0:00:00.840,0:00:02.187 [MUSIC PLAYING] 0:00:02.187,0:00:05.661 How welcoming is your department[br]to faculty members who have disabilities? 0:00:07.041,0:00:09.330 Hello, I'm Sheryl Burgstahler 0:00:09.330,0:00:13.379 the Director of the DO-IT Center[br]and the AccessADVANCE Project. 0:00:14.267,0:00:16.939 Today I'll share some tips [br]for making STEM departments 0:00:16.939,0:00:19.958 more inclusive[br]of faculty with disabilities. 0:00:25.690,0:00:29.170 Application pools for faculty positions[br]have become increasingly diverse 0:00:30.250,0:00:32.915 yet, some applicants [br]and employees with disabilities 0:00:33.080,0:00:36.910 encounter challenges that occur[br]during the employment application process 0:00:37.840,0:00:40.140 and after they're hired. 0:00:40.380,0:00:45.240 Barriers include those related[br]to facilities, meetings, courses, 0:00:45.240,0:00:50.431 digital documents, services,[br]and online resources. 0:00:51.181,0:00:54.361 Imagine a person who's blind[br]discovering that they cannot access 0:00:54.361,0:00:58.530 digital job application forms[br]with a screen reader. 0:00:58.530,0:01:00.225 Imagine a professor who cannot hear 0:01:00.845,0:01:03.650 when microphones are not used[br]during a large meeting. 0:01:04.950,0:01:08.700 Imagine an instructor[br]with health-related disabilities 0:01:08.700,0:01:11.105 who fears that requesting accommodation 0:01:11.105,0:01:14.046 may affect their chances[br]for earning tenure. 0:01:14.430,0:01:19.135 Campus leaders should adjust institutional[br]and departmental policies and procedures 0:01:19.135,0:01:22.180 to ensure that they[br]reflect an inclusive culture. 0:01:22.530,0:01:26.290 Answering the following questions[br]can help you get started. 0:01:26.460,0:01:30.230 Is the physical environment[br]accessible, comfortable, and safe 0:01:30.270,0:01:33.464 for individuals with a range of abilities? 0:01:34.990,0:01:38.752 Are support staff prepared to work [br]with faculty who have disabilities? 0:01:40.620,0:01:43.245 Do flexible policies allow individuals 0:01:43.245,0:01:46.938 to attend meetings and work remotely? 0:01:48.056,0:01:51.934 Is it clear to faculty how to request[br]disability-related accommodations? 0:01:52.650,0:01:55.710 And is there guidance in[br]choosing assistive technology? 0:01:58.530,0:02:00.660 Are accommodations[br]provided and funded 0:02:00.660,0:02:03.090 through a central institutional unit? 0:02:03.090,0:02:05.107 Thus, avoiding the appearance 0:02:05.107,0:02:07.561 that individual faculty members[br]with disabilities 0:02:07.561,0:02:09.565 are a financial burden to the department? 0:02:12.300,0:02:15.340 Are disability-related issues[br]addressed in all campus 0:02:15.340,0:02:19.267 and departmental diversity,[br]equity, and inclusion initiatives? 0:02:21.480,0:02:24.390 Taking steps in response[br]to questions like these 0:02:24.390,0:02:28.320 can also benefit faculty who[br]do not disclose disabilities. 0:02:28.320,0:02:31.562 Find additional considerations[br]in our publication 0:02:31.562,0:02:37.636 Equal Access: Making STEM Departments[br]More Accessible to and Inclusive of 0:02:38.106,0:02:40.158 Faculty with Disabilities. 0:02:40.158,0:02:48.551 It's at[br]uw.edu/doit/programs/advance. 0:02:50.410,0:02:54.180 Remember that disability is[br]simply one aspect of diversity. 0:02:54.180,0:02:58.920 Increasing the participation of people[br]with disabilities among STEM faculty 0:02:58.920,0:03:03.590 strengthens these fields with[br]their unique perspectives and expertise.