0:00:18.842,0:00:21.679 KIKI SMITH: There aren’t commemorative [br]sculptures for, for witches. 0:00:23.600,0:00:26.730 So then I thought oh I wanted [br]to make these women on pyres. 0:00:29.600,0:00:32.720 Their arms are out like, [br]like Christ you know saying, 0:00:32.720,0:00:34.429 why have you forsaken me? 0:00:39.040,0:00:41.300 They should be in all these towns in Europe. 0:00:44.080,0:00:47.240 You know, so no one has [br]needed it in their town yet, 0:00:47.240,0:00:51.560 but (LAUGHS), but, but you know I, 0:00:51.560,0:00:53.080 I thought I can have, you know, 0:00:53.080,0:00:55.000 you know I just make them anyway. 0:00:58.000,0:01:03.835 Art is something that moves from [br]your insides into the physical world, 0:01:04.920,0:01:08.932 and at the same time it is just [br]a representation of your inside, 0:01:09.655,0:01:10.917 in a different form. 0:01:12.920,0:01:14.480 Basically, I think art is… 0:01:14.480,0:01:15.861 it’s just a way to think. 0:01:21.760,0:01:23.640 You know it’s like standing in the wind 0:01:23.640,0:01:27.160 and letting it pull you where, [br]whatever direction it wants to go. 0:01:27.160,0:01:31.773 And you know things start saying [br]pay attention to this and make this. 0:01:32.880,0:01:34.240 You know I think when I was in school 0:01:34.240,0:01:36.880 it was very difficult for me to learn how to read. 0:01:36.880,0:01:40.243 And so I just had to learn from looking at things. 0:01:44.040,0:01:48.120 I saw a picture in the [br]Louvre of Geneviève with the, 0:01:48.120,0:01:51.040 sitting with the uh, wolves and the lambs. 0:01:51.040,0:01:53.580 And Geneviève’s like the savior of Paris. 0:01:53.580,0:01:57.223 And so I drew my friend, [br]Geneviève as the Geneviève. 0:01:57.720,0:01:59.840 And I cut up and made cartoons out of her. 0:02:00.760,0:02:03.013 And I made sculptures afterwards. 0:02:04.120,0:02:07.725 First I made the Geneviève where [br]she’s just standing next to a wolf. 0:02:13.480,0:02:17.515 And then I made RAPTURE where the [br]woman’s walking out of the wolf. 0:02:18.600,0:02:20.115 It’s this sort of resurrection. 0:02:21.200,0:02:25.291 I just have this inventory of images [br]and I can start mixing them up. 0:02:26.760,0:02:29.139 And if you make them like a kind of character. 0:02:30.440,0:02:32.087 They get to live again. 0:02:32.720,0:02:37.962 They get to have this life [br]outside of just one version. 0:02:45.640,0:02:47.120 I have one standing Geneviève. 0:02:47.120,0:02:50.160 You know I just cut her up over and over and over, 0:02:50.760,0:02:54.080 and reconfiguring it and sort [br]of smoothing the seams out. 0:02:54.080,0:02:55.640 This could have a little bit of heat going. 0:02:55.640,0:02:57.806 You know just, just to smooth out slightly. 0:03:00.960,0:03:02.400 A lot of times I’d go into the molds 0:03:02.400,0:03:04.200 and just make papier-mâché sculptures 0:03:04.200,0:03:06.138 and then you can cut them up really easily 0:03:06.680,0:03:08.520 and you know put them back together. 0:03:08.520,0:03:12.320 Wax is much more complicated [br]and then we spend you know, 0:03:12.320,0:03:15.247 endless quantities of time trying to fix them. [br] 0:03:20.400,0:03:24.960 It would be much faster in a way just to [br]cast another person and redo it, but it… 0:03:24.960,0:03:29.760 I don’t know, it’s just funny to me to make [br]it all keep coming out of the same sculpture. 0:03:29.760,0:03:31.324 And this I’ll make in aluminum 0:03:32.680,0:03:35.880 and they’ll go on this sort [br]of wood, wood crutches. 0:03:35.880,0:03:42.200 So it will kind of lean back uh, [br]he’ll lean back a bit like that 0:03:42.200,0:03:44.474 and then it will be on this [br]sort of floating in air. 0:03:55.800,0:03:59.120 To me it’s something interesting [br]about sculpture or something 0:03:59.120,0:04:02.280 hovering off the ground, or having this, 0:04:02.280,0:04:04.634 like a different relationship to the ground. 0:04:13.155,0:04:18.115 It could be like that.[br]SMITH: And how fast does this set up? 0:04:18.115,0:04:19.040 MAN: About five minutes. 0:04:19.040,0:04:20.680 SMITH: Oh that’s great. 0:04:22.420,0:04:25.260 SMITH: It’s going to become a, a dead witch under… 0:04:25.260,0:04:28.600 uh, a pile of wood. But uh, you know so 0:04:28.600,0:04:32.800 and then I thought about the [br]wicked witch in the WIZARD OF OZ, 0:04:32.800,0:04:34.400 cause she’s under the house. 0:04:34.400,0:04:37.663 So that I’m just under a [br]wood pile in the backyard. 0:04:48.760,0:04:54.160 When I was a kid, my father had [br]my grandmother’s death mask. 0:04:54.160,0:04:57.920 She died like about twenty [br]years before I was born. 0:04:58.960,0:05:01.000 And then uh, when my father died, 0:05:01.000,0:05:04.421 my sister Bebe and I made a [br]death mask of his head and hands. 0:05:08.480,0:05:10.884 And then uh, when my sister died, 0:05:11.720,0:05:15.000 then I went back and I made a [br]death mask of her hands and head. 0:05:16.469,0:05:20.961 And so I have like three [br]generations of death masks. 0:05:29.640,0:05:30.869 That’s pretty good. 0:05:34.711,0:05:36.640 Kiki VO: We were a little [br]bit like the Adams Family. 0:05:36.640,0:05:41.200 We lived in this big house and there was a gravestone with our name in front of the house. 0:05:41.200,0:05:45.820 And you know we had this enormous [br]sculpture in the back of the house. 0:05:45.820,0:05:48.480 Kiki: And uh, you know we were really unpopular 0:05:48.480,0:05:50.600 and the kids would say I was a witch. 0:05:50.600,0:05:51.880 And you know we were really.... 0:05:51.880,0:05:53.920 And my father had a beard and a Porsche 0:05:53.920,0:05:55.360 and we were really like mortified, 0:05:55.360,0:05:58.200 embarrassed you know that he had a car like that 0:05:58.200,0:06:02.042 and didn’t have, you know, [br]a big Woody station wagon. 0:06:03.511,0:06:06.200 Kiki VO: We made mostly paper models for him. 0:06:06.200,0:06:09.720 Like thousands of tetrahedron [br]and octahedron flattened models. 0:06:09.720,0:06:12.040 And then we would sit and [br]put them together, you know, 0:06:12.040,0:06:16.880 after school every day. In my family [br]there was always a kind of morbidity. 0:06:16.880,0:06:19.819 My father would always say [br]that, that it’s Irish Catholic. 0:06:20.520,0:06:23.720 One whole part of our house was all uh, 0:06:23.720,0:06:28.835 my father’s parent’s clothing, [br]all from you know the late 1800’s… 0:06:29.920,0:06:32.415 and teeth you know, people’s dentures. 0:06:34.720,0:06:39.129 It was all, you know, lots [br]of death, death everywhere. 0:06:43.320,0:06:45.697 You know I spent a couple [br]years drawing dead animals.... 0:06:48.680,0:06:53.280 I had this vision of, that I was [br]supposed to make another Noah’s ark 0:06:53.280,0:06:55.000 but it was of dead animals. 0:06:59.520,0:07:01.000 Kiki VO: This was when my cat died. 0:07:01.000,0:07:02.640 I made all these sort of Pietà, 0:07:02.640,0:07:06.473 sort of self-portrait Pietà [br]of me holding my dead cat. 0:07:17.819,0:07:20.760 And I made like fifty billion [br]prints of dead animals 0:07:20.760,0:07:26.480 and I think hmm, how come I [br]own all those prints still? 0:07:26.480,0:07:28.500 My big investment in my future. 0:07:28.500,0:07:32.440 Kiki: Gorgeous, calm down… 0:07:36.938,0:07:40.624 –no you’re supposed [br]to come down you dumb bird! 0:07:40.624,0:07:41.638 Here… 0:07:48.080,0:07:50.160 I just, I really love printmaking. 0:07:50.160,0:07:52.040 It’s just this scratch, scratchy, 0:07:52.040,0:07:55.684 scratchy motion that I like the best. 0:07:57.017,0:07:59.760 BILL: This blade is so warm it [br]dries this stuff right away. 0:08:00.980,0:08:05.920 BILL: If you were to understand [br]that the way she works this, 0:08:05.920,0:08:11.800 this is just normal because every [br]fiber of her body is about art. 0:08:11.800,0:08:13.960 She can’t do anything but what she does. 0:08:15.520,0:08:19.315 My father taught us to trust our intuition. 0:08:19.880,0:08:22.760 You know my mother would always [br]say believe your intuition 0:08:22.760,0:08:26.360 that always you get in trouble [br]when you don’t pay attention to it. 0:08:26.360,0:08:32.440 You know I don’t think in other aspects of [br]my personal life or daily life I do that, 0:08:32.440,0:08:34.760 but always in my art I do that. 0:08:34.760,0:08:40.400 And sometimes I don’t like where my art is [br]going or something but I always know that … 0:08:40.400,0:08:43.840 you know and I always go like why [br]do I have to be making these things, 0:08:43.840,0:08:46.240 or it’s embarrassing or something like that 0:08:46.240,0:08:51.709 but I always trust that that’s what [br]is appropriate for me to be doing. 0:08:54.240,0:08:59.440 I mean for me, I’m just trying to [br]have as many experiences as I can 0:09:00.200,0:09:03.138 in sort of playing in different forms. 0:09:17.920,0:09:23.779 I love domestic life like, you know [br]like cupboards and blankets and dishes. 0:09:27.440,0:09:28.800 You know, the first blanket I made, 0:09:29.400,0:09:34.440 she was a witch with her consorts [br]of all her familiars, her animals. 0:09:35.141,0:09:38.964 Kiki: And then I thought this could [br]be another female image with animals. 0:09:41.427,0:09:44.427 And I’m a big Virgin Mary fan. 0:09:46.280,0:09:48.640 Catholicism is all about storytelling. 0:09:49.640,0:09:51.840 You know about reiterating [br]over and over and over again 0:09:51.840,0:09:54.438 these sort of mythological stories. 0:10:04.680,0:10:08.518 Dolls and things like that [br]are in the realm of fiction. 0:10:12.360,0:10:13.500 I’ll carry them around and then 0:10:13.500,0:10:14.840 I’ll break their leg off 0:10:15.480,0:10:17.320 or their head gets knocked off or something, 0:10:17.320,0:10:20.120 but none of that is really seen in the end at all 0:10:20.120,0:10:23.134 but to me that’s really a [br]big part about making it. 0:10:24.400,0:10:26.160 This stuff makes me nervous. 0:10:26.160,0:10:27.713 Cause they’re so specific. 0:10:29.360,0:10:33.040 Like a story, I don’t want to [br]be so declarative like that. 0:10:33.040,0:10:37.640 You know...I’d rather make something [br]that’s very open-ended that like I, 0:10:37.640,0:10:39.440 it can have a meaning to me, 0:10:39.440,0:10:43.550 but then it also can have a meaning to somebody else can fill it up with their meaning. 0:10:43.734,0:10:46.972 Off-camera: Ohhhh!!![br]Kiki: Oh, it doesn’t matter. 0:10:57.454,0:10:59.520 Hi! How are you? Good! (OVERLAP) 0:10:59.520,0:11:03.120 I have no innate ability for [br]doing things physically and stuff, 0:11:03.120,0:11:05.760 so I have to really learn and try to do it. 0:11:05.760,0:11:08.804 And, and to me that’s the pleasure in it. 0:11:15.132,0:11:17.233 And a friend of mine’s son died, 0:11:17.640,0:11:22.477 and I went to a Baptist funeral and [br]I’d never been in a Baptist church. 0:11:24.240,0:11:29.320 And all the women wore nurse’s uniforms. 0:11:29.320,0:11:30.680 All the ushers. 0:11:30.680,0:11:32.901 And they stood there with Kleenex boxes. 0:11:34.144,0:11:38.675 It was so moving to me to see like god’s nurses, 0:11:40.280,0:11:43.080 you know like these women [br]there like just with Kleenex. 0:11:43.080,0:11:45.425 Like it was so simple and so beautiful. 0:11:48.680,0:11:50.840 And I thought about like, like saints, 0:11:50.840,0:11:53.668 like little saint sculptures [br]or something like that. 0:11:57.240,0:11:59.240 Kiki VO: I also to make each one unique. 0:12:00.920,0:12:05.000 The more you manipulate it the [br]more actual life you put into it. 0:12:07.280,0:12:09.000 I think people don’t like it if you say 0:12:09.000,0:12:15.360 you don’t have any genetically [br]innate ability for making things— 0:12:15.360,0:12:17.520 they go, oh no, that’s not true—you do. 0:12:17.520,0:12:20.100 People have this fantasy that artists are, like, 0:12:20.100,0:12:24.720 creating or having this inspiration all the time 0:12:24.720,0:12:28.560 and so for me I think what [br]I like about this is work. 0:12:28.560,0:12:32.840 You know like ninety percent of [br]it is that you have to come here 0:12:32.840,0:12:36.726 and file out your bad [br]mistakes and stuff like that. 0:12:37.223,0:12:37.920 Or it gives you 0:12:37.920,0:12:42.400 this enormous freedom in just filing 0:12:42.400,0:12:44.400 and doing things like that for hours on end. 0:12:44.400,0:12:46.092 Like I always know what to do. 0:12:46.680,0:12:49.000 I never have, like I never [br]have a moment in my life 0:12:49.000,0:12:50.040 when I don’t know what to do. 0:12:50.040,0:12:53.447 I always know there’s some filing to do, you know.