0:00:00.260,0:00:03.220 Circuses, zoos[br]and aquarium parks like SeaWorld 0:00:03.220,0:00:06.780 are destinations[br]most kids can’t wait to visit. 0:00:06.780,0:00:09.930 But Dominic Geragi[br]isn’t just any kid. 0:00:09.930,0:00:13.160 An animal activist since the age of seven[br]and co-president 0:00:13.160,0:00:17.599 of the non-profit Animal Hero Kids,[br]Dominic firmly stands against 0:00:17.599,0:00:20.190 the use and abuse of animals[br]for entertainment 0:00:20.190,0:00:23.280 and is really making waves[br]in his community. 0:00:24.460,0:00:26.700 Pun intended. 0:00:30.720,0:00:34.599 Hi it’s Emily from Bite Size Vegan[br]and welcome to another vegan nugget. 0:00:34.599,0:00:37.869 Today I’m excited to introduce you[br]to Dominic Geragi. 0:00:37.869,0:00:41.880 At the age of eight, Dominic had bullhooks[br]banned in Margate, Florida, 0:00:41.880,0:00:44.329 which I’ll let him talk about more. 0:00:44.329,0:00:49.480 Now, with five years of animal activism[br]under his belt and at the ripe old age age of twelve, 0:00:49.480,0:00:53.990 Dominic continues to fight for captive animals[br]in the entertainment industry. 0:00:53.990,0:00:58.089 Dominic shared what inspired him[br]to go vegan and become active. 0:00:58.089,0:01:02.440 First I watched[br]the documentary The Cove 0:01:02.440,0:01:07.760 and that got me to protesting[br]the Miami Seaquarium, 0:01:07.760,0:01:13.000 which then caused me to become vegetarian.[br]And we started learning about more stuff. 0:01:13.000,0:01:16.920 Then like a month after I became vegan. 0:01:16.920,0:01:22.870 I protest at Miami Seaquarium. [br]Five years now, we've been protesting there. 0:01:22.870,0:01:26.790 We've had many different events happen there.[br]We've had a lot of cars turn around 0:01:26.790,0:01:28.580 where the cars don't go in. 0:01:28.580,0:01:32.790 Dominic hit the ground running[br]and spoke out against the cruel use of bullhooks, 0:01:32.790,0:01:34.600 resulting in their banning. 0:01:34.600,0:01:39.650 When I was eight years old I banned bullhooks[br]and electric prods from being used 0:01:39.650,0:01:42.430 in the city of Margate in Florida. 0:01:42.430,0:01:47.310 I'm eight years old,[br]I live in Boca Raton. 0:01:47.310,0:01:52.220 I do not like Cole Brothers,[br]or any other circus that uses animals. 0:01:52.220,0:01:58.230 They use electrical rods,[br]they electrocute the animals. 0:01:58.230,0:02:01.450 They take bullhooks[br]and beat the elephants. 0:02:01.450,0:02:04.630 Little baby elephants[br]are taken from their mothers 0:02:04.630,0:02:06.529 to be beaten. 0:02:06.529,0:02:10.166 Please do what you can[br]to help these animals. 0:02:10.166,0:02:12.663 Kids have a voice.[br]Thank you very much. 0:02:12.663,0:02:17.810 Bullhooks are used like batons[br]but they have a hook at the top of them 0:02:17.810,0:02:20.290 and they beat the elephants with them. 0:02:20.290,0:02:25.999 And there's actually videos[br]of the trainers using the bullhook 0:02:25.999,0:02:32.029 to bring the elephants somewhere[br]where they had damage on their feet 0:02:32.029,0:02:35.639 and other parts of their body. 0:02:35.639,0:02:39.609 With other kids his age flocking[br]to aquariums, zoos and circuses, 0:02:39.609,0:02:43.069 I asked Dominic[br]why he protests against them. 0:02:43.069,0:02:47.189 Sea World and Miami Seaquarium[br]where they just take-- 0:02:47.189,0:02:52.149 and they put them into this cove[br]and they take half of them 0:02:52.149,0:02:55.629 and put them into Sea World[br]and the Seaquarium, 0:02:55.629,0:03:00.149 and they just put them[br]into these tiny tanks. 0:03:00.149,0:03:03.049 Some of them are illegal,[br]like Lolita's. 0:03:03.049,0:03:06.449 Lolita's is illegal,[br]it's way too small for her. 0:03:06.449,0:03:15.380 And circuses are animals being taken,[br]tortured, and put into these places. 0:03:15.380,0:03:18.379 And it's just really depressing[br]there for them. 0:03:18.379,0:03:22.019 Given this sad reality,[br]Dominic shared that there are alternatives 0:03:22.019,0:03:25.179 if kids and their families[br]want to interact with animals. 0:03:25.179,0:03:30.409 Sanctuaries is a perfect place[br]to see animals, and take care of them. 0:03:30.409,0:03:33.399 Where you can see them,[br]and if you want to volunteer 0:03:33.399,0:03:39.770 you can help them.[br]And basically help them to help their health. 0:03:39.770,0:03:43.909 Dominic advocates other kids to get active[br]in their communities and schools. 0:03:43.909,0:03:48.519 He shares his thoughts on the power[br]of kid activism and how to get involved. 0:03:48.519,0:03:54.579 I mean, people listen to kids more[br]than they do to adults nowadays. 0:03:54.579,0:03:57.749 They think, when they see an adult sitting down,[br]holding a sign: 0:03:57.749,0:04:00.749 "Oh, that person is crazy.",[br]or something. 0:04:00.749,0:04:05.779 But when they see a kid talking up there,[br]they think: "Wow, this is serious." 0:04:05.779,0:04:09.959 and they actually get more of an impact. 0:04:09.959,0:04:17.280 Spread awareness is probably the easiest part.[br]You can make your own leaflets 0:04:17.280,0:04:21.310 and print them out and give them to people[br]in your neighborhood. 0:04:21.310,0:04:24.920 Or if it's easier just go to your school[br]and talk about it, 0:04:24.920,0:04:29.060 and have kids spread awareness,[br]make presentations. That's what I did. 0:04:29.060,0:04:32.830 So more people know[br]about what is going on 0:04:32.830,0:04:37.210 with circuses[br]and Miami Seaquarium and Sea World 0:04:37.210,0:04:41.970 and all these bad places.[br]And on factory farms and all of those. 0:04:41.970,0:04:44.120 Given that most kids his age[br]aren’t out there 0:04:44.120,0:04:46.880 fighting for the rights of animals,[br]I asked Dominic 0:04:46.880,0:04:49.110 what motivated him[br]to keep going. 0:04:49.110,0:04:53.230 Seeing that animals[br]have more rights nowadays, 0:04:53.230,0:04:56.230 you see more sanctuaries[br]and all these other places. 0:04:56.230,0:05:01.430 That people actually care about animals[br]makes me want to help even more 0:05:01.430,0:05:06.600 and try to get it completely--[br]like no circuses and no Miami Seaquarium. 0:05:06.600,0:05:11.980 I’ll leave you with some excerpts from Dominic’s[br]Animal Hero Kids State of the Union Address. 0:05:11.980,0:05:18.780 I Dominic, Animal Hero Kid president,[br]pledge to speak out for all animals in need. 0:05:18.780,0:05:22.550 All of our voices together[br]will stop animal abuse. 0:05:22.550,0:05:25.860 We need to be the voices[br]for the voiceless. 0:05:25.860,0:05:30.550 We, the Animal Hero Kids,[br]promise to stop animal abuse 0:05:30.550,0:05:35.350 by not going to circuses[br]that use animals for entertainment. 0:05:35.350,0:05:38.230 Wild animals belong in the wild. 0:05:38.230,0:05:41.320 We, the Animal Hero Kids,[br]across the nation 0:05:41.320,0:05:44.490 will speak up[br]for the most abused animals of all: 0:05:44.490,0:05:48.410 factory farmed animals,[br]like cows, chickens and pigs. 0:05:48.410,0:05:51.690 If you want to find out more about Dominic[br]and his activist network, 0:05:51.690,0:05:53.980 check out the links [br]in the video description below. 0:05:53.980,0:05:56.870 Stay tuned to the channel[br]to hear from more Animal Hero Kids. 0:05:56.870,0:06:00.070 If you liked this video,[br]do give it a thumbs up and share it around 0:06:00.070,0:06:02.460 to help show what kids can accomplish. 0:06:02.460,0:06:04.970 If you’re new here,[br]I’d love to have you as a subscriber. 0:06:04.970,0:06:08.220 I put out fresh content covering[br]all aspects of veganism 0:06:08.220,0:06:10.680 every Monday, Wednesday[br]and some Fridays. 0:06:10.680,0:06:14.820 To help support Bite Size Vegan’s educational efforts, please see the support links below 0:06:14.820,0:06:18.030 or click on the Nugget Army icon[br]or the link in the sidebar. 0:06:18.030,0:06:22.340 Now go live vegan, end captivity,[br]and I’ll see you soon! 0:06:22.340,0:06:26.210 When I say rip his head off,[br]rip his f--ing head off... 0:06:26.210,0:06:28.240 It's very important that you do it. 0:06:28.240,0:06:33.590 When he starts squirming too f--ing much,[br]both f--ing hands -- BOOM -- right under that chin! 0:06:33.590,0:06:36.770 Sink that hook into 'em. 0:06:36.770,0:06:40.340 When you hear that screaming,[br]then you know you got their attention!