0:00:56.140,0:00:58.420 Hooligans, thugs, 0:00:58.420,0:01:01.261 louts, yobs, headbangers, geezers. 0:01:01.261,0:01:04.140 You can love us or hate us,[br]we really don't care. 0:01:04.140,0:01:19.820 This is just the way we choose to show[br]our love for the greatest game on earth. 0:01:19.820,0:01:22.061 See, I'm a regular geezer,[br]just like you. 0:01:22.061,0:01:23.900 I have a missus, a mortgage, 0:01:23.900,0:01:26.781 had a job that put me[br]in a decent bracket of society. 0:01:26.781,0:01:29.701 I flew punters from one side[br]of the country to another, 0:01:29.701,0:01:32.021 and I wash my hands after pissing,[br]not before. 0:01:32.021,0:01:48.381 I was what you'd call respectabIe. 0:01:48.381,0:01:53.062 My problem was I had another life too,[br]the one that Ianded me in here. 0:01:53.062,0:01:55.981 we all had jobs, relationships,[br]responsibilities, 0:01:55.981,0:01:57.701 even kids, but that's during the week. 0:01:57.701,0:01:59.221 Come the weekend, 0:01:59.221,0:02:02.581 all that disappears and we become[br]part of the greatest army in the world... 0:02:02.581,0:02:08.621 West Ham United. 0:02:08.621,0:02:10.580 "West Ham till I die." 0:02:10.580,0:02:12.900 Never back down,[br]never leave your mates behind. 0:02:12.900,0:02:15.420 It's about loyalty, strength and respect. 0:02:15.420,0:02:16.821 But we ain't the only ones. 0:02:16.821,0:02:20.901 Chelsea's got some hold in here too[br]and we're about to kick off with 'em. 0:02:20.901,0:02:24.422 And that's something you cannot[br]back down from no matter what. 0:02:24.422,0:02:27.900 So we're outnumbered?[br]Don't matter. 0:02:27.900,0:02:58.861 we'll always stand our ground. 0:02:58.861,0:03:01.782 Wake up and face the day, ladies! 0:03:01.782,0:03:03.982 One hour yard time. 0:03:03.982,0:03:05.982 You might think this is free time, 0:03:05.982,0:03:07.900 but I shit you not, 0:03:07.900,0:03:11.621 I will have my eye on[br]every fucking miserable cunt here. 0:03:11.621,0:03:17.501 Move it! 0:03:17.501,0:03:23.301 Look at ya. Move! 0:03:23.301,0:03:25.181 What are you laughing at? 0:03:25.181,0:03:27.142 Outside. 0:03:27.142,0:03:40.783 Hands out of your pockets. 0:03:40.783,0:03:42.181 - Ready, my son?[br]- Yes. 0:03:42.181,0:03:44.742 That Gonzo's a nasty, horrible cunt. 0:03:44.742,0:03:51.022 Let me have him. I'll fuck him up. 0:03:51.022,0:03:53.942 - Come to this, then, Dave.[br]- Ain't no way to avoid it, Keith. 0:03:53.942,0:03:56.222 You know what happens[br]if we get fingered for this? 0:03:56.222,0:03:58.823 They extend our sentence[br]to the next fucking century. 0:03:58.823,0:04:00.541 Yeah, we talked about this. Enough. 0:04:00.541,0:04:03.943 Understood. But look where[br]standing our ground got us the last time. 0:04:03.943,0:04:05.983 I like the idea of[br]getting out of here someday. 0:04:05.983,0:04:08.262 Yeah, me too.[br]But we walk away from this now, 0:04:08.262,0:04:15.102 life ain't gonna be worth living[br]on the inside or the out. 0:04:15.102,0:04:18.982 West Ham! West Ham![br]West Ham! West Ham! 0:04:18.982,0:04:21.702 - West Ham! West Ham![br]- We don't have a choice. 0:04:21.702,0:04:23.822 West Ham! West Ham! 0:04:23.822,0:04:30.503 Chelsea! Chelsea! 0:04:30.503,0:04:35.341 Fuck you, you fucking arseholes! 0:04:35.341,0:04:39.222 - Let's fucking do this, lads.[br]- Nice one, Keith, my old son. 0:04:39.222,0:06:20.783 Let's do it. 0:06:20.783,0:06:23.944 You've been here in Fosterville over a year[br]and this is your first incident. 0:06:23.944,0:06:25.704 You have an exemplary record of conduct, 0:06:25.704,0:06:29.223 and then you go and fuck it all up[br]with this spectacle yesterday. 0:06:29.223,0:06:31.664 I put in for a transfer three times, sir. 0:06:31.664,0:06:33.504 Confrontation was inevitable. 0:06:33.504,0:06:36.784 See, I was a member of a rival firm[br]on the outside, sir, 0:06:36.784,0:06:39.502 and whether we like it or not,[br]these things don't just go away. 0:06:39.502,0:06:43.503 It's difficult enough with the overcrowding[br]without the rivalries of you hooligans. 0:06:43.503,0:06:46.784 You should know better.[br]I'm splitting up this firm. 0:06:46.784,0:06:50.903 David, you and your two pals are being[br]transferred, as are the rest of your crew. 0:06:50.903,0:07:32.784 Thank you, sir. 0:07:32.784,0:07:34.864 Right. You three come with me. 0:07:34.864,0:07:36.905 It's all right, Arthur. 0:07:36.905,0:07:39.305 I'll take 'em. 0:07:39.305,0:07:41.066 You all kitted out, lads? 0:07:41.066,0:08:06.385 Come on, then. 0:08:06.385,0:08:08.425 Any of you lot play? 0:08:08.425,0:08:10.906 Yeah. Ned here knows his way[br]around a pitch. 0:08:10.906,0:08:14.626 Yeah, the Governor's a great believer[br]in the constructive benefits of the sport. 0:08:14.626,0:08:16.905 Each cell block's got a team[br]and they compete. 0:08:16.905,0:08:17.985 Yeah. 0:08:17.985,0:08:20.946 D Block could use a speedy forward[br]if you're any good. 0:08:20.946,0:08:26.865 There you go, Ned. 0:08:26.865,0:08:39.826 - Well, look who's here.[br]- It's them. Let's fuck 'em up. 0:08:39.826,0:08:41.305 Miller, Morrison, in there. 0:08:41.305,0:08:44.505 - Hastings, number two.[br]- Who's my cell mate? 0:08:44.505,0:08:46.545 His name's Hegyes. You'll get along fine. 0:08:46.545,0:08:50.585 Spur One's on the yard. Leave your kit[br]in there, go back out through security. 0:08:50.585,0:08:52.425 You've got 40 minutes of fresh air left, 0:08:52.425,0:08:59.825 after that a personal officer[br]will give you an induction session. 0:08:59.825,0:09:03.106 Well, what are you waiting for?[br]Christmas? 0:09:03.106,0:09:07.826 - I think she likes you, Dave.[br]- She's a peach, ain't she? 0:09:07.826,0:09:10.786 A governor who's into footy[br]can't be too bad, eh? 0:09:10.786,0:09:15.147 I swear, when I get out of here, I'm going to be at[br]every game, home and away. You, Dave? 0:09:15.147,0:09:17.746 I'll probably have to miss a game[br]because I'm working, Ned. 0:09:17.746,0:09:19.825 Just hope someone's stupid enough[br]to employ me. 0:09:19.825,0:09:22.627 With your connections, you could be[br]a baggage handler at Heathrow. 0:09:22.627,0:09:25.866 Fuck me. It's Big Marc. 0:09:25.866,0:09:27.306 Oh, bollocks. 0:09:27.306,0:09:30.306 Welcome to your worst[br]fucking nightmare, lads. 0:09:30.306,0:09:34.227 I've been wanking off in anticipation[br]thinking about it. 0:09:34.227,0:09:35.988 This is my house, see. 0:09:35.988,0:09:39.225 And I'm going to do everything I can[br]to make your time here a fucking misery. 0:09:39.225,0:09:41.825 Really? Don't see no Tommy Hatcher, Marc. 0:09:41.825,0:09:44.707 - He's rotting in Beckmore.[br]- You're the top boy now, are ya? 0:09:44.707,0:09:47.506 - He wishes.[br]- Just the three of you minding the shop? 0:09:47.506,0:09:49.225 What would Little Petey say? 0:09:49.225,0:09:56.506 Oh, yeah, that's right.[br]We fucking killed him, didn't we? 0:09:56.506,0:09:59.746 - What you want with us, Marc?[br]- You fucking spivs are the reason I'm here. 0:09:59.746,0:10:02.986 Oh, fuck off. We've been banged up[br]just as long as you have. 0:10:02.986,0:10:07.306 We just want to do our time,[br]nice and easy, no worries. 0:10:07.306,0:10:09.505 I'm going to do everything I can[br]to fuck you up. 0:10:09.505,0:10:12.987 You'll be in here until they're wheeling you[br]to the pisser in a chair. 0:10:12.987,0:10:16.308 And very soon, you'll be thinking[br]Little Petey is the lucky one. 0:10:16.308,0:10:26.148 I dare you to say it again, you cunt. 0:10:26.148,0:10:27.947 One down. 0:10:27.947,0:10:30.065 - Any fucking time.[br]- Three to go. 0:10:30.065,0:10:32.226 Any fucking time, Marc. 0:10:32.226,0:10:35.307 Yeah, go on. Run away, run away. 0:10:35.307,0:10:39.107 I'm a fair man. I run a fair shop. 0:10:39.107,0:10:42.306 Understand your responsibilities[br]as a prisoner, 0:10:42.306,0:10:46.227 and learn how to make the best use[br]of your stay in custody, 0:10:46.227,0:10:49.428 and you will find your time here[br]will pass rapidly. 0:10:49.428,0:10:53.866 Like it or not,[br]you'll be here for another ten months. 0:10:53.866,0:10:59.467 I suggest taking our National[br]Vocational Qualifications that we offer. 0:10:59.467,0:11:02.386 A very productive way to spend your time. 0:11:02.386,0:11:04.107 - Understood, sir.[br]- Yes, sir. 0:11:04.107,0:11:05.947 - Dismissed.[br]- Guards. 0:11:05.947,0:11:10.068 Escort the prisoners back to their cells. 0:11:10.068,0:11:12.747 I saw some bunks[br]being moved to J Block, sir. 0:11:12.747,0:11:15.987 Yes, we have 53 new prisoners[br]being transferred in. 0:11:15.987,0:11:18.587 - Where will they go?[br]- The rec rooms are contained 0:11:18.587,0:11:20.428 and can be easily monitored. 0:11:20.428,0:11:22.787 That won't go down too well[br]with the football crowd. 0:11:22.787,0:11:24.386 Your concern is noted. 0:11:24.386,0:11:29.548 This is prison. They don't have to like it. 0:11:29.548,0:11:34.028 Pity you don't have someone[br]on the prison board who could help out, sir. 0:11:34.028,0:11:37.228 May we assume that[br]you've requested additional guards? 0:11:37.228,0:11:39.828 There is no funding for additional personnel. 0:11:39.828,0:11:42.228 - Check the progress on the rec rooms.[br]- Sir. 0:11:42.228,0:11:50.947 Sir. 0:11:50.947,0:11:52.708 He should grow a pair. 0:11:52.708,0:11:56.267 - That bastard's putting us all at risk.[br]- You'd face the prison board? 0:11:56.267,0:11:58.147 I'd have no problem[br]telling them how it is. 0:11:58.147,0:12:01.068 That's what you want, innit?[br]Make executive officer. 0:12:01.068,0:12:03.148 Not an ambitious man, are you, Mason? 0:12:03.148,0:12:04.588 Keeping my head down, Mav. 0:12:04.588,0:12:07.668 Well, when I'm XO,[br]things are gonna be different around here. 0:12:07.668,0:12:09.626 For a lot of people. 0:12:09.626,0:12:12.907 I'm not sure if[br]the transfer is a good thing. 0:12:12.907,0:12:14.907 What are we supposed to do about it? 0:12:14.907,0:12:17.267 Just what we did at Fosterville.[br]Survive. 0:12:17.267,0:12:19.828 It's gonna be a bigger[br]fucking challenge in here. 0:12:19.828,0:12:22.309 What the fuck is he thinking? 0:12:22.309,0:12:28.628 Jesus. 0:12:28.628,0:12:31.229 How can he put us in here[br]with all this Millwall, eh? 0:12:31.229,0:12:35.308 It's like the Hammers versus the Mafia[br]for the UEFA Cup, Palermo, Italy, 0:12:35.308,0:12:37.948 surrounded by Carabinieri[br]and 500 angry Eyeties 0:12:37.948,0:12:39.787 singing the theme tune to The Godfather. 0:12:39.787,0:12:42.308 Look, we just need to take it easy,[br]keep our cool. 0:12:42.308,0:12:49.309 We've got it. 0:12:49.309,0:12:59.629 - Want me to have your back on this one?[br]- It's all right. Take it easy. 0:12:59.629,0:13:01.148 All right? 0:13:01.148,0:13:04.788 I hear someone was very much[br]looking forward to your arrival. 0:13:04.788,0:13:09.428 - What's it to you?[br]- The enemy of my enemy. 0:13:09.428,0:13:11.428 Yeah. Someone stopped by to say hello. 0:13:11.428,0:13:14.709 - I hear many someones.[br]- So what else did you hear? 0:13:14.709,0:13:16.749 You're a pilot, true? 0:13:16.749,0:13:18.867 What did you fly for RAF? 0:13:18.867,0:13:23.509 Globemasters. Hercules. 0:13:23.509,0:13:26.229 You ever heard of 'em? 0:13:26.229,0:13:27.949 Planes for transport. 0:13:27.949,0:13:29.348 Yeah, that's right. 0:13:29.348,0:13:31.748 I'm guessing you're a pilot too, right? 0:13:31.748,0:13:33.589 Been some time, but yes. 0:13:33.589,0:13:35.710 What do you fly? 0:13:35.710,0:13:38.150 Smaller aircraft. 0:13:38.150,0:13:39.748 You're a fighter pilot, eh? 0:13:39.748,0:13:41.948 For different team. 0:13:41.948,0:13:44.350 While there was still a wall up, yeah? 0:13:44.350,0:13:47.950 Before perestroika, glasnost, 0:13:47.950,0:13:50.629 the good old days. 0:13:50.629,0:13:55.029 - And here we are.[br]- Here we are. 0:13:55.029,0:13:58.189 Call me Max. 0:13:58.189,0:14:02.389 All right. Call me Dave. 0:14:02.389,0:14:05.710 How do you know my enemy? 0:14:05.710,0:14:08.549 We are both in business. 0:14:08.549,0:14:10.509 For you and Marc it might be a... 0:14:10.509,0:14:13.430 be a business matter,[br]but for me it's purely personal. 0:14:13.430,0:14:14.870 Personal? 0:14:14.870,0:14:16.709 Yeah, we've got some history. 0:14:16.709,0:14:21.268 His top boy's a geezer[br]called Tommy Hatcher. 0:14:21.268,0:14:23.429 He beat me best mate to death. 0:14:23.429,0:14:27.749 That's why we're in here. 0:14:27.749,0:14:31.030 D Block team is very good. 0:14:31.030,0:14:35.350 Winning team gains privileges[br]and red armband. 0:14:35.350,0:14:38.710 Trustee status. 0:14:38.710,0:14:42.029 I'd better get back to my mates. Thanks. 0:14:42.029,0:14:45.548 You fly out of Lyneham? 0:14:45.548,0:14:49.150 Sometimes, yeah. 0:14:49.150,0:14:52.630 - You seem well informed.[br]- Information has value here. 0:14:52.630,0:14:54.309 Could save life. 0:14:54.309,0:14:55.950 I'll bear that in mind. 0:14:55.950,0:14:59.511 See you around, Max. 0:14:59.511,0:15:01.750 Oh, see that move? 0:15:01.750,0:15:03.549 Oh. And again. 0:15:03.549,0:15:07.189 Oh. Hammers could use that fella,[br]couldn't they, eh? 0:15:07.189,0:15:08.789 You all right, mate? 0:15:08.789,0:15:10.190 Here, Dave. 0:15:10.190,0:15:13.230 - I assume they're no friends of Marc's.[br]- You could say that. 0:15:13.230,0:15:16.269 - Are they friends of ours?[br]- Let's say he's a possible resource. 0:15:16.269,0:15:18.549 What did they want?[br]What did they say to you? 0:15:18.549,0:15:19.950 He heard I was a pilot. 0:15:19.950,0:15:23.310 - That makes you interesting to them?[br]- Yes, you cheeky cunt, it does. 0:15:23.310,0:15:24.949 Turns out he's a pilot an' all. 0:15:24.949,0:15:26.430 What? He's ex-RAF? 0:15:26.430,0:15:30.190 Nah. He's more like the opposition,[br]Keith, my old son. 0:15:30.190,0:15:39.111 More like the opposition. Come on. 0:15:39.111,0:16:27.229 Get these reports to the Governor. 0:16:27.229,0:16:30.070 - Screws are all riled up about something.[br]- I think it's your face, Ned. 0:16:30.070,0:16:35.471 Oh, it better not be mine. 0:16:35.471,0:16:37.750 - Oh, no, no, no.[br]- All right. Stay back. 0:16:37.750,0:16:39.790 - What's happening?[br]- Stay back. 0:16:39.790,0:16:41.592 Put him in Segregation. D Wing. 0:16:41.592,0:16:44.632 Fucking fraggle. Look at my shit.[br]That's my cell. 0:16:44.632,0:16:46.992 Junkie owes money and can't pay.[br]Acts out. 0:16:46.992,0:16:53.431 Knows he'll get banged up in the block.[br]Figures he's safe for a while. 0:16:53.431,0:16:55.031 Bloody spanner. 0:16:55.031,0:17:01.271 Come on. You guys can eat in Level Two. 0:17:01.271,0:17:03.551 - You lot West Ham?[br]- Yeah. 0:17:03.551,0:17:06.112 Fair number of Millwall banged up in here. 0:17:06.112,0:17:07.952 You know what that means to us? 0:17:07.952,0:17:10.432 This transfer was supposed[br]to keep us out of trouble. 0:17:10.432,0:17:14.150 Yeah, well, you made your beds,[br]you lie in 'em. 0:17:14.150,0:17:17.871 So bang us up with the cunts we got sent[br]down for scrapping with in the first place? 0:17:17.871,0:17:19.670 Prison board logic, is it? 0:17:19.670,0:17:23.711 Look, we just want to do our time quietly[br]and try and stay out of trouble. 0:17:23.711,0:17:27.472 The chaplain runs a good service.[br]It's a way to stay off the yard. 0:17:27.472,0:17:33.351 All officers to the football pitch, all officers. 0:17:33.351,0:17:35.231 Good game, that. 0:17:35.231,0:17:37.111 Did you see that fucking elbow? 0:17:37.111,0:17:39.990 Him-a slap the bitch outta Bagshaw. 0:17:39.990,0:17:43.671 - Him a-bleed from everywhere.[br]- How much did we make? 0:17:43.671,0:17:45.390 200 quid. 0:17:45.390,0:17:47.032 And three carton of fag. 0:17:47.032,0:17:50.073 Love me a good game of footah. 0:17:50.073,0:17:53.152 Me never liked Bagshaw either. 0:17:53.152,0:18:03.792 Money. 0:18:03.792,0:18:05.631 Where are the rest of the fucking cigs? 0:18:05.631,0:18:07.911 It's contraband, man. Soon come, yeah? 0:18:07.911,0:18:10.833 - Pack or so at a time.[br]- Yeah, well, make sure they fucking do. 0:18:10.833,0:18:13.832 - Chill now, man.[br]- Chill? 0:18:13.832,0:18:16.552 You hold out on me,[br]you fucking black bastard, 0:18:16.552,0:18:18.152 and I'll slit your fucking throat, 0:18:18.152,0:18:20.512 and bleed you out[br]like the fucking wog you are. 0:18:20.512,0:18:23.552 - Ease up, man.[br]- You fucking tell me to ease up, you cunt? 0:18:23.552,0:18:26.952 Bredren! Calm down, man! 0:18:26.952,0:18:29.232 Ease up now, man. 0:18:29.232,0:18:31.352 Let go of me now. 0:18:31.352,0:18:32.952 Yeah, all right, thanks. 0:18:32.952,0:18:41.072 Surprising what you might find in a bin. 0:18:41.072,0:18:43.632 Sweet. 0:18:43.632,0:18:46.312 Get this out to our regulars. 0:18:46.312,0:18:48.952 Yeah. What about Hegyes? 0:18:48.952,0:18:51.433 Busted up his cell and got hauled off to seg. 0:18:51.433,0:18:53.994 Yeah. All right.[br]I'll have a fucking quiet word with him. 0:18:53.994,0:18:56.792 They must stick that GSE bloke in him cell, innit? 0:18:56.792,0:18:59.513 I just saw 'em. They're in the chapel. 0:18:59.513,0:19:02.033 Fucking hell. 0:19:02.033,0:19:03.833 You've gotta have a laugh,[br]haven't ya? 0:19:03.833,0:19:08.273 I mean, you get sent to fucking prison[br]and you get sent here. 0:19:08.273,0:19:11.193 There's a word for that.[br]What is it? What is it? 0:19:11.193,0:19:12.832 Overcrowding. 0:19:12.832,0:19:16.353 No, you twat. 0:19:16.353,0:19:17.912 It's fate. 0:19:17.912,0:19:19.193 Yeah, that's right. 0:19:19.193,0:19:23.192 Fate. 0:19:23.192,0:19:27.832 Let's go and get some fucking religion, eh? 0:19:27.832,0:19:30.873 - My son...[br]- This is lovely, innit? 0:19:30.873,0:19:35.033 The heat seems to be doing wonders[br]for the chaplain's business. 0:19:35.033,0:19:39.593 Yeah, right. Everyone really seems[br]to be following along, don't they? 0:19:39.593,0:19:42.752 All right. Why don't we just relax[br]and enjoy the air conditioning, yeah? 0:19:42.752,0:19:47.432 ...as the grave, and whole,[br]as those that go down into the pit. 0:19:47.432,0:19:51.552 Hello, girls. 0:19:51.552,0:19:52.953 Let it go, Marc. 0:19:52.953,0:19:54.352 I don't want to let it go. 0:19:54.352,0:19:55.833 Time and a place, mate. 0:19:55.833,0:19:57.753 - Here and now.[br]- A time and a place. 0:19:57.753,0:20:00.153 Are you fucking deaf?[br]I said here and now, cunt. 0:20:00.153,0:20:02.714 You really wanna do this,[br]you call me out. 0:20:02.714,0:20:05.834 This ain't the way. 0:20:05.834,0:20:46.513 Let's go. 0:20:46.513,0:20:48.954 Look at ya. Look at ya. 0:20:48.954,0:20:53.994 Eh? 0:20:53.994,0:21:05.993 Let him go. 0:21:05.993,0:21:07.753 - We didn't start it, guv.[br]- Shut up. 0:21:07.753,0:21:10.555 Where do you think I got this from?[br]Kicking myself in the face? 0:21:10.555,0:21:12.794 We were sitting all quiet[br]and they jumped us. 0:21:12.794,0:21:15.354 Look, man, we're outnumbered[br]and you know it. All right? 0:21:15.354,0:21:17.755 You really think I'm gonna start a ruck?[br]In the chapel? 0:21:17.755,0:21:19.314 I'm Catholic for fuck's sake. 0:21:19.314,0:21:22.234 You're not in here because you're clever.[br]Learn to avoid trouble. 0:21:22.234,0:21:24.234 You know that bitch is in Marc's pocket? 0:21:24.234,0:21:27.355 - You referring to Principal Officer Mavis?[br]- Who do you think? 0:21:27.355,0:21:29.114 It must be hard her running the show. 0:21:29.114,0:21:32.434 We're here to keep you out of mischief.[br]You got a complaint, see the Governor. 0:21:32.434,0:21:33.954 I ain't a grass. 0:21:33.954,0:21:46.755 And you do your best to stay out of her way. 0:21:46.755,0:21:49.235 - It's nothing to worry about.[br]- Nothing? 0:21:49.235,0:21:51.835 Me and the boys look out[br]for each other like always. 0:21:51.835,0:21:55.793 - Just like they do?[br]- They get help from the Iron Lady. 0:21:55.793,0:21:57.754 Who? 0:21:57.754,0:22:01.954 The PO. 0:22:01.954,0:22:05.594 You all right, kid?[br]You've lost weight. 0:22:05.594,0:22:07.675 I eat when I'm hungry. 0:22:07.675,0:22:11.355 - And I take my vitamins.[br]- OK. 0:22:11.355,0:22:19.195 I... got this letter from the bank yesterday. 0:22:19.195,0:22:22.555 What is it? The house? 0:22:22.555,0:22:25.514 I tried so hard.[br]I just couldn't make the payments. 0:22:25.514,0:22:28.355 - It's all right.[br]- I haven't spent a penny on anything 0:22:28.355,0:22:31.155 - other than necessities.[br]- Sweetheart, listen to me. 0:22:31.155,0:22:36.795 - Doesn't matter.[br]- It does. Where will I live? 0:22:36.795,0:22:38.555 How long we got before they, erm... 0:22:38.555,0:22:40.755 - 60 days.[br]- 60. 0:22:40.755,0:22:43.556 I'm sorry, Dave,[br]I wish I had better news to bring. 0:22:43.556,0:22:48.515 Are you kidding me?[br]As long as you're still breathing, I'm happy. 0:22:48.515,0:22:51.395 Tell me what you did yesterday. 0:22:51.395,0:22:53.595 - Well, I went to work.[br]- Then what? 0:22:53.595,0:22:58.714 And then I tried for an hour to fix that tap[br]in the kitchen. Used your spanner. 0:22:58.714,0:23:02.595 - Oh, God.[br]- I'm just not strong enough, babe. 0:23:02.595,0:23:04.276 With those arms? Come on, look at ya. 0:23:04.276,0:23:07.155 Then I successfully changed[br]three light bulbs. 0:23:07.155,0:23:10.074 - Didn't get any help? No help?[br]- No. 0:23:10.074,0:23:12.715 I then... had supper. 0:23:12.715,0:23:15.796 Piece of chicken and some spinach. 0:23:15.796,0:23:17.116 Did the dishes. 0:23:17.116,0:23:19.035 Well, dish. There was only the one. 0:23:19.035,0:23:20.995 Watched a bit of telly, then went to bed. 0:23:20.995,0:23:23.516 Wow. It's a full and exciting day. 0:23:23.516,0:23:24.756 Hardly. 0:23:24.756,0:23:27.716 Sounds perfect to me, every minute of it. 0:23:27.716,0:23:29.075 I'm happy to hear you say that. 0:23:29.075,0:23:31.996 I want our life back, babe. 0:23:31.996,0:23:34.317 I just want it to be me and you. 0:23:34.317,0:23:39.795 Wherever. 0:23:39.795,0:23:41.875 Well... 0:23:41.875,0:23:43.315 one other thing happened. 0:23:43.315,0:23:45.436 - A bad thing.[br]- A bad thing? 0:23:45.436,0:23:48.596 I'm not the woman I was. 0:23:48.596,0:23:51.155 In a way... 0:23:51.155,0:23:54.156 No, you lost me. I don't understand. 0:23:54.156,0:23:57.876 Well, the other day I was stepping out[br]of the shower and I looked down and... 0:23:57.876,0:24:00.396 well, I noticed I was getting a bit thick. 0:24:00.396,0:24:02.754 You know, down south. 0:24:02.754,0:24:04.555 So I trimmed it. 0:24:04.555,0:24:06.556 Then I thought... 0:24:06.556,0:24:10.315 why not shape it? 0:24:10.315,0:24:12.635 Yeah, yeah. Makes sense. Just, er... 0:24:12.635,0:24:16.316 Just for something different, for fun.[br]I don't spend money, don't go out. 0:24:16.316,0:24:18.517 - I don't have a lot of fun, Dave.[br]- Just stay with the story. 0:24:18.517,0:24:22.396 All right.[br]Well, I thought what could it be? 0:24:22.396,0:24:23.997 - Huh?[br]- And it hit me. 0:24:23.997,0:24:28.637 - A heart. A heart's red. Only natural.[br]- Makes complete sense. 0:24:28.637,0:24:32.276 So I started in, but I really botched it up. 0:24:32.276,0:24:34.116 Didn't... Didn't cut yourself, did ya? 0:24:34.116,0:24:35.196 No. 0:24:35.196,0:24:38.677 It didn't look like a heart. 0:24:38.677,0:24:41.197 Or anything. 0:24:41.197,0:24:44.596 Well... so I shaved it all off. 0:24:44.596,0:24:47.837 You... gone... just... 0:24:47.837,0:24:50.798 I think your shoelace is untied. 0:24:50.798,0:24:59.357 No, I'm sure it's fine. 0:24:59.357,0:25:11.837 Oh. 0:25:11.837,0:25:14.597 Please get me out of here. 0:25:14.597,0:25:17.915 I've gotta get you home. 0:25:17.915,0:25:19.517 Tell Keith and Ned I said hello. 0:25:19.517,0:25:21.436 Yeah. 0:25:21.436,0:25:26.397 I might not remember[br]our whole fucking conversation after that. 0:25:26.397,0:25:28.637 I love you. 0:25:28.637,0:25:33.118 I love you too. 0:25:33.118,0:25:39.317 Ginger or not. 0:25:39.317,0:25:42.158 Hey. 0:25:42.158,0:25:43.757 We're gonna be OK, you and me. 0:25:43.757,0:26:08.197 Yeah. 0:26:08.197,0:26:12.477 Come on, Hegyes. Basic's over.[br]You're back on the spur, no privileges. 0:26:12.477,0:26:15.598 You need to think about[br]the consequences of your actions. Cor. 0:26:15.598,0:26:17.316 You're minging, Hegyes. 0:26:17.316,0:26:53.438 Take a shower.[br]Cor, you smell like stale fucking piss. 0:26:53.438,0:27:03.797 - Thought you could hide, did ya?[br]- Agh! Agh! 0:27:03.797,0:27:05.959 Who's laughing now? 0:27:05.959,0:27:13.998 Don't! Get off me! 0:27:13.998,0:27:37.759 You buy something, you pay for it. 0:27:37.759,0:27:41.438 I heard a nasty rumour Dynamo Moscow[br]made the first division, Max. 0:27:41.438,0:27:43.959 Fuck them. KGB kiss-arse. 0:27:43.959,0:27:46.840 - Yeah.[br]- How are you, Dave? 0:27:46.840,0:27:51.199 Good. Oh yeah, these are my pals.[br]This is Keith and Ned. 0:27:51.199,0:27:52.958 You cause riot in chapel. 0:27:52.958,0:27:55.199 Nah, we were innocent bystanders, mate. 0:27:55.199,0:27:58.079 Everyone innocent here. 0:27:58.079,0:28:00.399 You must stay out of trouble, Dave. 0:28:00.399,0:28:02.199 They will never release you. 0:28:02.199,0:28:05.518 What do you expect from[br]a hardened criminal, Max? 0:28:05.518,0:28:08.398 Look, we've both got problems in here. 0:28:08.398,0:28:11.360 Maybe we can help each other out. 0:28:11.360,0:28:12.918 Da. 0:28:12.918,0:28:16.719 We'll talk later, yeah? 0:28:16.719,0:28:20.279 - I need a word.[br]- I'm listening. 0:28:20.279,0:28:22.159 My office. 0:28:22.159,0:28:23.478 Here is good. 0:28:23.478,0:28:26.718 You've been running a very profitable[br]little enterprise for yourself. 0:28:26.718,0:28:29.039 That you have benefited from. 0:28:29.039,0:28:30.559 Save it, Ivan. 0:28:30.559,0:28:32.918 Circumstances have changed. 0:28:32.918,0:28:34.118 How? 0:28:34.118,0:28:35.199 300 a week. 0:28:35.199,0:28:37.600 Absurd. 0:28:37.600,0:28:39.920 No, I'll tell you what's absurd. 0:28:39.920,0:28:43.160 It's about to get way more crowded in here. 0:28:43.160,0:28:45.439 If you're not careful, your new cell mate 0:28:45.439,0:28:50.519 will be the biggest immigrant-hating[br]psychopath I can find. 0:28:50.519,0:28:56.399 - I would not advise.[br]- 300 a week. 0:28:56.399,0:29:01.200 Oi, you with the nose ring.[br]Did you call me a cunt? 0:29:01.200,0:29:03.840 You can't talk to a prison officer like that. 0:29:03.840,0:29:05.719 Guards! Take him. 0:29:05.719,0:29:08.919 And lose that fucking jewellery. 0:29:08.919,0:29:12.439 Anyone else wanna join him? 0:29:12.439,0:29:15.359 Nothing personal, Ivan. 0:29:15.359,0:29:23.521 Just the cost of doing business. 0:29:23.521,0:29:26.119 Officer Mavis, your lunch is here.[br]We're sending it up. 0:29:26.119,0:30:05.160 Cheers, mate. 0:30:05.160,0:30:08.160 - What is it every Friday night?[br]- It's fish and chips. 0:30:08.160,0:30:10.561 So what makes you think[br]it will be different tonight? 0:30:10.561,0:30:12.520 - I've just got a feeling.[br]- Bollocks. 0:30:12.520,0:30:15.401 - What, a lorry can never miss a delivery?[br]- Bollocks, mate. 0:30:15.401,0:30:19.200 He's got a point. It's dinner time.[br]Everyone's lined up. There's no food. 0:30:19.200,0:30:21.241 Be fucking mayhem in here. 0:30:21.241,0:30:23.160 Bollocks, mate. You're mental. 0:30:23.160,0:30:24.600 Watch this. 0:30:24.600,0:30:26.800 - I'm winding him up.[br]- Fucking naughty. 0:30:26.800,0:30:31.200 Welcome to prison, mate. 0:30:31.200,0:30:33.600 So what do you bloody think we're having? 0:30:33.600,0:30:36.000 Fish and chips. 0:30:36.000,0:30:39.040 Who let this East End cunt in front? 0:30:39.040,0:30:41.600 You do that again[br]and I'll break your fucking legs. 0:30:41.600,0:30:47.761 - Go have a wank, you nonce.[br]- Your fucking mother! 0:30:47.761,0:30:49.361 Agh! 0:30:49.361,0:30:58.161 You fucking East End cunt! 0:30:58.161,0:30:59.321 Leave off. 0:30:59.321,0:31:01.600 Get off me! 0:31:01.600,0:31:05.040 - It's fish and chips every Friday.[br]- I didn't jump the queue. 0:31:05.040,0:31:08.602 - Several eyewitnesses said that you did.[br]- They're lying. 0:31:08.602,0:31:12.161 I know it's hard to believe you might[br]find a liar in here, but it's the truth. 0:31:12.161,0:31:15.600 - I didn't jump the queue.[br]- That's just what a liar would say, innit? 0:31:15.600,0:31:19.201 Honest. I was going back to join my mates[br]at the end of the queue. 0:31:19.201,0:31:22.240 Why were you at the front of the queue[br]when the fight started? 0:31:22.240,0:31:23.961 I wanted to see what's for dinner. 0:31:23.961,0:31:27.521 Are you really that stupid or are you[br]trying to have a laugh at our expense, 0:31:27.521,0:31:29.161 make fools of us? 0:31:29.161,0:31:32.961 Governor. 0:31:32.961,0:31:34.400 Ten days' segregation. 0:31:34.400,0:31:41.761 - Bloody Ned.[br]- Take him away. 0:31:41.761,0:31:44.000 - What did he get?[br]- Ten days of segregation. 0:31:44.000,0:31:47.120 - Ah, fuck me. Do me a favour.[br]- Oi. 0:31:47.120,0:31:49.521 Look, just keep an eye on him for us,[br]will ya? 0:31:49.521,0:31:52.002 - No one can get to him in basic.[br]- Oh, really? 0:31:52.002,0:31:54.922 Because those boys seem to be[br]going anywhere they fucking please. 0:31:54.922,0:32:00.762 Sir. Do you smoke? 0:32:00.762,0:32:02.443 Is that a bribe? 0:32:02.443,0:32:07.561 No, sir. I'm simply trying[br]to look after my friend, that's all. 0:32:07.561,0:32:11.961 Watch yourself. 0:32:11.961,0:32:13.801 A packet of fags is the best you could do? 0:32:13.801,0:32:16.201 Easy, easy. I'm just feeling him out. 0:32:16.201,0:32:17.921 Geezer wants to help. 0:32:17.921,0:32:20.962 It's a matter of motivation. 0:32:20.962,0:32:51.722 I'm sorry to see him in seg,[br]but I won't miss his wanking, dirty cunt. 0:32:51.722,0:32:58.761 Hello, son. 0:32:58.761,0:33:00.762 Oi, you. 0:33:00.762,0:33:02.002 Oi, mate. 0:33:02.002,0:33:04.203 I heard you think I'm a bit of a twat. 0:33:04.203,0:33:06.402 I heard you think[br]you're not gonna give me a penny. 0:33:06.402,0:33:08.802 Well, you heard right, then, didn't you? 0:33:08.802,0:33:10.363 See, I run C Block. 0:33:10.363,0:33:13.603 And if you don't like it,[br]it's too fucking bad, innit? 0:33:13.603,0:33:17.003 Look, mate, I don't want to tell you[br]how to run your business... 0:33:17.003,0:33:19.841 Well, piss off. Before someone gets hurt. 0:33:19.841,0:33:24.922 Oliver. 0:33:24.922,0:33:27.442 Let's be having ya. 0:33:27.442,0:33:28.761 Oh, you're a big one. 0:33:28.761,0:33:31.362 Now fuck off. 0:33:31.362,0:33:34.083 Nobody fucking move! 0:33:34.083,0:33:39.922 Watch this. 0:33:39.922,0:33:43.042 You fucking cunt! 0:33:43.042,0:33:45.361 Fucking cunt. 0:33:45.361,0:33:46.522 Eh? 0:33:46.522,0:33:48.842 Come on.[br]What were you fucking gonna say? 0:33:48.842,0:33:55.563 Fucking cunt. 0:33:55.563,0:33:57.162 You East Poplar boys... 0:33:57.162,0:34:00.642 you think you're so fucking chav[br]with your Bow Bell addresses 0:34:00.642,0:34:03.363 and your fucking rhyming slang. 0:34:03.363,0:34:06.404 Well, I've got news for the fucking[br]pearly king and queen here, 0:34:06.404,0:34:09.045 as far as I'm concerned,[br]you come from Paki town, 0:34:09.045,0:34:11.363 which makes you a white wog, 0:34:11.363,0:34:14.842 the worst kind of cunt there is. 0:34:14.842,0:34:17.404 So pay up... 0:34:17.404,0:34:21.043 cos if you don't, you won't get off[br]as easily as Mr Fucking Shrek here. 0:34:21.043,0:34:22.562 All right. 0:34:22.562,0:34:43.402 Come on, man. 0:34:43.402,0:34:46.163 700 years ago... 0:34:46.163,0:34:50.524 stuffed animal bladders were kicked around[br]between rival northern villages. 0:34:50.524,0:34:54.003 In Chester they celebrated[br]their victory in battle over the Vikings 0:34:54.003,0:34:57.443 by cutting off one of their fucking heads[br]and having a game of footy with it. 0:34:57.443,0:34:59.203 Football violence was so bad, 0:34:59.203,0:35:03.562 the Vikings and even Oliver Cromwell[br]banned playing the game. 0:35:03.562,0:35:07.362 1900, we changed our name to West Ham. 0:35:07.362,0:35:10.444 Our first ever game, Boleyn Grounds. 0:35:10.444,0:35:13.443 Also known as Upton Park. 0:35:13.443,0:35:16.204 We smashed the fuck out of Millwall... 0:35:16.204,0:35:19.204 three... nil. 0:35:19.204,0:35:22.565 Second World War sees an all-time high[br]in game attendance. 0:35:22.565,0:35:25.445 30 million fans go see games[br]on a regular basis. 0:35:25.445,0:35:30.084 1950s, National Service ends. 0:35:30.084,0:35:32.844 British Empire crumbles. 0:35:32.844,0:35:37.324 Immigration's at an all new high. 0:35:37.324,0:35:40.364 All officers to segregation hallway.[br]Segregation hallway now! 0:35:40.364,0:35:42.565 Mile End Mob emerges, 0:35:42.565,0:35:45.164 and a mispronounced Irish name, Houlihan, 0:35:45.164,0:35:49.764 so named for that family's[br]nefarious exploits in the East End... 0:35:49.764,0:35:51.923 give birth to the term... 0:35:51.923,0:35:55.843 'ooligan. 0:35:55.843,0:35:59.044 - Come on, then, you fucking slags.[br]- Stand back from that door now! 0:35:59.044,0:36:06.563 Now! Against the wall. 0:36:06.563,0:36:08.644 What the fuck are you doing in segregation? 0:36:08.644,0:36:10.964 - It's a work party.[br]- What's going on? 0:36:10.964,0:36:13.766 - Release them.[br]- Keep them bent up. 0:36:13.766,0:36:18.404 Who put you on work detail? 0:36:18.404,0:36:22.404 - How'd this cell door get unlocked?[br]- No idea. 0:36:22.404,0:36:26.924 Search him. 0:36:26.924,0:36:31.044 Take him. 0:36:31.044,0:36:34.325 It's usually the one in the cell[br]wants to get out. 0:36:34.325,0:36:37.605 - I am sick of cleaning up your mess.[br]- Excuse me? 0:36:37.605,0:36:38.805 You heard. 0:36:38.805,0:36:41.005 You're only lucky this thing[br]didn't end up worse. 0:36:41.005,0:36:42.844 Tread lightly, boy. 0:36:42.844,0:36:45.925 You're not supposed to be working tonight.[br]What are you doing here? 0:36:45.925,0:36:47.964 - Swapped shifts.[br]- It's not on the schedule. 0:36:47.964,0:36:51.685 Well, nick me. Then we'll both have[br]stories to tell the Governor. 0:36:51.685,0:36:56.725 If you ever countermand[br]one of my orders again... 0:36:56.725,0:36:59.764 you will deeply regret it. 0:36:59.764,0:37:09.804 Choose your enemies carefully. 0:37:09.804,0:37:11.524 This geezer's always shit. 0:37:11.524,0:37:14.964 He's all mouth. Look at him.[br]Look at him running. 0:37:14.964,0:37:16.844 I'm telling you, he's gonna stuff it. See? 0:37:16.844,0:37:20.045 - I fucking knew it.[br]- Keith would enjoy this pony game. 0:37:20.045,0:37:28.126 Bet on Skins. 0:37:28.126,0:37:29.645 Oh. 0:37:29.645,0:37:31.805 Here we go. It's gonna kick off.[br]Watch, watch. 0:37:31.805,0:37:35.365 I knew that was gonna happen. 0:37:35.365,0:37:38.085 - Oh! Fuck me.[br]- The goalie's Spurs and the forward's Man U. 0:37:38.085,0:37:40.485 Too busy fighting each other[br]to worry about Max's team. 0:37:40.485,0:37:43.805 - Who's fighting?[br]- Spurs. They lost yesterday. 0:37:43.805,0:37:57.006 My team caught in middle. 0:37:57.006,0:37:58.086 All's OK. 0:37:58.086,0:38:00.006 Is that what your man signalled? 0:38:00.006,0:38:04.805 Sometimes you need to send message,[br]not make noise. 0:38:04.805,0:38:07.406 A Block against my team, J Block? 0:38:07.406,0:38:08.965 That's J Block all the way. 0:38:08.965,0:38:11.844 Guards, prepare for new arrivals. 0:38:11.844,0:38:13.765 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get it. 0:38:13.765,0:38:17.126 This room is off limits until further notice! 0:38:17.126,0:38:23.366 Guards, move 'em out. 0:38:23.366,0:38:25.125 Arthur. 0:38:25.125,0:38:28.766 Do you think we can get 53 new ones in here? 0:38:28.766,0:38:30.567 Just. 0:38:30.567,0:38:33.405 Cosy. 0:38:33.405,0:38:39.167 From here on, all reports on violence[br]will note overcrowding as a primary factor. 0:38:39.167,0:38:43.206 We'll rub this in the board's face[br]as often as possible. 0:38:43.206,0:38:45.606 For all the good it will do. 0:38:45.606,0:38:49.007 - How many incidents this week?[br]- Not many, sir. All easily managed. 0:38:49.007,0:38:52.127 No. Three guards were injured. Sir. 0:38:52.127,0:38:54.325 - I have reports?[br]- Yes, sir. 0:38:54.325,0:39:00.966 Remember, keep the peace, officers. 0:39:00.966,0:39:04.166 Who was the third guard hurt? 0:39:04.166,0:39:06.086 Watson. This morning. 0:39:06.086,0:39:07.525 Broken jaw. 0:39:07.525,0:39:08.926 Good. 0:39:08.926,0:39:11.366 - He had it coming.[br]- Hardly Christian, is it? 0:39:11.366,0:39:13.247 Watson is an arsehole. 0:39:13.247,0:39:14.607 And I'm no Christian. 0:39:14.607,0:39:16.765 I almost feel sorry for you. 0:39:16.765,0:39:21.006 I'm your superior officer,[br]something you seem to forget. 0:39:21.006,0:39:24.646 Now, I know what you want, Mason. 0:39:24.646,0:39:28.166 You want to put your time in,[br]get your pay cheque... 0:39:28.166,0:39:32.448 - pay for rehab for your little spastic.[br]- She has cerebral palsy. 0:39:32.448,0:39:33.608 Don't care. 0:39:33.608,0:39:37.207 Now, you can keep having that... 0:39:37.207,0:39:41.607 but you've got to get with the programme,[br]mate, my programme. 0:39:41.607,0:39:49.847 And lately you've been getting on my tits[br]and it just won't do. 0:39:49.847,0:39:52.048 What's funny? 0:39:52.048,0:39:54.647 You may have a bigger dick than mine, 0:39:54.647,0:39:57.447 you may even have a bigger dick[br]than my friend Andrew, 0:39:57.447,0:40:00.967 but his dick works high up[br]on the prison board, 0:40:00.967,0:40:03.848 and he really, really likes fucking me... 0:40:03.848,0:40:05.806 I don't need to hear this. 0:40:05.806,0:40:08.005 I'm gonna be number one in here one day. 0:40:08.005,0:40:14.527 Remember that and we'll get along[br]like two peas in a pod. 0:40:14.527,0:40:17.606 Say it. 0:40:17.606,0:40:19.246 What? 0:40:19.246,0:40:23.567 Say two peas in a pod. 0:40:23.567,0:40:24.607 Why? 0:40:24.607,0:40:26.888 Cos I'm your superior officer 0:40:26.888,0:40:31.205 and I fucking well told you to,[br]you insubordinate cunt! 0:40:31.205,0:40:32.646 Now say it! 0:40:32.646,0:40:37.607 Two peas in a pod. 0:40:37.607,0:40:39.847 Was that so hard? 0:40:39.847,0:40:43.208 No. Because when I give you an order, 0:40:43.208,0:40:45.809 you're just following orders, right, Arthur? 0:40:45.809,0:40:49.567 Now, I'm going to give you an order.[br]Are you listening? 0:40:49.567,0:40:51.607 Yeah. 0:40:51.607,0:40:54.568 Here's the order. 0:40:54.568,0:41:16.048 Keep the peace, officer. 0:41:16.048,0:41:17.288 Letter to Red? 0:41:17.288,0:41:18.368 Mm-hm. 0:41:18.368,0:41:21.728 What's going on? 0:41:21.728,0:41:26.327 I got officially dumped by Lucy. 0:41:26.327,0:41:28.207 Oh, Ned. I'm sorry, mate. 0:41:28.207,0:41:29.607 You all right? 0:41:29.607,0:41:32.327 Yeah. Can't blame her, mate. 0:41:32.327,0:41:35.368 - I haven't been there for her.[br]- Better off without her. Fuck her. 0:41:35.368,0:41:37.447 I was hoping she'd get me my old job back. 0:41:37.447,0:41:40.609 Pretty much screwed there too. 0:41:40.609,0:41:45.129 I mean, nobody would hire me[br]without a record, but with one? 0:41:45.129,0:41:49.169 - I ain't got nothing.[br]- Tabula rasa. 0:41:49.169,0:41:50.649 - What?[br]- It means clean slate. 0:41:50.649,0:41:52.207 Look... 0:41:52.207,0:41:54.528 do your bird, you get out of here, 0:41:54.528,0:41:57.048 and then you can be[br]whatever you decide to be. 0:41:57.048,0:42:00.009 Whatever you wanna be. 0:42:00.009,0:42:02.210 I thought I wanted to be with Lucy[br]in me old job. 0:42:02.210,0:42:05.608 No, I understand that. That would be[br]the worst thing possible for you. 0:42:05.608,0:42:09.648 - How do you know?[br]- How do I know? Cos of what's just happened. 0:42:09.648,0:42:12.808 You don't have to think[br]in such a small box all the time. 0:42:12.808,0:42:14.368 It is pretty fucking small, mate. 0:42:14.368,0:42:18.568 That was coming.[br]Not the cell, you doughnut. Your mind. 0:42:18.568,0:42:21.608 All right? You can think bigger. Grander. 0:42:21.608,0:42:23.689 You're a smart man, use it. 0:42:23.689,0:42:26.928 This is good, I promise. 0:42:26.928,0:42:28.128 - Cheers, mate.[br]- Yeah. 0:42:28.128,0:42:30.888 Give us a hug. 0:42:30.888,0:42:33.528 - Fuck off.[br]- Come on. I've been in prison too long. 0:42:33.528,0:42:36.008 I need some company.[br]Keep each other warm. 0:42:36.008,0:42:38.968 - No one needs to know.[br]- Laters. 0:42:38.968,0:42:59.209 See you, sweetheart. 0:42:59.209,0:43:01.649 What the fuck happened to your face? 0:43:01.649,0:43:03.849 It's from the last dust-up with Millwall. 0:43:03.849,0:43:05.570 - How is the Abbey?[br]- It's coming along. 0:43:05.570,0:43:08.329 It'll be so new when it's ready,[br]you won't recognise the place. 0:43:08.329,0:43:10.848 Fuck me, Tel,[br]I ain't gonna be in here that long. 0:43:10.848,0:43:14.009 Keep a big calendar on the wall.[br]Counting the days till you all get out. 0:43:14.009,0:43:18.050 Be grand, see you up at the bar,[br]Lucy sat in your lap. Nice. 0:43:18.050,0:43:20.649 She dumped me, mate. 0:43:20.649,0:43:23.409 The rotten slag. 0:43:23.409,0:43:25.451 She didn't deserve ya. 0:43:25.451,0:43:27.249 Don't worry, mate. I got it sorted. 0:43:27.249,0:43:30.808 I passed by Dave's house the other day. 0:43:30.808,0:43:33.209 - There's a "to rent" sign out front.[br]- Really? 0:43:33.209,0:43:35.769 - He ain't said nothing to me about that.[br]- Be hard on Red. 0:43:35.769,0:43:39.448 She's been stand-up. That's a bloody shame. 0:43:39.448,0:43:41.769 Don't forget delivery's coming tomorrow. 0:43:41.769,0:43:44.528 Sweet. Keith is gonna be[br]well happy, mate. 0:43:44.528,0:44:09.129 That Max has got some[br]heavy carrying charges. 0:44:09.129,0:44:13.450 Oi! 0:44:13.450,0:44:25.330 - Here comes Sunshine.[br]- Let's go. 0:44:25.330,0:44:28.650 Oi, lads, where the fuck are you going? 0:44:28.650,0:44:35.209 Fuck. 0:44:35.209,0:44:38.370 Hold up, lads. 0:44:38.370,0:44:40.570 - One, two, three...[br]- Where is it? 0:44:40.570,0:44:46.569 -..four, five. This one.[br]- I knew you could count. 0:44:46.569,0:44:50.170 - I haven't walked this much in ten days.[br]- Just wanted to make sure it's still here. 0:44:50.170,0:44:51.768 - What?[br]- Here. 0:44:51.768,0:44:54.410 Didn't get all religious on me[br]while I was on the block, did ya? 0:44:54.410,0:44:58.852 Keith, mate. I want you to take the good book[br]and get all you can from it. 0:44:58.852,0:45:01.131 Mate, I read it once.[br]I know how it ends. 0:45:01.131,0:45:04.451 - I didn't say the Bible.[br]- He said the good book. 0:45:04.451,0:45:06.010 This good book. 0:45:06.010,0:45:07.051 Go on. 0:45:07.051,0:45:11.131 - You're having a laugh, in't ya?[br]- No. Open it. 0:45:11.131,0:45:20.250 - It's a miracle, innit?[br]- Welcome back. We missed ya. 0:45:20.250,0:45:21.731 There you go. 0:45:21.731,0:45:23.610 There you go. We're all good. 0:45:23.610,0:45:25.291 - Hey, hey, hey.[br]- Lovely. 0:45:25.291,0:45:29.331 - GSE.[br]- GSE. 0:45:29.331,0:45:30.891 - Mm.[br]- Give it to me. 0:45:30.891,0:45:33.450 Get it over here. Come on. 0:45:33.450,0:45:39.690 Ah. An angel pissed on my tongue. 0:45:39.690,0:45:42.330 That was great.[br]Now I'm gonna go take a piss, guys. 0:45:42.330,0:45:43.810 All right. 0:45:43.810,0:45:45.331 Keep it down, though, will you? 0:45:45.331,0:45:49.170 - More for us, Dave.[br]- Yeah, absolutely. 0:45:49.170,0:45:52.011 Mm. 0:45:52.011,0:46:17.171 Ah. 0:46:17.171,0:46:19.651 You fucking rasclaat! You bombaclaat! 0:46:19.651,0:46:20.971 You fucking dickhead. 0:46:20.971,0:46:23.452 You fucking white bwoy. Yeah, man. 0:46:23.452,0:46:25.052 You dirty fucking scum! 0:46:25.052,0:46:29.130 A message from Millwall. 0:46:29.130,0:46:35.532 - Come on.[br]- Fuck me. 0:46:35.532,0:46:37.610 Fuck me, that's Ned. 0:46:37.610,0:46:38.891 Fuck. Agh! 0:46:38.891,0:46:41.771 - You've gotta be fucking kidding me.[br]- Help me, help! Agh! 0:46:41.771,0:46:43.212 Look at his fucking face! 0:46:43.212,0:46:45.812 Guards. Guards! 0:46:45.812,0:46:48.331 All right, Ned. All right, son.[br]Look at me, look at me. 0:46:48.331,0:46:50.371 - What's going on?[br]- He needs a doctor. 0:46:50.371,0:46:51.531 Get him up! 0:46:51.531,0:46:55.211 All right, mate. Come on. Outside. 0:46:55.211,0:47:17.773 Who's watching the fucking cameras, eh? 0:47:17.773,0:47:20.852 One of the West Ham boys[br]just got carved up in his cell. 0:47:20.852,0:47:22.891 It's a violent world, Mason. 0:47:22.891,0:47:27.212 And we just happen to live[br]in an especially violent corner of it. 0:47:27.212,0:47:29.572 See? 0:47:29.572,0:47:33.132 Violence is everywhere. 0:47:33.132,0:47:35.973 Bet you'd feel differently if it was[br]one of Turner's boys bleeding. 0:47:35.973,0:47:41.532 I'm having my tea break,[br]so say what you mean or fuck off. 0:47:41.532,0:47:43.171 Plus... 0:47:43.171,0:47:45.531 if a scrote had got sliced on my watch, 0:47:45.531,0:47:59.012 I'm not sure I'd be in here[br]mouthing off about it. 0:47:59.012,0:48:02.412 Well, at least you might get laid now. 0:48:02.412,0:48:07.533 - Yeah, birds love scars, don't they?[br]- Fuck you both. 0:48:07.533,0:48:22.412 Give me a second, will ya? 0:48:22.412,0:48:24.974 - How's he doing?[br]- How do you think he's doing? 0:48:24.974,0:48:27.013 So my boy gets sliced up, 0:48:27.013,0:48:29.214 while how many of you watched the show? 0:48:29.214,0:48:31.213 - I'll look into it.[br]- Really? 0:48:31.213,0:48:36.013 Yeah, well, fuck you. Fuck you and every[br]fucking screw that's paid to keep us safe. 0:48:36.013,0:48:38.373 - I'll write you up for talking that way.[br]- Whatever. 0:48:38.373,0:48:42.852 - Look, we're not all the same.[br]- Is that right? You go and tell him that. 0:48:42.852,0:48:46.252 Have you seen his face?[br]Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you ain't a cunt. 0:48:46.252,0:48:49.733 Maybe you just don't have[br]the fucking stones to stand up to her. 0:48:49.733,0:48:51.854 You don't know shit about anything. 0:48:51.854,0:48:54.013 What I do know is, 0:48:54.013,0:48:57.813 is that this shit ain't ever gonna stop. 0:48:57.813,0:48:59.612 Stand your ground, man. 0:48:59.612,0:49:02.413 Right now you have a choice[br]to do what's right. 0:49:02.413,0:49:19.734 Do it. 0:49:19.734,0:49:25.132 I could have fucking killed 'em, Dave. 0:49:25.132,0:49:30.093 What are we gonna do? 0:49:30.093,0:49:32.014 We don't have a choice. 0:49:32.014,0:49:36.534 Let's play their game. 0:49:36.534,0:49:41.854 Mm. And what did he say? 0:49:41.854,0:49:56.573 Why did he do that, then? 0:49:56.573,0:50:09.933 Oh, fuck! 0:50:09.933,0:50:23.055 What's up, big man? 0:50:23.055,0:50:24.775 How's your friend? 0:50:24.775,0:50:28.814 He's alive. It's time to make sure[br]we all stay that way. 0:50:28.814,0:50:31.054 What do you have in mind? 0:50:31.054,0:50:34.094 Where are the areas[br]that the cameras don't cover? 0:50:34.094,0:50:41.453 - Inside or out?[br]- Inside. 0:50:41.453,0:50:46.654 Me tink you fucked big time, man. 0:50:46.654,0:50:53.934 Let's have a look. 0:50:53.934,0:50:56.575 You definitely checked the drop-off? 0:50:56.575,0:50:59.214 I'm positive. 0:50:59.214,0:51:01.415 Cos I'm gonna go and see the Iron Lady. 0:51:01.415,0:51:03.054 And if I found out you're lying, 0:51:03.054,0:51:05.615 I'm gonna take out your good eye[br]and skull-fuck you, 0:51:05.615,0:51:07.934 you know that, don't you, mate? 0:51:07.934,0:51:33.574 Aye. 0:51:33.574,0:51:36.614 If I pay for something, I expect to get it. 0:51:36.614,0:51:40.255 - What you talking about?[br]- Am I speaking fucking English? 0:51:40.255,0:51:42.815 Your boy was there. 0:51:42.815,0:51:46.535 It was dropped in the usual manner. 0:51:46.535,0:52:01.335 I don't like sloppy partners.[br]You fucking find it. 0:52:01.335,0:52:26.414 Who the fuck ya look 'pon, lickle bwoy? 0:52:26.414,0:52:28.975 Fuck me, Marc,[br]I'm telling you the truth, mate. 0:52:28.975,0:52:32.536 - There weren't nothing there.[br]- Yeah, well, she says it was. 0:52:32.536,0:52:35.056 And you say it wasn't. 0:52:35.056,0:52:39.656 Now... if you're lying to me... 0:52:39.656,0:52:42.337 I'll take your fucking face off. 0:52:42.337,0:52:44.816 Find out who took it... 0:52:44.816,0:52:56.335 and get it back. 0:52:56.335,0:53:01.456 In Fosterville you can buy a half-ounce of baccy,[br]here they only sell you quarter-ounces at a time. 0:53:01.456,0:53:04.337 I'm gonna talk to Max.[br]How much dough you got? 0:53:04.337,0:53:07.695 Hello, Ned. 0:53:07.695,0:53:09.616 Fuck me. 0:53:09.616,0:53:12.856 - That might leave a mark, sunshine.[br]- How are you feeling? 0:53:12.856,0:53:14.655 - Battered and bruised.[br]- I bet you are. 0:53:14.655,0:53:19.375 Fucking hurts. When I was getting out[br]of hospital, they was bringing Derrick in. 0:53:19.375,0:53:21.015 Somebody kicked the shit out of him. 0:53:21.015,0:53:24.176 - You boys wouldn't know anything about that?[br]- I was sleeping, mate. 0:53:24.176,0:53:27.175 - You?[br]- Nah. 0:53:27.175,0:53:28.256 Who's next? 0:53:28.256,0:53:38.217 Attaboy. 0:53:38.217,0:53:43.417 - Hello, mate.[br]- Here's your GSE. 0:53:43.417,0:53:44.856 Yeah. Eh? Eh? 0:53:44.856,0:53:46.736 Come on. Come on. 0:53:46.736,0:53:48.655 You fucking... Here, take that. 0:53:48.655,0:53:51.856 Kick the fucking shit[br]out of him, boys. Come on. 0:53:51.856,0:53:57.217 That's right, yeah. 0:53:57.217,0:53:59.457 Come on, hurry up, boy. Hurry up, boy. 0:53:59.457,0:54:02.217 Fucking hell. 0:54:02.217,0:54:04.336 Come on, boys, hurry up. Come on. 0:54:04.336,0:54:06.416 Kick the shit out of him. Go on. 0:54:06.416,0:54:09.415 Come on. Come on, hurry up. 0:54:09.415,0:54:11.776 Come on. Let's go. Come on. 0:54:11.776,0:54:23.656 Dave, come on, let's get out of here. 0:54:23.656,0:54:25.577 Hey. Where's Abbot? 0:54:25.577,0:54:35.256 I just saw him.[br]I had nothing to do with it, mate. 0:54:35.256,0:55:02.417 Pillock. 0:55:02.417,0:55:05.377 You think you're so fucking clever, don't ya? 0:55:05.377,0:55:07.657 If I was clever,[br]I wouldn't be in here, Marc. 0:55:07.657,0:55:09.778 Go anywhere near my fucking crew again... 0:55:09.778,0:55:13.577 If you come in here mouthing off,[br]you better look me in the eye. 0:55:13.577,0:55:16.177 Look you in the fucking eye, you dozy cunt? 0:55:16.177,0:55:18.417 - Oh![br]- This is between me and him. 0:55:18.417,0:55:20.857 Now you listen to me, you pikey cunt. 0:55:20.857,0:55:23.056 Marc, you're an old fucking man now. 0:55:23.056,0:55:25.577 You ain't aligned.[br]You're a two-bit fucking queer. 0:55:25.577,0:55:28.017 All right. Break it up, break it up! 0:55:28.017,0:55:30.177 You, against the wall. 0:55:30.177,0:55:33.457 You're fucking dead.[br]You are fucking dead. 0:55:33.457,0:55:35.338 I'm right here, sunshine. 0:55:35.338,0:55:37.377 Get out of it. Get out! 0:55:37.377,0:55:41.817 - Get out of here.[br]- Fuck me. 0:55:41.817,0:55:45.578 His people will think twice now[br]before they come at you. 0:55:45.578,0:55:47.378 Small advantage. 0:55:47.378,0:55:50.018 I'll take everything we can get, mate. 0:55:50.018,0:56:05.457 "Pikey cunt." 0:56:05.457,0:56:07.938 Man U coming up, boys.[br]It's gonna be hard one. 0:56:07.938,0:56:10.098 We'll do 'em[br]on and off the pitch, mate. 0:56:10.098,0:56:12.658 Remember last time[br]we had to jump off the train early? 0:56:12.658,0:56:15.417 Couldn't find no taxis[br]so we pinched that motor. 0:56:15.417,0:56:17.937 And when we jumped out the van[br]the cunts shit themselves. 0:56:17.937,0:56:19.818 I took a fucking hiding that day. 0:56:19.818,0:56:22.258 - Yeah, you did.[br]- Yeah. 0:56:22.258,0:56:24.858 If you ever finish that, say hi to Red for me. 0:56:24.858,0:56:26.537 You're funny and I will. 0:56:26.537,0:56:31.378 - Night, boys.[br]- See ya, mate. 0:56:31.378,0:56:35.698 I ain't had one visit since I been inside. 0:56:35.698,0:56:37.457 Tell Red that I said hello too, please. 0:56:37.457,0:56:39.378 Yeah. Yeah, I will. 0:56:39.378,0:56:47.458 Thanks. 0:56:47.458,0:56:48.658 Night, mate. 0:56:48.658,0:57:03.178 Good night, mate. 0:57:03.178,0:57:07.219 Out. Get out. 0:57:07.219,0:57:11.258 What a load of bollocks. 0:57:11.258,0:57:14.179 Wouldn't be any contraband in here,[br]would there? 0:57:14.179,0:57:16.179 This is a stitch-up, innit, Dave? 0:57:16.179,0:57:18.179 Get off me, screw. I didn't do nothing. 0:57:18.179,0:57:19.858 Agh! All right, all right. 0:57:19.858,0:57:22.860 - Oh, all right, screw.[br]- Look at me. 0:57:22.860,0:57:25.980 Look at me. Don't give it to them. Relax. 0:57:25.980,0:57:32.498 Relax. Fuck off. 0:57:32.498,0:57:36.499 Does your wife know that you play for[br]the other team while you're in here? 0:57:36.499,0:57:41.058 That's all right. Lots of straight cons[br]have got a missus on the inside. 0:57:41.058,0:57:43.378 Is that all you got? 0:57:43.378,0:57:49.658 Contraband pornographic material. 0:57:49.658,0:57:51.379 Fucking... 0:57:51.379,0:57:57.619 Fuck! Fucking horrible cunt. 0:57:57.619,0:57:58.740 Agh! 0:57:58.740,0:58:02.779 So you don't fucking forget. 0:58:02.779,0:58:07.980 Dave... What the fuck? 0:58:07.980,0:58:10.100 Up yours, screw. 0:58:10.100,0:58:59.779 Lock 'em back up. Put him in the block. 0:58:59.779,0:59:05.940 You dirty fucking bastard! 0:59:05.940,0:59:17.580 You ain't no Pete Dunham. 0:59:17.580,0:59:29.621 Are you missing Little Petey? 0:59:29.621,0:59:41.460 Fucking cunt! You fucking... 0:59:41.460,0:59:49.620 I'll fucking kill you, you fucking pikey. 0:59:49.620,0:59:59.860 Fuck! Oh. 0:59:59.860,1:00:01.660 - Get off me! Get off me![br]- Get him out! 1:00:01.660,1:00:03.220 Get off me! 1:00:03.220,1:00:05.621 Get him the fuck out of here![br]Move it, move it. 1:00:05.621,1:00:45.621 Get him out! 1:00:45.621,1:01:06.941 Who looks fucking stupid now? 1:01:06.941,1:01:13.622 During a cell search,[br]Miller became unruly and violent. 1:01:13.622,1:01:16.781 - Any injuries?[br]- None of ours. He put up a fight, though. 1:01:16.781,1:01:20.861 Fine. I'll read it in the report. 1:01:20.861,1:01:22.421 Dismissed. 1:01:22.421,1:01:26.102 Yes, sir. 1:01:26.102,1:01:28.743 Arthur, were you in the cell[br]when the search took place? 1:01:28.743,1:01:29.862 No, sir. 1:01:29.862,1:01:31.822 Just Officer Mavis. 1:01:31.822,1:01:34.742 Troublesome bunch, this West Ham lot. 1:01:34.742,1:01:39.263 Seem to find themselves[br]surrounded by trouble frequently, sir. 1:01:39.263,1:01:42.261 It's not the same thing, is it? 1:01:42.261,1:01:45.982 No. 1:01:45.982,1:01:49.622 The prisoner that Officer Mavis[br]had put into segregation last night... 1:01:49.622,1:01:52.021 - Sir?[br]- Have him policed. 1:01:52.021,1:01:58.542 Sir. 1:01:58.542,1:02:01.622 It looks like we're starting[br]to get some respect round here. 1:02:01.622,1:02:04.262 About fucking time. 1:02:04.262,1:02:08.341 - How much did you miss me?[br]- Ooh. Look at the boat race on that. 1:02:08.341,1:02:10.341 Hope you feel better than you look, son. 1:02:10.341,1:02:12.821 Yeah, it only hurts when I breathe.[br]It's weird. 1:02:12.821,1:02:16.822 Give me a second, will ya? 1:02:16.822,1:02:18.743 Attention on the pitch. 1:02:18.743,1:02:22.423 Any prisoner caught fighting during play[br]will face segregation. 1:02:22.423,1:02:35.222 Any prisoner caught fighting[br]during play will face segregation. 1:02:35.222,1:02:38.662 You'd better learn to keep your[br]head down, son, if you wanna survive. 1:02:38.662,1:02:43.942 You know she's bent. 1:02:43.942,1:02:47.942 You wanna grass,[br]give me something or I can't help you. 1:02:47.942,1:02:52.062 Oh, fuck all that. We've got Marc's crew[br]all over us which we're dealing with, 1:02:52.062,1:02:55.222 but they got the guards helping out[br]and it's getting outta control. 1:02:55.222,1:02:57.462 I mean, look at me for fuck's sake. 1:02:57.462,1:03:01.823 I mean, do something. Do anything. 1:03:01.823,1:03:06.342 To get where she's got,[br]you can't always play by the rules. 1:03:06.342,1:03:09.582 - It's hard for me to do a job like this.[br]- I don't care. 1:03:09.582,1:03:13.943 You want her gone as badly as I do. 1:03:13.943,1:03:17.942 Look, I'm working on something, right? 1:03:17.942,1:03:20.982 Fight. Football field. Get over here. 1:03:20.982,1:03:23.224 Wilson! Davis! 1:03:23.224,1:03:25.823 Get back now. Get back now. 1:03:25.823,1:03:44.224 On the fence! On the fence! 1:03:44.224,1:03:46.624 You know how overcrowded[br]we already are! 1:03:46.624,1:03:49.022 Then you take the responsibility![br]Because I'm... 1:03:49.022,1:03:53.462 He's got his knickers in a twist[br]about something. 1:03:53.462,1:03:58.542 Come in! 1:03:58.542,1:04:01.463 - How many injuries?[br]- 16. Mostly minor. 1:04:01.463,1:04:04.184 - How minor?[br]- Few stitches, couple of broken bones. 1:04:04.184,1:04:07.544 - One fractured skull.[br]- They're just getting used to life inside. 1:04:07.544,1:04:10.824 Plus we got a fair number[br]of hooligans in with that last lot. 1:04:10.824,1:04:12.223 And will in the next. 1:04:12.223,1:04:13.304 Next? 1:04:13.304,1:04:15.862 This is an official notification. 1:04:15.862,1:04:20.222 We're to receive 74 more prisoners[br]within two weeks. 1:04:20.222,1:04:25.384 We're being designated temporary authority[br]to effect the early release of some 60 prisoners. 1:04:25.384,1:04:28.744 I want you to come up with a list of prisoners 1:04:28.744,1:04:32.624 who will not menace society if released early. 1:04:32.624,1:04:34.665 And I'd like it tomorrow. 1:04:34.665,1:05:27.864 Dismissed. 1:05:27.864,1:05:30.944 Cosgrove. Yeah, it's me. 1:05:30.944,1:05:34.464 Yeah, yeah, yeah.[br]Just shut up and fucking listen. 1:05:34.464,1:05:36.505 I can get out. 1:05:36.505,1:05:39.344 Yeah, but it's gonna cost. 1:05:39.344,1:05:42.665 Two grand. 1:05:42.665,1:05:46.265 Yeah. Right fucking now. 1:05:46.265,1:05:52.505 Sir. 1:05:52.505,1:05:56.144 This name at the top.[br]He's in for attempted rape, is he not? 1:05:56.144,1:05:57.784 - No, sir.[br]- Jenkins? 1:05:57.784,1:06:02.745 Oh, him. Yes, I believe he may be. 1:06:02.745,1:06:04.784 Tyman, Wadlow. 1:06:04.784,1:06:08.825 Carson. 1:06:08.825,1:06:10.904 Why are these names on this list 1:06:10.904,1:06:15.424 when I specifically asked for a list[br]that posed no threat to the community? 1:06:15.424,1:06:19.545 It seems a whole different set of criteria[br]was used to make this list 1:06:19.545,1:06:22.185 rather than public safety. 1:06:22.185,1:06:25.784 Now, what could that be, Officer Mavis? 1:06:25.784,1:06:27.865 Rehabilitation, sir. 1:06:27.865,1:06:31.184 What you frequently call[br]the foundation of the prison system. 1:06:31.184,1:06:34.465 Isn't that right, Officer Mason? 1:06:34.465,1:06:39.226 Sir, in the event that you may have[br]found the list unsuitable, 1:06:39.226,1:06:43.826 an alternative list was prepared. 1:06:43.826,1:06:46.785 Well, this is better. 1:06:46.785,1:06:49.984 Yes, yes, yes, good. Very good. 1:06:49.984,1:06:54.185 I find myself agreeing with[br]every name on this list... 1:06:54.185,1:06:56.185 save these three. 1:06:56.185,1:06:58.986 Even in their short time with us[br]they have been trouble. 1:06:58.986,1:07:01.946 Sir, instead of the three[br]you've so rightly questioned, 1:07:01.946,1:07:04.986 may I suggest the three[br]at the top of my list. 1:07:04.986,1:07:07.385 In their time here,[br]they've been model prisoners. 1:07:07.385,1:07:09.146 Never a problem from any of them. 1:07:09.146,1:07:11.985 Sir, the three I put forward[br]are here for hooligan activity 1:07:11.985,1:07:15.546 principally directed against[br]the three inmates Officer Mavis proposes. 1:07:15.546,1:07:19.584 My three, no arrests, no convictions[br]prior to their present lock-up. 1:07:19.584,1:07:23.345 - No threat to the general public...[br]- Look at their record, sir. 1:07:23.345,1:07:26.666 My three have never been any trouble. 1:07:26.666,1:07:29.625 They've never been nicked,[br]they've never been a problem. 1:07:29.625,1:07:33.985 His three - chronic fighting,[br]stays in segregation. 1:07:33.985,1:07:36.827 Where is Solomon[br]when you need him? 1:07:36.827,1:07:39.224 You don't need to be Solomon[br]to pick my three, sir. 1:07:39.224,1:07:42.186 But I do understand[br]it's a very difficult decision. 1:07:42.186,1:07:45.826 If you don't mind my saying,[br]you bear a great deal of responsibility, sir. 1:07:45.826,1:07:50.266 Convicted criminals were frequently used[br]as gladiators in ancient Rome. 1:07:50.266,1:07:53.626 If they survived the life long enough,[br]they could be freed. 1:07:53.626,1:07:56.346 Is that right, sir? 1:07:56.346,1:08:00.226 Often teams of gladiators[br]were pitted against each other. 1:08:00.226,1:08:07.427 Is that your way of making a decision, sir? 1:08:07.427,1:08:09.786 Why not... 1:08:09.786,1:08:15.786 let them compete for this prize? 1:08:15.786,1:08:18.106 Chin up. 1:08:18.106,1:08:21.305 Good news. 1:08:21.305,1:08:24.066 How would you all like[br]to get out of here next week? 1:08:24.066,1:08:27.946 Well, if it's good news,[br]something always follows it. 1:08:27.946,1:08:38.266 How good are you at football? 1:08:38.266,1:08:41.027 - What are they doing to you in here?[br]- Sweetheart, 1:08:41.027,1:08:43.866 looks worse than it feels. 1:08:43.866,1:08:46.266 You are really honest with me[br]about what goes on in here? 1:08:46.266,1:08:49.588 You've got enough to worry about.[br]I've got some good news, though. 1:08:49.588,1:08:50.748 What? 1:08:50.748,1:08:53.666 Well, cos these clubs[br]have made me better-looking 1:08:53.666,1:08:55.746 and I'm such a model prisoner, 1:08:55.746,1:08:58.906 the Governor's gonna allow me[br]and the boys a game of footy. 1:08:58.906,1:09:00.667 - Football?[br]- Mm-hm. 1:09:00.667,1:09:04.827 Remember how I told you how each cell block[br]has a team and they compete for prizes? 1:09:04.827,1:09:08.627 Well, this particular prize[br]is a little bit special. 1:09:08.627,1:09:12.028 See, the winner of this game... 1:09:12.028,1:09:14.627 gets to walk out of here next week. 1:09:14.627,1:09:17.427 - That is a terrible way to tease me.[br]- Do I look like I'm teasing? 1:09:17.427,1:09:19.987 You're saying there's a chance[br]you could be released? 1:09:19.987,1:09:21.987 I believe that is what I just said, yeah. 1:09:21.987,1:09:23.746 - Honestly?[br]- Yeah, if we win. 1:09:23.746,1:09:26.267 If you win this football match? 1:09:26.267,1:09:28.987 Right. 1:09:28.987,1:09:31.587 Then what are you doing here?[br]You're a terrible player. 1:09:31.587,1:09:33.587 - Leave it out.[br]- Get out there and practise 1:09:33.587,1:09:35.786 - every single moment till the match.[br]- All right. 1:09:35.786,1:09:37.787 You must win this, Dave. You must. 1:09:37.787,1:09:41.747 We've got a couple of tasty Russian boys[br]on our side, so there's a good chance. 1:09:41.747,1:09:44.985 - Not sure I should have told ya.[br]- But you did and now I know, 1:09:44.985,1:09:48.546 and I don't care how it happened,[br]but you must win and come home. 1:09:48.546,1:09:49.987 I understand. 1:09:49.987,1:09:51.627 Please. 1:09:51.627,1:09:54.268 Darling, I've gotta get back to work. 1:09:54.268,1:09:55.547 Please win. 1:09:55.547,1:10:00.388 - Please come home to me.[br]- I'll do my best. 1:10:00.388,1:10:03.348 That's her over there. 1:10:03.348,1:10:04.468 Oh, yeah. 1:10:04.468,1:10:06.267 Bit of all right, in't she? 1:10:06.267,1:10:08.228 What d'you reckon? 1:10:08.228,1:10:10.267 You know what I want you to do, mate. 1:10:10.267,1:10:18.747 So just do it. 1:10:18.747,1:10:20.627 One-two, one-two, one-two! 1:10:20.627,1:10:22.588 Try to hit it. 1:10:22.588,1:10:26.787 Come on. Come on. 1:10:26.787,1:10:30.588 Whoa! 1:10:30.588,1:11:03.068 Oh, and again. 1:11:03.068,1:11:12.828 Hey! 1:11:12.828,1:11:36.989 Yeah, yeah, keep it down, all right? 1:11:36.989,1:12:07.430 Great save! 1:12:07.430,1:12:10.230 - Yes?[br]- We're in the furniture moving business, 1:12:10.230,1:12:12.669 - thought you might like some help.[br]- We've got someone. 1:12:12.669,1:12:15.549 We don't take no for an answer! 1:12:15.549,1:12:19.429 He's a speedy little cunt.[br]He's a speedy little cunt. 1:12:19.429,1:12:21.349 We've just gotta slow him down. 1:12:21.349,1:12:25.269 I don't understand. How can we play man to[br]man if we don't know what any of them can do? 1:12:25.269,1:12:28.349 Keith, you're not getting it.[br]There are no rules. 1:12:28.349,1:12:32.029 - Right? This is gonna be a fucking war.[br]- Lucky it's only a 20-minute game, then. 1:12:32.029,1:12:34.469 That's about all[br]they expect it to last, mate. 1:12:34.469,1:12:36.189 That's all we need. 1:12:36.189,1:12:40.990 On the pitch in half an hour or you forfeit.[br]And we wouldn't want that, would we? 1:12:40.990,1:12:44.268 Everyone's so looking forward to the show. 1:12:44.268,1:12:53.389 Is it wrong that I wanna fuck her? 1:12:53.389,1:12:54.749 Are you having a laugh? 1:12:54.749,1:12:57.629 - Look, I need a word.[br]- You ain't going nowhere, you cunt. 1:12:57.629,1:12:59.389 I'm serious. 1:12:59.389,1:13:02.150 We need to talk.[br]Top boy to top boy. 1:13:02.150,1:13:03.990 Just like on the outside. 1:13:03.990,1:13:10.229 I'm not gonna do nothing. 1:13:10.229,1:13:25.070 This better be on the fucking straight, Marc. 1:13:25.070,1:13:29.150 Yeah, it's me. 1:13:29.150,1:13:35.630 Go on, take it. It won't bite. 1:13:35.630,1:13:36.949 Hello. 1:13:36.949,1:13:39.349 Dave? Ls that you? 1:13:39.349,1:13:40.469 Red. 1:13:40.469,1:13:41.870 Where are ya? 1:13:41.870,1:13:44.190 Home. Two men pushed their way in. 1:13:44.190,1:13:47.429 Help me, Dave, you've got to help me! 1:13:47.429,1:13:52.230 - Please help.[br]- It's gonna be all right, darling. 1:13:52.230,1:13:56.750 You wanna see your missus again,[br]you put on a good show, you know... 1:13:56.750,1:13:59.589 - Mate...[br]- You've crossed the only line there is. 1:13:59.589,1:14:01.629 Mate, mate, mate. 1:14:01.629,1:14:04.230 As soon as I give the word we've won, 1:14:04.230,1:14:06.590 he'll let her go. 1:14:06.590,1:14:08.989 But if you get in my fucking way, eh? 1:14:08.989,1:14:22.751 Eh? 1:14:22.751,1:14:27.270 Fuck. 1:14:27.270,1:14:29.230 Much at stake this game. 1:14:29.230,1:14:33.150 I need a favour. Can I see your pen? 1:14:33.150,1:14:36.351 You need to find a phone[br]and call this number for me. 1:14:36.351,1:14:39.549 You tell Terry that Big Marc[br]is holding Red in my house, right, 1:14:39.549,1:14:42.551 and if I don't throw this game[br]they're gonna kill her. 1:14:42.551,1:14:45.351 It's my wife, Max. 1:14:45.351,1:14:46.471 Please. 1:14:46.471,1:14:47.752 I will do this. 1:14:47.752,1:14:54.471 You owe me. 1:14:54.471,1:14:58.231 All players participating[br]in the match, please report to the pitch. 1:14:58.231,1:15:14.429 All players participating in the match,[br]please report to the pitch. 1:15:14.429,1:15:15.870 So what's up with Big Marc? 1:15:15.870,1:15:39.631 Let's win this thing and go home, right? 1:15:39.631,1:15:49.032 Hello. 1:15:49.032,1:15:57.351 Leave it with me. 1:15:57.351,1:15:59.671 Match kicks off at exactly twenty to. 1:15:59.671,1:16:01.592 I'll blow the whistle. 1:16:01.592,1:16:04.352 20 minutes. Good luck, lads. 1:16:04.352,1:16:21.031 I won't really need good luck, will I? 1:16:21.031,1:16:32.832 Fucking tosser! 1:16:32.832,1:16:35.231 Take that, you cunt! 1:16:35.231,1:17:21.791 Come on. To me, to me! 1:17:21.791,1:17:23.672 There's no food in here. 1:17:23.672,1:17:26.072 Don't you fucking eat? 1:17:26.072,1:17:34.553 Oi. Go get some food and beers.[br]There's a Paki shop down the street. 1:17:34.553,1:17:38.672 Now... 1:17:38.672,1:17:40.433 what to do... 1:17:40.433,1:17:43.153 with you. 1:17:43.153,1:18:04.834 Please don't. 1:18:04.834,1:18:45.794 Yes! 1:18:45.794,1:18:48.434 What's the matter with ya?[br]Whose team are you on? 1:18:48.434,1:18:50.194 Marc's boys are holding Red. 1:18:50.194,1:18:53.233 I gotta throw the game. 1:18:53.233,1:18:56.674 Fuck. 1:18:56.674,1:19:40.034 Relax. 1:19:40.034,1:19:46.754 Yes! 1:19:46.754,1:19:49.035 Get off him, cunt! 1:19:49.035,1:19:56.633 I always wondered[br]what you ginger slags were like. 1:19:56.633,1:19:58.554 No running, 1:19:58.554,1:20:00.154 no shouting, 1:20:00.154,1:20:14.755 not a fucking word. 1:20:14.755,1:20:56.795 You're fucked, sunshine. 1:20:56.795,1:22:01.755 - She's fucking safe.[br]- What we doing? 1:22:01.755,1:22:04.195 We did it! We did it! 1:22:04.195,1:22:08.076 We did it! 1:22:08.076,1:22:09.276 Oi! 1:22:09.276,1:22:11.556 We did it. We did it. We did it. 1:22:11.556,1:22:14.475 Oi, you. You just fucked yourself. 1:22:14.475,1:22:26.395 I'm sure we have, sweetheart.[br]I'm sure we have. Fucking bite me. 1:22:26.395,1:22:29.155 Yeah. Fucking do her. 1:22:29.155,1:22:31.195 What the fuck are you talk... 1:22:31.195,1:22:34.595 I don't give a fuck, a flying fuck. 1:22:34.595,1:22:37.035 You played like a bunch of girls. 1:22:37.035,1:22:39.076 You fucking bitch, they stitched us up. 1:22:39.076,1:22:41.476 Stop your whining[br]and lose that fucking phone. 1:22:41.476,1:22:44.555 - Why don't I lose it up your fucking...[br]- Officers, cuff these men. 1:22:44.555,1:22:47.076 - What the fuck do you want?[br]- You're nicked, my boy. 1:22:47.076,1:22:49.797 For kidnapping.[br]Other charges will follow, I'm sure. 1:22:49.797,1:22:52.676 You cunt. 1:22:52.676,1:22:56.436 - Detectives, take Officer Mavis as well.[br]- What's going on? 1:22:56.436,1:22:59.796 Taking out the rubbish the right way, Mavis. 1:22:59.796,1:23:03.877 You're under arrest for drug trafficking,[br]Veronica. 1:23:03.877,1:23:10.557 I do not envy you your time alone.[br]Take her away, officers. 1:23:10.557,1:23:13.638 Thank you, Detective. 1:23:13.638,1:23:19.076 Well done, Officer Mason. 1:23:19.076,1:23:21.076 The place will be peaceful[br]with you lot gone. 1:23:21.076,1:23:24.997 You're right, mate. The Governor's[br]going to need a new right-hand man. 1:23:24.997,1:23:27.396 - Any idea who he's got in mind?[br]- None. 1:23:27.396,1:23:30.757 I need to do some paperwork.[br]Don't do a runner while I'm gone, right? 1:23:30.757,1:23:33.158 He's still funny, in't he? He's still funny. 1:23:33.158,1:23:35.836 Very humorous. Make sure it's all there. 1:23:35.836,1:23:38.637 Oh, you're working.[br]I'm definitely fucking making sure. 1:23:38.637,1:23:40.357 - Mate.[br]- Hey. 1:23:40.357,1:23:42.997 - All right, Max?[br]- You leave now. 1:23:42.997,1:23:44.876 Yeah. About fucking time. 1:23:44.876,1:23:47.355 Listen. Thank you. I appreciate it. 1:23:47.355,1:23:49.436 Look after your wife. 1:23:49.436,1:23:51.556 Yeah. I'll do my best. 1:23:51.556,1:23:57.195 So I believe our little Millwall friend[br]has finally got his transfer to a Cat B. 1:23:57.195,1:23:59.878 For you the result is personal. 1:23:59.878,1:24:01.958 For me it's business. 1:24:01.958,1:24:04.678 We're even now. 1:24:04.678,1:24:06.599 God bless you, mate. 1:24:06.599,1:24:08.077 Good lad. 1:24:08.077,1:24:11.678 Right. We are officially signed,[br]sealed and ready to go. 1:24:11.678,1:24:14.637 - Unless you lot want to stay longer.[br]- No, I think we're good, Arthur. 1:24:14.637,1:24:24.998 All right. Let's get out of here. Come on. 1:24:24.998,1:24:34.396 Here you go. 1:24:34.396,1:24:36.997 It's a good thing you're home[br]because I don't have a key. 1:24:36.997,1:24:39.197 I'll get one for ya. 1:24:39.197,1:24:40.997 Hello, sweetheart. 1:24:40.997,1:24:42.677 Oh, my God. Look at ya. Look at ya. 1:24:42.677,1:24:45.437 Fuck me, you look great. 1:24:45.437,1:24:50.917 - I have something else for you too.[br]- The boys are here. A little inappropriate. 1:24:50.917,1:24:54.237 - It's what you've been dreaming about.[br]- Oh, you're funny. You're funny. 1:24:54.237,1:24:57.598 Fellas, I love you dearly. I wanna spend[br]some alone time with the missus. 1:24:57.598,1:24:59.357 Well, you'll have to wait a bit longer. 1:24:59.357,1:25:02.237 - Wait a little longer? I've been away...[br]- Hello, Dave. 1:25:02.237,1:25:04.158 - Been waiting for you about a year.[br]- Hello. 1:25:04.158,1:25:05.398 Hello, mate. 1:25:05.398,1:25:07.158 How are you? All right? 1:25:07.158,1:25:12.357 Good to see you again, darling. 1:25:12.357,1:25:14.038 You did all this? 1:25:14.038,1:25:17.678 Well, Terry and everyone wanted to make[br]a party out of it and I couldn't say no. 1:25:17.678,1:25:21.278 Believe me, we couldn't keep the lads[br]from celebrating this one. 1:25:21.278,1:25:25.157 What, even this geezer here?[br]This geezer? 1:25:25.157,1:25:31.038 Welcome home. 1:25:31.038,1:25:36.418 Oi! Stop it! 1:25:36.418,9:59:59.000 Here we are!