals 0. 00:20:26.900 --> 00:20:30.090 Now this equation won't yield affected by any of the methods 00:20:30.090 --> 00:20:32.990 that I've discussed, so it's time to draw a graph. 00:20:36.270 --> 00:20:40.586 And this is the graph of Y equals X cubed plus four X 00:20:40.586 --> 00:20:42.246 squared plus 6 - 5. 00:20:44.450 --> 00:20:49.476 It crosses the X axis at three places, 1 near X equals minus 3, 00:20:49.476 --> 00:20:51.630 one near X equals minus 2. 00:20:52.160 --> 00:20:54.320 And one near X equals 1. 00:20:56.010 --> 00:20:59.718 Pending on how accurate your graph is, you may be able to 00:20:59.718 --> 00:21:03.117 pinpoint it a bit closer than this, and we get solutions. 00:21:03.750 --> 00:21:07.090 X is approximately equal to 00:21:07.090 --> 00:21:11.206 minus 3.2. Minus 1.7 00:21:11.206 --> 00:21:14.410 and not .9. 00:21:16.230 --> 00:21:18.950 These solutions may be accurate enough for your 00:21:18.950 --> 00:21:22.350 needs, but if you require more accurate answers then you 00:21:22.350 --> 00:21:24.730 should use a numerical algorithm using the 00:21:24.730 --> 00:21:28.130 approximate answers. If you obtain from the graph as a 00:21:28.130 --> 00:21:28.810 starting point.