0:00:01.440,0:00:05.223 Along the ancient path[br]of the Monongahela River, 0:00:05.223,0:00:10.981 Braddock, Pennsylvania, sits[br]in the eastern region of Allegheny County, 0:00:10.981,0:00:15.348 approximately nine miles[br]outside of Pittsburgh. 0:00:16.488,0:00:18.829 An industrial suburb, 0:00:18.829,0:00:22.570 Braddock is home[br]to Andrew Carnegie's first steel mill, 0:00:22.570,0:00:24.238 the Edgar Thomson Works. 0:00:25.008,0:00:27.560 Operating since 1875, 0:00:27.560,0:00:32.738 it is the last functioning[br]steel mill in the region. 0:00:33.390,0:00:38.101 For 12 years, I have produced[br]collaborative portraits, 0:00:38.101,0:00:42.373 still lives, landscapes, and aerial views 0:00:42.373,0:00:47.724 in order to build a visual archive[br]to address the intersection 0:00:47.724,0:00:49.571 of the steel industry, 0:00:49.571,0:00:51.429 the environment, 0:00:51.429,0:00:58.071 and the health care system's impact[br]on the bodies of my family and community. 0:00:59.277,0:01:02.644 The tradition and grand[br]narrative of Braddock 0:01:02.644,0:01:08.439 is mostly comprised of stories[br]of industrialists and trade unions. 0:01:08.727,0:01:13.027 Currently, the new narrative[br]about Braddock, 0:01:13.027,0:01:16.564 a poster child for Rust Belt[br]revitalization, 0:01:16.564,0:01:21.548 is a story of urban pioneers[br]discovering a new frontier. 0:01:22.744,0:01:28.131 Mass media has omitted the fact[br]that Braddock is predominantly black. 0:01:29.066,0:01:34.640 Our existence has been co-opted,[br]silenced, and erased. 0:01:35.731,0:01:39.967 Fourth generation in a lineage of women, 0:01:39.967,0:01:44.657 I was raised under the protection[br]and care of Grandma Ruby, 0:01:44.657,0:01:49.032 off 8th Street[br]at 805 Washington Avenue. 0:01:49.562,0:01:54.120 She worked as a manager for Goodwill. 0:01:55.020,0:01:56.814 Mom was a nurse's aid. 0:01:56.814,0:02:03.161 She watched the steel mills close[br]and white flight to suburban developments. 0:02:04.708,0:02:07.332 By the time my generation[br]walked the streets, 0:02:07.332,0:02:12.586 disinvestment at the local,[br]state, and federal level 0:02:12.586,0:02:14.483 eroded infrastructure, 0:02:14.483,0:02:20.764 and the War on Drugs[br]dismantled my family and community. 0:02:21.890,0:02:24.305 Grandma Ruby's stepfather Gramps 0:02:24.305,0:02:28.994 was one of a few black men to retire[br]from Carnegie's mill with his pension. 0:02:28.994,0:02:31.201 He worked in high temperatures, 0:02:31.201,0:02:36.930 tearing down and rebuilding furnaces,[br]cleaning up spilt metal and slag. 0:02:37.586,0:02:44.039 The history of a place is written[br]on the body and the landscape. 0:02:45.766,0:02:48.244 Areas of heavy truck traffic, 0:02:48.244,0:02:52.609 exposure to benzene and atomized metals, 0:02:52.609,0:02:55.742 risk cancer and lupus. 0:02:58.390,0:03:03.847 123 licensed beds, 652 employees: 0:03:03.847,0:03:08.349 rehabilitation programs, decimated. 0:03:11.486,0:03:15.363 A housing discrimination lawsuit[br]against Allegheny County 0:03:15.363,0:03:21.215 removed where the projects[br]Talbot Towers once stood. 0:03:21.215,0:03:26.957 Recent rezoning for more light industry[br]has since appeared. 0:03:27.568,0:03:33.595 Google Maps and Google Earth pixellations[br]conceal the flammable waste 0:03:33.595,0:03:38.890 being used to squeeze the Bunn Family[br]off their home and land. 0:03:41.529,0:03:45.545 In 2013, I chartered a helicopter 0:03:45.545,0:03:51.101 with my cameras to document[br]this aggressive dispossession. 0:03:53.371,0:03:58.252 In flight, my observation reveals[br]thousands of plastic white bundles 0:03:58.252,0:04:01.728 owned by a conservation industry 0:04:01.728,0:04:03.981 that claims it's eco-friendly 0:04:03.981,0:04:06.697 and recycles millions of tires 0:04:06.697,0:04:09.484 to preserve people's lives 0:04:09.484,0:04:12.560 and to improve people's lives. 0:04:13.500,0:04:18.461 My work spirals from the micro[br]to the macro level, 0:04:18.461,0:04:21.688 excavating hidden histories. 0:04:21.688,0:04:24.196 Recently, at the Seattle Art Museum, 0:04:24.196,0:04:28.166 Isaac Bunn and I mounted this exhibition, 0:04:28.166,0:04:34.133 and the exhibition was used[br]as a platform to launch his voice. 0:04:34.133,0:04:37.820 Through reclamation of our narrative, 0:04:37.820,0:04:43.319 we will continue to fight historic erasure[br]and socioeconomic inequality. 0:04:44.179,0:04:46.370 Thank you. 0:04:46.370,0:04:50.400 (Applause)